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The Night Wolf

Page 15

by Parker Williams

  They drove along a nearly deserted road. Sean heard very little traffic, and the only other sound was the wind whipping through the van’s open windows. He marveled at this twist of fate. How could Mother Moon allow him the blessing of a child, then strip it away? She wasn’t capricious or mean. She loved her wolves. Unless something had changed.

  “We’re nearly there, boy.” Kristopher’s voice was harsh, guttural. “Ryker says that when he’s done with you, you’re going to be the pack bitch. Personally, I can’t wait. Always thought you had a nice ass. Plump, like a girl’s. I know how to break a bitch in good. Don’t worry.”

  A pit formed in Sean’s stomach. Bad enough he was going to be forced to become Ryker’s pet, but now Ryker would allow everyone in the pack to have him. No. Not happening. It didn’t matter if Sean died, he would not let them touch him. There was a warmth in his stomach, and Sean did his best to believe it was his baby agreeing with him.

  “I won’t help Ryker. I’d die first.”

  He meant for his words to be filled with bravado, but Sean shivered and his voice broke. He didn’t want to die. He wanted to be with Gareth, with their child. He wanted for them to see the baby’s first steps, hear those first words out of their mouth. To see the baby grow big and strong, to one day become an Alpha or Omega or… or whatever made their child happy.

  “Don’t worry. Once I’m done with you, the pack can have you. If you die, you die.” Ryker laughed. “After I get what I want, I won’t have any use for you anyway. My plans might have changed, but that’s okay, because it just means I can be rid of you sooner.”

  “What are you going to do to me?”

  Ryker barked a laugh. “This isn’t a movie. No one is going to tell you shit.” A solid thud, probably Ryker smacking Kristopher’s arm or chest. “But he’ll learn, won’t he?”

  “Yes, Alpha.” Kristopher turned and leered at Sean. “And I can’t wait to teach him.”

  Terror coursed through Sean at the thought of what would happen to him and the baby. No, Gareth was coming—Sean knew it. No matter what he had to do, he would keep them safe until they were once again with Gareth. If there was one thing of which Sean was absolutely certain, it was that Gareth would move heaven and earth until he got his family back.

  They continued to drive for several hours. The sky was tinged with the first rays of light, an explosion of pink and blue and red. By now Sean had wet himself several times and lay in a puddle of urine. The baby was growing fast. If Sean were fully human, he’d already be near the end of the second trimester. He tried to call to his wolf, hopeful that if he could shift, he might be able to escape once more, but he couldn’t feel his animal at all. That damned collar. He wondered briefly where Ryker had gotten it, but it didn’t matter. He had to think, because no matter what Ryker believed, Sean wasn’t stupid. He would find a way out of this.

  Gareth, I need you.

  Sean? Sean, I can hear you!

  A thrill ran through Sean, but then he dismissed it as his overactive imagination. They were hundreds of miles away, and there wasn’t any way Gareth could—

  Sean, are you and the baby okay? Have they hurt you?

  It was Gareth!

  Is that really you?

  Yes, love. I don’t know how, but I can hear you. I’m coming, Sean. Please, do whatever Ryker says, but don’t give up on me. Do you know where you are?

  Sean closed his eyes and let the feelings of the area surround him. He could smell pine, hear the rushing of a river, had seen the sun rising east of him. It was all so familiar. He’d been here before, but not for many years. The last time was…. Holy hell, could it be….

  He’s taking me home, Gareth! Back to the pack.

  I’m coming. I will save you. I swear it.

  Sean’s head buzzed, and Gareth’s voice faded out. But now? Now he had hope.

  GARETH PRESSED harder on the accelerator, pushing the SUV past 125. The landscape passed by in a blur, but Gareth couldn’t give two shits about the sights. He wanted Sean where he was supposed to be: standing up in front of Lyram, telling him they’d be one couple for the rest of their lives.

  Gareth tightened his grip on the wheel. He had to focus. Having heard Sean in his mind calmed him a lot, but not nearly enough. Gareth wasn’t a fighter. He was a mediator, a judge, a confidante. But ask him to fight, and he knew he was screwed. Ryker had to die, but Gareth needed to think things through. Going in and acting on emotions would end up with him being killed and Sean or the baby being hurt.

  The baby. Gareth’s baby. The growl started low in his throat, vibrating through his body. This was his family that Ryker was fucking with. No, not just his family. His entire world. Gareth would give up being an Alpha before he would even consider losing his mate and their child.

  He slammed a hand on the steering wheel as he howled out his rage.

  “Why would you do this, Mother? Why would you give me the perfect man, allow us the blessing of a child, and then take them both away?”

  Hot tears left tracks on Gareth’s cheeks. Pain and frustration welled up inside of him as he pictured Sean being hurt—or worse. He was a gentle soul—all Omegas were supposed to be. They were the heart, the very essence of a pack. Why would Ryker do this? How could anyone bring harm to someone who was meant to be peace incarnate?

  “Please, Mother… I beg you, save my mate and child. I’ll give you anything you ask in return if you’ll only spare their lives. See Sean back to the pack, safe and sound. If you will it, you can have my life in exchange.”

  He knew it wouldn’t help. Mother Moon didn’t bargain. Her will was absolute, and things played out to her design. If she wanted Sean safe, he would be. If not…. Gareth swallowed hard. He glanced down at the speedometer. Why the hell hadn’t he taken a faster vehicle? Then he remembered it was because the Escalade had bulletproof windows and was armored to withstand gunfire. He took the Escalade because if things went wrong, Sean had to be protected at any cost.

  The realization that he had to rein in his anger and think clearly struck him hard. No matter how much he wanted to make Ryker pay, he had to get Sean and the baby to safety. That was his primary goal. If he went up against Ryker directly, he would probably die, and then after him, Sean and the baby would too. No, this was a rescue mission only. He would have to get Ryker another time. His family came first—would always come first.

  With that knowledge, his anger abated and he was able to think logically again.


  No reply.

  Sean? Baby? Can you hear me? Please Mother Moon, let him hear me. Sean!

  It was faint, but Gareth was certain he heard Sean’s voice in his head. It was soft, almost nonexistent, but his wolf’s ears perked up and his tail swished hard.

  I’m going to be there within the hour. Hang on for me. Do whatever he says, but just hold on.

  There was no reply, and Gareth worried what Ryker had done. He pressed harder on the pedal, even though the Escalade was going as fast as it could.

  The anger bled away, now replaced by terror that he was about to lose the two people that meant the world to him.

  Chapter Sixteen

  SEAN’S HEAD swam in a sea of confusion and pain. When they’d dragged him from the van, Ryker had injected Sean with something. He got dizzy, barely able to keep his eyes open. When they got him into a room and tossed him onto the bed, he was actually grateful, because Sean knew he would have fallen down.

  The click of the lock was loud in his ears. He was trapped, and there was no way Gareth would be able to save him. At one time he thought he heard Gareth’s voice in his head, but Sean was certain it was the drugs. He tried to answer, pleading with Gareth not to come. Sean didn’t want him to die.

  The door opened, and soft footsteps sounded as someone approached the bed.

  “Sean? Oh God, it is you!” Something cool and moist touched his forehead. “Why’d you come back?”

  Quinn’s voice. Hell, it was deep, rough. How long
had it been since Sean heard it? He tried to open his eyes, but it seemed they were sealed shut.

  “I missed you, Sean. I never stopped thinking about you. They told me that you were gone and that I had to accept it, but I never would.”

  Warmth filled Sean when his brother’s scent surrounded him. Quinn was here. He tried to speak, but the words came out garbled. He tried again but found he was unable to make his tongue work.

  “Save your strength. I have to get you out of here.”

  “He’s going nowhere, bitch. Get back to your room.”

  A loud crack sounded, followed by Quinn’s whimpers.

  “Yes, Master. I’m sorry, Master.”

  Another sound, this time a thud. “I catch you in here again, and you know what’s going to happen.”

  Fucking Ryker. He was terrorizing Quinn.

  “No, please, Master. It won’t happen again, I swear.” Footsteps scuffled away.

  “Even your brother is my bitch. When you left, your parents offered him to me in recompense. I waited to claim him until he was fourteen. I wanted to see if he was like you, but ultimately he turned out to be a disappointment. Once I found out he wasn’t an Omega, I had no use for him, so I tossed him to the pack.” Ryker shrugged. “Quinn was fun for a while, but then he got boring. Now? He’s the camp bitch, just like you will be.”

  They’d fucked Quinn? Raped his baby brother? Anger whirled inside Sean. Though he was afraid for Gareth’s safety, he needed his mate now.

  Gareth! I need you. Please, help me!

  Whether Gareth heard or not, Sean didn’t know. This time he tried to open his eyes, and when he did, he found Ryker standing over him, leering.

  “You’re awake. Good. I’d hate to think you’d sleep through what’s coming.” He reached down and stroked a hand over Sean’s belly. “My pup. I can’t wait until he meets his father.”

  Sean struggled to sit up, but he had no control over his body. “Not… yours….”

  Ryker sneered. “It should have been!” He scrubbed a hand over his hair and sighed. “He will be. Don’t you worry about that. When I have him, I won’t have any use for you. Then he’ll be raised here, among his loving pack, while you will take your brother’s place. Since he’s used up, we can get rid of him finally.” He growled. “Whining bitch needs to go.”

  How could his parents have done this? Bad enough they turned over Sean, but their only other son?

  “My parents—”

  An evil glint came into Ryker’s cold, dead eyes as he leaned in close to Sean and whispered, “Were very tasty.” He stepped away and licked his lips. “It was a hard winter, and meat was in short supply. I sent them out into the woods and told them if they survived, they’d be welcome back in the pack. Like your brother, they were a disappointment. It wasn’t even ten minutes before we took them down.” Ryker leered at Sean. “You know the rules: survival of the fittest. The weak and helpless are a drain on our resources and therefore have to go. But don’t worry, they made a magnificent stew.”

  They ate his parents? Sean’s stomach rolled over. Wolves were carnivores, but not supposed to be cannibals. This proved that Ryker had lost it.

  “The best part? Now that we have you, your brother is next. What do you think? Will he be tender?” Ryker jabbed Sean in the stomach. “And you’ll either eat what we serve you, or you’ll starve to death, and your baby will die too.”

  “Then you wouldn’t have him!”

  “There is more than one way, Sean.” Ryker stroked a hand over Sean’s face, causing his stomach to heave. “Now lie still and let the drugs do their work.”

  The room spun as Sean got so tired. His eyes drifted shut, and a moment later, the blackness claimed him.

  GARETH CROUCHED outside the fence that surrounded Ryker’s compound. Though Ryker had money, he wasn’t using it to better his pack. Gareth couldn’t understand why these people would follow Ryker, nor pay for Sean’s bounty. The ramshackle place gave Gareth the shivers. The buildings were in serious disrepair, with smashed windows, doors that hung off hinges, and roofs that had obvious leaks. The gates at the front were in better repair. The few people who moved slowly along the dirt paths that went through the place were nearly emaciated.

  He lifted his head and sniffed. Sean was definitely here. He knew he had to stay upwind so no one would scent him, but he wasn’t sure they’d be able to do anything to him if they did notice him. Ryker had to be ruling them through fear, because no way was he doing anything in their best interests.

  As Gareth made his way through the streets—or what laughably passed for them—he listened. No one complained. In fact, no one spoke at all. He caught a glimpse of a woman with a young girl bundled up, rushing through the door of a particularly ugly building. His blood boiled. This was what Dani had meant by helping those who needed it. Gareth vowed that once this was over, he would do whatever he could to make these people’s lives better.

  Sean? I’m here for you. Can you hear me?

  No reply.

  Sean? Baby. I’m here.

  He tried a few more times, then wondered if maybe he’d only thought he had heard Sean. No, he was certain. It had been Sean, and Gareth knew he was in this rathole. He slunk through, his ears perked, hoping to hear Sean, but registering nothing. As Gareth approached one building that looked like a converted warehouse, his heart sped up. Sean’s scent was stronger, and Gareth knew he was close.

  He shifted as he rounded the building. Being a wolf was great, but the lack of opposable thumbs limited him somewhat. He was surprised to find no one guarding the door. If Sean was as valuable as Ryker claimed, there should be an army standing watch. He tried the door, and of course, it was locked. If Ryker thought a door would keep him from his mate, he had another think coming. He glanced around and found no one nearby, so he raised his foot and slammed it into the door. A benefit of being a wolf was the added strength that came with it. The doorjamb splintered as it opened wide. Gareth entered the room and his blood ran cold. Sean lay there, unmoving. The scent of urine was overpowering. What had these bastards done to Sean? Gareth rushed to the bed and dropped to his knees.

  “Sean? Fuck, what did they do to you?” He shook Sean but got no response. Fine, he’d carry him out if he had to. Gareth pulled Sean up and threw him over one shoulder. When he turned, he was shocked to see a slender young man standing there, his eyes wide. “Listen, don’t yell, okay?” How the hell had he snuck up on Gareth? “Sean is my mate, and I’m taking him out of here.”

  Soft eyes blinked once or twice, and then the boy—kid—man swallowed. “He’s your mate? I thought those were myths.”

  “I thought so, too, but Sean is definitely mine. What’s your name?”

  The kid glanced around nervously. “Quinn.”

  Holy shit. “You’re Sean’s brother!”

  The boy winced and wrapped his arms around his chest. The kid needed to eat. Gareth could see the bones in his arms, and his face was tired and drawn.

  “Come on. We’re all getting out of here. Can you shift?”

  Quinn shook his head. “I haven’t been able to shift for years.” His sapphire-blue eyes misted. “I think my wolf is dead.”

  That was another thing Ryker would pay for, but now they had to get out. “Follow me, okay? Stay quiet and do exactly what I tell you.”

  Quinn’s eyes went wide. “I—I can’t…. If he finds out….”

  “Ryker is a dead man. I swear it. For now, we have to get you and Sean away from him.”


  Quinn turned to run, but Gareth clamped a hand on his shoulder, doing his best to be gentle. “What’s wrong?”

  Quinn’s lip trembled. “If I leave, Master will be angry.”

  “Master?” Gareth drew in a breath. “You mean Ryker.”

  A slow nod, followed by the lifting of Quinn’s shirt hem.

  It took tremendous willpower for Gareth not to puke.

  “He did that to you?”

� Quinn whispered. “It’s his mark of ownership.”

  The skin was raised and segmented, like a worm had burrowed underneath it and taken up residence. The symbol of a wolf glared back at Gareth. Ryker….

  “He doesn’t own you.” Gareth bit down on the growl that tried to escape. “No one does. Do you understand?”

  Quinn averted his gaze. “Take Sean and go, please. I… I was going to help him escape. I know it was wrong, because Master said so. But he’s my brother. When my parents sold him, I couldn’t believe they’d done that. I was angry and hurt and wished them dead. Then when Sean got away, I was so happy, I thought I’d burst. Until I came home and found Master waiting for me. He… he shackled me and dragged me from my home, while I screamed for my parents to help me. They didn’t move. Ryker brought me to his house and had Kristopher….” Quinn swallowed hard and reached up to trace the skin on his stomach. “Kristopher gave me my mark.”

  So now there were two people on Gareth’s list who needed to die. That was fine with him.

  “Listen to me. If I leave without you, Sean would never forgive me.” That wasn’t right. He needed to make Quinn understand how important Sean and Quinn were to him. “No, I would never forgive myself. You have a choice to make. Come with me on your own, or by Mother Moon, I will carry your ass out.”

  Quinn’s lips quivered as he glanced to the door, then back to Sean. “You swear you’ll take me with you?”

  “Yes, I promise on my life that you’ll be safe. But we have to go now.”

  “But Master—”

  “He is not your master. You are Sean’s brother, which makes you my brother-in-law. Who should you trust more, the man who loves your brother, or the man who is keeping him against his will?”


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