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Gender Swapped in Space

Page 1

by Alyson Belle




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Slipping In (Bonus Story)






  Going Deep (Bonus Story)



  A Gamble




  Fantasy Swap Online Preview

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Thanks for Reading


  About the Author


  A Steamy Transformation Science Fiction Omnibus


  Alyson Belle

  Copyright © 2017 Alyson Belle

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  All characters in this book are over the age of 18 (18+ only). All characters, locations, and situations are entirely fictional representations and any resemblance to real world scenarios are entirely coincidental.

  You can see more of Alyson Belle’s work, get in touch, and follow her blog on


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  An excerpt from Gender Swapped in Space:

  I still wasn’t ready to just accept my fate as the pregnant carrier of the new human species without getting my chance to give James the tongue-lashing he deserved for such an egregious error, but before I could really lay into him we were interrupted by the whooshing opening of one of the invisible doors that led to other parts of the space station. Two drop-dead beautiful women stepped into the glade where we were arguing, and they dropped their mouths open in sighs and gasps of wonder at the beautiful environment which surrounded us. They both wore the same, shimmery dresses I had on, with similar supermodel-like dimensions. One of them had fiery red hair shaped in a pretty, wavy bob, and the other had straight, long hair the color of fire-warmed chestnuts.

  They both smiled as they saw us, and the red-headed girl flounced over to sweep me up in a huge, tight hug. It seemed that my appetite for women hadn’t diminished at all despite my enjoyment of James’ cock, because when our breasts rubbed together and her hot body flattened against mine, I instantly felt another twinge of need spark between my legs.

  “Captains Lana and James!” she cried. “We’re so happy to see you. You two are legends! The first heroes of the USHPS. We’re the Gen-2 girls that were added some years after you, and we’re here to help you with the mission. I’m Minny, and my friend is Lindsay.” She gestured at the brown-haired girl who smiled shyly at James. He couldn’t keep his eyes off their bodies, but then, neither could I.

  “Welcome, ladies,” James said with a wry smile.

  I glowered at him. I probably should have spilled the beans and told them what was going on, but for one thing, I was embarrassed about being stuck in a woman’s body now that there were other people to judge and pity me, and for another I was pretty distracted by the warmth of Minny’s body and my own form’s growing, demanding need. She pushed back away from me with a wink.

  My jaw dropped open as Minny and Lindsay stripped their dresses off, standing stark naked in front of us.

  “What are you doing?” I demanded.

  “Carrying out the mission,” Lindsay said with a smile. “We know you probably got a jump start on things, since you were awoken first, but it’s your right, of course, as the first female on the expedition.”

  “Still,” Minny said, stepping up and tugging my own dress off my body. My breasts spilled out, and she bent forward to nuzzle them and stared up at me. “We wouldn’t leave you out of the fun. We’ve all been selected for our sexual flexibility and our naturally high sex drives, which it sounds like Jeeves supercharged. Something about encouraging the men to mate as much as possible.” She pressed herself against me and started rubbing on my body, and we moaned in unison as the pleasure of her soft, firm flesh against my own hairless skin rippled throughout my form. “Doesn’t that feel nice?”

  Lindsay stepped up to James and peeled his shorts off of him too, giving him a similar treatment to what Minny was giving me, and the girls slowly pulled us closer together into a leafy, comfortable spot in the glade where we could tumble onto the ground in a sexy foursome.

  The girls started giggling, and I couldn’t help but join in. James had a raging hard-on, and I’d never been more turned on in my life. I was dying for some attention, just like everyone else, and no matter how angry I was at James my need to get fucked and also to rub my body all over these sexy women was overpowering every other conscious thought. As the girls pulled us into a tangled knot of writhing, sexy flesh, I gave in to the sensations and just let myself go with it.

  Minny leaned in close and whispered to me, her hot breath on my ear lifting the hairs on the back of my neck. “Come on, you hot little thing. Let’s all get pregnant together.”

  Chapter 1

  A long low hiss, like a hydraulic press lifting, woke me from my sleep. I blinked groggily at the lights suspended above my face, feeling foggy and disoriented. My vision was all blurry. Where am I? I wondered.

  “Relax, please. Take your time and get comfortable. Everything is fine,” a warm, soothing tone from a disembodied voice reassured me. “You’ve been asleep a long time.”

  Wherever I was, I didn’t think I liked the sound of that. Bits and pieces of memory started to flow back to me as the haze cleared. I remembered now: It had been an experiment… I had volunteered for it. Cryo-frozen for posterity, with a perfect-tissue brain scan to preserve my brain waves in case tissue decay occurred in my body.

  “State your name for the record,” the voice continued.

  “Captain James Mitchell, U.S. Human Preservation Service,” I answered. My hearing was dampened like my ears were stuffed with cotton, and my voice sounded high and far away to me.

  “Excellent,” the voice said. “You may call me Jeeves. No doubt you are experiencing some confusion and disorientation. Relax and all will be explained.”

  This Jeeves fellow had told me to relax twice now, and maybe it was just my ornery nature, but I didn’t care for being told what to do very much. I was James Mitchell, damn it: head of my West Point class, bravest cadet in the USHPS, and I’d volunteered to sacrifice myself in cryo-sleep for the good of humanity, to be awoken only if something catastrophic had happened. It was my sworn duty to rebuild human civilization in the event that anything took us out. That was why I’d agreed to be frozen and scanned on the space station orbiting Earth.

  “I need answers,” I demanded. “What has happened? Is Lana safe?”

  “The other human La
na was successfully resurrected as well, and is awaiting your arrival in a room prepared for you both.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. Lana May was the only woman brave and talented enough to join me in cryosleep for the EDEN project. She was a stunningly gorgeous creature with long blonde hair, perfect skin, tantalizing womanly curves, and deep soulful eyes the color of the sea after a storm. We had been best friends when they put us down, and we knew we’d need to be lovers if we were ever woken up. Feelings of passion swirled up in me… we had never been together before, to preserve the sanctity of the experiment, but I’d fantasized about taking her and ravishing her sweet body a thousand times.

  Finally, I’d get to do so. Our duty was the only reason we would have been awakened: We’d need to repopulate Earth together, and start a whole new human species. I had so many questions, but I wanted to get to Lana first… to see her and feel her in my arms.

  “Your vital signs are completely normal per our readouts, compared to historical records of your physical bodies,” Jeeves was saying. “Tissue regrowth was successful. You are a perfect replica.”

  A replica? I didn’t like the sound of that. My head was clearing and sensation was starting to return to me. I seemed to be lying on a downy bed in a cylindrical metal tube, on my back, staring up at the ceiling through a pane of glass. Some kind of chamber. Jeeves’s voice came through a speaker. I pushed up on the glass and it yielded to my hands with another hydraulic hiss, lifting up and out of the way automatically. The bed I was lying on started to ascend, lifting me up out of the chamber, and I saw that I was in a featureless square room with four white walls. There was a metal portal in one of the walls, currently closed. I remained on my back, my body hidden away under a soft white sheet.

  A tiny metal sphere about the size of a cue ball with a blinking red light floated in the air beside me, bobbing gently. The light blinked in time with Jeeves’s voice.

  “Excellent, excellent progress,” it said. “You’re regaining strength quickly. That is good. We have insufficient material to make additional replicas, so it is crucial that you and Lana are able to reproduce.”

  Damn right, I thought, excited again by the prospect of mating with Lana. I remained on my back for the moment, staring at Jeeves, still not trusting my body to stand on its own. I was feeling better but still weak and very, very strange. My own body felt foreign to me. Probably a side effect of being awoken. As soon as I felt well enough, I was going to go find Lana.

  “You keep saying replica,” I said. “Can you explain what you mean? How long has it been since we were asleep?”

  “Yes,” Jeeves replied. “Your ancestors were wise to scan your brains. When we discovered your craft orbiting the Earth, your civilization was long-dead, and your bodies had broken down in your cryo-sleep and decayed. But your computer records of your brain scans and physical vital signs remained intact. We used that to regrow your human bodies and insert your memories into them.”

  I shivered. That was some serious heeby jeeby science there. I’d known that such technology might eventually be possible, but it was weird to think I was a perfect copy of the original James Mitchell who had died in cryosleep long ago. It was probably best I didn’t think about the implications. I was me, as far as I knew, and the only me there would be… Jeeves had already said they couldn’t make another replica. Somehow that made me feel better. I decided to focus on my mission.

  “Who is the ‘we’ you keep referring to?” I asked him. “Who resuscitated us?”

  Jeeves bobbled, beeping uncertainly. “We prefer you communicate only through me. You may refer to your benefactors as the Preservers. We are an alien race who desire only for other races to flourish in the galaxy. It saddened us to see the humans die. Now, thanks to our intervention, you and Lana can recreate the human race as you had intended. Your bodies are perfect and free of disease in every way, and we have made you both extremely fertile. You will have many, many children together.”

  This was weird, absolutely, but in a strange way I felt proud. Our mission would be a success. This was exactly the scenario we had been frozen for. And I liked the sound of both of us being ‘extra fertile.’ I smiled at the thought of Lana being super, super pregnant with my babies. It was actually pretty hot.

  I had finally stopped feeling woozy and was beginning to think I could stand on my own. I pushed myself up a little.

  “I’m ready to see Lana,” I said. “How do I get to her?”

  “Don’t stand yet,” warned Jeeves. “You’re still recovering. I’ll take you there. It is vital that you protect your body, as you now carry the fate of your species.”

  It was a weird thing for him to say, but I guessed he was right. I couldn’t get Lana preggers if I tripped and broke my neck, after all.

  The bed I was lying on floated up and the door portal slid open to a long hallway. Jeeves and my bed both floated down it. I had no idea how this strange alien technology worked, but it was pretty cool. What could I do but accept it and roll with the punches? I had a mission to carry out.

  The hallway led to a second metal portal, which slid open with a hiss, and we passed through that as well. My eyes widened as I drank in all the sensations around me. I was in paradise. Literal paradise.

  Jungle fronds sprouted everywhere, and a flowing waterfall spilled clear blue water into a lagoon. Birds of paradise chirped and flew through the air, and the sweet citrus scents of ripe tree fruits mingled with the floral notes of blooming flowers in a panoply of colors. The door slid closed and winked out of sight into clear blue sky at the ocean’s edge, like it had never been there.

  “Is this a hologram of some kind?” I asked, amazed.

  “Your home planet is long dead and inhospitable,” Jeeves explained sadly. “This will be your new home, provided by the Preservers. You will find it to be to your liking.” I was starting to get the sense that Lana and I might be fixtures in some kind of space zoo, but if Earth really was dead, I should be grateful. The setting really was pleasant enough.

  “Can I get up now?” I asked. My voice still sounded so strange to me. Too high. I coughed and cleared my throat, but it didn’t seem to help.

  “Yes,” Jeeves said. My bed floated to the ground.

  I threw my sheet back and nearly had a heart attack. What. The. Fuck.

  That explained why my body felt so weird: I had long, thin, silky smooth legs. A flat stomach with rounded, curvy hips. And attached to my chest were two beautiful, large breasts. I sat bolt upright, my hands flying to my head. Delicate curls of blonde hair cascaded down to my shoulders, soft to the touch as my fingers rippled through them. I raised trembling hands to my chin, where there should have been a dark, rough layer of stubble. It was as smooth and hairless as the rest of my body. Finally, my fingers wandered down to search for the last piece of me that I knew wouldn’t be there. Where I’d normally feel a cock, where I’d jerked off a thousand times, instead I felt two, hairless, silky-soft pussy lips. My pussy lips. I stared at Jeeves, horrified. I was a woman. They’d resurrected me, James Mitchell, as a woman.

  “As I was saying,” he continued. “You should be quite happy here. With your fertility maximized, it will be trivial for Lana to impregnate you. I expect that you will have many, many babies.”

  My mouth worked soundlessly, horrified. I didn’t even know what to say. “What did you alien bastards do?” I sputtered.

  And then my body, my real body, stepped out from behind a palm tree, looking better than I’d ever looked in my life, wearing nothing but a pair of shorts. He smiled at me sheepishly and gave a little half-hearted wave.

  “Hi James,” he said. “I uh… I think the aliens got some records a little messed up.”

  My mouth dropped open. “Lana?” I asked, in a feminine, high-pitched squeak.

  “Yep,” he replied, in my old, familiar voice.

  I fainted, blacking out on the sand.

  Chapter 2

  I awoke to warm, muscular arms cradling me an
d instinctively nuzzled against the curly hair of the strong male chest my head rested against. Then my eyes snapped open, everything coming back to me. What am I doing?

  My own face swam into view, staring down at me protectively, and I almost blacked out again.

  “How… what…” I sputtered.

  “Shhh,” Lana said, putting a finger to my lips. “It’s going to be okay, James.”

  Jeeves bobbed merrily nearby. “You both seem in excellent health,” he said. “I’ll leave you to get reacquainted.”

  “Wait!” I cried, but he floated up and up and up until I couldn’t see him anymore in the sky.

  I huffed and scrambled away from Lana suddenly, frustrated by the overwhelming newness of the situation. A storm of emotions rolled through me, anger and sadness and frustration, and I realized to my horror that I was on the verge of tears.

  “How could they do this to us?” I wailed.

  Lana smiled at me reassuringly. “It was just an accident, James. They’re aliens. I’ve discussed this with Jeeves already. They took our brain scans and tossed us into the male and female body scans on file without much thought to our personal preferences. They didn’t see how gender should matter much to us.” She cocked her head. Or he cocked his head I guess. I wasn’t sure how to refer to Lana in-my-body yet. “They’re very forward thinking like that. Maybe it shouldn’t matter.”

  “Well it matters a lot to me!” I protested. I ran my hands again through my silky hair, grabbed two handfuls of ample breasts, and slid my fingers down to feel the soft smoothness of my pussy lips again. It was bizarre having these sensations from the inside. I’d been with plenty of women, but this was the first time I’d ever experienced being one.

  Lana rose from his crouch and offered his hand to me. “Come on,” he said. “I want to show you something.”

  I glared at him for a moment and then grudgingly took it. He pulled me smoothly to my feet in a single motion, muscled body rippling in the sunlight, and suddenly I was in his arms again, both of us breathing hard. I was suddenly uncomfortably aware of his arm circling my lower back, just above my hips, much like I was very aware of my naked breasts pushed up against his chest. I was surprised at how… pleasant it was. A little shudder ran through my body and I felt a tingle between my legs.


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