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Hitman's Captive: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 17

by Lara Swann

  Then I abandoned any further thought of talking, my mouth lowering to capture her tit in my teeth, tongue lashing it while she cried out below me, fingers digging into my shoulders. I still had scratches from our play already this morning, but I relished the thought of adding yet more evidence of what I did to her. My hand worked her hard, and I could feel her pussy quivering from its earlier release, starting the relentless build to pleasure again under my command.

  I let my thumb brush across her clit, moving it in time with my other hand and tongue on her breasts as I kept a couple of fingers thrusting hard inside her. She was helpless beneath me, body curling around my hand as she both fought and welcomed the intensity of what I did to her.

  “God…please, Leo…I want you.” Her voice came in halting gasps, and she tried valiantly to pull me closer, body thrusting forward into me and demanding ever more.

  My cock was hot and hard, ready for her as always, throbbing insistently as her fire lit me up with my own surge of lust. It didn’t mean as much to me as watching what I saw in her eyes, the deep heat there that built and crested beautifully, but I couldn’t deny my own needs entirely.

  I brought my hand out of her slowly, raising it and catching her gaze as I sucked my fingers into my mouth. Her breath caught as I inhaled the intoxicating scent of her arousal, groaning from the pleasure of it. I was almost tempted to dip and taste it directly from the source, but we were too far gone to draw it out any longer.

  Her hands clutched me, pulling me down on top of her in an unspoken echo of my thoughts. I didn’t resist any longer, reaching over to the side for one of our few remaining condoms before I slid it on in a well practiced motion. I wished we had a better method, but even through the thin rubber the feel of her tight warmth around me was incredible.

  My aching cock pressed against her inner folds, hovering there and letting the anticipation build before I held her close and thrust deep inside her. We’d done this enough now that I could bury myself in one smooth motion - making her head fly back and her eyes widen with the overpowering sensation - but she still fit perfectly around me, tight and squeezing, her pussy pumping my cock instinctively while little growls escaped me.

  “Ohhh…fuck…” Alessa’s usual eloquence and restraint disappeared in the wave of pleasure, and I loved nothing more than this moment: watching her come undone.

  All that careful, prescribed behavior vanishing in an instant, as I thrust hard into her, barely giving her a chance to adjust to my size.

  I was too far gone now to do anything else, and from her whimpered ecstasy, she wouldn’t have it any other way. She pushed herself up, rising to meet my every stroke, moving with me and responding to my frantic pace as blood and lust pounded through me.

  “That’s it, princess. Fuck. You’re pure heat, and sex, and everything that’s good…” I ground the words out as my heart rate soared, insistent and demanding. I was so close now, but I wasn’t going over without her. I leaned down and bit the sensitive skin between her shoulder and neck, tongue darting out to tease as she started to shudder under me. My hands went to her breasts, rolling each rock-hard tit between my fingers as I gave one last command. “Come for me, princess. Right…fucking…now.”

  She screamed at the words, her head flying back as her hands scrabbled at me to try and catch her deep fall into pleasure. I felt a moment’s satisfaction and then I was gone, lost in the way her pussy clenched and spasmed around my cock, drawing it out and milking every last drop. I had an instant to wish I could feel myself spurting deep into her, and then my own mind blanked as pleasure overtook every nerve.

  I groaned hard and just about caught myself as pure contentment and lassitude spread throughout my body, pushing myself to the side so that I didn’t squash her completely. I lay there, catching my breath for a minute, before scooping her still shuddering form up in my arms and pillowing her head against my chest again, letting the warmth of it all sweep over me.

  I could’ve sworn that was exactly what had happened two hours earlier too…but this time, we’d just lie here for a few minutes. Calm ourselves from the after-effects of our intense lust, and then we’d be up.

  I had an appointment to keep, after all, and I wouldn’t be distracted again.

  Definitely not.

  * * *

  We were only a little late.

  It was nothing my accountant would take exception to. He cooked all sorts of dirty books, after all, and while I might not be the worst of his clients, you still didn’t offer complaints to a hitman unless you were utterly sure that you were indispensable. And since I wasn’t sure he was indispensable, I doubted that he’d convinced himself of that idea.

  Alessa’s hand crept down my thigh as I drove, and I felt my cock stiffening yet again for her. Would’ve thought the damned thing was tired by now. I caught her mischievous glance and covered her hand with mine, squeezing and stopping it in its tracks.

  “Behave!” Maybe I loved what she was doing - her whole attitude - but she didn’t have to know that. And I did need to concentrate at some point.

  “You’re the one who insisted on dragging me along - I could’ve slept some, kept the bed nice and warm…” She mock-pouted at me and I had to laugh. Turns out her grouchiness at early mornings was still in full force if you actually pulled her out of bed, morning orgasms fulfilled or not.

  “In my sight at all times, you know the drill, princess.” I said it with a grin and enjoyed the scowl in response.

  The rule wasn’t quite as necessary as it had been - after all this, I believed what she’d promised about not running off anymore. Hell, if she wanted to escape, considering how drugged up on lust and indulgence I’d been the last few days, I was pretty sure she could have found a way out. Hit me over the head in a moment of passion, convince me to take her shopping for some sexy little outfit, sneak out while I’d been comatose after climax…

  Yep, I had not been a good fucking kidnapper recently. Or hitman. Or anything but an Italian princess’s sex toy.

  Fuck. That sounds good.

  I shook it off and tried to convince myself that my complete lack of self-control was a problem, but all I could see was how much I was fucking enjoying myself. I’d taken pride my whole life on my focus and training, but somehow it just didn’t seem to matter so much. And if I was probably giving it all up anyway, I might as well get used to it, right?

  Even the killers chasing me didn’t bother me that much - I’d put myself in danger almost every moment of my life, so if fucking Alessa might get me killed, that was at least a damned better reason than half of them had been.

  No, I wasn’t worried about Alessa escaping. If I was feeling egotistical, I’d say she was far too lost in passion and addicted to my cock to go anywhere. But in truth, I guessed her last attempt had scared her off, and she felt more confident about her chances if she stuck with me and waited until I let her go.

  I still wasn’t leaving her behind, though. Call it instinct, but with all the shit that could happen, I felt better having her with me. If the safehouse was found, if something happened…at least this way, I knew we wouldn’t get separated.

  We stopped in an underground parking lot and headed for the elevator that would take us to the 3rd floor. The office space was professional and trendy, and it fit the impression my accountant - Jim Faris - liked to give. He had enough legitimate clients to cover for the less reputable side of his business, which was one of the many reasons guys like me worked with him.

  I gave Alessa a brief smile as we headed up. “This shouldn’t be long. I just need to sign a few documents and then we can get out of here.”

  She nodded, her eyes once again covered by sunglasses, but we’d left the large-brimmed hat behind. Neither offered any real disguise, and once I’d worked out that her picture wasn’t being plastered everywhere, I wasn’t worried about being spotted by a random on the street. No, if someone who mattered found us, they’d recognize her well enough that a few accessories wouldn’
t fool them. Simply seeing a hitman trailing a woman along with him would be enough of a giveaway, anyway.

  As she’d pointed out though, the sunglasses suited her, so she kept them.

  The elevator pinged as we stepped out, and I traced the route through the elegant wood-paneled space to Faris’s office.

  “You’re late.” The receptionist gave me an irritated glance when I mentioned my name, and gestured curtly to a seat. “I’m not sure whether Mr. Faris is still available.”

  Unfortunately, while Faris would never bitch at me about that, his secretary didn’t know enough to think better of it.

  “He’ll see me.” My voice hardened, the earlier lightness of my morning with Alessa disappearing as I stood over her desk, waiting.

  “I will have to—”

  “Ring through. Now.” I cut off her pretentious tone and shifted slightly, well aware that I was deliberately intimidating her, but the woman’s attitude pissed me off.

  She looked for one instant like she was going to protest again, but then settled for shooting me a glare as she reached for the phone, pressing a few quick buttons.

  “Mr. Faris.” Her voice switched to sweet and conciliatory immediately. “I’m sorry to disturb you, but I have your 8.30am appointment here. Of course I know—”

  “Yes, send him through.” Faris clicked off before she could make a show of how difficult I was being, but the quick victory meant nothing to me - I was just irritated that it was necessary.

  Turning, I ignored the secretary and spoke to Alessa instead. “Wait for me out here, I won’t be long.”

  For once, she didn’t argue with me, and settled into one of the seats against the wall. I flashed her a quick smile - an apology for my attitude - and then moved up to the office, once again all business. I didn’t like leaving Alessa, even on the opposite side of the glass wall of the office, but it was probably best that Faris didn’t see her. Bringing her in could only draw his attention to her.

  I wasn’t too worried about her being in the office - it was unlikely Faris had any other less reputable client in here at the same time as me, and I doubted his colleagues knew anything - but for all that Faris was generally oblivious, seeing me walk in with a woman on my arm would be a first. And he was just close enough to the underground circles to hear - or be questioned about - a hitman with an Italian mafia princess.

  Besides, nothing could happen to Alessa with me only moments away.

  “You need to get another secretary.” I said as I walked in, closing the door behind me and not caring that she’d heard. Hell, it was for her benefit as much as anything - I might not do more than get a little pissed, but I knew Faris’s other clients. Neither she nor Faris could afford that sort of attitude around them.

  “Ah…uh, I’m sorry if—”

  “Don’t apologize. Just fix it.” I waved Faris back down as he half-stood to greet me. “Now, business?”

  “Yes, of course.” Recovering quickly, he pulled a file out of his desk drawer and started rifling through it. “I just need you to sign a few documents, and then we should have everything set up in the next few days.”

  I nodded, letting him walk me through the approvals and permissions I was signing, suddenly itching to get out of there. These should liquidate a few of my funds and set up international accounts under my direct control. More than enough to create a life in another country.

  I had wanted to ask him about the tax and logistical implications - from a financial perspective - of different potential countries, but since I still hadn’t found anywhere that captured my imagination, I figured I might end up spending a few months traveling first and decide after that. The important thing was getting out of here, not exactly where I was going.

  If it came to that.

  C’mon Jay, just find something…something!

  In the end, I kept it short, telling him to expect a call for advice on specific countries, and wrapping up the meeting quickly. Being out of the safehouse made me uneasy, even if it was for a short time like this, and I’d done everything that required me to be here in person.

  I collected Alessa without a backward glance, barely restraining myself from throwing an arm around her waist with thoughts of drawing attention to us. It was slightly different between us in public, anyway - with what I was doing here, and the ongoing tension from being exposed, it was harder for either of us to forget that I’d kidnapped her.

  “That’s most of it sorted now.” I said as we let the elevator carry us back down. “It’ll be a few days for everything go through, and I still need to finalize a couple of details and book flights, but it won’t be much longer.”

  And hopefully Jay would come through for me in that time. If not…I might not have another choice.

  I’d taken to giving her little updates on my progress, even though I probably shouldn’t, wanting somehow to reassure her that she’d be released soon. Something unpleasant twinged inside me with the thought, but I knew how ridiculous that was and ignored it.

  The elevator pinged and we started working our way towards the car, my gaze already heating as I watched Alessa’s soft movements, thinking of all the things we’d interrupted to come out…and if I had to spend the next couple of days waiting, I knew exactly how I wanted to do it.

  “Hey! I told you it was her!”

  “Fuuuck, it is.”

  I spun at the rough Russian accent, hand going to my gun before I took in the two barrels already drawn and cocked our way. The two guys holding them were both average height and thickset. The first was older and balding, with just a blond fringe around his head, while the other’s dirty blond hair was slicked back. Both wore unpleasant expressions that were quickly turning to rage.

  “You the bastard that killed our Pakhan?” The first man spoke, his voice harsh and his gaze never wavering from me.


  Alessa stepped backwards and away from me as I weighed up my options, looking for weaknesses or opportunities to exploit. I only needed an instant but with their guns ready and aimed my way, I had no chance if I made a move.

  “I—I’m Alessa Santini. He…he kidnapped me. I was—was going to marry Viktor—” Alessa’s voice faltered slightly, and she had to take several deep breaths to get it out, but I felt a wave of relief at the words.

  Good girl.

  This way, whatever happened, she’d get out of this and back to her family.

  Except the second man’s face screwed up. “Ya, we recognized you, malysh, but it don’t look that way from here. You’s two look pretty close to me…probably working together from the start. Italian scum.”

  He spat in her direction as she paled and backed away a step, looking wide-eyed towards me.

  Fuck it all to hell.

  I seized their momentary distraction and dived forward to roll between them and her, my hand ripping my gun from its holster as I heard their surprised shouts. Fucking amateurs.

  If they’d had half my skills, I’d probably already be dead - that’s what you get for diving into their line of fire, instead of away. But I wasn’t about to leave Alessa in front of those guns.

  Instead, I got my gun up as I came into a crouch, firing off a couple of shots before they could do more than try and follow the line of my movement. Two cries let me know my aim was true, but a loud shot followed by a bullet zipping past my shoulder told me at least one of them was still in this. I glanced up quickly to see the first man trying awkwardly to aim with a right hand drenched in blood from an open shoulder wound. The other man was on the ground.

  Taking advantage of the balding man’s injury, I sprinted forward, getting under his guard and knocking his gun away before he could do more than grimace. My hand came up again, and I ended it with a final shot to his head.

  Then I sunk back into a crouch, looking around for any other sign of movement or disturbance. Our guns had suppressors attached, but we’d still made far too much noise. From the look of it though, no one else had been down here during
the confrontation - and I couldn’t remember hearing any screams.

  My heart beat still thudded loudly through my body, as I tucked my gun away and walked slowly back to Alessa. She was huddled in a crouch by the car, but there was no blood around her, and I let a small amount of relief wash through me.

  “Here, you okay?” My voice was gruff, but I couldn’t help it as I helped her to her feet, giving her a quick once-over. I hated that she’d had to see that, or be in part of it in any way, but I couldn’t take the time to help her deal with it.

  She nodded mutely, not quite looking at me, and I ignored the way that my heart twisted as I walked us both quickly back over to our car.

  “We need to get out of here, okay? Fast.” She nodded again and slipped into the car without comment, but I could see her shaking slightly.

  Fuck those bastards.

  I waited until I’d gotten us out of the underground car park and onto the streets before I reached over and squeezed her hand gently.

  “It’s okay now, you’re safe, Alessa. I just need to concentrate on getting us out of this.”

  She accepted my words with a quiet nod, her hand clasping mine briefly before letting go, and I could see her breathing deeply, trying to get herself back under control. After a moment or two, she gave me a small, quick smile and that was enough to let me relax a little. She didn’t hate me for what had happened back there, and would trust me to get us through this. That was all I needed right now, as my mind turned immediately to its own calculations.

  The men I’d killed had only been foot soldiers - their skills had been rough and they’d clearly been of the shoot first, ask questions later type. Anyone else would have realized the bratva would want me alive more than anything, or at least would try and secure the place a little before launching into a firefight. If they’d done it properly, there was no way I should have gotten out alive, at least not with Alessa to protect as well.


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