Book Read Free

The Night Wolf

Page 9

by Parker Williams

  “Yes, Alpha?”

  “I know you’re going to see Dr. Franklin today, but I was hoping you wouldn’t mind doing something else for me.”

  “Of course. What did you need?”

  “I want you to call around and find out who this Ryker is. What pack does he lead? Once you find out, get in touch with Ethan.”

  “Okay, what should I tell him?”

  “We’re going to buy Ryker out and take over his pack, because he can’t be allowed to threaten Sean. He has to go.”

  Though he couldn’t see Lyram, Gareth could tell he had an evil smile when he said, “Oh, I’ll take care of it. Happily.”

  When Gareth hung up, he felt a lot better.

  Chapter Nine

  OVER THE next several days, Sean trailed behind Gareth as he took him around to meet the pack members. To a person, each of them welcomed Sean with open arms. It wasn’t like his old pack where people informed to Ryker all the time. No, Lydon was like paradise.

  Still, as much as he wanted to trust, to give his heart to the pack, every night when he went to bed, Sean locked his door and closed the curtains. Too many times in the past, before he shifted to wolf form and lived in the wilds, he’d meet an Alpha who would lull Sean into complacency, then betray his trust by contacting Ryker.

  Sean didn’t want to believe that Gareth would do that, but a million dollars was a strong motivator for going back on your convictions. Yet every morning, Sean would come down and find Dani there, with breakfast waiting. She would greet him and have him sit while she fussed over him.

  The one thing that Sean did notice was that the people in Lydon seemed to be exhausted. The coffee shop did brisk business, with a line that extended out the door and halfway down the block. When Sean asked Gareth about it, the Alpha hedged slightly, then said his wolves worked hard and coffee helped keep them going.

  The streets of Lydon were clean. There were few cars, as most things were within walking distance. Gareth had said when the town started expanding, more vehicles would be necessary, but he hoped that people would do their best to keep the streets safe. To that end, Sean asked Gareth if he could possibly buy a bike to get him from point A to point B and back. They went online and found a stunning recumbent bike called the Catrike, with add-on electric boost for those days when you needed a little extra help. Sean couldn’t wait to get on the road with it and….

  It struck him at that very moment. He was planning a future in Lydon. He had no urge to duck and run, or any fear to hold him back. He was anxious for his life to start, and it had to be here, now, with this pack and this Alpha.

  That night, he went to bed for the first time with no nagging feeling that he was being watched or stalked. He fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow, and the terrifying dreams that were his constant companion never materialized.

  Finally, he was home.

  GARETH STOOD at the open window, like he had every night for the last week, and waited for the wolves to arrive. They normally straggled in, a couple at a time, with more showing up every few minutes, until they were gathered outside Sean’s window.

  Only this evening there were none. The area outside was quiet. The lights in the town were mostly off. The only sounds were the ones he expected to hear. The soft hoot of an owl, a deer foraging for food, Caleb snoring like a Mack truck. All was right with the world tonight. He extended his senses, feeling his wolves. There wasn’t any terror like he’d sensed from them the previous nights. Instead, an overwhelming sense of calm came over him, filling him with what he could only describe as euphoria. As exhausted as they were, the people were happy.

  Gareth took a deep breath, letting the night air fill his lungs. What had changed? Why weren’t they guarding Sean tonight? He focused, concentrating on Sean, unsurprised to find he was asleep. But tonight he wasn’t troubled either, for which Gareth was grateful.

  He’d spoken with Franklin, who told him he could find nothing wrong with Lyram, but he also mentioned that many pack members had complained of being tired and listless, though they insisted they’d slept all night. Gareth knew better.

  He closed the window and retreated to his desk. If he were smart, he would climb into bed and catch up on some of the sleep that had been denied him, but if there was one thing Gareth hated, it was a mystery. And Sean definitely qualified. He opened the browser on his computer and typed in “Omega wolf.” He was surprised to find out how many instances there were of human writers who used an Omega in their stories. It was strange, especially since, as far as Gareth knew, there were no Omegas left. The last one that he had heard of died hundreds of years ago, killed in a war between packs.

  Now? If Sean was an Omega—which Gareth suspected more and more each day—then he was a treasure to be protected. Hell, he should be fucking worshipped. As prosperous as Lydon was, if they had an Omega in their pack, there would be people begging to belong. But….

  Sean had said there were Alphas out there, like Ryker, who had treated him badly. Did they know what he was? There were stories, of course. An Omega couldn’t be claimed. They had to choose which pack they would belong to. Though Sean had pledged his loyalty to Lydon, he could just as easily renounce it and go elsewhere. Gareth hoped that wouldn’t happen, but if it made Sean happy, he would let Sean go with no argument. He’d had enough problems in his life without Gareth adding to them.

  As he was scanning the net, he found a site that was claiming to be run by wolves, though after looking, Gareth knew better. Most of the basics were correct, but the message boards were filled with poseurs and wannabes who believed the bite of a wolf could turn someone into a wolf themselves. How preposterous. Still, there was a large and active community that was staying connected.

  Gareth was stunned to find anonymous complaints about Alphas who were as bad—or worse—than what Sean had said. There were more than a few accounts of rape, murder, fear, and intimidation. They weren’t Alphas—they were thugs who thought they had what it took to lead their people.

  Not all of it was bad, though. He chuckled as he read fan fiction accounts of being a wolf’s love slave, of a man who found himself pregnant and bore the offspring of a wolf. Though he would tell no one, Gareth, oddly, found those stories to be both hot and sexy. They made him a little wistful, because he knew he would have no pup of his own.

  It was when he got to the Seeking page that his blood froze. A picture of Sean, much younger, was posted weeks ago, along with a request to help the loving parents find their missing son. A convoluted story about Sean going off to get bitten by a wolf to fulfill a lifelong dream of being one of them, of meeting a strange man online who lured Sean away with the promise of a bite, and no word from him since. There was the obligatory plea from the heartbroken parents, who said they only wanted their son returned to them. Even though Gareth didn’t know them, he could see their grief was fake. The mother’s tears were hardly believable, and the father glared at the camera, his lip curled into a sneer. They were the epitome of all things Gareth hated, and they claimed to love their child.

  Oh, and they stressed the reward of one million dollars. Several times.

  Gareth’s stomach heaved. Hearing from Sean that they were after him was bad, but seeing it put out on social media was even worse. Gareth peered at the boy Sean had been, the one who’d had his life stolen from him by uncaring parents and demented Alphas.

  This had to stop. People shouldn’t live in fear from those who were supposed to protect them. Even poor packs should have enough to sustain the lives of the members, instead of just the Alphas. How could he have been so blind to the suffering of other packs? When he assembled his council, he would have to address these concerns.

  Right now, Sean and Ryker were at the forefront of his mind. He pulled out his phone, heedless of the hour, and called Lyram. When he answered, his voice filled with sleep, Gareth chastised himself for doing what he’d just complained about: not thinking about the needs of others.

  “My apologies, Lyr
am. I wasn’t sleeping, and…. Get your rest. We’ll talk later.”

  “I’m awake now, Alpha.” He yawned. “I won’t get back to sleep if you don’t tell me why you called.”

  “I was hoping for an update on the Ryker situation. Have you heard back from Ethan?”

  For a moment there was silence, then a deep sigh. “No, Alpha. I’ve been calling his number, but there hasn’t been an answer. I also did some discreet inquiries about making a bid to buy Ryker out, but everything I find is that he’s got money. Lots of it.”

  Which made sense, if he was going to pony up a million to get Sean back.

  “So then we’re not going the usual route.”

  “I’ll keep looking.” He groaned, and Gareth assumed he was getting out of bed. “Gimme a few hours and—”

  “And nothing. Get back to sleep, Lyram. Again, I’m sorry I woke you. This could have waited until morning.”

  “Can I say something and you promise not to bite my head off?”

  It was strange he was asking. Lyram always spoke his mind. “Go ahead.”

  “You like Sean, don’t you?”

  “What? Of course. He’s one of mine.”

  “No, Alpha. I mean you like him.”

  “That’s absurd. I don’t even know him.” How could Lyram tell? “He’s been here all of two weeks now.”

  “You’re protective of him in a way I’ve never seen before. Even that first night, your wolf regarded him as something special. When I was in the clinic, you never sat by my bed and held my hand. You never put a wet cloth on my head or stroked my hair. Now, I know you’re going to make an excuse, but to be honest, you don’t need to do so. Sean has had a good effect on you. You smile more. You’re more affectionate with everyone, especially Caleb and Dani. It’s like… I don’t even know how to say it. It’s like Sean opened your eyes to what was around you.”

  “Go to sleep, Lyram. We’ll talk more in the morning.”


  Gareth had his finger over the End Call button when he heard Lyram call him.

  “We’re wolves, you know.”

  Gareth chuckled. “Yes, I’m fully aware.”

  “If yours has plans for Sean, you’d best get used to it. Sometimes our animals are smarter than us. They don’t get bogged down in bullshit, instead going straight to the heart of the matter. If your wolf has his heart set on Sean, then that’s what’s going to happen. Good night, Alpha.”

  He hung up, leaving Gareth to stare at his phone and wonder about his life. He reached into his mind, wanting to communicate with his wolf, who lay in the farthest recesses, asleep.

  When I asked what you wanted, you showed me pictures of Sean. Are you trying to tell me you want him?

  Bleary eyes opened. It seemed that even Gareth’s wolf hadn’t been sleeping much. It yawned, then sat up, staring back at him.

  What is it you want from Sean?

  In answer, more images of Sean flashed in Gareth’s mind. Of his wolf and Sean’s, curled up together on the living room floor, in front of the enormous pack Christmas tree, with the hundreds of lights and baubles made by the kids. Through the picture window, the snow was falling hard and heavy, but the room was filled with warmth. Gareth’s wolf’s head was draped over Sean’s wolf’s back, their eyes closed.

  The domestic scene rocked Gareth. He’d never once thought of having a spouse—of either gender—and never before had his wolf chimed in on what it wanted. Now, though? There was an ache inside Gareth, and only Sean could fill that.

  His wolf stood, glaring at Gareth. His eyes narrowed, the violet hue now just slits. The vision it had shown Gareth was back, but this time Gareth took a deeper look, and what he saw confused the shit out of him.

  The wolf licked Sean behind the ear, both of them sighing in contentment. Gareth’s wolf nudged Sean’s, urging him to lie on his side. When he did, Gareth couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Sean’s wolf lay there, his belly swollen.

  The wolf peered at Gareth, his eyes heavy, and through him, Gareth could feel the peace and tranquility he’d never known his wolf to have before.

  That’s not possible, you know. Human males can’t have babies.

  The wolf shook its huge head, then lay down beside Sean’s wolf again, curling protectively around him. The image faded, and Gareth wanted to call it back. He needed to see the two wolves together again. Seeing the two of them made Gareth wish for something beyond his pack. He wanted what his wolf had shown him. Their wolves lying together, happy and content.

  He wished to hell that it was more than a desire on the part of his wolf. If it was possible for a man to have a child, Gareth would love one with Sean. Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. What would their child be like? Would he have Sean’s red hair or his violet eyes? Would they be inquisitive, like Sean? Wanting to behold the world that they’d been born into? Gareth sighed, knowing that it wasn’t going to happen, and that no amount of wishing on his or his wolf’s part would make it so.

  He got up from the desk and plodded upstairs, his heart heavy. Who knew that something as simple as his wolf showing what it wanted would have such an impact on Gareth? Why did his wolf’s fantasy set off a longing that Gareth hadn’t known before? Had he thought about a pup of his own? Of course, but he also knew two men couldn’t have a baby without a surrogate. It was biologically impossible, no matter what fan fiction claimed.

  When he entered the room, it seemed so damned empty. What he wouldn’t give for someone to curl up with, to love, to…. He sighed. Apparently his wolf wasn’t the only one given to flights of fancy. The long-dead dream came surging back with a vengeance. After a hard day, he’d come home and find the man who would come to own his heart waiting for him. They’d kiss, and like magic, the stresses of the day would vanish. How many times had he had that dream? Hundreds? Thousands?

  Sure, he could go out and pick someone up, but he didn’t want that for his wolves. He wanted to give them stability, and anyone he would be with needed to think of the pack first and foremost. How likely was that to happen?

  Gareth undressed, then slipped under the black-and-gold comforter with the embroidered wolf and moon that was Lydon’s symbol. He closed his eyes, wanting to sleep, but the only thing he could think of was the vision his wolf had conjured up.

  “Why’d you have to do this to me?” he whispered to the dark room as his eyes fluttered shut. The dream, when it came, took him back to when he was eight and the first time he had it, and he had it every night for two years. It was a great memory among the hundreds he had of his childhood.

  “Daddy?” Tiny fingers pulled Gareth’s eyelid open and brought him face to face with his pup, who smiled wide at him. “Papa said breakfast will be done soon.”

  “Oh, he did, did he?” Gareth reached out and grabbed the squealing boy, rolled him over, then poked him in the ribs. “Are you sure you’re not waking me up because you’re hungry? Don’t try to deny it. I can hear your tummy growling. Or did you eat a wolf?”

  The boy giggled, the purest sound Gareth had ever heard. When the bedroom door opened again, Papa stepped into the room and made a beeline for the bed.

  “You were supposed to wake him up, not take a nap with him.”

  Before the kid could protest, the man slipped into the bed and lay beside Gareth and their son.

  “We can’t be up here long. A certain little girl is sure to come looking for us. Seems both the kids are, in their words, staaaaarving.”

  On cue, soft footsteps sounded in the hall, and then a tiny girl stood there, hands on her hips, giving them a death glare. “Papa, I’m hungry!”

  Gareth sat up and opened his arms. “Come here, baby girl. Lie with your brother, Papa, and me.”

  She smiled and ran to him. At the last second, she jumped up and slammed into Gareth, then buried her face in his neck. He lay back, cuddling his daughter while their son snuggled between them.

  He’d told his mother, who assured him it was just a dream, but
Gareth had been certain it was more than that. And now, knowing what his wolf showed him, he found himself wondering what-if.

  Chapter Ten

  THE NEXT morning, Gareth came down to find Sean and Dani sitting at the table, sipping coffee. They were engaged in an animated discussion about the classes that Sean found, and the excitement in his voice warmed Gareth. Dani looked up, saw him in the doorway, and shot him a smile.

  “Good morning, Alpha. Coffee?”

  He held up a hand. “I’ll get it.”

  It was only a few steps across the kitchen, but he was intercepted by Sean, who rushed to the pot, grabbed one of the stoneware cups from the cabinet above the sink, and poured. He picked it up and turned to Gareth.

  “Here you are, Alpha.” There was a twinkle in his eye that hadn’t been there before.

  “Thank you, Sean.” He accepted the cup, then took a seat at the table. After his first sip, he turned his attention to Dani. “So, what’s going on?”

  “Sean’s found a few courses that will help him get a jump on learning the books. He’s also talked with Caleb, who said he would be honored to tutor Sean in any subject he needed help in.” She grinned. “Between you and me, he’s absolutely giddy about it.”

  Gareth turned to Sean. “You saw Caleb? But it’s before noon.”

  Dani and Sean snickered. She nodded in the direction of the stairs. “He’s been up since six. When I went by his room, he was pulling out books and muttering to himself that they’d need this one, and this one, and this one….” She beamed a smile at Sean. “Caleb really likes you. He’s going to start thinking of you as his big brother. I hope you’re ready for that.”

  Sean’s cheeks pinked. “I miss my brother. After my parents….” His eyes softened. “After they sold me to Ryker, I never saw him again. Quinn was only nine when I disappeared out of his life, which makes him twenty-one now. I wonder if he ever thinks about me.”

  Gareth’s grip on his cup tightened. The more he heard about Ryker, the more certain he was the man had to go. He needed Lyram to find Ethan so they could remove the old Alpha. He thought Lyram would be a good choice for the job, once Ryker was banished.


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