Page 44
Il Corriere d’America,39
Il Progresse halo-Americano,39—41
I’ll Buy That,32
In Style,330
Ingels, Marty, 172
Ingrams, Richard, 197
Inside Edition,237, 296
“Inside News,” 28
Inside Story,15
Inside TV,167
International Herald Tribune,267
Internet, 2, 3, 7, 9, 332
Interview with the Vampire,252n
Irving, Amy, 236
Irving, Clifford, 120
Isikoff, Michael, 8, 9
Jackie Oh!(Kelley), 209
Jackson, Andrew, 56n
Jackson, Autumn, 302
Jackson, Jermaine, 284n, 287
Jackson, Joseph, 284
Jackson, Katherine, 284n
Jackson, La Toya, 280
Jackson, Michael, 178, 212, 272–274, 279–291, 325
Jackson, Prince, 289
Jaffe, Andrea, 260–261, 267
Jaffe, Stanley, 26In
Jagger, Mick, 160, 180, 185, 224
Janklow, Angela, 199
Janklow, Mort, 199
Javits, Jacob, 160
Javits, Marian, 160
Jefferson, Thomas, 56n
Jennings, Peter, 151, 152, 156, 236, 291
Jerry Maguire,245–247
Jet Set, 59n
Jobson, Robert, 312
John, Elton, 139, 205
John, Olivia Newton, 129
Johnson, Don, 28In
Johnson, Lyndon, 100
Johnson, Richard, 285
Johnson, Suzen, 303
Johnson, Van, 17
Jones, Carlton, 298n
Jones, Chuck, 223
Jones, Lanny, 183, 263–264
Jones, Shirley, 172
Jones, Ulysses S., 134
KABC-TV, 77–79
Kaelin, Kato, 204, 295
Kalikow, Peter, 217
Kalish, David, 303
Kaplan, Norma, 32
Kaplan, Rick, 321
Karan, Donna, 197, 198
Katzenberg, Jeffrey, 182
Kay, Richard, 305, 312, 318, 320
Keaton, Michael, 257
Kefauver, Estes, 13, 37
Kelley, Kitty, 209, 324
Kellogg, Mercedes, 236
Kelly, Gene, 73
Kempner, Nan, 197
Kennedy, Caroline, 144–145
Kennedy, Courtney, 163
Kennedy, Ethel, 158, 162–163
Kennedy, Jacqueline, 54, 57, 58, 59, 75, 76, 95n, 144
Kennedy, Joan, 128
Kennedy, John F., 19, 31, 34–35, 51–65, 95n
Kennedy, John F., Jr., 179, 319n
Kennedy, Joseph P., 33–34, 51, 58n, 59, 60
Kennedy, Michael, 163
Kennedy, Pat, 64
Kennedy, Patrick, 241
Kennedy, Robert, 19, 34, 38, 41, 51, 52, 58–61, 64–65, 76, 78, 95n
Kennedy, Stephen, 46
Kennedy, Ted, 94, 128, 162, 237, 241
Kessler, Judy, 129
Khan, Hasnat, 314
Khashoggi, Adnan, 178, 218, 220, 316, 318, 322
Khrushchev, Nikita, 56
Kidman, Nicole, 245, 247, 251, 252, 253, 257, 265, 268–270
Kilgallen, Dorothy, 41, 62–63, 72, 126, 218
King, Larry, 297
King of Leer (Robert Harrison), 19
King, Martin Luther, 76
King, Roger, 237
King World, 237, 296
Kingsley, Pat, 246–247, 251–252, 254–271
Kirk, James, 141
Kirshbaum, Larry, 324
Kissinger, Henry, 87–88, 98, 166, 172, 173, 192
Kissinger, Nancy, 88, 192
Kitaen, Tawny, 315
Kitman, Marvin, 157
Klein, Calvin, 198, 199
Klein, George, 144
Kluge, John, 232
Klurfield, Herman, 58
Knickerbocker, Cholly. SeeCassini, Igor
Knickerbocker, Suzy. SeeMehle, Aileen “Suzy”
Kohl, Helmut, 266
Konecky, Ron, 97
Koppel, Ted, 151, 152, 227, 283
Koral, Randall, 257
Korkala, George Gregary, 106
Kornbluth, Jesse, 198
Kosinksi, Jerzy, 107
Kotz, Florence, 18
Kraft Commission, 19
Kraft, Steve, 270
Kubrick, Stanley, 246
Kuncl, Tom, 92, 135, 138, 142
Kurzman, Dan, 73
La Caravelle, 58n
La Grenouille, 220, 221
La Pastornia, Angie, 49–50
Lagerfeld, Karl, 179, 198
L’Aiglon, 36, 37
Lamarr, Hedy, 171
Lamas, Fernando, 47
Landon, Dodie, 80
Landon, Michael, 80
Larry King Live,246, 325
Larsen, Jon, 186n
Lasch, Moira, 243
Lassie, 205
Last Remake of Beau Geste, The,135
Last Tango in Paris,125
Last Tycoon, The,122
Laugh In,82
Lauren, Ralph, 198, 199
Lauria, Donna, 151, 230
Lawford, Peter, 62, 63, 64, 65, 95
Le Cirque, 212
Le Club, 59
Lennon, John, 139, 147
Leno, Jay, 260
Lentz, Bernard, 294
Leonard, Bill, 97–98
Lerman, Leo, 194
LeRoy, Mervyn, 18
Levin, Jennifer, 235
Lewinsky, Monica, 1, 3, 8, 149, 331
Lewis, Anthony, 41
Lewis, Denise, 318
Lewis, Kassel, 41
Lewis, William, 18–19
Liberace, 17, 27, 146
Liddy, G. Gordon, 98, 101
Liebling, A.J., 2
Liebowitz, Annie, 184
Life,15, 115–117, 120, 183, 289
Lilly, Doris, 41, 73–76, 125–126, 331
Lind, Traci, 318
Liott, Tony, 242
Lister, Freddie, 215
Lithgow, John, 204n
Little Foxes,178
“Live at Five,” 208, 219
Locke, Richard, 194
Lollobrigida, Gina, 46, 47
Lombard, Carole, 69
London Mirror,69, 74, 239, 309, 310
Lone Ranger, The,31
Look,15, 55, 58, 115
Lord, Shirley, 220
Loren, Sophia, 44, 118, 124
Los Angeles Magazine,257, 279
Los Angeles Examiner,12, 69
Los Angeles Times,25, 294
Louise, Tina, 47
Love, Courtney, 257–258
Lovelace, Linda, 120
Lovett, Lyle, 259
Lowe, Rob, 235
Lower, Elmer, 83
Luce, Clare Booth, 116, 117
Luce, Henry, 116, 117
Lucia, Paul de, 276
Lurie, Rod, 279
Lynde, Paul, 171
Lyon, Gregory, 173
Lyons, Leonard, 41
Ma Perkins,32
Maas, Peter, 60
McCarthy, Joe, 24, 32–33, 37–38, 41
McConaughey, Matthew, 258–259
MacDowell, Andie, 258
McGee, Frank, 154n
McGillis, Kelly, 252n
McGraw, Ali, 118
MacLaine, Shirley, 205
McMahon, Ed, 171
McManus, Patricia, 46n
McQueen, Steve, 118
Mad About You,326
Madonna, 203, 224, 250, 280, 326
Mafia, 37–39, 40, 44, 147
Magazine Development Group, 117, 118
Mailer, Norman, 200
Malcolm, Durie, 55, 56
Mallory, Carole, 315
William, 145
Manhattan inc.,186n
Manning, Gordon, 97–98
Mansfield, Jayne, 30, 47
Mansfield, Stephanie, 262–263
Maples, Maria, 212–213, 216, 222, 223–224
Marcos, Ferdinand, 73, 218
Marcos, Imelda, 73, 218
Marcus, Carol, 74n
Margolick, David, 238
Markhasev, Mikail, 302–303
Martial, 59
Martin, Anthony, 268
Martin, Dean, 21
Martin, Jack, 315, 318
Masterson, William, 175
Mathews, Tom, 186–187
Matthews, Jack, 251
Matthis, Johnny, 160
Maxwell, Elsa, 30
Mayer, Louis B., 67
Meade, Fred, 22
Meade, Marjorie, 22, 26
Medlin, Chuck, 105
Meehan, Glen, 251
Meet the Press,9
Mehle, Aileen “Suzy,” 60, 74, 155n, 216
Memphis Mafia, 133–134, 141, 144
Mercer, Anne, 241, 242, 243
Metromedia, 231–232
Meyer, Mary Pinchot, 55, 95n
Michael, George, 280
Michaels, Jim, 225
Midler, Bette, 160, 211
Mike and Buff Show, The,32
Mike Wallace Interview, The,32–35
Miller, David Lee, 234
Miller, John, 224
Miller, John J., 43
Miracle on 34th Street,17
Miss Rona(Barrett), 82, 86
Mission Impossible,266, 271
Mitchell, John, 98
Mitchum, Robert, 16
MJJ, 288
Modem Screen,215
Monckton, Rosa, 320
Mondale, Eleanor, 322
Mondale, Walter, 156
Monroe, Marilyn, 17–18, 62–66, 95, 162, 163
Monsignore, 38
Montgomery, Charles, 281
Moore, Demi, 179–180, 257, 268, 326
Moore, Dudley, 189
Moore, Mary Tyler, 84, 129, 263
Mortimer, Lee, 25
Morton, Andrew, 311, 313, 320
Mosbacher, Georgette, 212, 220
Moskowitz, Stacy, 151
Motion Picture,80
Motion Picture Industry Council, 27
Movie World,167
Moyers, Bill, 103
MTV, 289n
Mudd, Roger, 137
Murdoch, Anna, 49
Murdoch, Rupert, 49, 130–131, 142,
191, 229, 231–234, 236, 313
Murphy, Eddie, 304
Murrow, Edward R., 32–33, 102, 157
Mussolini, Benito, 40
My Best Friend’s Wedding,259
My Friend the Dictator(Adams), 72
My Life,257
Mystery of Al Capone’s Vault, The,235
Nachman, Jerry, 216
Naked and the Dead, The,26
Naming Names(Navasky), 84
Nanny, The,325
Nathanson, Michael, 278–279
National Enquirer,45–50, 88–96, 117, 134–135, 140–142, 145–147, 166–176, 279, 281, 292–304, 323, 330
National Exposure,45
National Lampoon,121
National Limelight,45
National Mirror,45
National Press Club, 1, 2
National Star,130–131, 142–143, 168, 229, 266, 309, 310
Navasky, Victor, 84
Navy Seals,250
NBC Nightly News,239
Neverland, 272, 288
New Journalism, 160
New York,231
New York Enquirer,36–45
New York Graphic,4
New York Post,74, 75, 131, 216, 222, 230, 231
New York Times,7, 55–56, 240–241, 243, 259, 294
New York Times Company, 168
New Yorker,194, 204–206, 295, 312
Newcomb, Pat, 197, 256n
Newhouse, Si, 41, 192, 193–194, 202, 204
News Corp., 232
News Extra,298n
News Standards Outline, 100
News of the World,306, 312
Newsweek,8, 30, 53, 54, 185, 186, 187, 258
Nichopoulos, George, 134, 142
Night Beat,29–32
Nightline,228, 283
Nimoy, Leonard, 172
Nixon, Richard, 47, 50, 98, 99, 106, 143
Nobel, Edward J., 153
Nolan, Colan, 273
Noor, Queen of Jordan, 156
North American Newspaper Alliance, 80
Novotny, Marie, 58
Nureyev, Rudolf, 160
O’Brien, Jack, 155n
O’Connor, Carroll, 171
O’Connor, John Cardinal, 222
O’Donnell, Rosie, 246
O’Dwyer, Bill, 42
O’Hara, Maureen, 17, 23, 188
OK!, 289
On the QT,15, 53
Onassis, Aristotle, 76
Onassis, Jacqueline. SeeKennedy, Jacqueline
O’Neal, Ryan, 82
O’Neil, Paul, 67
Operation Trash, 87–88
Oppenheimer, Jerry, 155n
O’Reilly, Bill, 237
Orlando, Tony, 129, 167
Oshinsky, Kassell, 41
Oswald, Marina, 120
Otash, Fred, 16–17, 21, 22, 33, 63–65, 162, 277
Ovitz, Michael, 198, 205
Oxenberg, Catherine, 212
Pacino, Al, 257
Page Six, 216
Palette, Pilar, 20
Palm Beach Post,242
Parker, Bill, 33
Parr, Jack, 52
Parsons, Louella, 12, 66–70
Parton, Dolly, 171
Patric, Jason, 260
Paul, Maury, 58, 59
Pearl Harbor, 43
Pearson, Drew, 33–35, 95
Pellicano, Anthony, 240, 272, 273–280, 283–284, 286–290, 331
People,112–131, 163, 167–168, 181, 194, 259, 263–264, 323–324, 330
Perel, David, 292, 294, 295, 299
Perlman, Ron, 200n
Perrine, Valerie, 315
Perry, Luke, 203
Personal Privacy Protection Act, 329
PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), 5
Peters, Jon, 156
Pfeiffer, Michelle, 329
Philby, Kim, 189
Phillips, Michelle, 127
Pickwick Public Relations, 256
Pierce, Fred, 151
Pitt, Brad, 252n
Plaza Hotel, 212, 286
PMK, 248, 254, 256, 257, 260, 266, 270, 315, 324, 326
Polanski, Roman, 107
Pollack, Kevin, 261
Pollan, Tracy, 275
Pope, Anthony, 40, 48
Pope, Catherine, 40, 47–48
Pope, Fortune, 40, 47–48 Pope, Generoso, Jr., 36–50, 88–96, 107, 138, 140, 168, 332
Pope, Generoso, Sr., 39—40
Pope, Lois, 46n, 90
Pope, Patricia, 46n
Portrait of a Lady,245
Postcards from the Edge,250
Potterton, Reginald, 44, 45
Povich, Maury, 227, 228, 232–233, 237
Powers, Stephanie, 315
Premiere,185, 198, 265
Presley, Dee, 141
Presley, Elvis, 25, 78, 133–149
Presley, Lisa Marie, 134, 288, 289, 291, 293, 324n
Presley, Priscilla Beaulieu, 78, 143, 145, 185
Presley, Vernon, 134, 141, 144, 145
PrimeTime Live,291, 296
Prince, 281
Prinz, Freddie, 107–108, 129, 146
Private Eye, 189, 191, 197
Private Property,54
Profiles in Courage(Kennedy), 34–35
Publik Occurrences Foreign and Abroad,56?
Pugh, St. Clair, 207, 211
Pulitzer, Joseph, 93
Pulitzer, Roxanne, 239
Quill, Mike, 30–31
Quillan, Ronnie, 22–23
Quindoy, Faye, 284
Quindoy, Mark, 284
Quinn, Sally, 109, 188, 190
Radio City Music Hall, 39
Rae, Charles, 312
Rae, Ian, 233
Ramsey, Patsy, 325
Randolph, Nancy, 41
Random House, 143
Rather, Dan, 296, 322
Reader’s Digest,49
Reagan, Nancy, 74n, 160, 195–197
Reagan, Ron, Jr., 160, 196n
Reagan, Ronald, 19, 27, 74, 195–197
Reasoner, Harry, 104, 154–156
Reclining Figure, The,31
Red Scare, 16
Reed, Annette, 197
Reed, Dillion, 297
Reed, Rex, 127
Regency Club, 264
Regency Hotel, 246
Regrets Only(Quinn), 190n
Reiner, Rob, 262, 266
Reiser, Paul, 326, 329
Rentmeester, Co, 116
Research, Inc., 22
Reston, James “Scotty,” 56, 100
Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The,258
Reynolds, Burt, 211
Reynolds, Debbie, 120
Reynolds, Frank, 153, 156
Rice, Donna, 324n
Richcichi, Catherine, 40
Richmond Record,56n
Rigby, Cathy, 120
Ritts, Herb, 185
Ritz, Paris, 320
Rive Gauche, 173
River House, 192
Rivera, Geraldo, 102, 137, 144, 147, 148–149, 150–153, 157–165, 235, 297, 331
Rivera Live,297
Rivers, Joan, 28In
Road of Life,32
Roberts, Julia, 250, 259–260, 315, 329
Roberts, Steve, 56
Roberts, Tanya, 315
Robinson, Edward G., 63
Robinson, Max, 156
Rockefeller Center, 39
Rockefeller, Nelson, 54, 124
Roehm, Carolyn, 220
Rogers and Cowan, 255
Rogers, Henry, 255
Rogers, Mimi, 267–268, 315
Rolling Stone,109, 136, 145
Rolling Stones, 180
Rollins, Ed, 196n
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 24
Roosevelt, Franklin, 40
Rose, Axl, 299
Roseanne, 204, 257, 279, 330
Ross, Diana, 280
Roth, David, 241
Roth, David Lee, 180
Roth, Philip, 192
Rourke, Mickey, 185
Rowe, Debbie, 289
Royals, The(Kelley), 324
Royko, Mike, 148
Rubin, Joel, 268
Rubirosa, Porfirio, 60
Ruditsky, Barney, 18
Ruhel, Jeff, 163
Runyon, Damon, 41
Rushmore, Howard, 24, 27
Russent, Tim, 8–9
Rutherford, Margaret, 203
Ryan, Pat, 181
Ryder, Nanci, 275–276
Ryder, Winona, 315
Safire, William, 9, 121
St. Louis Post Dispatch,138
Salant, Richard, 100, 103, 104, 148, 154
Salinger, Pierre, 55