Book Read Free

Tessa's Lost and Found

Page 9

by Ahmet Zappa

  Lizzie shook her head. “Because of you—and your friends from all over the world!” Tessa said, pulling up a screen on her Star-Zap showing all the messages from every corner of the planet. “Isn’t it incredible? And you wouldn’t have these friendships—not any of them!—if you hadn’t moved around so much.”

  “It all adds up,” Adora said in her cool, clear way. “These friends are an important part of your life. A part you’d never want to miss out on.”

  Slowly, Lizzie nodded.

  They were so close to granting the wish.

  “And your friends in Hillsboro will never forget you, either,” Tessa added. “You’ve done so much for the shelter! Penny is going to put a plaque in the new lobby, thanking you. And it’s all because you moved here to Hillsboro!”

  “Really?” Lizzie grinned.

  A rainbow of colored lights flew from Lizzie, arcing through the air, then whooshing straight into Tessa’s Wish Pendant. Lizzie’s wish had come true! And Tessa had the wish energy to prove it.

  She and Adora were grinning at each other like idiots when Lizzie’s phone beeped. It was Penny, texting a special good-bye. Unbelievably, it seemed to Tessa, she wanted to let her know something else: she had decided to keep Tiny and Snuggles for her very own.

  Now Tessa was feeling pretty emotional herself! Still, she wanted to do one more thing for Lizzie before she forgot. She grabbed a pen and wrote out some tips she’d come up with earlier for creating a homey space wherever you are: Make sure you have the softest, most luxurious blanket. Your sheets should have the highest thread count. Put framed photos everywhere.

  “I envy you,” she told Lizzie. “You get to make your room up all over again!” Then she winked at Adora and whispered softly, “But I wouldn’t change mine for all the Zing on Starland.” In fact, just thinking about their room—a jumble of cooking utensils and science equipment—made Tessa long for home.

  Still, her mission had been starmazing. “Oh, Lizzie! I’ll never forget you—or Fiona!”

  Adora lifted her eyebrows and pointedly looked at at Tessa.

  “Okay,” said Tessa. “You have to go.” She hugged Lizzie one last time. When they pulled apart, Lizzie looked at her a little strangely.

  “Are you with the movers?” she asked. “I didn’t know it was a family company.”

  Tessa thought of Gemma—and the other Star Darlings—and another wave of homesickness swept over her. “Yes,” she said. “We are definitely a family that works together.”

  Then she added in a businesslike voice, “Just thought I’d come upstairs to make sure you have everything you need.”

  Lizzie hugged Fiona. “I sure do.”

  Tessa smiled and picked up one last thought as she and Adora left: Bye, Tessa.

  It was sad that Lizzie would never remember her, but maybe Fiona would.

  In no time at all, it seemed, she and Adora were back on Starland. At least, she assumed Adora was, too. Their stars had taken different courses. Just to be sure, she holo-texted: WHERE ARE YOU?


  I’M IN FRONT OF ILLUMINATION LIBRARY, Tessa holo-texted back. She was, in fact, in one of her favorite places: the sunlit library courtyard. It was a secluded, quiet place, filled with bluebeezle flowers and humming glitterbees. I’LL SEE YOU IN A LITTLE BIT, she added.

  It felt nice to be alone, to run through everything that had happened in her mind and get her thoughts in order.

  Unfortunately, someone else was rushing toward the courtyard. Then she grinned. It was Gemma!

  “Tessa!” exclaimed Gemma. “I had a feeling I’d find you here!”

  Tessa hugged her sister tightly. “For once, don’t talk!” she warned. “I want to tell you about my mission. My Wisher made me think of you, and—”

  Before she could say another word, their Star-Zaps buzzed.

  “Wish Orb presentation time!” Gemma crowed. The girls linked arms and walked quickly to Lady Stella’s office.

  The ceremony was brief yet satisfying. The Star Darlings still looked uncomfortable around Lady Stella. But the headmistress was as warm as ever, even if she seemed a little distracted.

  Tessa didn’t want a lot of speeches or applause. At least, that’s what she told herself. It was just nice to be acknowledged—and to see the orb transform into a Wish Blossom and then a Power Crystal. When the lovely vertessema spun its golden wheel, Tessa’s Power Crystal fell right into her hand. It was a delicate gossamer crystal.

  “How could someone so sweet be evil?” she whispered to Scarlet.

  “To throw you off,” Scarlet whispered back harshly.

  Lady Stella cleared her throat, then glided out of the room. The girls rose, too, saying their last star congratulations to Tessa. Soon she was alone.

  Well, that’s that, thought Tessa, stepping out of the office and rounding a corner.

  “Pssssst!” An arm shot out from a doorway and pulled her into a dark, empty room.

  “What in the stars?” said Tessa.

  “Hush, Tessa,” someone said. Tessa recognized the voice. It was Cassie. Tessa’s eyes adjusted to the gloom and she realized Scarlet was standing there, too.

  “We’re going down to the caves again,” Scarlet said. “We tried to explore more while you were gone, but something always came up.”

  “One time Lady Stella called an extra SD class at the last starmin,” explained Cassie. “It was like she knew what we were planning and wanted to stop us.”

  “And another time we were already in the supply closet, about to open the trapdoor, when Lady Cordial poked her head in to ask us to move furniture from the Lightning Lounge to the library,” Scarlet added. “Why she couldn’t just ask some Bot-Bots, I haven’t the starriest.”

  “Still,” Cassie said, “it was fun to practice wish energy manipulation with heavy objects.” She held back a giggle. “I just wish Lady Cordial hadn’t told me to put that chair down right when it was hovering over her foot!”

  Scarlet pulled up her hood and started for the door. “Enough chitchat. Let’s go.”

  The three girls made their way to the supply closet, down the trapdoor steps, then into the cool, damp tunnels.

  “I just know these caves hold some clues,” Cassie whispered. “Stars crossed, this time we’ll get lucky.”

  Tessa nodded, even though she really wanted to go to her room and take a sparkle shower. She had just come back from Wishworld, for star’s sake, and here she was traipsing around these dim tunnels like she had all the startime in the worlds.

  But still, she had to be there. Who else would be on the lookout for clues that proved Lady Stella innocent? Not that she didn’t trust Cassie and Scarlet…well, at least Cassie.

  Just a little way in, a bitbat swooped directly in front of them, and the Starlings stopped short.

  “Why, hello there, little one,” Scarlet said softly.

  Tessa recognized the bitbat—or thought she did, anyway—as the one who had met them the last time. Scarlet’s special pet.

  The bitbat fluttered her wings a star inch from Scarlet’s nose, then seemed to beckon with one wing.

  “Let’s follow her,” said Scarlet. “It’s better than wandering around aimlessly.”

  Tessa and Cassie agreed. They walked single file through one tunnel after another, then another still, the bitbat leading the way. The tunnels grew narrower and more twisting as they sloped deeper underground. Tessa shivered. The air was colder, too.

  She wasn’t sure they could ever find their way out.

  “I’m not enjoying this,” she said. She thought of her cozy dorm room, where the temperature was always set at a perfect ten degrees Starrius. This definitely had none of the comforts of home.

  Finally, the bitbat stopped, hovering in front of a sheer stone wall.

  Tessa squinted. “This looks like any other part of the tunnels,” she said as the bitbat dipped her head in farewell and disappeared
into the darkness. “Why did she bring us here?” Her voice rose a bit in panic. “And how are we going to get out?”

  “Let’s take things one step at a time,” Cassie said calmly.

  “Yes, Tessa,” said Scarlet testily. “Don’t overreact here.”

  Tessa had to laugh. Scarlet was usually the one to act without thinking.

  Just laughing made Tessa feel better. So she took her time, peering closely at the wall. “There’s a crack here,” she told the others. “It doesn’t look like erosion or just some random break. It forms a perfect rectangle.”

  She traced her finger along the line, and the gray stone faded away to reveal a screen.

  “A hidden holo-screen!” Cassie breathed.

  The screen lit up suddenly, and Tessa blinked in the bright light. “Moons and stars!” she exclaimed.

  “Password denied,” said a Bot-Bot as the same words appeared on-screen.

  Tessa gasped and pulled the others a little farther away. “Don’t say anything too loudly,” she warned. “It can hear us.”

  “There must be a secret room behind this wall. We have to come up with the password,” Scarlet whispered excitedly. “I just know this could lead to answers!”

  “We need to be careful, though,” Cassie said in a low voice. “What if it’s like one of those old stories, and we only get three tries? And if we’re wrong, a stinkberry grows on our nose?”

  “Oh, don’t be such a scaredy-bitbat.” Scarlet scoffed quietly. Then she faced the screen and, before Tessa or Cassie could stop her, shouted, “Lady Stella!”

  “Password denied.” The screen blinked.

  “If it’s three tries and we’re out, we’re already done here,” Cassie said. “Should we chance it?”

  “We have no choice.” Tessa suddenly felt determined to see it through. “How about ‘Star Darlings’?”

  “I’ll take this one.” Scarlet edged to the holo-screen. “Star Darlings!”

  Tessa tensed, expecting bells and alarms and stars knew what. Instead, the Bot-Bot just repeated, “Password denied.”

  “Well, at least we can keep trying,” said Cassie.

  The girls shouted out random words, willing to try anything.

  “Wishlings. Bot-Bots!” “Wishworld!” Scarlet even tried “Secret password.” But nothing worked.

  Tessa’s stomach rumbled. Not only had she gone straight from Wishworld to Lady Stella’s office to the caves, but she hadn’t even had time for a real meal.

  “Moonberries!” she cried in annoyance.

  The wall slid open. Tessa giggled. But then she grew sober as she recalled how much Lady Stella loved moonberries. Did that mean she had set up this secret room? And what would they find inside?

  Holding hands, the girls edged inside the dark room. As soon as they crossed the threshold, the walls lit up brightly.

  It was a small space, filled floor to ceiling with holo-books neatly placed on shelves. “Maybe it’s just a storeroom for the library,” Tessa said hopefully. Neither Scarlet nor Cassie bothered to reply.

  Scarlet stepped up to a shelf and pulled out a holo-book. It looked extremely faded and worn. “This must be really, really old. Look—it’s called A History of Prism. The town isn’t even called Old Prism here.”

  “And look at this one,” Cassie said, pulling another book from a shelf. “This one has all these old maps.” She flipped the pages. “Here’s the area around the Crystal Mountains. There’s no Starling Academy!”

  Tessa leaned closer. “The writing is so strange. All squiggly and hard to read.” She reached for another book. “Most of these must be ancient!”

  They browsed more shelves, and finally, Tessa pulled out a thick, heavy tome. Its deep purple cover had a glowing star, and Tessa sensed its power. If there had ever been a title, it had faded long before. She undid the heavy clasp.

  Cassie and Scarlet watched as she thumbed through the pages. She stopped toward the end as a holo-picture came to life.

  Twelve figures, clearly girls, posed in a circle. Glowing Wish Blossoms formed at their fingertips, swirling to meet in a burst of light. Dim words, difficult to read, were projected in the air.

  “It says something about an oracle, a prophecy about the future,” Cassie said, deciphering the text.

  Haltingly, Tessa read phrases out loud: “‘Twelve star-charmed Starlings’…‘Girls with a unique ability to grant wishes’…‘and so release wish energy so powerful’…‘save Starland’…” Her voice trailed off.

  “The rest is a blur,” Cassie said. Then she looked at Tessa and Scarlet. They gazed at one another in shock as understanding dawned on each of them.

  “Oh my stars,” said Tessa. “There are twelve girls in the prophecy. And there are twelve Star Darlings. The prophecy must be about us!”

  Scarlet grinned. “I knew I was—I mean, we were—special!”

  Just then the door closed with a whoosh.

  The girls rushed to it. There was no screen on that side of the door. No hand scanner to slide it open. The stone was as smooth as polished glass.

  With all her wish energy, Tessa willed the stone to crack, the door to open. Cassie and Scarlet did the same. It wouldn’t budge.

  They were trapped.

  Afterglow: The Starling afterlife. When Starlings die, it is said that they have “begun their afterglow.”

  Age of Fulfillment: The age at which a Starling is considered mature enough to begin to study wish granting.

  Astromuffin: A delicious baked breakfast treat.

  Bad Wish Orbs: Orbs that are the result of bad or selfish wishes made on Wishworld. These grow dark and warped and are quickly sent to the Negative Energy Facility.

  Big Dipper Dormitory: Where third- and fourth-year students live.

  Bitbat: A small winged nocturnal creature.

  Bluebeezle: Delicate bright blue flowers that emit a scent only glitterbees can detect.

  Blushbelle: A pink flower with a sweetly spicy scent.

  Bot-Bot: A Starland robot. There are Bot-Bot guards, waiters, deliverers, and guides on Starland.

  Bright Day: The date a Starling is born, celebrated each year like a Wishling birthday.

  Celestial Café: Starling Academy’s outstanding cafeteria.

  Chickadoodle: A fluffy feathered farm creature that crows at sunrise and is similar to a Wishworld rooster.

  Cocomoon: A sweet and creamy fruit with an iridescent glow.

  Comet cake: A sweet Starland cake decorated to look like a comet, with a tail made of starberries.

  Cosmic Transporter: The moving sidewalk system that transports students through dorms and across the Starling Academy campus.

  Countdown Clock: A timing device on a Starling’s Star-Zap. It lets them know how much time is left on a Wish Mission, which coincides with when the Wish Orb will fade.

  Crystal Mountains: The most beautiful mountains on Starland. They are located across the lake from Starling Academy.

  Cycle of Life: A Starling’s life span. When Starlings die, they are said to have “completed their Cycle of Life.”

  Delicata: A sweet and fragrant liquid made by glitterbees and often used in baking.

  Dododay: The third day of the starweek. The days in order are Sweetday, Shineday, Dododay, Yumday, Lunaday, Bopday, Reliquaday, and Babsday. (Starlandians have a three-day weekend every starweek.)

  Druderwomp: An edible barrel-like bush capable of pulling up its own roots and rolling like a tumbleweed, then planting itself again.

  Flutterfocus: A Starland creature similar to a Wishworld butterfly but with illuminated wings.

  Galliope: A sparkly Starland creature similar to a Wishworld horse.

  Garble greens: A Starland vegetable similar to spinach.

  Glamera: A holographic image-recording device.

  Glimmerworm: The larval stage of the glimmerbug. It spins a beautiful sparkly cocoon from its silk. “Pulling the glimmersilk over your eyes” is an expression meaning that someone is hiding some
thing or is being deceptive.

  Glitterbees: Blue-and-orange-striped bugs that pollinate Starland flowers and produce a sweet substance called delicata.

  Glion: A gentle Starland creature similar in appearance to a Wishworld lion but with a multicolored glowing mane.

  Glorange: A glowing orange fruit. Its juice is often enjoyed at breakfast time.

  Glowfur: A small furry Starland creature with gossamer wings that eats flowers and glows.

  Glowjay: A small flying animal with shimmering feathers.

  Goldenella: A tall slender tree with golden blossoms that pop off the branches.

  Good Wish Orbs: Orbs that are the result of positive wishes made on Wishworld. They are planted in Wish-Houses.

  Halo Hall: The building where Starling Academy classes are held.

  Holo-text: A message received on a Star-Zap and projected into the air. There are also holo-albums, holo-billboards, holo-books, holo-cards, holo-communications, holo-diaries, holo-flyers, holo-letters, holo-papers, holo-pictures, and holo–place cards. Anything that would be made of paper or contain writing or images on Wishworld is a hologram on Starland.

  Hydrong: The equivalent of a Wishworld hundred.

  Illumination Library: The impressive library at Starling Academy.

  Impossible Wish Orbs: Orbs that are the result of wishes made on Wishworld that are beyond the power of Starlings to grant.

  Lightning Lounge: A place on the Starling Academy campus where students relax and socialize.

  Little Dipper Dormitory: Where first- and second-year students live.

  Luminous Lake: A serene and lovely lake next to the Starling Academy campus.

  Mirror Mantra: A saying specific to each Star Darling that when recited gives her (and her Wisher) reassurance and strength. When a Starling recites her Mirror Mantra while looking in a mirror, she will see her true appearance reflected.

  Moogle: A very short but unspecific amount of time. The word is used in expressions like “Wait just a moogle!”

  Moonberries: Sweet berries that grow on Starland. They are both Tessa’s and Lady Stella’s favorite snack.

  Moonium: An amount similar to a Wishworld million.

  Old Prism: A medium-sized historical city about an hour from Starling Academy.


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