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Fever (Falling For A Rose Book 4)

Page 14

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  Josiah dabbed the corners of his mouth with a napkin then sat it down. “I’m involved with you. How can I be involved with her?”

  We watched each other for a long moment. “I mean, we’re not really together,” I practically whispered, “so I just thought…” My words evaded me, and I tried not to squirm under his intense gaze.

  “No, Mrs. Hathaway was a friend of my mother when she was alive. We don’t see her much anymore because I guess coming around us reminded her of her best friend. However, from time to time, she’ll reach out and tell us if there’s anything we need to contact her. I decided now was the time to take her up on that offer. She’s just being parental in a way with the questions she asked. I apologize on her behalf. I’m sure she’ll call me in a day or so to do the same thing.”

  Why did I feel so relieved yet so foolish at the same time?

  “Oh,” was all I could manage.

  We ate the rest of our meal with minor conversation, and I could tell his thoughts were away from here. It seemed the topic of his mother made him withdraw, and several times I wanted to reach out. Every time I went to do so, Josiah would come back, and I thought maybe he was okay. But by the time we arrived at my townhome, I could sense that his mind was gone again.

  “Hey,” I said, caressing his firm chin with my hand. “Why don’t you talk to me about it?”

  Josiah regarded me. “I’m cool. Every now and then when I’m thinking about my mom, I wish I had more time with her. Doesn’t happen very often but when it does, I tend to keep to myself.” Josiah smiled up at me. “It’s nothing against you, babygirl.”

  I smiled. “Whenever you want to talk about her, I’m here.”

  “But only while we’re pretending, right?”

  My eyes fluttered as I processed his question, and I felt a slight tightness in his response. “No, of course not. Whenever you need me.” I shifted in my seat to get a better look at him. “Was it something I said?”

  Josiah smirked. “It seems that you feel the need to remind me that our relationship is not real every chance you get. Tell me why.”

  My eyes darted out the window, and Josiah called out to me.


  I took my eyes back to him, and he waited for an answer.

  “I didn’t realize I said it so much. But our relationship isn’t real, Josiah.”

  This time Josiah turned to the window, but his focus didn’t stay there. When we reconnected, he spoke, “I’ve never had a serious relationship, Santana. One where loving someone was the center of my devotion. If I’m honest, it scares the hell out of me. Love gets into your blood and cords with the strings of your heart, magically becoming a part of its rhythm. But I fear the loss of a loved one more, so much that I keep away from it like I’ll get burned if I find myself in its path.”

  Josiah inched closer to me and reached out and grabbed my face, smoothly pulling me over to meet him.

  “And you know what, Santana, even I can see that our relationship is more authentic than anything I’ve experienced in my entire existence. I can’t explain it, but I sure as hell know it. So, you’re telling me, that you don’t know it? What I feel is for me alone?”

  My heart thundered, and I said the only thing there was to say.

  “No. You’re not alone. I—”

  Josiah’s lips pierced my soul when they crushed into mine. Liquid lava ran down my skin, and before I knew it, I’d been pulled over the seat to straddle him. Hungrily, we kissed and touched with a passionate burst so inhibited I nearly came in his lap.

  “Oh…” My lips parted as moans fled my soul from the uncontrolled yet dangerous desire I felt. Josiah’s lips pushed against my hot skin, sending shivers down my neck. His big hands cruised up against my thighs, leading a trail of chills against my skin. His fingers slipped inside my panties and invaded my lips below. My head fell forward, and I moaned. Biting down on my lip, my hips gyrated with the rhythm of his fingers. A persistent pulsing between my thighs made me grow hotter, and a rushing orgasm threatened to spill from me.

  “Why do I want you so bad, Santana… why… why… why…”

  My head rolled back, and I moaned as a storm of heat surrounded us. I reached down and unbuckled his belt, pants and unfastened his zipper. I pulled out his monster cock and yelped at its instant probing.

  “Maybe for the same reasons I want you, Josiah,” I purred resting my arms on top of his shoulders. My lips trailed down his face as I placed soft kisses against his eyes, nose, upper lip then mouth. He grabbed my waist and rubbed the head of his penis between my wetness. A searing heat waved through me, and when he took me in, we melted into one another. I had never wanted to live in one moment before in my life, but this was heaven like I’d never known.

  Josiah rocked into me with a possessive paralyzing thrust. I was high-strung as my nerves shot to the roof and a pleasurable wave of nostalgia formed a shield around us in a surge of raw desire. I whimpered and mindlessly purred, “I want you to come inside.”

  Josiah smiled up at me with a naughty peer of his eyes. “You want me to come… inside?” He reprocessed slowly.

  “Yes…” I panted as his shaft eased in and out of me with vigor. “I want all of you. Right now.”

  “Don’t fucking tell me that,” his deep voice ground out.

  “Josiah…” I bounced up and down, connecting with the base of his dick with a slamming force.

  “Fuuuu-ck!” He spat.

  Josiah’s hands gripped my derriere, firmly thrusting to meet my demand. My interior walls clenched, and a wail tore from my throat as I coated his penis with a riptide of my love. “Oh my God,” I sang as my ears stung and contractions tore through my spine. Josiah’s hand flew to the back of my head, and our mouths met for an undulating open mouth kiss. When he came, we held on tight as his temperature rose, and his heart knocked against my chest. I was drunk in love and completely undone as our feverish skin blended into one.

  The heat index in the car was alarmingly torrid, and our lips continued to mesh as our bodies hummed from our reckless mating. When our mouths slowed, we both stared at each other, breathing against our lips as our hearts continued to knock. Josiah nibbled my bottom lip then whispered into my mouth as our eyes stayed with one another.

  “I want you to be my girlfriend,” his voice thundered.

  I didn’t think my body could get hotter than it was right now, but it did, practically incinerating me.

  “And I want to be your girlfriend,” I said with a growing smile.

  A rumble fled from him, and his lips landed on my chin and lips.

  “So you can quit calling our relationship fake then.”

  I smirked. “If that’s all you wanted, all you had to do was ask.”

  “I did, now we’re official.”

  “You only forced me, begging and screaming,” I said jokingly with an eye roll. The husky sound that ran from his vocals settled around my heart. His smile was gorgeous, and I could see it every day for a lifetime and not tire of it.

  “Come in the house with me.”

  “Are you sure?” he teased.

  I answered swiftly, almost begging, “Yes, please, come.”

  Josiah pulled his eyes away from me long enough to take a look around. He opened the door, and I crawled off his lap to stand on the street, quickly tugging my dress down. I turned and held out a hand to help him out, but when he stood strong arms pulled me in and lifted me from the ground.

  “Oh my God!” I shrieked as he tossed me over his shoulder and closed the door. “Ah!” I yelled, and he laughed as he strolled to the front door with me bouncing, holding on for dear life.

  Swiftly, he sat me down to my feet, giving me a rush of wooziness.

  “You’ll always be safe in my arms, girl. Don’t you know that by now?”

  I held him to keep my balance, and his hands rested on my waist. Josiah bent down and kissed my cheek.

  “Keys,” he said, holding out his hands.

; I offered them up quickly, making no pause to drop them in his hands. He clutched me to his side and opened the door.

  “You’re spending the night,” I said as we entered.

  Josiah wrapped me up, putting his lips to my ear. “Are you telling me or asking me?”

  I turned my face to his, “I’m telling you,” I said, and this time I was the one who sunk my lips into his mouth.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “That was one of the best nights of my life.”

  Carla squealed and wiggled in her seat as I made a left on Torrence Avenue.

  “I won’t tell you the details, but girrrrl…” My smile was brighter than the sun.

  “Wait, you can’t tell me the details?”

  I shook my head vehemently. “No, ma’am. But I will say this, we are officially a couple.” I glanced to Carla boastfully. “You should be proud of me. I pushed back the idea that Josiah’s too young to commit and went for it.”

  Carla looked on with a sister-girl prideful nod. “I am, girl. I really am.”

  We both squealed again.

  “Now, I’m nervous,” Carla admitted.

  “About what?”

  “Meeting Jacob. How do I look?”

  She flipped down the visor to check her appearance. Carla could easily be the poster child for CoverGirl cosmetics. With russet skin, sharp features, and an upturned nose, her features were more than catching. I didn’t think she knew that though. I skimmed an eye over her sundress and four-inch heels.

  “You look great,” I said, turning into the driveway of Christopher Lee Rose’s entrance. “It looks like we’re the last to make it.” I glanced around at the full lineup of vehicles.

  “Girl, you’re not nervous?” Carla whispered sharply as if we weren’t alone in the car.

  I chuckled. “No, let’s go.”

  I opened the door and got out, making sure to adjust my clothes as I did so. This was a barbeque. So instead of a fun, flirty dress, I wore a pair of destroyed denim jeans, a flirty top that sat loosely around my breasts but wrapped snugly around my waist. Carla made her way around to me and got a full look at my attire.

  “You make that simple look so stylish,” she said. “How do you do it?”

  I shrugged. “I’m just being me, girl, come on,” I said, tossing a hand around her shoulder. We walked to the front door, and it opened before we could knock. Desiree stood on the other side with a broad smile.


  I leaned in, and we hugged long and steady.

  “Well look who it is,” I joked, “one of my old friends.”

  Desiree pulled back with a purse of her lips. “Stop!”

  “What? I don’t see you anymore now that you’re a Rooosssee,” I accentuated.

  The three of us fell into laughter, half-bent over.

  “What’s so funny?” another voice said. We all turned to Claudia, Samiyah, Octavia, Selena, Eden, Jasmine, and Phoebe.

  “Looks like the gang’s all here,” I said. “I was telling Desiree we used to be friends before she married a Rooosssee.” We all snickered again.

  “Yeah, that’s right,” Samiyah said, “You need the black card to get in here.”

  I leaned into my hip and smirked, “What in the world is the black card?”

  “Your last name has to be branded with an R,” Samiyah responded with a wink. Samiyah held her hand out. “So where’s yours?”

  I patted myself down, pretending to look for a card. “Oh wait, I think I found it,” I said, playing along. I pulled out my ID and frowned. “Oh no.” I looked at Carla. “Do you have yours?”

  Carla licked the tip of both her pinky fingers then wiped them over her eyebrows. “Nope, but I’m working on it,” she said, side-stepping Samiyah.

  “Ouuuu!” we guffawed. I died over laughing as Carla shimmied her hips down the hallway in search of Jacob.

  “I love her,” Desiree said, still chuckling.

  “Come on, girl, everybody’s in the back,” Samiyah said.

  We sauntered down the hallway, one behind the other. When we got to the back door, we found Carla huddled up in front of the screen door peeking through. We laughed again and shooed her. Stepping out came with a sinful delight. The Rose brothers were accompanied by another team of men, and there were no shirts in sight. A picturesque image of muscles, toned arms, ripped abs, wrapped in different shades of brown were on display in a fun game of football. My eyes searched for Josiah, and I found him in a running position to the right side of Jonas. My gaze rode over his toned flesh, thick biceps and smooth skin. My body was always aware of him, and just his presence awakened my nerves and warmed my heart. The fellas crouched as Jonas counted down then yelled.


  The football flew into his hands, and the team dispersed, finding their position. A handsome dark skin fella broke through Jonathon’s block, headed straight for Jonas. On the left side down the field, Jaden was uncovered, holding out a hand, but Josiah was closer. In a split-second decision, Jonas released the ball just as he was nailed to the ground. Josiah went for it, extending his torso and arms as he sailed into the air to grab it with a tight fist rolling to the ground.

  “First down!” Their father shouted, and the Rose team hooped and hollered.

  “Man, you got lucky!” The dark skin fella who’d tackled Jonas said.

  I trailed over to Norma and gave her a hug. Samiyah’s mom Marth Jean, and Desiree and Claudia’s mother Adeline sat comfortably with Adeline wearing a sunhat and pair of colorful reflective shades across her eyes. As I dipped down to speak, I realized she was asleep then I noticed her soft breathing. Turning to look behind me, I mouthed to Desiree, “Your mom is sleep. Shouldn’t she lay down?”

  Desiree waved me off. “She’ll just wake up with an attitude and swear your next step will be to put her in a nursing home.” Desiree rolled her eyes. and Norma and Martha Jean snickered.

  “Probably where she needs to be,” Martha Jean surmised.

  “Mom!” Samiyah said.

  Martha Jean shrugged. “It’s the truth.”

  Everyone snickered again, and I made my way across the yard to greet Christopher Lee Rose. The game was in full swing when I placed a hand on his back and step to his side.

  “Mr. Rose,” I said. “Having a good time, I suppose.”

  My eyes flickered to Josiah just as he caught the ball for the second time.

  Mr. Rose turned to me with a wide smile. “Hey Santana, I’m glad you could make it.”

  At the mention of my name, Josiah’s head curved to me, and a full-blown smile stretched across his face.

  “Baby, watch out!” I yelled, but it was too late.

  The same guy who took down Jonas had pinned Josiah to the ground.

  “Oooooh!” the men yelled.

  “Damn, little brother.” Jonas strutted up to him and held out a hand, which Josiah accepted. Jonas pulled him to his feet, and Josiah shook himself off. Josiah pointed at the man who’d tackled him.

  “Q, that’ll be the last one you get. I hope you enjoyed it,” he said. A whistle bounced off Josiah’s tongue. “Xavier, you’re in!” Josiah tossed the ball to Xavier and jogged off the field toward me. The closer he came his hustle slowed, and I reached out to him for a hug. His arms circled my waist tightly, and he scooped me up off the ground. The kiss that greeted me stole my breath, and it was carried off in a swirl of wind that ran over us. A giggle tickled from my lips, and I smiled against his mouth.

  “That’s some greeting, son,” Mr. Rose said.

  “You should’ve seen the one they had at the club,” Carla murmured.

  Octavia, Selena, Eden, Jasmine, and Phoebe joined our side.

  “Ain’t it the truth,” Selena chimed, and Octavia agreed with a nod.

  Slowly, Josiah sat me back on my feet but kept me pinned to his chest.

  “In case you didn’t know,” Josiah said, gazing at me, “this here’s my girl.” He brushed a kiss against my forehead, and I blu

  “Looks to be much more than that,” Desiree offered.

  “Mmhmm,” a few others agreed.

  Josiah kept his eyes on me. “We’re getting ready to play flag football in a minute. The women against the men. Are you game?” he rubbed his hands together.

  “Flag football, huh?” I looked to the ladies. “You girls game?”

  “Hell yeah, we are!”

  It was Carla who said it.

  Me and the girls burst into laughter again.

  “I guess I’m game then.” I looked back to Josiah.

  “I can’t wait,” he said.

  “Come on, girl,” Eden spoke, “I’ve got some shorts and a thin T-shirt you can wear, so you don’t get your blouse dirty.”

  “I’ll be back.” I gave Josiah a light squeeze and followed the ladies into the house. We all changed into short shorts and solid ribbed tank tops. When we reappeared, the fellas’ game was over, and they all hung out under the shade that the backyard deck provided. One by one, they all turned to us and groaned.

  “Oh no, y’all can’t wear that,” Jonathon said. All of the men agreed.

  “Why not?” Samiyah said, carrying her curvy hips to the front of our pack. She crossed her arms over her chest, and Jonas stepped up to her.

  “Baby,” he wrapped his arms around her waist and grabbed a handful of ass, “you can’t wear this. It isn’t fair.”

  “How isn’t it fair?”

  “Come on, baby. It’s a distraction.”

  “So we’re supposed to wear jeans and be hot because you all can’t stop drooling at us?” Claudia asked.

  Jaden and Josiah nodded. “Hell yeah,” they both said, slapping hands.

  I twisted my lips. “Not a chance.”

  “Eww, come on, Phoebe, go put on some clothes!” Jordan said.

  “Jasmine, Eden, all three of you,” Jacob agreed. “The last thing I want to see is my sisters’ asses hanging out.

  Phoebe walked closer to Jordan and Jacob, turned, and bent over to smack her ass.

  “Oh, come on!” They yelled, disgusted.

  “Leave her alone. She all right,” the one they called Q mentioned.


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