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Eight Little Letters (I Love You)

Page 5

by Breanna Hayse

  "Faith... " His voice was filled with disappointment. "Why do you do things like this? You know I don't enjoying punishing you, yet you have this need to test me."

  "I'm sorry..."

  "You will be. These pouting fits and temper tantrums will cease immediately. After tonight, your bottom, at least, will know that I am serious about this. Come over here and turn yourself over my knee."

  "Please, Don, I really didn't mean anything," Faith began to plead, turning to him.

  His facial expression was set in grim determination. "You are already in enough trouble, young lady. Don't procrastinate when I tell you to do something."

  Faith whimpered as she dragged her feet to stand by his side and then reluctantly stretched her stomach to rest over the flats of his thighs. Donavan pushed the T-shirt clear to her breasts, exposing the entire lower half of her body to him. He placed his hand upon the crown of her bottom, admiring the distinct line between the cool snowy white flesh and the hot, dark pink skin from the sunburn.

  "I am truly disappointed in you," he scolded, shifting so that his right knee was slightly higher than his left, lifting her bottom to a more prominent position. "This behavior will not happen again."

  His palm swooped down across the white moons, ending in a sharp cracking sound as flesh met flesh. Faith gasped, arching her back and stiffening her body. His hand fell again, catching the hot underside of her derriere and she screeched.

  "Oh, My God! The sunburn, Don! Not over the sunburn!"

  "I think that will make things very effective, don't you? Something you will remember for a few days."

  "Nooo! Please, don't... OW! OWWW!" Faith cried out, scissor-kicking to escape as he smacked that tender sweet spot that framed the V of her thighs. The sparse areas of white in the folds that had escaped the sun were his targets, and Donavon sought to make them match the same color at the hot skin around them. His palm landed over fifty times, reducing Faith to a puddle of tears. It was then he picked up the belt and laid it across the span of her backside.

  "In the future, your strapping will be held with you either standing or laying across pillows. Because you are sunburned, I want to make sure you will receive what you deserve without damaging your skin. Consider yourself fortunate, little girl, that I am a fair man."

  Fairness was the last thing on Faith's mind as the first lash of the heavy strap kissed the tops of her mounds. She wailed her protest, pushing her torso high in the air with the heels of her hands on his thigh.

  "Get those legs and head down, young lady. A belting is for a serious offense and your attitude has warranted this."

  "I'm so so sorry! Donavon, you are killing me!"

  "A strapping is not going to kill you. But your naughtiness... that will be put to rest. No more tantrums," Donavon said, emphasizing his words with a fall of leather snapping across her tender nates. Faith howled, kicking and clawing her way to try to escape, sobs catching in her throat as her strict husband continued to paint red welts across the entirety of her backend. The belting, magnified by the sunburn, proved an effective deterrent. Faith swore she would never throw another fit again.

  She lost count of the number of spanks she received as the fight slowly slipped out of her. She crumbled, only holding his calf with her right arm as she sobbed into his leg. Donavon strapped her four more times and then placed the belt upon the bed next to him.

  "On the floor, Faith. Get on your hands and knees and put your head down. Lift that bottom high in the air so I can see every little red inch of it."

  Faith felt the heat of embarrassment as she obeyed, picturing the image he received as he looked at her open display of her more private areas. She did not know what was more humiliating- the fact he was looking at her so boldly and not touching, or the fact that she was open for him to touch in anyway he desired.

  Faith hiccupped in her arms as Donavon strolled around her kneeling form several times, making his presence silently known. He finally squatted down to look at her face.

  "You are grounded through tomorrow night, Miss Faith. You are not to leave this room, watch TV, read or listen to music. I will bring you meals. Any arguing and my belt comes off again. Understand?"

  "Why are you being so mean to me?" Faith cried miserably.

  "I am being firm with you. These tantrums can ruin a marriage and I will not stand back silently and let that happen. I love you too much."

  He gathered her in his arms and held her against his shoulder as she cried some more. Despite the horrid stinging in her bottom, Faith felt safe and secure. She was also determined never again to repeat that same mistake...


  Letter #3

  My dearest Darling,

  I miss you more than you could ever know. Tempers here are flying off the handle lately because it has rained, non-stop, for over two weeks. I think the only ones not bothered are the mosquitoes. They are certainly having one hell of a party-- and we are the treats.

  I hate bugs.

  I was sitting in my shelter, watching a huge green snake slither around a tree. The Captain said it’s a Bulian, also called an oriental whip snake. Besides the fact it is absolutely gorgeous (and not poisonous, thank God), it reminded me so much of that time we went to visit my folks before they moved. Do you remember? You wore that skin-tight green dress....

  And yes, you were right about needing more socks. It is so wet here that it is hard to dry anything, even over a fire. It is odd… I never feel so waterlogged when we dive for hours on end, but sitting here in the jungle makes me feel positively pruney.

  I am sorry I couldn't dry a flower for you, but I did enclose a pretty good sketching of my little snake-friend. Okay! I confess! A buddy drew it... you know I can't even diddle a stick guy.

  I love you. Again, those eight little letters are so inadequate when it comes to how I feel. Take care of yourself, baby. I am sending kisses (and other modes of affection... wink. wink.)

  Forever yours,


  Faith smiled as she slid the snake picture and the letter, tucked neatly in its envelope, into her photo album. She certainly did remember that little green dress. Faith had been visiting her mother-in-law, who immediately purchased the unique dress as a 'gift' for when Donavon came back home from a three-month exercise in San Diego. His parents had invited them to come up to Quantico and spend the weekend to catch up. Faith saw this as the perfect opportunity to wear it for him, knowing she would have her mother-in-law’s support.

  The three-hour drive to Quantico was spent with Faith listening to Donavon's stories about surfing and diving adventures during his trip.

  "So did you ever work? It sounds like they sent you on an all-expense paid vacation," Faith said with a laugh.

  "That was work! Well, not the surfing, but the diving. We went into old wrecks and shuffled around the reefs. Why are you laughing, brat?"

  "You are like a little boy when you talk about diving. It's cute. I missed you. I'm glad we had Skype."

  "We were lucky this time. I don't always have that luxury when I'm sent out. Are you sure you are okay with us seeing my folks so soon after I got home? It's their anniversary..."

  "I'm fine, honey. I love your parents. They've been very supportive and always check on me. Not many girls can say they love their in-laws, but I am one of them."

  "We will be staying in the guest house, so...."

  "So? Is there something you wanted to do in the guest house, Donavon?" Faith asked innocently. Her face reddened as Donavon bluntly described the myriad of things he had in mind, including the use of a special device he found at this one store called 'The Crypt'. He refused to reveal its identity to her!

  "You are more of a brat than I am," Faith said, pouting, but quickly straightening her face when his finger wagged in warning.

  "No pouting. Not unless you want me to stop the car and begin our time together with a spanking."

  "Not fair!" Faith stuck her lower lip out, eyeing him playfully.
/>   "I see where this is going. Very well," Donavon grunted good-naturedly as he pulled over to the side of the wooded road and parked the car. "It seems I need to remind you of some rules."

  "Nu uh," Faith giggled, pulling away from him. "You can kiss me though."

  "Oh, I will. After I redden that naughty little bottom of yours," Donavon chuckled, shifting the bench seat in his truck all the way back to give him more legroom. Faith squealed as he easily pulled her across his lap after centering himself in the middle of the bench. Her head rested on the seat as he deftly reached around to unsnap her jeans and yank them down past her thighs.

  "Ah, I missed this bottom. So white and soft." He caressed her backside, making her squirm. "I can remedy that."

  His palm joined her flesh with a clap, making her both yelp and groan at the same time. Twice more, he smacked her soundly, and then rubbed the light pink area. Faith lifted her bottom slightly, inviting more play. Donavon complied.

  Smack! Smack! Smack! His hand alternated sides as he began to spank her earnestly, his blows hard enough to make her squirm from the sting, but not severe enough to cause her distress. At least, not distress from the pain. He was lighting a fire in her lady parts, a fire that would need to be dealt with very soon.

  "Such a naughty little bottom," he scolded playfully, spanking her fully across the bouncing globes, "a bottom that needs to be spanked often to remind it how to behave."

  "A bottom that is needing more than a spanking right now, Mister Navy Seal," Faith squeaked, rubbing her groin against his thigh.

  "Are you suggesting that this bottom gets some loving, girlie?" Donavon asked, happily smacking her backside and watching with fascination as her red cheeks rose to meet his hand.

  "Duh! I happen to have the needed supplies in my purse if you can stop... OW! Spanking long enough to get them. OW! Hey!"

  "I love hearing you 'ow' me," Donavon laughed, "That is the only way I know you are feeling it. Let's get some more and then I'll look through your purse."

  "OWWWW! Not so hard!' Faith begged, trying not to laugh. "Don!"

  "On second thought, I think I will let you suffer for a while. Sit up and plant your bare bottom on the seat for the rest of the trip."


  "I'm in a slightly sadistic mood," Donavon said, grinning. "Strap yourself in. Bare bottom on the seat, now. No playing with yourself, either."

  Faith squirmed against the leather seat cover, feeling her juices covering her thighs and bottom cheeks. The occasional bumping of the moving truck sent shocks of need through her body.

  "I knew I shouldn't have given you that blow job when we started this trip." She pouted again. "I'm so horny!"

  "I was very pleased with that gift, darling. Although it doesn't make for safe driving."

  "What about meeeeeee?"

  "Youuuuu can wait until later. Do I have to have you sit on your hands?"

  "Not fair!"

  "Nope, never is," Donavon laughed.

  Faith adjusted her jeans just prior to pulling into his parent's driveway, her thighs and bottom still wet from her copious juices. She shot a look at Donavon. "This truck is going to smell like sex, thanks to your mean little stunt."

  "Good, I love that scent. Hand me your bag."

  "Nothing bothers you, does it?"

  "Nope," Donavon said, knocking on the door. After spending an hour chatting, the couple retired to the guesthouse to prepare to go out for dinner.

  That was her chance. Faith wriggled into the sheath-like dress made of a green and black textured fabric that resembled a reptile. The pattern emphasized every curve she had, especially that of her posterior, and the front plunged to the mid-torso, with black lacing holding it closed. She slipped on a pair of black high heels and studied herself in the mirror.

  The outfit was seductive and, yes, a little slutty. It was certainly very different from her normal, more conservative attire. But, as her mother-in-law had advised, a girl's gotta do what's necessary to get her man's attention.

  Donavon had already joined his parents by the time Faith emerged. Sylvia covered her mouth to prevent laughing as both her husband and son gawked at the beautiful sprite that stood before them.

  "You're not going out like that!" both of them bellowed in unison.

  "Wanna bet?" Faith grinned, locking her elbow with Sylvia. "I'm not going to insult my mother-in-law by not wearing the dress she bought me."

  "YOU bought that little girl a dress like that?" Ray choked out.

  "I certainly did. She is lovely, don't you think?" Sylvia asked proudly.

  "I, uh, I... damn," Donavon stuttered, speechless.

  "Cat got your tongue, honey? Let's go, I am starving," Sylvia said humorously as she grabbed her purse.

  Donavon shook his head. "She needs something to cover her. The dress barely covers anything."

  "It covers enough, son. Since when have you and dad become such prudes? Faith, let's go before they begin to shrivel with old age before our very eyes."

  Faith resisted an audible giggle as Sylvia led her outside. The woman hugged her tightly. "I am so going to get my backend wholluped for this, but some things are just worth the reaction."

  "Does Ray really spank you?" Faith whispered. "Donavon told me your family was into domestic discipline, but..."

  "I gather my son has followed his father's footsteps? Yes, dear, it's true, and I would not have it any other way. It keeps things... interesting." Sylvia laughed.

  "I won't argue with you there. Here they come. Oh Lord, Donavon is carrying a shawl!"

  "Leave it in the car when you get out. This dress should keep his blood boiling through dinner."

  "Now I know where he gets his sadistic tendencies from. You're mean," Faith snickered.

  Sylvia was right. Donavon was unable to keep his eyes averted from Faith the entire meal. More so, Sylvia maneuvered things so the couple sat across from each other and he was unable to touch her.

  "Mom, I seriously hope Dad is aware of what you are doing," Donavon scolded as they sipped the after-dinner coffee. "You have been orchestrating my suffering through the entire night."

  "Oh, I see it just fine, my boy. She will get hers later. Trust me," Ray said, eyeing his grinning wife. "Faith, I seriously hope you do not take too many lessons from this woman. It will bring you nothing but a sore bottom."

  "And a happy heart," Sylvia added. Ray grunted in response, making Faith smile. Now she knew where Donavon learned the habit.

  After saying goodnight, the couple retreated to the guesthouse. Donavon closed the door firmly behind him and locked it before turning to face his beautiful, sensual pixie. His mouth closed on hers before a word was uttered.

  "Get this damn dress off before it gets torn," he ordered huskily as he tried to peel the material from her body.

  "No," Faith said simply, enjoying the momentary power she held as she glanced at his cock straining against his trousers.

  Donavon growled and sent her sprawling over his lap, his hand heartily falling with resounding blows upon the upended posterior. Faith moaned with pleasure, the spanking muted by the material left her with the need for more. Inch by inch, her wriggling over Donavon's knees caused the dress to move upwards and expose, shockingly, a pantyless bottom!

  "You went out in public without underwear?" Donavon asked, shocked. "In a dress so short that anyone could have seen you?"

  Faith twisted her head to look at him, grasping his pants legs to support herself. She grinned. "Got a problem with that?"

  With a growl, Donavon lit into the exposed derriere, his spanks no longer playful. Faith's grin quickly vanished as she recognized her mistake.

  "I thought you would like it!" she yelped, held fast by his left arm around her waist. "I wanted to turn you on."

  "You are an officer's wife, missy," Donavon scolded without breaking rhythm of the spanking. "You are to hold yourself as an example to others. Showing the world your pussy is not acceptable."

  "But no
one saw anything! Ow! It was stupid of me, okay? OWWW!" Tears were close. Faith also knew that had he been truly angry, she would have been begging for mercy by now.

  "You are never to go anywhere without panties again. No more slutty dresses, either. This goes in the trash as soon as we get home, understand?" Donavon ordered, focusing on the delicate folds under the curve of her bottom. He stopped when he heard her choke back a cry and rested his hand on the bright red globes. "Where is your purse?"

  Faith responded by simply pointing as she fought back her tears. Her eyes widened as she felt him pry her cheeks apart and rest a lubricated finger on her bottom hole. He began to massage around it, slowly dipping it inside of the right entrance. Faith ceased squirming and froze in place, adjusting to the sensation of being penetrated with his digit. He had played with her anally before, and it was something she enjoyed in small doses, but she had a feeling that tonight would be more than just his finger.

  "Bad girls like you need to learn a special lesson, don't they?" he asked, dipping his finger inside of her and holding it there. She involuntarily squeezed the digit, causing him to move it up and down. "Bad girls also need to know who is in charge. You are a very bad, bad girl, Faith. Your naughtiness needs to be curbed tonight. Stand up and take off that dress. No rubbing that bottom either."

  Faith obeyed, resisting grabbing her tender cheeks. She stood naked before him except for her high heels. For some odd reason, leaving her shoes in place made her feel even more naked than ever, and more vulnerable.

  Donavon reached into his weekend bag and removed a black coil of material. Faith's eyes widened as he slowly unwrapped it before her.

  "I found this in a little sex shop a few weekends ago. I thought it would be fun to play with, but I think it will provide just the amount of discipline your defiant little attitude needs," Donavon announced, securing one part of the harness around her waist. A strap that divided into two sections fell down her back and he attached the ends to the top of both her thighs. He led her to the bed and pressed her to her hands and knees.


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