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Dirty DNA 3: The Renegade (G Street Chronicles Presents)

Page 16

by BlaQue

  “Hi, Paige. Can I get you anything?” I stammered.

  “I swear you can’t do shit right! Why are you making nice with that sniffling bitch? Just stay quiet and leave her ass alone. If she doesn’t say anything to us, then we shouldn’t be saying anything to her!” Takiya warned me.

  “Were you on the phone, YaSheema? I swore I heard you talking to someone right before I walked in,” Paige asked, doing a full scan of the room.

  “Ahh….it may have been the radio,” I lied.

  Paige looked at me strangely. “How are you listening to the radio and it ain’t even plugged up?”


  See, I told you, you are a royal fuck up. Where would you be without me; huh? Probably sitting in a padded room in one of those hospitals being poked and prodded like some science project. I swear you are worthless as a penny with a hole in it. Takiya scolded me.

  I did my best to tune Takiya out and focus on Paige, but Takiya was doing a good job of making sure that didn’t happen.

  “I guess I’m a lil’ shook up with everything happening around here,” I managed to mumble. I was addressing Paige, but Takiya once again barged in as if I was addressing her.

  Blah, blah, blah. Why are you still making small talk with this bitch? This time I couldn’t ignore her. This time I slipped up.

  “Will you shut the fuck up and get the fuck out!” I screamed, covering my ears and startling Paige. She dropped the bag she was packing and looking at me strangely.

  “I’m sorry, Paige. I didn’t mean you. I meant…”

  “I’m the only one here, YaSheema. Who else are you talking to?” Paige said, backing away from me.

  I could see the fear in her eyes and it was written all over her weary face. I felt that same feeling I felt before; that same hazy feeling where my body felt heavy and weighted down. I knew what was happening to me, but there was nothing I could do to stop it. Takiya was looking for a reason to show her ass and she decided now was the time to do so. The more I struggled to suppress her, the more enraged she became until I couldn’t fight her anymore and everything around me went black.

  Are you afraid, bitch? Well, guess what…you should be. If I were you, I would be afraid.

  “YaSheema, I don’t know what’s going on with you, but you’re starting to scare me,” Paige managed to squeak.

  “Aww, you are afraid. Let me tell you what you should have really been afraid of. You should have been afraid of that limp dick loser you called your boyfriend. I tried to warn YaSheema about him, but she didn’t listen. I tried to tell her not to go out with him, but she didn’t listen. And do you know where that got her? It got her raped and left out in the stix with some selfish ass white bitch who didn’t wanna even give us a ride. All we wanted was a god damn ride and the lil’ ole bitch wouldn’t give us a ride!”

  “YaSheema, why are you talking to yourself in third person and what does Lamont have to do with any of this?” Paige said, easing backwards toward the bathroom.

  “YaSheema? Oh, that silly bitch! She checked out and sweetie I checked in. It’s nice to meet you. Oh, and as for that boyfriend of yours…yeah I killed that stupid nigga. He deserved everything I gave him and so much more. Had YaSheema followed my instructions, you would have never found out that I killed him. She’s such a fuck up. I swear I spend more time cleaning up her messes than anything else.”

  “Bitch, you’re crazy! I’m getting the fuck out of here,” Paige said right before she made an attempt to snatch her cell phone and make a dash for the bathroom. Before she could close the door, we were right on her heels. She struggled to close the door, but we were stronger and faster then she anticipated. We pushed on the door, hitting our target square in the nose with the heavy wood door with all of our strength and knocked Paige backwards into the sink. Blood was spewing and she was screaming and pleading for us to spare her.

  “Don’t run from us, bitch. You’re gonna make this more difficult than it has to be,” we threatened.

  Paige was so scared, she couldn’t move even if she wanted to. That’s when we hit her again and spun her around to face the mirror and grabbed a fistful of her hair.

  “Don’t you wanna see it?” we asked Paige who was sobbing hysterically and bleeding heavily from her nose. Paige closed her eyes as if to spite us and that pissed us off even more.

  “I said look, bitch!”

  When Paige refused to open her eyes, we slammed her head into the glass mirror that hung over the small sink. Paige crashed to the floor. Grabbing her by her hair again, I dragged her like a caveman to the toilet and lifted the lid.

  “Too bad you came home when you did. If you hadn’t come home, you might’ve had a chance roomie.”

  Paige was completely limp, but she was still breathing. I couldn’t let her live now. If we let her live, there was no doubt in our mind that she would snitch on us if we were to let her live. We pushed her head in the bowl and slammed the lid down on her neck. We could hear her neck snapping in several places from the force of the lid clobbering her. When we got tired, we decided we had had enough fun playing with Paige. We pushed her head completely in the bowl and held her there until we felt her entire body go limp and we were satisfied that she was dead.

  “See, now that’s how you handle shit. You never leave anyone behind that can tell on us. Now, let’s get the fuck out of here before someone comes looking for this bitch.”

  We scooped our keys up off of the dresser and anything we could find of value and we left. We would never be able to get Paige out of the room without being detected, so it was time for us to saddle up and ride out. We weren’t gonna be caught with the smoking gun. We stuffed whatever we could take in a bag and took off.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  The Showdown

  Neko, Dread, Pinky, YaSheema Nicole, Takiya

  When we pulled up at the college, I was surprised to see Dread. He had just pulled up and parked next to my car. I don’t think Pinky saw him yet and I don’t know how she’s going to react when she finally sees him. They had so much bad blood between them from years past that it was still thick.

  “Pinky, I don’t know how to tell you this, but we have company. I don’t want you to freak out, but I called in some reinforcement.”

  Pinky looked out of the window and her eyes immediately landed on Dread getting out of his car. A sneaky smile curled on her lips and I instantly knew I had made a huge mistake by calling him and leaving him that voicemail message. I didn’t think he was really going to come and assist me in getting his daughter the help she needed. Now I had more than one issue to handle.

  I reached over and grabbed Pinky’s arm right before she got out of the car, “He’s here to help, Pinky. Don’t do anything you’re gonna regret. Do you hear me?”

  Pinky’s eyes were fixated on Dread and her wicked smile widened. “I hear you, but I can’t make you any promises. Do you know how long I have waited for this moment? Do you know how long I’ve wanted to blow his fuckin head off? Then you give him to me in a pretty lil’ bow and then you tell me I can’t have him? Naw, Neko…I don’t think I’m gonna be able to do it. I missed my mark seventeen years ago and I will not miss this time,” Pinky said practically drooling.

  I watched as she slid her hand inside her pink Coach bag. When her hand reappeared, she was holding her gun in her left hand and caressing it with her right.

  “Pinky, I ain’t gonna let you do something you’re gonna regret. Let’s just handle what we came here…”

  Before I could finish my statement, I saw YaSheema Nicole dart from the building we were parked in front of. Then she quickly scanned the parking lot and headed in the direction of the parked cars and straight for Rhina’s Benz. My niece looked around nervously before she got in and cranked up the car.

  I knew if I didn’t react, she could easily disappear again and I couldn’t afford to have that happen again. I was here and this was now or never. Pinky was so preoccupied with Dread that she neve
r saw my niece trying to make a break for it. I knew I had to take matters into my own hands or things could go terribly wrong. I jumped out of the car and ran to her car and banged on the window causing YaSheema Nicole to jump.

  “Get out of the car, YaSheema,” I said, trying to remain calm. I remembered the last time I was in this position and I had always wished I could have done more to save my sister. This time I was going to save my niece. I was going to save her from herself before she did any more damage.

  “Uncle Neko? What are you doing here?” YaSheema asked me, blinking her eyes to make sure she was seeing what she thought she saw.

  “Yes, baby girl…it’s me,” I said nervously. That’s when I heard footsteps coming from behind me.

  “YaSheema,” I heard Dread call out.

  “Uncle Neko, who is that?” she asked me.

  “That’s…he’s what you’ve been searching for. That’s your father,” I said, feeling out of place as the two of them stared each other up and down. YaSheema Nicole wrinkled up her nose as if something smelled bad.

  “This nigga ain’t my daddy. My daddy left me with you and as far as I am concerned that nigga is dead.” YaSheema spat.

  I noticed the small spots of what appeared to be blood that covered the front of her pink top and my heart sank. I knew she had done something else and we hadn’t gotten there in enough time to stop her. “YaSheema, you can’t hold on to the hatred you feel for your father. You wanted to know for so long who he was and now is your chance. This is your chance to make amends with him,” I said, hoping that she would be reasonable. She started cringing and smacking herself which caused me to jump back. She covered her ears and began to scream out words which I couldn’t understand. I went to reach out for her and she looked at me with so much built up anger and hate that I fell back. I had seen that look before. I had seen it when I encountered her mother on the night the police stopped NiQue from killing me and YaSheema Nicole both. I knew right then I wasn’t dealing with YaSheema anymore. I didn’t know who I was dealing with and I was scared to find out.

  “Unc, I advise you to keep your hands to your fucking self unless you wanna end up like good ole Auntie Rhina.”

  Hearing her admit to what she’d done was too much for me to bear. The little girl who I had raised as my own was no longer there. She had been replaced by this thing standing in front of me with her face twisted up and her hand in her pockets searching for God only knew what.

  “Baby, I’m sorry I haven’t been there for you. I just didn’t know what to do. I was grieving. I lost your mother and your aunt in the matter of months. I was confused, YaSheema. Please just give me a chance to make things right. Give me a chance to do the right thing,” Dread pleaded as he moved closer to YaSheema Nicole who was still trying to find whatever it was that she was looking for. However, she never took her eyes off of me and Dread as she searched feverishly in her pocket. Then all of a sudden, she stopped searching and homed in on Dread. She blinked as if she were trying to see clearly. “Daddy?”

  “Yes, baby it’s me and I promise I won’t ever leave you again. I swear I won’t,” he said, moving closer to her. Before I could tell him not too, everything started to move in slow motion. YaSheema Nicole smiled a wicked smile that only I saw. She reached in her back pocket as her father went to hug her and she pulled a knife from behind her. With one swift motion, she took the blade to Dread’s neck.

  I watched in shock and horror as he stumbled backwards holding the incision across his neck in attempts to stop the blood that was gushing. Dread dropped to his knees and rolled over on his side. I rushed to him to see if I could help him. The hospital was located right across from the campus. I turned back toward the car and yelled for Pinky to call 911. In the two seconds it all took for it to come to this, YaSheema Nicole was standing over me with malice in her eyes.

  “Unc, you should have let me do this shit years ago and maybe we would have turned out a lil’ better than this. Sorry it had to be this way,” she said as she lifted the blade high in the air. There was no time to stop her or protest before three shots rang out. I could hear the sound of the hot lead whizzing by me and catching my niece with three shots to the chest, center mass.

  I watched as my niece, the last of my bloodline, fell over on the concrete beside the man who created her. I looked behind me to see Pinky standing there with her gun in her hands and tears streaming down her tired face. She lowered her weapon as I focused my attention on YaSheema Nicole and scooped her up in my arms; rocking her like a newborn baby. Her breathing was shallow and ragged and if she didn’t get some attention soon she was going to die.

  I could hear the sirens in the distance and Pinky ran to my side. “Neko, I’m…I’m sorry I didn’t know what else to do. I saw the knife and if I didn’t react, she was going to kill you. I didn’t have a choice,” Pinky said, explaining why she had done it. She was barely audible because I was still holding on to my niece tightly; hoping the blaring sounds of the ambulance would be upon us soon.

  “Hold on YaSheema Nicole. Hold on dammit! Help is on the way!” I screamed. Her eyes popped open and I couldn’t believe it. I looked at my niece in amazement as she clung on to life for a second longer.

  “Uncle Neko, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry…for everything. I didn’t mean for anyone to get hurt. It’s just that Takiya… she wanted to do things her way…I didn’t mean to hurt you, Unc, but it’s better this way. I can be with my parents now…I love you,” YaSheema Nicole said and then she took her last breath and died right there in my arms.




  The end of a dark legacy ended the day my niece died. Even though I would have done anything to save her, I couldn’t. Maybe it was better that way. All YaSheema Nicole wanted was her parents and I figure she finally got them. The very night she died, I felt like a weight was lifted from my soul. I knew my entire family had found peace in death’s arms and now it was time for me to start living my life as though each day were my last. Being related to them taught me that.

  Pinky accompanied me to Richmond, Virginia to identify my wife’s body and we laid YaSheema, Rhina and Dread to rest in the city they loved along with my mother, sisters and my father. My nigga, Shadow was fucked up over the death of his daughter. He blamed me for it. It was fucked up how they found her. I couldn’t blame Shadow for wanting to keep his distance.

  Crack and Queen keep in touch from time to time. They even told me that Dread’s album topped the charts. Maybe there was some sunshine after all this rain. Too bad he became a big star after his death; but I guess that’s just how the cookie crumbles.

  I wonder on a daily basis what would have happened if I would have never ignored the signs that were definitely there? What if I had gotten YaSheema Nicole the help she needed? Maybe with treatment, she would have been a normal, healthy, stable young lady and we wouldn’t have had to bury some many innocent people. I definitely blame myself.

  I knew God had marked my family and I hoped the plague of lies, deceit and betrayal had all ended with the bloodshed that day on the campus of Howard University. I try not to think about the tragedies I had to endure. That’s why I want no part of the book Pinky is writing. I want to support my new wife on her writing ventures, but reliving the past was something I never wanted to do. Pinky said she understood and that she had to write the book for her own reasons. Who was I to stop her? She said it was her way of coping with everything. She even has a publisher that she met in Georgia by the name of George Sherman Hudson who was willing to publish the series for her. She’d met him when she was searching for me. I hope these books give her what she needs. I have to admit the title is kind of catchy and I think with all the craziness she is writing about, it should be a New York Times bestseller. I think her series, Dirty DNA, will be a big hit. Too bad the real characters aren’t here to see its birth. But I guess that’s the way it was meant to be…

  The End.

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  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five


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