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Gender Swapped in Space

Page 16

by Alyson Belle

  And then she saw the boys, again. How long had they been there? Her memory felt so fuzzy… she giggled. The names “Chuck” and “Pete” swooped out from the haze, but they didn’t really mean anything to her. Just two gorgeous boys, looking awfully nice to Mikala. Her gaze kept swinging back to… Chuck, his name was? She sighed, drinking in his strong, almond arms and his sweet brown eyes. She felt like a pile of iron filings being drawn towards a hot, latin magnet. She brushed past Amy and attached herself to him, bringing one leg up around him as those wonderfully muscled arms wrapped around her, his surprised excitement evident on his face.

  God, his touch felt magical against her skin! She was melting into him like a stick of hot butter. “Hey,” she managed.

  “Hey,” he replied, eyes sparkling.

  “I think our party is on, boys,” said Amy.

  Over the course of the next two hours, Amy and Mikala proved the truth of those words, courtesy of Pete and Chuck’s stunning avatars. The dresses and khakis, bras and briefs and panties all fell to the floor like discarded wrapping paper in a frenzied storm of undressing. Amy kept Pete pretty busy, remarking that he was great… at least for a boy. Pete laughed it off. As for Mikala, she did things she’d never known she was capable of. The boys’ avatars seemed to lack any kind of refractory period, and the girls couldn’t get enough of them, so every time someone shuddered and came, they jumped straight into another round. Chuck had Mikala in every conceivable position: grabbing her ankles, doggy style on the bed, bent over couches and up against walls, from the side and the front and the back. She panted, she moaned, she begged for more. She mounted him and rode him like a cowgirl, sliding onto him and savoring every mind-blowing thrust as she ground her clit against his massive cock. Then, after he’d grabbed her hips and bucked like an uncontrollable bronco until they both came in a frenzy of profane exclamation, she turned around and did it again, in reverse.

  At one point, he pushed her back into some pillows on the bed, spread her legs, and licked up the whole length of her juicy, wet lips half a dozen times before venturing even deeper. His probing tongue seemed alive inside of her, writhing and twisting and darting back and forth, tapping out a glorious cadence against a button custom-made for her pleasure. When her building, terrible need was almost too much, when the ache between her legs threatened to spill over and sweep her away, she came with the full force of a furious thunderstorm, or maybe a crashing tsunami, or maybe both, all at once, rippling through her head and through her whole self, and she shook and shook with pleasure until her toes curled in ecstasy and she couldn’t move anymore.

  A few minutes later, after she’d recovered, she nearly attacked Chuck to return the favor. She took him so deep into her mouth that he bumped the back of her throat with each groaning thrust and she kissed the base of his penis with her hungry, grasping lips. She licked and sucked with long, sweeping strokes, luxuriating in the feel of his dick in her mouth. She’d never wanted anything so badly as to take him all, to make him come. Amy and Pete watched the exchange from the couch where they laid together, exhausted. Amy had the strangest smile on her face, but Mikala couldn’t begin to guess why. She didn’t care. All she cared about was bringing Chuck’s ecstasy to the level she’d felt moments before.

  “Oh god, oh god…” said Chuck, eyes shut tightly. His hands were tangled in Mikala’s beautiful, soft hair, and he was rocking her back and forth in time with his thrusts. Then he gave a strangled cry and his hands tightened, holding her head still. “Oh god, Mik-ay-ay-la…” he cried, hips jerking. Mikala’s mouth was filled with his warm, salty spurts, and she sucked harder, swallowing, as he gasped above her. It tasted like victory.

  When he’d loosened his grip and stepped back from her smiling face, he bent down to take her chin firmly between two fingers and kissed her in a way that made her whole body feel weak and fluttery. God, he was attractive. He rolled back with her onto the bed and held her in his strong arms. Mikala’s whole body rang with joy as she nuzzled closer into the crook of his neck. All she wanted to do was lie there forever with him.

  She met Amy’s eyes from across the room, and the girls smiled at one another. I told you so, mouthed Amy.


  Mike stayed home from school sick on Monday, and again on Tuesday, giving his stepmother a tragic sob story about chills and nausea and his need for the healing environment of home. She clucked over him while his dad muttered about his “frail immune system.” But eventually motherly concern won out, Mike got his way, and his parents left him alone at home to process everything that had happened that weekend.

  He had hardly left his room since he’d jacked out of virtnet. Amy had let him lie there, cuddling with Chuck, locked in Mikala’s hot little body with her slutty appetites amped up to 11 and her memory fuzzed, until the boys announced that they had to go. Then she’d told Mikala what a good little girl she was, tapped her on the nose, and told her to jack out.

  The fuzzy haze had lifted like a ripped-off blindfold as the plug came out in Mike’s hand. Not only did Mike remember everything he’d done as Mikala… he remembered not remembering who Chuck was, or caring, and how much he’d loved getting fucked, how much he’d loved the feeling of his tiny breasts bouncing over the red satin sofa, and how he’d writhed as Chuck Higgins tongue-fucked him into an oblivion of erotic ecstasy. Calm, satisfied delight had quickly faded into stomach-churning insecurity. What had Amy done to him? And why, deep down, did he seem to like it so much? Nothing in his whole life had ever felt as good, as right, as being Mikala, with Chuck’s hard cock pounding him over and over into a frenzied paroxysm of excitement.

  On Wednesday his father threatened to take him to the hospital for a head to toe physical if he was really feeling that sick, and Mike hastily announced that no, it wasn’t necessary, and yes, he could probably buck up and drag himself to school today. At least he didn’t have gym on Wednesdays. He crept through the halls all day with watchful eyes, trying to avoid anyone’s notice, and especially the three people with whom he’d spent his debaucherous Friday night. Thankfully, neither Chuck nor Pete were anywhere to be seen and he ducked away from Amy before she spotted him in the lunchroom.

  He didn’t know if he could face her. It’s not like she’d drugged him; all she’d done was make him drop his inhibitions and get a little horny. Being Mikala, living in the moment, feeling the pull of Chuck’s sexy avatar and yielding to the light, easy feelings that came with wearing her virtnet body… all of it seemed manifestations of his own, deep desires. Just like Amy had said. It made him nauseous to think about it. His dad’s rumbling warnings, his jealous fights with Kyla, Mikala’s taut muscles and Chuck’s hard cock all bounced around in his head, jumbling fear and shame and lust and longing while Amy’s clear blue eyes hung over all of it, watching, waiting, sparkling with amusement. What had she awoken inside of him?

  On Thursday there was no avoiding them any longer. Chuck and Pete, at least. Gym was 4th period, right before lunch. Mike considered skipping it, skipping it for the rest of the school year maybe, but the class was mandatory and he couldn’t move on without the credit. He’d have to face them sooner or later, anyway. Might as well be today.

  Mike went into the locker room early, changed fast, and headed out to the gym before anyone else was there. He tried to keep his head in the game while the boys played basketball, shirts versus skins. Chuck and Pete were both on the skins team. Mike averted his eyes when they peeled their shirts off of their tight muscles, but he had to look at them during the game. Neither boy looked all that different from his virtnet avatar.

  Basketball wasn’t as bad as dodgeball, but it was still pretty bad. Mike wasn’t very good at it, wasn’t tall enough, wasn’t coordinated enough. Fortunately, no one passed to him very often. The game dragged on and on. Right towards the end, Mike was playing defense when Pete charged towards the basket, slamming into him and sending him flying down onto the floor. He slid back towards the wall mats and laid there,
stunned, blinking as his vision swam. His chest felt tight and painful where Pete had plowed through him.

  After his easy lay-up, Pete smirked at Mike lying on the ground. “Sorry bro.”

  Chuck jogged over and seized his wrist, gently pulling Mike back up to his feet. “Careful, Wantry,” he said. Mike’s face flushed a deep red as he panted. He hoped that everyone thought the flush was just due to exertion. His body thrilled to Chuck’s touch, bringing him back to last Friday for a moment. He half expected Chuck to feel the same electricity, call him out then and there, but he just turned away and went back to playing. Mike breathed a sigh of relief.

  Soon the game was over and the guys headed back to the locker room, stripping down to rinse off. This time Mike kept his eyes fixed firmly on the wall while the steaming water poured over him. He’d just as soon not have showered, but Coach Cutty had strict rules. All boys must shower after gym. It was written on a sign next to the locker room door, in fact. The girls didn’t have a sign like that. He wondered if Miss Graham, the girls’ coach, made them shower anyway. He tried to picture her forcing a naked gaggle of teenage girls to group up in a communal area and scrub down, and it didn’t seem very plausible. They probably didn’t do it. One more little injustice to endure.

  After they were clean, on the way back to the lockers, the usual banter picked up. Mike kept his eyes on the ground and tuned it out until the name “Mikala” snapped his attention back into laser focus.

  “ was so unbelievably hot,” Chuck was saying. “You guys should have seen the way this girl went after me. I’ve never been with someone who wanted it so much.”

  “Yeah, whatever. In virtnet everyone wants it,” said Joe Schlock, one of their cronies.

  “I don’t know, man,” said Pete. “You should have seen her go down on him. Man! If I wasn’t so busy fucking Amy Saunders I might have taken her for a spin myself.”

  “Like I’d let you,” said Chuck, snapping a towel at him. He dodged away, laughing.

  “Where’d you find her?” asked Joe.

  “Amy said she was Kyla’s cousin,” said Pete. “She sure fucks like it, judging by what Amy tells us about Kyla…”


  “Yeah, you should have seen Chuck bend her over while she moaned… he fucked her six ways from Sunday.”

  “Kyla’s got nothing on this chick,” muttered Chuck. “Man… We had real chemistry. I’ve been jerking off thinking about her all week.”

  “How’s Christy taking that?” joked Joe.

  “Who cares?” asked Chuck. “She doesn’t own me. We’re not even dating steady. And what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. I’m wild for this Mikala chick. All I can think about is getting with her again… I’ve got to figure out how to meet her, see what she’s like in person. Amy won’t tell me anything else about her.”

  “Did you ask Kyla?”

  “Yeah, right… like Kyla’s going to help me fuck her cousin.”

  Mike’s ears burned, literally. He was so red he hid his face in his towel, trying to pretend he was drying his hair. Most of the guys were already leaving the locker room, eager to head to lunch, but Chuck and his friends stayed chatting about Mikala and Amy. Mike couldn’t tear himself away. He could just hold still, wait for them finish talking, and then slink out on his own, unnoticed. His emotions roiled through him. He was flattered, he was horrified. He couldn’t believe he’d made such an impact on Chuck. Chuck Higgins, king of the school, was talking about how hot he was in the middle of the locker room… or at least how hot Mikala was. It was empowering. It was humiliating.

  Then it got a hundred times worse.

  “Hey, wait a minute…” said Joe. “Yo, Mike! Mike Wantry.” Mike held still and pretended he didn’t hear them calling his name, but then Joe was standing over him, ripping the towel off his face. “You can help Chuck, can’t you?”

  Chuck and Pete were sliding up behind him, suddenly eager.

  “Oh yeah!” said Chuck. “Man, I totally forgot that she’d be your cousin too, Wantry. What do you say? Help me out?”

  “I d-don’t know, guys…” Mike stammered, heart pounding in his chest.

  “Come on, man…” Chuck was almost begging. Mike couldn’t believe it. “I promise to treat her nice, like a perfect gentleman. All I’m asking for is one date, or even just her phone number. I’ll ask her out myself. You don’t know how bad I have it for this girl, Wantry.”

  “She’s not into guys,” Mike said, looking at the floor. When he peeked up, the three boys were blinking at him, dumbfounded. Then they burst into laughter.

  “Are you kidding me?” asked Pete. “Maybe she’s never been with a guy outside of virtnet, but you should have seen the way she attacked Chuck’s cock. Trust me, Wantry. You’re doing your cousin a favor.”

  “Seriously, man,” Chuck said. “All I want is a chance to talk to her. Sparks were flying. If you’d been there, you’d have seen it for yourself. The girl wants it, dude. Help us both out. Come on.” He held his palms out, eyes shining, begging for Mike’s help to meet a girl who didn’t exist. Seeing him this sick about it tugged at Mike’s heartstrings. And if Mikala had been real, if he could somehow pull her out of virtnet, he’d like nothing better than for Chuck to take her (him?) out for a date. But that was nuts… what was he even thinking? He shook his head.

  “Sorry, guys. I can’t. She, uh… I just don’t think she’d be into you, Chuck.”

  Chuck’s face darkened and his hands dropped to his sides. After a moment of dumbfounded disbelief, he turned away, muttering, “Jee-zus. How many times have I stood up for you, helped you out, Wantry? And you can’t even do this one little thing. Jee-zus.” He went back to his locker, grabbed his things, banged it shut with a slam that shook the whole row of lockers, and stormed away. Joe trailed behind him, shooting Mike an angry look over his shoulder.

  Pete lingered behind, arms crossed, scowling down at Mike.

  “Uh, sorry, Pete?” Mike ventured. It was just the two of them left, and he was starting to get really uncomfortable with the way Pete loomed over him.

  “Unh-uh,” Pete said finally, bending down to jam a huge finger into Mike’s face. “You are such a little chicken-shit, you know that? What’s your problem, Wantry?”

  Mike shrank back. “I just don’t think she’d want to go out.”

  “And you get to decide what your cousin wants? Chuck is my best friend, and I’ve never seen him this crazy over a chick before. Why are you cock-blocking him? It’s bullshit.”

  What could Mike even say? He didn’t like the look in Pete’s eyes, small and mean and angry. When he didn’t reply, Pete shoved him off the bench he was sitting on. He went over backwards and hit the ground hard, smashing his tailbone. The impact shot through him and rattled his teeth.

  “Owww, Jesus Pete, what was that for?” He scuttled back against the lockers, rubbing his sore ass. Pete stepped over the bench, crouched down, and looked him straight in the eyes. Then he grabbed the collar of Mike’s shirt in two hands and pulled him close, bared his teeth. He reeked of sweat and malice, even with the shower.

  “Here’s what’s going to happen,” he said. “You’re going to get Chuck a date with this Mikala chick.”


  “No buts. You’re going to find a way to make it happen. Or else I’m going to beat the crap out of you. Understand?”


  Pete shook him hard, once. Mike’s head and shoulders banged against the lockers, forcing a sharp cry out of him. His vision fuzzed again, pain blooming, and adrenaline locked his limbs. His chest tightened, fear clawing at his throat. His whole body shook.

  “Understand?” Pete growled. His tone made it clear that there was only one acceptable answer.

  “Yeah, okay,” Mike said. “I’ll do what I can.” Pete let him go and he slid back down against the lockers.

  “I’d better hear a very excited Chuck telling me about his upcoming date with Mikala by the end of the da
y tomorrow,” said Pete. He held two fingers up and gestured from his eyes to Mike’s. “Or else I’ll be tracking you down for our little date, and you won’t like it one bit.”

  And then Mike was alone in the boys’ locker room.

  Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Sweat coated his back from the brief encounter with Pete, and his mouth was sour and dry. He flexed his shoulders, wincing at the pain. What was Mike going to do? There was no Mikala. And he believed every word that Pete said about kicking his ass. Pete wasn’t the kind of guy to be reasoned with, and Chuck, the only person who could talk him down, wasn’t going to help Mike right now, anyway… He was screwed. He pushed himself up to a shivering crouch. There had to be something he could do. Why had he ever let Amy talk him into this? It was all her fault… he knew something like this was going to happen, but Amy had to push her stupid fucking fantasies on him.

  Amy. Amy had gotten him into this, and she could damn well get him out of it, too. She’d have to know what to do. Maybe she had a friend, knew some girl that could pose as Mikala, just for one date. Mike slammed his gym clothes into his locker, smoothed the creases on his shirt from where Pete had grabbed him, and headed for the lunchroom.

  The lunchroom hummed with a hundred chattering voices, but none of them were Amy’s. Chuck and Pete sat at their usual table, Chuck with a glum look plastered over his usually cheery face, and Mike quickly ducked away into the halls before either of them could spot him and throw yet another baleful glare his direction. The stakes were clear enough without it.


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