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Page 4

by Victoria Davies

  He sat up, alert. What was she doing now?

  With a swift jerk she pulled the material over her head.

  Electricity raced through him. There was no denying the sight of Mikayla in only a black, lacy bra inspired desire but this was different. His claws curled into the bedspread as his body vibrated with energy. The tremors refused to let up, growing in intensity. He gritted his sharp teeth, sure his body was about to explode. There was no surviving the sensations ripping him apart. He opened his mouth to howl when black clouded over his vision.

  When the smoke parted, he looked at Mikayla with a man’s eyes, not a poodle’s.

  The witch’s mouth hung open as she watched him. With a small squeak she grabbed a pillow and pulled it before her body as a shield.

  Too late, he thought. The sight of her was already branded on his mind.

  “Why am I back to normal?” he demanded. “And why do you keep stripping in front of me?”

  “It was a test.” Though her chin lifted, Ciar noticed the telltale blush creeping up her cheeks. The sight was endearing.

  Raising an eyebrow, Ciar lifted his gaze to hers. “Of what exactly? My ability to see half-naked women?”

  The blush deepened.

  “I wanted to test a theory. We thought attraction might be key to breaking the spell,” she explained.

  His eyes narrowed before he rose to his knees and crawled toward her. “Attraction?” he purred. Wasn’t that an interesting turn of events.

  “I’d say it’s probably safe to conclude when you are attracted to someone, you change back to normal.” She scooted back until she hit the headboard. “Now since we have that settled, I’ll go put something more suitable on.”

  Ciar caught her arm before she could flee the bed. “If attraction is the key to me staying in this form,” he told her, “then we should probably try to prolong the feeling. Right?” His cock jumped in agreement. Oh yes, he was more than ready to play.

  Mikayla swallowed as she glanced back at him. “But before…”

  Ciar slid closer, reaching out to draw one finger down her smooth cheek. “Before?” he breathed.

  Shadows swept over her eyes for the briefest moment, gone so fast he wondered if he’d imagined them. “Yeah,” she said instead, her smile turning sexy, her actions growing more confident. “Let’s see how long we can keep you this way. I have quite a large number of fantasies you can only act out sans paws.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Come see for yourself,” she offered.

  He wasn’t a man who had to be told twice. Leaning forward, he captured her lips with his.

  Mikayla twined her arms around his shoulders and pulled him closer. Ciar growled as the pillow she clutched kept him from crushing her against his chest.

  Grabbing the offending cushion, he threw it from the bed. Mikayla didn’t protest.

  He groaned against her lips as her scantily clad body pressed along his. Her skin was as smooth as silk beneath his fingertips. Perfect. She was so bloody perfect.

  Breaking away from her mouth, he drew his lips down her long throat. Ciar lapped his tongue over her pounding pulse. Oh yes, his witch liked what he was doing to her.

  She shifted and he slipped more comfortably between her legs. Ciar rolled his hips, pressing his erection against her to prove just how badly he wanted her naked and spread beneath him.

  Her gasp was music to his ears.

  Running his fingers up her sides, he touched the lacy bra covering the flesh he most wanted to explore.

  “Off,” he growled against her skin.

  She snapped her fingers. The bra vanished as if it’d never been.

  Magic washed over his skin but for the first time, he didn’t cringe when he felt it. How could he, when it revealed such a beautiful sight?

  Ciar reared back to look down at Mikayla. She lay sprawled beneath him, her brown hair tangled around her face and her skin flushed. His gaze fell to her breasts and he couldn’t help cupping them in his large hands. Her lips parted in a sigh of pleasure. With a smile, Ciar lowered his head to the perfect handfuls. He teased one pert nipple with his tongue before drawing it into his mouth.

  She drove her fingers into his hair, releasing the black tie holding it in place. He lifted his head as his hair tumbled around his shoulders. Rarely did he look so disheveled, but Mikayla seemed to enjoy the view.

  The lust in her eyes called to him but he stilled at the tenderness no amount of need could mask. A chill ran through his body at the sight. That was what he’d wanted to avoid, why he hadn’t ever made a move on her. She couldn’t look at him like that. It would only lead to trouble.

  “Stop,” he breathed before he could call the word back.

  She frowned.

  “Don’t look at me like that.” He brushed his lips over hers to soften the words.

  “Like what?”

  “Like I matter to you.”

  She closed her eyes, a siren’s smile on her lips. “Of course you matter.”

  The words stabbed into him. He shouldn’t want to hear them, shouldn’t enjoy the burst of pleasure they inspired. She was a witch, he a demon. This could never be more than sex. If he was any kind of decent man he had to make her understand. He wasn’t good for her.

  “You’re making a mistake with me.”

  With a smile, she laid her hand over his heart. She raised her eyes to his and he was unable to look away. Had anyone ever looked at him with such tenderness? It wasn’t an emotion valued by his people. But with Mikayla he realized it wasn’t the weakness he’d always assumed. Under her gaze, he felt stronger than he ever had before.

  “If this is a mistake,” she purred, “then I might as well enjoy it.”

  She arched under him, rubbing her breasts against his chest, and all thoughts of being noble vanished.

  * * * * *

  Mikayla grinned as she watched the pleasure flash across Ciar’s face. She knew this was a mistake, one she would no doubt regret for a long time to come, but even so, there was no chance of her turning away from him. His arms around her was perfection. Like she belonged in his embrace.

  His hands touched her bare flesh with such tenderness it nearly broke her heart. She was the one who had done this to him. Yet he still touched her as if she were precious. Mikayla closed her eyes, enjoying the thrill of his fingers teasing over her sensitive skin. His hot breath branded her as he leaned down to press his lips to her breast.

  “How did I resist you for this long?” he mused, as if to himself. “You are a goddess.”

  She couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped her. “I wouldn’t go that far.”

  His paused. “I would.”

  Her eyes snapped open. What had he said? Surely she’d misheard him. She opened her mouth to protest but he was quicker. Catching one aching nipple, he scraped it lightly with his teeth and nearly sent her shooting from the bed.

  “Ciar.” His name was a breathless gasp.

  “Yes,” he murmured, his hands cupping her breasts. “I always imagined you saying my name just like that.”

  Her snort of derision was cut short when his fingers slid down her body to trace along the top of her jeans.

  “Liar, liar,” she teased.

  “Hmm?” he queried, clearly focused on other things.

  Mikayla thought of the months waiting for him to notice her and right now, she didn’t care. The old pain was gone. Maybe he’d resisted her at first, but this proved she’d gotten him in the end. Maybe not the way she truly wanted but this was enough. He should know that.

  Reaching down, she lifted his face to hers, forcing his attention away from the zipper of her jeans.

  “I don’t need meaningless pillow talk,” she told him. “I know exactly what I was to you before this spell. We don’t need to pretend this is something it isn’t.” She grinned, her eyes dropping to his mouth. “What we have now is more than enough.”

  His silver gaze grew stormy. “Pretend?”

pushed him backward onto the bed. Rising over him, she licked her lips slowly, loving the way his eyes followed each movement. “I’m a sure thing. I don’t care about the past.”

  His fingers flicked over her nipples. “What if I do?”

  She sat back, astride his hips. “I’m still not enough for you?” she demanded, arching a brow as if silently daring him to find fault with her.

  “You’re maddening,” he groaned, pulling her head back down to kiss her.

  Mikayla enjoyed the touch but her heart raced for a different reason. Was he about to push her away? Surely he wouldn’t be so cruel as to brush her off now. Not when she was half naked in his arms.

  “You knew I wanted you the first time we met,” he whispered against her lips.

  “Yeah,” she agreed. “But not afterward. You didn’t want to have anything to do with me. Hell, you barely glanced my way.”

  “Doesn’t mean I didn’t notice you.”

  She let out a puff of air.

  His eyes narrowed at her reaction. “The second time we met, you bumped into my elbow and spilled half my beer on me.”

  Mikayla frowned. “So?”

  “Everyone in the bar froze.”

  “No doubt waiting to see what retribution you’d exact on my clumsy head,” she pointed out. “Is there a reason for this stroll down memory lane?”

  “Your sisters looked ready to unleash all kinds of hell on me if I so much as touched you.” He chuckled. “But you never even hesitated. You grabbed napkins from the bar and tried to dry my shirt. You even tried to cop a feel.”

  She blushed. “I think we’re both pretty clear on what I wanted from you.”

  “You were a witch. One I’d desired before I learned the truth about your origins. And there you were again, treating me like I wasn’t someone to be feared.” Ciar looked up at her with gentleness in his eyes that she’d never seen before. Not when he looked at her. “Anyone else would have run away. You were the only one in the bar who didn’t consider how I would react.” His hands wrapped around her waist, trailing along her skin. “You treated me like a man,” he told her softly. “After that I couldn’t stop watching you, even knowing what you are.”

  She sucked in a sharp breath. “Lies.”

  “I noticed you,” he murmured. “I watched you. And most of all,” he tangled a hand in her hair, angling her face to his, “I wanted you.”

  His mouth crashed down on hers, kissing her with renewed desperation.

  “Bastard,” she charged, catching his lower lip between her teeth. “You let me think it was all in my head.”

  “There’s a reason everyone avoids my kind.” He pressed a light kiss to the corner of her mouth. “But you are the one person I never wanted to hurt.”

  A grin curved her lips. “I’m stronger than I look.” With a snap of her fingers, Ciar’s arms were pinned above his head.

  He pulled against her magic but couldn’t win his way free. Instead of anger, however, the lust in his eyes grew even hotter.

  Had she ever seen anything so perfect? Ciar stretched out under her, hers to command.

  She pressed her hands to his chest, feeling the coiled strength beneath her palms. This man brought his enemies to their knees and here he was, at her mercy.

  “Tricky girl,” he purred.

  “I can handle demons,” she replied. She slid her hands down his chest to slip under his t-shirt. Mikayla drew her fingertips along the waistband of his jeans and felt his muscles clench beneath her palms. Oh yes, she couldn’t wait to handle him.

  She inched the material higher, revealing his body to her hungry view.

  “Mikayla.” Her name was a whispered plea and she was more than happy to respond.

  Bending low, she pressed her lips to his bronzed skin. Her mouth moved higher as she let her fingers glide across the contours of his muscles. Ciar moaned under her touch, rolling his hips against hers.

  She undulated against him, rubbing her body against his harder one. She’d never thought to touch him this way. To straddle him and see her proud warrior laid out for her pleasure. There was no mistaking the burning desire in his eyes but he didn’t fight her magic. If anything, his expression dared her to go further, to satisfy her craving.

  Her fingers flicked over his nipples and she hid her smile at the guttural groan the action wrung from him. Empowered, she drew her tongue over the sensitive skin. He bucked against her, trying to reclaim his lost control.

  “Shh,” she whispered, scooting up to reach his mouth. She kissed him with a teasing touch meant to inflame, not soothe. Every time he strained to deepen the contact, she pulled back, leaving him as frustrated as he’d left her all these months.

  “I want you,” he growled against her mouth.

  She closed her eyes, wondering if she would ever get tired of hearing him say that.

  “Back at you.” She ran her fingers down his chest. “You’re too perfect to be real.”

  “Glad I don’t disappoint.”

  Mikayla paused, drawing back to look at him. “You could never disappoint me.” The revealing words were out before she could call them back.

  The humor left Ciar’s eyes. “Let me go, Mikayla. I want to touch you.”

  For a moment she hesitated, liking the power she held. Ciar under her control would do less damage to her emotionally. But if this was her one chance in his bed, she didn’t want either of them to hold anything back. With a wave of her hand, she released the simple spell.

  Ciar tugged the shirt over his head before wrapping his arms around her. She pulled his mouth down to hers as he rolled her back onto the bed. He slid his strong hands over her skin and Mikayla shivered at the touch. Delicious sparks of pleasure coursed through her and all she wanted was more.

  Dropping a last kiss on her lips, Ciar drew back and grinned at her. His hands moved to the clasp of her jeans and she offered no protest as he helped her kick free from the constricting material. She wanted to touch him fully, nothing between them.

  Ciar’s gaze burned hotly as he stared at her long legs. He looked at her like she was the most beautiful woman in the world and right now, she almost believed him.

  “Your turn,” she whispered, holding her breath as she waited to see what he would reveal.

  Mikayla crawled backward to give him room to strip. When he dropped his jeans and boxers over the side of the bed she couldn’t stop her swift inhale.

  Ciar knelt at her feet, watching her with the gaze of a hunter. The rising heat within her answered the raw desire she read in his face. Never in her life had she wanted anyone with the desperation Ciar inspired. Nothing was more important than getting his hands on her skin.

  Mikayla rose to her knees and crawled down the bed to him. He groaned as her fingers touched his abdomen, then trailed tantalizingly lower.

  Mikayla drew one light finger down the length of his cock.

  “God,” he gasped, grabbing her wrist.

  “But I want to play.” She leaned forward to brush her lips against his. She encircled him with her fingers, stroking his cock with a teasingly slow rhythm.

  “You’ll be the end of me,” he said, his grip on her wrist weakening as if he couldn’t help himself.

  “Good.” She wanted to brand him the way he had her. Imprint her memory in his mind so he would never forget the way she touched him.

  Ciar panted as she increased her pace. She pressed her lips to his collarbone as her fingers moved over his hard length. When her thumb caressed the crown of his cock he bucked against her.

  “Enough,” he said, catching her around the waist and tumbling her backward onto the bed. “Or I will be of no use to you.”

  The words were not the deterrent he meant them to be. She might want him desperately but the idea of controlling his pleasure, of driving him wild with her touch was a heady notion.

  “I like to play,” she whispered, arching under him.

  “So do I,” he breathed against her lips.

  He g
ripped the small black panties she wore and stripped them off her body, leaving her completely naked to his view. But despite her vulnerability, Mikayla didn’t hesitate as she reached for him.

  “So beautiful,” he growled to her, his hands pushing apart her thighs.

  Mikayla let her legs open at his caress. The heat of his palms on her thighs burned away any nerves she might have felt. The only thing that mattered was satisfying the lust spiraling through her.

  But when he stroked a finger along her slit, all logical thought fled.

  Mikayla gasped, throwing back her head as he played with her. Ciar touched her with the same maddening slowness she had tortured him with. He flicked his fingers over her clit and nearly sent her flying from the bed.

  “More,” she pleaded as he stroked her.

  One questing finger parted her folds before delving into her. She bit her lip to keep from crying out.

  “Wet,” he whispered in her ear, sounding very self-satisfied. “All for me.”

  “Yes,” she panted. Anything for him.

  He stroked his finger into her, making her writhe under his touch. Her hips rocked against his as she fought for more.

  “Please, Ciar,” she begged. “Please.” She wanted more than a finger.

  With a last lingering touch, he withdrew his hand. Mikayla nearly cried out in loss.

  But he didn’t leave her wanting for long. Pushing her legs farther apart, he settled between her thighs. She undulated, loving the weight of him on top of her.

  He drew back enough to see her face and Mikayla tried to memorize the moment. Ciar over her, gazing at her with scorching lust, while his cock pressed intimately against her.

  “Now,” she whispered.

  Ciar needed no more urging. He kissed her roughly as he thrust into her. Mikayla cried out against his lips, arching under him in pleasure. She threw back her head as he drove into her.

  He paused when he was buried to the hilt within her. Mikayla appreciated his consideration but she needed no time to adjust, not when she was sure she’d explode if he didn’t move soon.

  Gripping her hips, he withdrew with teasing slowness. A desperate cry escaped her when he surged forward once more.

  “Again,” she demanded. Ciar clearly knew what he was doing.


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