Your Change is Coming
Page 27
Each deacon of the church bowed their head down in prayer and asked God for forgiveness. After praying Jeff stood up from his knees and said,
"How can you all put Mantel in the same category as Pastor Fred? God has forgiven John Newtown, a slave trader, who wrote the song, 'Amazing grace'. He can surely forgive Naomi and her father too. Gossips and rumours are worse than adultery. I say we get behind Pastor Mantel and tell those people who have been peddling lies and deceit to shut their mouths."
Margaret shook her head in agreement with Jeff whilst Phil looked on in disgust and a pensive looking Elder Jack who wanted Evangelist Zoe to replace Mantel as the new pastor of the church held his tongue. Jeff had the better of them both. Sister Edna surprised everyone with her suggestion that Mantel should take one of her six daughters hand in marriage. She thought that the rumours would be squashed by him marrying one of her daughters. Everyone was impressed with Sister Edna idea except for Jeff.
"No disrespect to your beautiful and intelligent daughters, Sister Edna. I trust that either one of them would make a good marriage. I hope you don't take this the wrong way. Mantel is in love with Naomi."
"We rest our case," replied Phil.
"This doesn't mean his judgment is obscured. He has always served God with the best of his abilities. Mantel affection for Naomi is completely honourable. He is the perfect gentleman."
"The most honourable thing he can do is to end his relationship with Naomi for the good of the church."
Margaret supported Jeff in the meeting. She was extremely upset with Phil and changed her allegiance to Jeff. Margaret was on a roll. The battle lines were drawn with Phil.
"We have all sinned and have committed wrongdoings in our lives. We mustn't push Mantel into a corner without any prove and we know he will never end his relationship with Naomi," said Margaret.
"If that is the case you will leave the church with no alternative option but to call time on his pastoral role," replied Phil.
"Did God tell you this or did this come from you, Phil?" enquired Margaret.
Phil remains quiet and voided further eye to contact with Margaret and the rest.
"It is you that is causing the problem, Phil," replied Sister Edna.
A look of apprehension was etched across the faces of all the sisters around the table. Sister Ruby was outraged that God was not involved in the decision making process. Sister Ruby was vexed with Phil.
"Brother Phil and Elder Jack answer the question or hold your peace," asked Sister Ruby.
They side tracked questions by asking another questions. A ply favoured by politicians.
"Do you think God wants the church to be broken up?"
"Exactly" and "This is why Jeff will need to speak to Mantel about."
They agreed that Jeff should discuss with Mantel his relationship with Naomi. A few moments later, Mantel entered the room a few minutes later he apologized for being late.
"Hello God's people."
"Hello Pastor Mantel," they said.
They all departed from the room with stern faces. They were totally despondence to Mantel enthusiasm. He was puzzled by the expressions shown on their faces.
"Is there something wrong with the Deacons, Jeff?"
"You can tell me. I'm a big boy."
"I know that."
"Well, what is it?"
"It's a very delicate matter of the heart" and "I have always been honest with you, Mantel."
"I value your honesty, Jeff."
"Do you have feelings for Naomi?"
"She is a bright spark in my life."
"Yes. Do you have feelings for Naomi?"
"She is the most wonderful person I know."
"Yes. Do you have feelings for Naomi?"
"I adore her."
"Do you love her?"
"You know I have always loved her" and "Why are you asking me these questions?"
"Do you love her, Mantel?"
"Yes Jeff."
"Are you aware that there are some members in the leadership team who have never forgiven Naomi's father for breaking up the church?"
"I don't care what they think."
"What they think is important, Mantel. They have the power to terminate your contract. I will support you as always. I am sure that the sisters in the church will back you as well."
"What else do you want to tell me, Jeff?"
"It can wait another day."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes Mantel."
"You know there are certain deacons in the church who would be happy for me to resign" and "I will not give them the satisfaction of resigning unless it's God's plan."
"They want you to give up your relationship with Naomi, Mantel."
"My relationship with Naomi is purely plutonic and she is not responsible for her father infidelities. I will be sensitive to the deacons' views but at no point will I abandon those who are hurting and suffering."
Mantel felt cheated and depressed. He had pastured the church for over 5 years without pay. Before pasturing the church he spent most of his young adult life ministering to the youths under the leadership of Pastor Fred. He was committed to the church.
"Dad refused to quit working on the buses despite a little English girl innocently calling him a monkey."
"The girl was not to be blame as she was a by-product of Darwinism, Mantel."
"I can't imagine how a monkey could have possibly driven a West Midland double Decker bus."
"The point is my dad and mum was no quitters and I'm not a quitter too. I will serve the church until I take my last breath and my love for Naomi will not prevent me from ministering the gospel."
Mantel proved to Jeff how determined and single minded he was in serving the church.
"Thank you, Mantel. That is what I like to hear from you. Christ will build his church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it."
"Is there something else you are not sharing with me, Jeff?"
"I've told you everything I know, Mantel."
"I have known you, Jeff for more than ten years. So what's bugging you, Jeff?"
"You're hiding information from me about Naomi's boyfriend."
"Naomi has no boyfriend. She is single."
"You can tell me, Jeff. Who was he?"
"I don't know who he is. Naomi told Jill he was an older man."
"Was he more like a father figure?"
"He was more like Denzel Washington without the money. Don't you tell either Jill or Naomi that I told you or I will be cooking my own meals."
"Let me guess who he is."
Mantel paused for a few seconds pondering who the culprit was. Jeff had given him a hint. The lines on Mantel forehead became more pronounced.
"Oh my god tells me it is not him. It can't be him."
"What on earth are you talking about Mantel?"
"I had the strangest feeling it was grumpy old Phil."
"You don't know that for sure."
"It's him alright. Phil's behaviour has become much more antagonistic towards me ever since I brought Naomi to the last home group meeting."
"Phil can be a bit lukewarm with everyone," declared Jeff.
"Yes. But he was rather excitable in the presence of Naomi. He was extremely attentive to her."
"He was swarming around her like bees hovering around a honey comb. Did you see his eyes glaring intensively at her?"
"No Mantel. I didn't notice him appreciating Naomi."
"He had fixation on Naomi when he helped her with the coat."
"What if Naomi former boyfriend was Phil."
"She will need to move on from that relationship. I want you to listen to me, Mantel. Naomi is like the Samaritan woman at the well. In the past she had too many unsuitable relationships until Jesus showed up in her life."
"Are you listening to me, Mantel?"
"Naomi was searching for purpose in her lif
e ever since her mum went into care and her father was imprisoned. She is no longer dissatisfied with her lot as Jesus has become the pivotal point in her life. Don't be bitter with Naomi nor Phil. They have done wrong and need our support and guidance."
"I need time to think, Jeff."
"Take all the time you need. We love you bro and call me anytime."
An upset Mantel walked towards the exit door without saying goodbyes to either Phil or Margaret. Phil marched into the living room. He stared studiously at Jeff.
"Have you told him?"
"Yes. But..."
"But what..."
"I am not happy with your treatment of Mantel and Elder Jack calling this meeting to ostracise him. Mantel is a good man and he doesn't deserve to be treated unfairly."
"Is it fair for the church to be deceived and to be served by a fallen pastor who is misled by a temptress?"
"Don't throw rocks unless you have not fallen into temptation yourself, Phil."
"What do you mean by that, Jeff?"
"You know exactly what I meant?"
Phil looked angrily at Jeff with both his eyes showing red blood vessels. Jeff had outsmarted him and he wasn't happy to be found out.
"I'll see myself out and we'll talk on the phone later."
It was the hottest day in October with temperatures rising to 30 centigrade. Lower Ashworth was experiencing a Caribbean heat wave. It was the most unusual weather for this time of the year. There was another strange event which happened when Phil made a house call to Naomi flat.
"What are you doing here, Phil? Are you lost?"
"No Naomi. I am here to do God's will."
Naomi was even more suspicious of Phil's intentions. In the past, Phil had been devious in his dealings with her. He was always scheming or plotting the downfall of others. He wanted something from Naomi to solely meet his own needs and purposes. She needed to know what it was.
"Why are you here Phil? Are you here to dig up more dirt?"
"Whatever gave you that idea, Naomi?"
"Let's cut to the