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Page 11

by Tera Lyn Cortez

  Every time I thought I might manage to get the agitation under control, it reared its ugly head in response to one of their comments. This dark mage was going to meet her end, and I struggled with the temptation to run to Myntas and seek her out before we were fully prepared.

  “That means the crystal box is not impervious to magic, and there must be a way to release her from it.”

  “Yes,” Taryk mused, “unless she has used her magic to reinforce it. Either way we must try.”

  “Also,” Yuri interjected, “we need to be prepared to heal her. It sounds as if she was injured pretty severely based on what you've told me. They may have put her into stasis when they realized she no longer had the magic they were after, and this is a trap.”

  Taryk nodded. “I know this will bother you, Everleigh, but are you certain it was her in the box? It's possible that it was an illusion.”

  “No! Someone was in the box. I could see the aura.”

  He turned to me fully and grabbed both of my hands in his. “I know. But you didn't see HER tapestry. They could have placed any body into that coffin and placed an illusion spell over it to look like your mother.”

  “But why? How could she know I would come to that place in my dream walking? Until my mom gave me her magic, they didn't even know I existed. And as far as they are concerned, I think my mother is dead.”

  “The dark mage did not get as powerful as she is by taking chances.” Celeste's voice was gentle. “She may have prepared the illusion solely on the off chance that you might happen upon it. We don't know that your touch hasn't sent off some sort of message to her that the place had been disturbed.”

  “Then we have to go back and get her. Right now!” I attempted to leap out of bed, but Taryk blocked my way.

  “Ev, it's not that easy. If she did get notice that the coffin had been tampered with, she could be waiting to ambush us if we go back. We have to be careful.”

  “Then we have to go right now. Before she has a chance to get anything ready.” I started pushing at Taryk, attempting to get him to move so I could get up. “I will just open a portal right into the room and we can bring the whole casket right back here, then worry about getting her out of it and healing her!”

  Yuri took the next turn at getting me to pause long enough to think things through. “Everleigh. Stop. You are new at the portal making, so you don't know many of the rules around it. There are some places that can be set to allow you to make a portal of entry, but you will be unable to recreate a portal to escape. One cannot underestimate the dark mage. Please, slow down just enough for us to make sure we have covered all contingencies.”

  Xavier looked me direct in the eyes, and his message broke through my one-track focus. “Your mother's heart would be broken if you died and lost this war because you were careless. Even for her. She spent her entire life preparing for your success. Many people sacrificed, some of them gave everything they had to prepare you to win this. Do not make those efforts worthless.”

  His words took the air right out of my sails. My shoulders drooped. My butt may as well have been filled with cement, because suddenly, I didn't think I would be able to get off that bed any time soon. He was right, of course.

  How could I take the chance of throwing away everything she and so many others had done for me? It was a stark reminder that each and every decision I made had the fate of the world riding on it. Literally. If I screwed this up and the dark mage took over, the residents of all the realms would find themselves sentenced to what amounted to eternal torture.

  Before I could verbalize that, his words had gotten through to me, a terrified whinny rang through my head.

  “Everleigh, help us!”

  “Jewel is in trouble! We have to get back to the stables at the chateau right now!”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “I am going to open a portal straight into their stall and bring them right back here! Does that work?”

  I was already drawing on the ring and preparing to open the portal, before anyone had a chance to answer me. I would not fail them.

  Out of nowhere, Xavier produced weapons for himself and Taryk. That reminded me to grab my own weapons from where I had laid them earlier and place them into their sheaths.

  “We will need to be prepared to draw the dark mage’s wrath, but hopefully she did not appear at the chateau and only her minions will be there. Then she will be less likely to know where they went!”

  I sent the mental message that we were on our way, instructing her to bring Jewel and come straight through as soon as it opened.

  It took all my focus to make a portal large enough that an animal of their size could make it through. The guys stood at the ready with their weapons in case we needed to protect the entrance from marauding forces. Celeste positioned herself at the forefront to guide Jewel and Topaz through, so they would see a familiar face and know it was safe to enter.

  Immediately upon opening the portal, we heard the sounds of battle raging on the other side. Celeste ushered the two animals through, and I allowed the portal to snap closed. I sent a message to Landon via our bond that I had removed both Jewel and Topaz from the area and to focus on ridding themselves of the attackers.

  “Ask them if they need assistance,” Taryk urged.

  I did, and Landon declined, letting me know that their reinforcements had arrived, and now that they didn't have to fear for Jewel's safety they would be putting all their efforts into eradicating the entire force that had dared to attack the chateau.

  Jewel walked over to me and I knelt on the floor to comfort her. I could feel her fear while they were being attacked and it broke my heart. I snuggled her as I looked up at Topaz.

  “I'm so sorry this happened to you.”

  She snorted. “This is not your fault, and I cannot thank you enough for coming to our rescue.”

  I looked at Xavier. “Should I open a portal to the great hall where they can walk out to the stables? I haven't been down there yet, so I can't make one directly to it.”

  “How about directly into the garden?”

  I nodded then looked at Topaz. “There is no more highly protected place to be in any of the realms. You will be safe here, and if any problem should arise, I will be here to zip you right out.”

  Giving Jewel one last hug, I stood, and prepared to open the portal. The ring’s familiar power rolled through me, and in seconds we were looking straight through the bedroom wall into the open gardens. Topaz nudged Jewel to encourage her through. Exhaustion got the better of me, and I lost my hold on the portal before I was able to follow them through.

  Sighing, I shrugged. “Looks like it will be the stairs for me.”

  Taryk laughed. “The rest of us too, apparently.” I elbowed him gently, and he grabbed my arm.

  As a group, we headed out to make our way to the gardens. Stomach grumbling, I veered toward the kitchen to make a pit stop as we reached the bottom of the stairs. Xavier, Celeste, and Yuri smiled. Having already eaten while I was dreaming, they agreed to meet us in the gardens.

  Grabbing a basket off the counter, I proceeded to the pantry with Taryk close at my heels. As soon as we were shielded from sight, he grabbed me by both shoulders and looked me right in the eyes.

  “Are you really okay? I worry so much when you go into those dreams. That's the one place I can't protect you.”

  My heart nearly burst. Tears welled up in my eyes. This man was making it impossible not to fall for him. I tried reminding myself that I needed to avoid distractions, but it didn't appear to be working as well as I had hoped.

  I could barely make words, so I nodded. He pulled me closer and wrapped me in a hug.

  I hadn't realized how starved I'd been for physical affection since my adoptive parents had passed away. The hugs and gentle touches I'd been receiving since making my way to the cabin were filling a void I had barely acknowledged existed.

  Add the romantic gestures since Taryk and I had been spending more time toget
her and my heart warred between being full of love for the ones around me, and full of grief for the losses I had already suffered. My brain told me not to get too close to anyone, because a war of this magnitude would most definitely cost us some lives, and I didn't know if I could handle losing anyone else right now.

  A single tear managed to escape, and he wiped it away gently with his thumb. I'd left the bond open, allowing him to feel the struggle within me. He raised my chin, then pressed his lips to mine. Eyes wide open, this was not a kiss of passion, but of promise.

  Separating, we grabbed snacks to go. I'd already spent plenty of time in the pantry and I wanted to get Jewel and Topaz settled into their new home, so we could plan more of our strategy; I wanted nothing more than to end this dark mage's reign of terror once and for all. I needed to check in with Landon again as well.

  Entering the garden, we saw them standing there, Jewel playing in the green grass. She looked as if she had not a care in the world, as it should be for babies. Stopping, I stood and admired her for a minute. Once we began moving again, I made sure to reach out through our bond so as not to startle her when we approached.

  Our group proceeded down the path to the stables. Once inside, Xavier directed us to the best stall for the pair.

  “It's got plenty of room, and your own access to the paddock outside.”

  Both Jewel and her mom looked ready to settle down for a nap after the upheaval of earlier. Making sure they had all the things they could possibly need to be comfortable, I gave them some final affectionate pats, and we headed out the door.

  “Anything you need, anything at all, just call me through our bond. I will not leave the castle grounds without first letting you know. You will be safe here.”

  We heard no other sound but the crunching of our feet on the gravel path as we returned to the castle en masse. I didn't know the others’ thoughts, but I mentally made a to-do list as we walked. Getting my mother back to the castle, whether in that crystal coffin or out, made the top spot on the list. I wouldn't be able to concentrate on anything else until I knew she rested safely away from wherever they kept her.

  Landon contacted me before I made an attempt to connect with him. “All is well here, Chosen. The forces who survived were driven back to wherever they came from, with the exception of one, who we reserved for questioning. Would you, or your representative, wish to be present for the questioning?”

  “Thank you, Landon. Yes, one of us should be. Give me a moment to confer with the others and I will let you know.”

  As we entered the castle, I turned to the others. “Landon, the head of the guard back at the chateau, has a prisoner from the attack. They will wait to question him until one of us can be present. Who should go?”

  There were looks all around the table. I decided to begin. “Obviously I need to go for transportation purposes, unless someone has a travel method other than a portal?”

  Everybody nodded. Celeste spoke up. “I will obviously go with you. And we need one of the men. Yuri can stay or attend as she pleases.”

  “I believe I will stay, if Xavier will escort me through the ward, I would like to have a meeting with my grandmother.”

  “I guess that leaves me as your travel buddy,” Taryk said with a wink.

  I sent the message to Landon letting him know we would arrive shortly.

  Yuri flitted nervously. “Be careful. She is a sneaky being. Never let your guard down, even in the chateau. I plan to ask my grandmother what she remembers of the imprisonment of the dark mage. Hopefully she will have some helpful information for us regarding your mother’s situation.”

  “Thank you, Yuri. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you. You be extra safe as well. We never know when she is going to turn her attention this way.”

  Xavier gave me a hug. “Running off again, are you? Can't seem to keep you in one place now that you have that blasted ring.” We laughed together. “Seriously though. Be careful. If you need me send word though our bond and open the portal. I will be by your side in an instant.”

  “I know, and I will be. Keep your eyes peeled as well. We are doing more and more that has the potential to draw her attention to us, and no matter how well protected we are here, she has the knack for making trouble. Keep Jewel safe, no matter the cost.”

  I took a deep breath, gathering the power of the ring. Creating portals so close together was drawing on my reserves, and I would still need to be able to make our way back in a fairly short time. Yuri, ever my rescuer, flew up and handed me a tiny bag.

  “Keep this in your pocket in case you need a little pick me up while you are gone.” She winked at me and returned to Xavier's side as he headed toward the tunnel.

  “Thank you!” I called to her and slipped it into my jacket.

  Taryk and I linked hands, and I opened the portal into the great room of the chateau. I announced our arrival via the bond, and Landon appeared momentarily from a hallway we had not used during our first visit.

  He nodded at Taryk and then bowed toward me. “Thank you for returning, Chosen. This way, please.”

  We followed him the way he had come, entering a steep stairwell that led below the chateau. I had a brief moment of panic, wondering if we were entering a torture chamber similar to that at the castle. Taryk felt my pause, and squeezed my hand, letting me know to relax, that he would take care of it if that happened to be the case.

  We had barely finished the exchange when we arrived at a solid door. I let out the breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding when it was a bare room on the other side. The prisoner sat in a large metal chair, chained at the hands, feet, and chest.

  “He is magically restrained as well and shielded from being able to make contact with anyone outside this room.” Landon strode up and stood directly in front of the chair. The prisoner kept his eyes trained on the ground.

  While he studied the floor, I took the opportunity to study him. He was humanoid, although far larger than any man I had ever seen. He wore no shirt, just pants and combat type boots. His hands were proportionately larger than a human as well.

  Landon stood before him, arms clasped in front of him. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way. The choice is yours. But you will make it now. I don't have the patience for your games. Who sent you?”

  Via our bond, I heard him tell me that he intended to start easy with a question or two, but then it would get serious very fast. If I wanted to leave the room, he understood. I relayed the message to Taryk, who announced he would stay even if I had to go. He had some tricks of his own to help get the information we needed.

  My stomach turned inside out at the thought, but I knew I needed to see this through. We needed every edge possible, and this captive presented a big one. I nodded at him to continue.

  Silence from the chair.

  “Last chance. This is about to get very unpleasant for you.”

  I was startled to hear a gruff voice from the chair. “Not nearly as unpleasant as if she knew I was talking to you.”

  Landon inclined his head. “So the dark mage did send you?”

  Realizing his mistake, the creature in the chair scowled, pressing his lips together.

  Landon asked a few more questions, but there was not another peep from the guy in the chair. Apparently she was way scarier that he could ever be. So, Taryk took a chance and stepped forward. Landon stepped back in return.

  He began pacing in front of the chair, adopting a conversational tone. “Depending on how long you've been around, you may have heard about the first time the dark mage was imprisoned.”

  That statement caused an immediate stiffening of the man’s (for lack of a better term at the moment) body. He raised his eyes and stared at Taryk suspiciously.

  “The tales of the great mage who captured her have made their way around the realms ever since.” Taryk turned to face the chair, drawing to his full height, and seeming even taller than I had ever remembered him being.

  “That mage was
my father. When he passed from this world, I inherited his powers, plus the ones I bear from my mother's line.” At this point the captive was visibly attempting to wrest himself from the bonds that held him. All I could do was watch in awe. I had never seen this side of him, and I had to admit I felt both pride and a little apprehension.

  Taryk began to give off a glow, minute at first, but growing brighter every second. “You do not want to incur my wrath.” His voice boomed, echoing off the bare walls of the chamber.

  Even Landon startled visibly at the sound, looking at Taryk's back with surprise on his face. I then watched him as he nodded, seemingly in agreement with the tactics being employed. Taryk extended his hand toward the prisoner. There was nothing visible happening, but the big guy started shaking his head, eyes shut tightly.

  “Do you wish to answer our questions, or do you need more persuasion?”

  Taryk paused for a moment, but there was no other sound or movement from the chair, save the frantic shaking of his head.

  “Last chance...”

  “OKAY!” The word burst forth, almost as if it came against his own will. “But you must promise to kill me when you are done. Do not let her get her hands on me again.”

  Taryk's theatrics lessened, until he once again appeared to be the man I had always known. He looked over his shoulder and motioned Landon forward.

  “Where is she hiding?” Landon dove straight into the important questions, most likely hoping to get answers before the fear faded.

  “I don't know,” the gruff voice replied sullenly.

  Taryk took a step forward again, reaching toward the prisoner.

  “I swear I don't!” The gruff voice had an amazing range, for this response was even higher pitched than I would have managed. “Very few know, and I am but a lowly pawn in her game. It is said that she never ventures from her lair and has only one or two trusted advisors there. They take turns going out to meet with the higher ups who pass the messages along to us peons.”


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