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Hitman's Captive: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 23

by Lara Swann

“Oh god, Leo. Yes, a thousand times yes.” If I hadn’t already pulled her as close as I could get her, I was pretty sure from the way she wriggled against me that she’d be trying to climb inside my skin. More tears fell from her eyes as she bit her lip and nodded. “That’s what I want. You. More than anything. I was so scared to admit it…I didn’t know how I could ever leave my family. But now—now my life is mine. And the moment I thought that, I knew what I wanted for it - I wanted you. Whatever, wherever. Just you.”

  I shuddered as her words rippled through me, then leaned forward to kiss every tear from her face. I couldn’t tell which were hurt tears and which were just emotional and happy, but none of them belonged on her face. She’d been through too much.

  I wanted to make her smile and laugh, and protect her from ever needing to cry again. She caught my mouth in hers and I kissed her deeply, my hands running through the long, silky hair I’d missed as I tasted the salty tears on our lips and then so much more - her heat, her passion. Everything I’d ever wanted. It went on forever and not nearly long enough, and my cock stirred with other needs as she finally pulled back.

  I closed my eyes and rested my forehead against hers, still unable to believe this was actually happening. As desolate and empty as I’d felt only an hour before, I was elated beyond anything I’d ever imagined now. Warmth and happiness overwhelmed me, until I felt ridiculous with it. I opened my eyes and gave Alessa a lop-sided smile, unable to deny what these feelings were anymore.

  “I love you, princess.” I murmured it softly, but her eyes widened and then she was on my lips again, breathing fast as she planted a dozen quick kisses on me. I laughed lightly. “I’ve got no idea what you’ve done to me.”

  Her eyes gleamed. “Well, by your logic, I’ve made you weak.” She nipped at my lips, then grinned wickedly. “But, as I said, you seem happier now.”

  I smiled back, accepting the teasing. “You were right - the trade-off is worth it.”

  “I love you too, Leo.” She sighed softly and laid her head against my shoulder, a deep wave of contentment pouring through me. “Thank you, for this.” She squeezed my arms around her and continued softly. “That’s all I was thinking about when I found out. Having your arms around me again to keep me safe.”

  I smiled, pleased beyond reasoning that she felt safe with me, even if thinking about what her father had done stoked my blood close to a boiling point.

  As if sensing the direction of my thoughts - or going there herself - she looked up at me again, frowning slightly and shifting to make it clear she wanted me to let her down again. I did so reluctantly, wishing I could spend the rest of my life with her in my arms.

  “What are we going to do—about it all?” She was hesitant again and I leaned in for a quick kiss, wanting to ease her fears before I breathed deeply and tried to work it out.

  “Well, we know who did it now - how did you find out? Was there anything else—”

  “Oh! I’m sorry, I forgot.” She reached into her back pocket and pulled out a small photo as she started talking, and then it all came out in a torrent. “I heard them - my father, my uncle - they were talking about how it had all gone wrong. Apart from my coming back alive, that is.” Her voice took on a bitter tone for a moment, and I ran my fingers through her hair. She was more than entitled to whatever she felt, but I’d let her know I was here for her throughout. “They used an intermediary to hire you - that’s the guy in the photo, Jimmy O’Connor - but he bolted when they killed Manny, got spooked they said. So they didn’t know who you were, and—and you weren’t meant to take me. They thought you’d k-kill a witness, and then they could ally with the bratva to find you quickly and avenge both Viktor and I. This was meant to cut off some of the bratva’s allies - Viktor’s personal connections - but now they’re working with the bratva to find you, so…they didn’t get what they wanted.”

  She sounded vindictively pleased about that, and I didn’t blame her. I was used to the cold-blooded nature of NYC’s underworld so the scheme didn’t surprise me much - but she’d always trusted her family. It was hard to think what it must have done to her to find this out.

  I glanced down at the photo she’d handed me, but I didn’t recognize the man from any of my dealings in the past. Flipping it over revealed a wire transfer number and I considered, picking up on the way Alessa was watching me.

  “Well, when I found out who wanted Viktor dead, I was planning on brokering a deal with the bratva for the information. But…it’s your family, so if you don’t want—”

  Her fists clenched and her face scrunched up as she looked at me. “They left me for dead. I want the Russians to know.”

  I was shocked for a moment at her ferocity, then tugged her closer with a small smile. Throughout this whole thing, she’d been stronger than I’d ever expected. She might have been terrified, and broken down a few times, but she’d dealt with everything that had been thrown at her.

  “Okay.” I took a deep breath. “In that case, I’ll try and arrange a meet with the bratva, see whether what I can tell them is good enough to get us out of here. You — you are okay leaving, right?”

  She nodded. “I always wanted to see the world. And…as long as it’s with you, the rest doesn’t matter.”

  I smiled lightly, hoping it was true. For all her enjoyment of our little cross-country adventure, Alessa hadn’t really experienced much. I didn’t want her to get homesick.

  Then you’ll just have to give her something more fun to think about.

  And it wasn’t difficult to believe her, because I felt the same way. I just wanted to be with her.

  Another thought finally occurred to me, reminding me of the reason I’d needed help getting out of the country. “Also - what did you tell them about me? Your family.”

  Her eyes sparkled again as she smiled. “Nothing.”

  I blinked. “What?”

  There was no way she could have gotten away with saying nothing of her kidnapper when so many people were looking for me.

  “It’s another reason they were pissed off. I told them you had dark hair and blue eyes…and average height.” She grinned at me and I scowled as I glanced down at myself.

  “Don’t know what kind of men you know, princess.” At over 6 feet, I was most certainly not average.

  She laughed at me and what she’d said finally registered, then I joined in, amused at my own vanity. I was arrogant enough, but no one else had ever quite triggered that before. It surprised me just how much what she thought meant to me.

  “You really did tell them nothing.” My voice was slightly wondering. That had been before she even knew how they’d used her.

  She just shrugged. “I worked out I wanted you to get away. If you were going to drag me around with you for two weeks, I decided it had damn well better be for something.”

  My mouth quirked, but I just looked at her. If I’d had any doubt left, that would have been enough to convince me that she hadn’t wanted to leave.

  Then I finally forced my thoughts back to what we needed to do. Maybe her spark of obstruction meant that I’d be able to leave as planned, but the moment Alessa was discovered missing again, it would be impossible to sneak her out. We still needed the Russians’ help.

  I sighed and looked up. “Guess I’ll need to ask Jay for yet another favor.”

  I realized for the first time that he’d disappeared. The moment I’d seen Alessa, everything else had faded away. I guessed he’d given us some privacy, which I belatedly appreciated. Especially since he’d be far less likely to help if he’d seen me acting like some love-sick fool. I couldn’t quite bring myself to care anymore, though - he could disapprove all he liked. This was worth it.

  Alessa nodded and I called out for him much the same way as I usually did when I walked in, knowing he preferred to come on his terms rather than chance someone walking in on business he didn’t want to share. And this way, I got to keep Alessa close to me and enjoy the few simple moments with her warm body re
laxed against mine.

  Even if we didn’t have a way out of the country yet, everything was so impossibly better than it had been a few hours ago. I already felt as if I’d won the battle.

  Jay came out in his own time, and I reluctantly detached from Alessa, not missing the way his gaze flicked between the two of us.

  “Thanks for all this, Jay.” I gave a small, tight smile and continued when he didn’t say anything. “I guess you already heard about Viktor’s killers?”

  He just nodded and I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

  “I’m going to try and make a deal with the bratva. I hate to ask, but I need your connections to get me a shot at it. Can you get me a conversation with whoever replaced Viktor? Or any of their bosses?” I watched his face, but it was impassive as always as he considered, scratching slowly at his chin.

  “I’ll ask. I can’t say how they’ll react.” He finally answered, and relief flooded me. “You should take the girl, too - it’ll give you a better shot at getting out alive.”

  Anger surged instantly and I forgot about my conciliatory attitude as I took a step forward, eyes flashing. “If you think for one moment that I’m letting her—”

  “I’m going.” The soft, resolute voice from behind stopped me in my tracks and I spun to Alessa.

  “You are not—”

  “My father expected me to die, too. I’m going with you to tell Viktor’s family what they did.” I stared at her in disbelief, wanting to forbid the very idea. I needed to keep her safe, damn it.

  “Alessa…” I moved towards her slowly, but her gaze was pure fire and steel as she met mine.

  “I’m probably dead if they kill you, anyway. And I need to do this.” It was the last that caught at me and made me hesitate. I could understand that need to take such a horrific event back into her own hands, even if I hated the thought of what it meant. She saw me wavering and shot me a grin. “Besides, you said I couldn’t leave your sight, right?”

  With a growl of frustration I turned back to Jay. “Fine. She comes. Can you sort the arrangements?”

  Surprisingly, he didn’t comment on the interplay, just gave me a nod. “Give me a few hours, I’ll see what I can do.”

  I gave him a grateful smile as he gathered a few of his things and then headed for the door I’d come in through, appreciating how easy he was making this for me. I’d have to think of some way to repay him. From another country. Fuck.

  The door slammed closed behind him and Alessa gave me a decidedly naughty look as she ran her eyes over me. It took me a moment to register that Jay had left us completely alone…in his house. Usually I got kicked out if he was leaving.

  “Are you staying here?” The thought occurred to me suddenly, though I didn’t quite believe it.

  She nodded, obviously distracted as she walked up to me with a smile.

  I laughed and shook my head, gazing at her admiringly. “Only you could convince Jay of something like that.”

  “Me?” That stopped her in her tracks, and she gave me an exasperated glance. “You do know how much he cares for you, right?”

  I stared at her. Alessa might be incredible in many ways, but she was certainly still innocent enough about some things.

  Chuckling, I shook my head again. “No, princess, we just have a bit of history, that’s all.”

  She scowled as she reached me. “Sure, Leo. But I’ve seen the way he looks at you. And you at him.”

  I frowned even as I ran a hand down her arm, unable to help touching her. I didn’t know what she thought she’d seen, but I hoped to hell she hadn’t said anything so ridiculous to Jay. He’d fucking kill me.

  Then any other thought disappeared as she pressed up against me, her lips meeting mine as my body finally got to answer its craving for her. I leaned down into her and took her mouth hard in mine, tongue penetrating and any softness overwhelmed by the pure need for each other. I nipped her lips and tangled roughly with her, one hand splayed in her hair and holding her head against me, the other traveling down her body to reassure myself that she really was all here.

  “Ohh fuck, I missed you, Alessa.” I groaned, my cock hardening and straining my pants as she kissed along my jaw, down my neck, her hands slipping under my t-shirt and making my skin shudder with pleasure.

  I reciprocated, slipping a thigh between her legs and making her moan as they parted for me, then running my hands down her back and ass as I pulled her in close, before cupping her eager tits and lowering my mouth to kiss and suck and fondle. She gasped and cried against me, grinding against my leg and breathlessly begging for more.

  I wanted her so fucking badly. Even if this wasn’t the time or place.

  “Alessa…” My breath murmured against her neck, my blood on fire with the lust she created. “Jay will fucking kill us.”

  “Mmm…” She agreed, her hands dipping below the belt of my pants and squeezing my ass. I groaned and bucked against her. Fuck.

  “We need him right now. To keep us alive.” I didn’t know if I was trying to convince her or myself more.

  “Mmhmm.” Her hands shifted around to the front of my pants and unbuckled my belt, slipping down to tease and cup me there. Everything else in my mind blanked.

  “Fuck it. Show me where you’re staying.”

  I picked her up in one smooth movement, making her squeal as I cradled her to me.

  “I can walk, you know!” But her arms wrapped around me and she nuzzled into my neck, inflaming every protective male instinct I knew.

  “Fuck that. Not letting you out of my sight didn’t work - I’m sorely tempted to try not letting you out of my arms. Maybe then you’ll finally be safe.”

  She moaned a little against me and I pressed a kiss to her head as I made for the stairs into the house proper.

  I’d never actually seen the inside of this house, but with Alessa in my arms and what felt like far too much time and distance between us to make up for, I didn’t even notice it. I followed her directions to the room she had at one side of the place, and managed to get the door while keeping her pressed against me.

  Once there, my eyes lit up at the sight of the bed. A proper king-size.

  “At last. A fucking decent bed.”

  She laughed as I kicked the door shut and practically threw her down, undressing in a few swift movements before landing on top of her. She’d already ripped her jeans off and was working at her top when I got there, helping her draw it off and loving every inch of bare skin it revealed. We were too desperate to go slowly, and with a laugh, I took her mouth in mine again, my hands working down her body to tease and play as she wrapped her legs around me, trying to urge me to move even faster.

  I growled softly, sticking to my pace, and then dipped to take her hard, aching tits deep into my mouth, sucking as I lavished them with my attention and tugged with my teeth, making her practically spasm under me as she groaned with a deep pleasure that made my heart sing to hear.

  My fingers spread lower, seeking her moist entrance and delighting me in how wet and ready she was. I slipped a couple of fingers inside, using one hand to stroke her and set her writhing, and the other to tease and fondle the tit my mouth wasn’t sucking. She cried under me, her breath growing shorter and shorter, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer. I could barely wait to give her what she wanted and sink deep inside.

  I’d spent a long time exploring every inch of her body, and coming back to it gave me a joy I could barely contain.

  And it was more than that now, too - I loved her. I knew it, I felt it with every breath and moment between us, and she felt the same way. The unspoken tension between us, the knowledge that this was a temporary thing - that soon, she was going to be back with her family and I would be in another country - had finally dissipated.

  And what it left just made this so much sweeter. I wanted to savor it, wanted to take my time, but it was impossible. And, knowing that with any luck I’d have the rest of my life to take my time wit
h her, I wasn’t going to try to resist.

  “Leo!” She moaned my name, aching for me, and I couldn’t deny her any longer.

  I positioned myself against her, then froze suddenly.

  “I don’t have…”

  Her glazed eyes looked up at me with a deliciously wicked smile. “Then don’t. Doesn’t matter anymore, right?”

  The words whispered through me, then they registered and I lost all control. The desire, the love, the need for this incredible, perfect woman in front of me overtook anything I’d ever known.

  I thrust into her with everything I had, watching as her eyes widened and she cried out at the sensation of my bare cock inside her, stretching her wide and not giving her a chance to recover. Her warm, wet pussy was everything I’d dreamed it would be - and something I’d never thought I’d experience - and I pounded hard inside her, unable to contain myself.

  “Fuck. Oh, damn, fuck…you feel…fuck.” I didn’t even know what I was muttering as her cries joined the curses I bit off and I moved inside her, my breath coming hard and fast as my whole body surged in pleasure.

  I’d never known anything like this. Not ever.

  “I love you, Alessa. So fucking much.” I took her mouth in mine before she could reply, my hands touching every part of her I could reach, wanting to please and pleasure but also to know that she was here. She was mine.

  I didn’t realize I’d said it out loud, my voice hoarse against her lips, until she repeated it.

  “Yours. All yours. Always, Leo.”

  I shuddered at the power of it, every rough, dominant need in me surging at the words.

  “Mine. I’m going to…take you…keep you…forever, princess. Keep you…safe…protected…mine…”

  I murmured it, thrusting with every word until I felt her clutching me, overcome by my roughness and need, by the power of everything I was doing to her.

  I kissed her as I felt us both go over the edge, my cock spurting hot wetness into her and her pussy clenching down on me as she screamed my name. I pressed my tongue into her mouth, taking the word from her lips as I tangled with her tongue and our bodies came together in every way possible, my mind seeing stars and my breath failing me.


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