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The Night Wolf

Page 19

by Parker Williams

  “I would have told him he doesn’t have to do a damn thing! He’s not a servant here.”

  “No, you’re right. In his mind, though? He is. And coddling him, assuring him he’s fine and safe? That’s all well and good, but he won’t believe it. For too long he was abused, both physically and mentally. It’s going to take time to break down those walls and allow him to see who he is meant to be.”

  “And how do you know this? What makes you the expert?”

  “Major in forest management, minor in psychology. I wanted to understand why people do what they do when they set fires or screw up the land. I apologize if I overstepped, but—”

  “But what?”

  Deke’s shoulders slumped. “He’s mine. I don’t know how, but he is. Or at least he’s meant to be. Seeing him hurt and abused makes me want to curl up in a ball with him and never let another person near him again. Another part of me wants to track Ryker down and kill him slowly.”

  Deke was the second person who laid claim to a pack member. That had never happened before. Wolves didn’t have fated mates. Or did they? His own wolf knew from the instant it smelled Sean that he was theirs. Why was it so odd that others did too?

  “Please, Alpha. Let me help him. I know I can be what he needs but also give him help to be who he wants.”

  Gareth sighed. “I’ll need to speak to Sean, but if he agrees, then you have my blessing. Just…. Don’t hurt him, okay?”

  “I will guard him with my life. I swear it.”

  The words soothed Gareth and let him hope that Quinn would find peace again.

  Chapter Twenty

  “THE CHALLENGE is tomorrow. Do you think Gareth is ready?”

  Dr. Frank probed Sean’s stomach. Inside, Sean could feel the babies as they moved, and it awed him. He’d never considered what women went through when they gave birth. The sheer joy they had to experience with every new thing. Hard as it was to believe, Sean was going to miss being pregnant. Now he wished it had gone a full nine months, because the rapid growth of the kids made him sad that he was going to miss out on new things with them.

  “He’s as ready as he’s ever going to be.”

  “So are you. The skin over the pouch is thinning, and I think within the next week or so, you’re going to give birth.”

  “Already? I mean… I guess I’m happy, I just wish…. You know what? It doesn’t matter. I look forward to meeting my kids.”

  “You wish it wasn’t so soon? When we had our kids, my wife felt the same after each of them. It got worse as we grew older and they went out into the world and started lives of their own. Now the only thing that makes it work for her is she has a passel of grandkids to spoil rotten.”

  God, Sean hadn’t even thought about the future. He imagined his kids as helpless babies, but what about when they were toddlers and asking all kinds of questions, or when they started running around? God, what about their first dates? When they went away to school? Oh crap, what about when they met their love and got married?

  Sean groaned. “I’m so not ready for this.”

  “No parent ever is. There’s going to be a lot of times you ask yourself, ‘What if I screw this up?’ and you won’t have an answer. During that time, keep in mind that for countless years, people have been having babies—being parents—and somehow through it all, we survived and prospered. Your kids will too. With Gareth as a father, and you as… well, the other father, what kid wouldn’t know they’re loved completely?”

  “Thank you, Dr. Frank.” The man had an awesome bedside manner. “You don’t know how much I appreciate you.”

  Dr. Frank patted him on the shoulder. “I’m the one who should be thanking you. You’ve injected something this town sorely needed. I’ve never seen Dani or Gareth so happy. I’m willing to bet that when the town finds out you’re pregnant, they’re going to be over the moon.”

  “Oh, they’re going to find out soon enough, honest.”

  Dr. Frank gave him the most curious look. “Why does it seem to me like you know something and the rest of us are ten steps behind?”

  Sean’s answer was what he hoped to be an enigmatic smile. Soon everyone in the pack would know exactly who—and what—Sean was. He no longer feared it. In fact, he was looking forward to the big reveal.

  “Okay, you can get dressed. Things are looking good.”

  Sean got off the table and slipped into his sweatpants and oversized sweatshirt. “Thank you for everything, Dr. Frank.”

  “Anytime, Sean. I have to admit, I’m just as anxious as you to see the twins being born. I’m fascinated by how your body is handling being pregnant.” He gave Sean a warm smile. “Plus, I’m looking forward to me and the missus spoiling them.”

  This, Sean decided, was family. He’d once heard it took a village to raise a kid, and they were right. Every person in Lydon was pack—family—and they all looked out for one another. Gareth had been working on getting things in order, should the people from Ryker’s pack want to join them. Of course, they’d have to be careful not to bring in any of the people who’d abused others, but beyond that, they’d be welcome.

  It was hard for Sean to believe that ten years of being on the run were coming to an end. It was only a matter of time before Gareth—and everyone else—knew the whole truth about who and what Sean was, but he was willing to bet that the news would be met with awe and amazement.

  He touched his fingers to his stomach. The little ones were antsy today, squirming around. Like they were holding their breath and waiting for the whole world to change before they stepped into it.

  Well, Sean was ready. He just hoped the world was.

  “ARE YOU nervous, Alpha?”

  Gareth knew he should be. In a few scant hours, he would be leaving Lydon to fight Ryker to the death, but he wasn’t nervous in the least. He’d slept well last night, with Sean curled up beside him. He hadn’t fretted over the upcoming fight at all, and that bolstered his confidence.

  “No, I’m not. I’m doing this for all the people Ryker’s hurt, and I know I’m going to win.” Because there was no other choice. “And I hope you’re ready for Lydon to grow, because we’re going to be having a lot of new people.”

  Lyram grinned. “I’m ready. Deke has a crew doing work on building new cabins for temporary use, until we can get enough housing done. It’s a good thing Lydon is so big, because we’re going to need a lot of room.”

  They were, and it filled Gareth with hope that he’d be following his father’s dream of united packs.

  “What about the rest of it?”

  “Dr. Frank has reached out to some colleagues who will be standing by in case we have children or adults who need to talk about what’s happened to them. We’ve stocked up on extra food and blankets, and I’ve got about two hundred rollaways coming in. The people of the town are also offering up spare rooms, couches, and whatever else we’ll need.”

  Gareth was beside himself with joy. His pack—his people—were amazing. Even if Ryker’s people didn’t want to come to Lydon, they still needed help. He’d witnessed how bad off the other pack was, and he’d made a promise to a little girl that he would make things better.

  “Excellent. Tell Deke that he has to get these houses done ASAP. I don’t care who he has to call in or how much it’ll cost.”

  “Of course, Alpha. He’s spreading them out, so people can have room instead of being pressed together. That means it’s going to take a little longer.”

  “Then double the crew. Triple it. Have them work additional shifts if they’re willing. This is a priority.”

  Sean came into the room, his belly round and soft. He didn’t look pregnant, just very well fed. “Are you ready?”

  “I am.” He put a hand on Sean’s shoulder. “You don’t have to come.”

  “No, I really do. Dr. Frank says I’m good for another week or so, and it’ll be fine.”

  “Is there anything else we need to discuss, Lyram?”

  “No, Alpha. I’ve
got it all under control.”

  “Then I need a bit of time with Sean, if that’s okay.”

  He grinned. “Of course. Enjoy yourselves.” He winked at Sean, then left.

  “Come with me.”

  Sean followed him into the great room, where Gareth had started a fire. It was warm and toasty and time to fulfill the wish his wolf had shown him.

  “Shift for me, please.”

  Sean’s eyes popped open, but then he slowly stripped off his clothes. With wide-eyed fascination, Gareth watched as Sean morphed from his beautiful mate to an exquisite red wolf. As soon as Sean was settled, Gareth repeated the actions. They stood, facing each other, and then Gareth nudged Sean closer to the fire. As soon as Sean lay down, Gareth wrapped around him, resting his head over Sean’s neck.

  This, as far as Gareth was concerned, was perfection. He wanted more of this. Wanted the dream he’d had of their son and daughter, laughing and loving. Of being the family he’d always known he wanted.

  They lay together for hours, until the sun dipped below the horizon. It was time for Gareth to meet Ryker and for this whole threat to his family to end. When he stood, Sean whined, a sweet and pouty sound. Gareth chuffed and gently bit his neck. The grumble that came out as Sean got up was every bit as adorable as the whine. God, he loved Sean with all his heart and soul.

  They shifted back, then dressed. Neither of them spoke, because what was there to say? Gareth refused to say anything that might upset Sean. He’d spoken privately with Lyram and told him that if things didn’t go the way he expected, Lyram was to get Sean out of Lydon and somewhere safe. No matter what, Sean and the babies needed to be taken somewhere they could flourish.

  “You don’t have to come,” Gareth reminded Sean.

  “Trust me, you’re going to want me there. Today will be the start of a whole new era for wolves and humans alike.”

  What a curious statement. “What do you mean?”

  “Ryker has been a scourge on wolves for far too long. Today, that’s going to end. People who lost hope will once again be able to walk out in the sunshine and have it warm their faces.” Sean swallowed hard. “I was one of those. You took me in and gave me a home, a life…. I honestly thought I would die out there as a wolf, never again knowing my human form. Then this white knight showed up and literally swept me off my feet. He brought me here, to a haven, where the people showed love and kindness. He gave of himself, expecting nothing in return. For the first time in my life, I didn’t hate an Alpha. I discovered that there are good ones too. You and Lyram? You’re incredible. So thank you for… I guess, for my life.”

  He wrapped his arms around Gareth’s waist and hung on. Gareth rested his chin atop Sean’s head, inhaling the scent that told him this was his home, and now the time had come to protect it.

  The time had come for Ryker to die.

  WITH DANI beside him, Sean waited for Gareth and Ryker to step from Ryker’s compound. They hadn’t yet announced how the fight would take place, but a large crowd had already formed. People from Lydon were on one side, while Ryker’s pack stood on the other. Sean could see hope and fear in their expressions, and it broke his heart knowing that in his own way, he was responsible for their suffering, for what happened to Quinn…. For all of it.

  When Quinn had heard Gareth was going to fight Ryker, he’d gone into a meltdown. He fretted over what would happen if Ryker got his hands on Quinn again. No matter how much Sean tried to reassure him, he wouldn’t be consoled. Sean even tried to use his Omega abilities to help Quinn relax, but it was all for naught. In desperation, Gareth had called Deke, who’d come over and, with a few quiet words, calmed Quinn down. Now the two of them were in Lydon, with Deke watching over Quinn, giving him tasks to occupy his mind. Though Sean wished it didn’t need to be that way, he could see Gareth had been right. Deke needed to take control for Quinn to feel safe.

  A ripple of murmured words floated through the crowd as the doors to Ryker’s place opened and he strode out, followed by Gareth. Both men had on crimson robes, cinched around the waist with a gold cord, though the difference in the two men was remarkable. Gareth was reserved, but scanned the crowd, and when he noticed Sean, he smiled. Ryker, on the other hand, was cocky, even for him. Sean was sure he’d planned something, especially since his enforcer, Kristopher, was nowhere to be seen.

  Gareth? Can you hear me?

  Sean. The word came through like a sigh. I can hear you, love. I’ve missed having your voice in my head.

  That had been Sean’s doing. He knew it was wrong, but he needed to keep secrets, and if Gareth had been able to get into Sean’s thoughts, the whole thing might not play out like it was supposed to.

  It’s good to hear you too. Listen, did you see Kristopher in Ryker’s?

  No. I couldn’t smell him either. I’m guessing that’s a bad thing.

  It means that Ryker’s going to try to cheat. Be careful, okay?

  Of course. I’ve got too much to live for to get sloppy.

  “Shut the fuck up!” Ryker roared, bringing the crowd to silence. “The Alpha from the pack of Lydon has challenged me for control of the Desmond pack. In accordance with tradition, I have accepted with the following stipulations: one-on-one combat, Alphas only. No other pack member may interfere. The fight will continue until one of us is dead. Now, as the challenged party, I am entitled to choose the forms. As such, I will use my wolf form, while Alpha Blackthorn must remain human.”

  A gasp rose from the crowd, and a sick smile crossed Ryker’s face. This was how he’d won his other challenges. His wolf form was massive, and he’d torn out the throats of more than one person without breaking a sweat.

  “The prize is control of the pack, the lands, and”—he gestured to Sean—“the Omega.”

  All around Sean, the word Omega was on everyone’s lips. They turned and looked at him, and the hope he’d seen moments before bloomed into full-on need. Now was time to start the healing.

  He stood, and a hush fell over the crowd. “Some of you know me, others may not. I was a member of Desmond’s pack until Ryker discovered I was an Omega. He wanted to use me to control people. To utilize my abilities for what he believes will give him power. I’m here today to tell you that will not happen.”

  Ryker sneered. “You will be my bitch once again. I promise you that.”

  Sean gave a soft smile, then lifted his shirt, exposing his belly. “My babies and I think differently, you bastard.”

  The crowd’s voices rose, words like “with child” and “Ryker was going to hurt an Omega” spreading like wildfire.

  “Yes, Ryker kidnapped me, took me away from the father of my children, and wanted to force me to be his. He’s also abused and tortured my brother, and I know for a fact that some of you are aware of it and took part in it. This will not be forgiven or forgotten.”

  Sean was about to continue when something sharp was pressed into his lower back.

  “Say one more word, and I’ll gut you here and now.”

  Kristopher! Sean should have seen this coming. Kristopher couldn’t interfere with the fight directly, so instead he was going to make Gareth lose by threatening his mate. Gareth saw him, too, because he started toward Sean.

  “Move out of the area and you forfeit!” Ryker’s gaze narrowed. “You don’t want to lose that way, do you? Better to die as a man than run like a coward. What will it be, Blackthorn?”

  Sean shook his head, and Gareth turned back to Ryker.

  “Fine, but tell your enforcer to step away from my mate.”

  “No, I think not. See, he’s been given his instructions, so he knows what to do. Fight me and win, Kristopher kills Sean. Fight me and lose, the pleasure will be mine to end his life. Either way, today he dies.”


  I’m okay, Gareth. Do what you have to. I promise, this is all going to be fine.

  Ryker untied the robe and let it slip from his body. Margaret rushed forward and retrieved it, then hurried off to the side
once more. Gareth’s movements were much more deliberate. He undid the belt, then took the robe off. Both men stood naked, and Sean noted their similarities. There were also differences that were important. Where Ryker’s body was bulky with muscles, Gareth, though nearly as big, was toned and fit. He stood there, in all his glory. His skin was dusky in the fading light. He folded the robe, then turned and placed it in Margaret’s outstretched hands. Her expression as she gazed at Gareth told Sean everything he needed to know. She wanted Gareth to win, to take her from this life of pain and misery. Sean wanted the same thing, and though he was certain of the outcome, he held his breath, because the best-laid plans of mice and wolves could often go awry.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  GARETH’S MIND was going overtime. Sean could die, no matter what Gareth did. He’d said everything was fine, but how could it be? He turned to see Ryker’s smug grin as he shifted into the biggest gray wolf Gareth had ever seen. His teeth were larger than Gareth’s finger, sharp and dripping with saliva. He lunged and snarled, but Gareth wouldn’t let Ryker intimidate him.

  The two stood staring at each other, and Gareth assumed Ryker wanted Gareth to make the first move, but that wasn’t going to happen. He might not be a fighter, but Gareth also didn’t act in haste. He would wait for his opportunity to strike and hope to hell he could win and save Sean. If he won and Sean died, then he still lost it all.

  “I knew you couldn’t be trusted not to cheat.” Gareth edged closer. “Is that how you beat everyone else? You’ve always had Kristopher as your ace in the hole. You’d threaten someone, and the Alpha would have no choice but to surrender and die. So you know, I’m not like them. Yes, you have Sean, but nothing on earth will stop me from killing you. Sean told me to fight, and I’m going to.”

  Ryker’s eyes narrowed and he leaped forward, going directly for Gareth’s throat. With a twist of his body, Gareth sidestepped the attack, causing Ryker to crash to the ground. He got up, shook, then stalked toward Gareth again.


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