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In Good Hands With My Dad's Best Friend (BBW Contemporary Medical Taboo Romance)

Page 7

by Ava May

  Cute 2.

  What? Tell more.

  Gotta go. Pizza party.


  Sara smiled, turned the volume all the way down and stuck the phone in her pocket. Deciding to make the meal a little classy, she slid the pizza slices out of the box and onto a plate, and put the beer and wine on a tray. There. Not too bad, considering she did this all by the beam of a flashlight. Picking up the tray she headed back to the living room.

  Warmth and light hit her as soon as she turned the corner. Much better. Mathew had lit more candles and the place looked extremely inviting. She made a mental note, burn candles more often.

  Of course, having this incredibly appealing guy in the room helped. He had his long legs propped on a coffee table, head reclined on the back of the couch, and his eyes closed. He looked exhausted. Still cute, but exhausted. She set the tray down quietly and studied him again. Younger than her dad, by a few years. Those laugh lines added to his good looks, making him appear mature, but not old. Brown hair, with some blond highlights shone in the firelight.

  "You don't get many men to look at where you come from?" He didn't open his eyes, didn't move while asking the question. "You're staring at me again."

  Damn it, was he magic, he could see through his eyelids? "I'm just trying to see if I can place you, in any pictures my dad has shown me."

  Good save.

  "You'll see one on the shelf, next to the big window. When your dad and I were in Africa."

  She set the tray down and he popped open the beer, then dug into the pizza. Sara wandered over to the window to find it. Africa. Hunting some poor animal for a trophy, no doubt. Rich guy games.

  "I was just heading off for a stint for Doctors Without Borders. Doug was there at the same time, doing some pro bono work for the group. We managed to meet up, got someone to take a picture. It turned out pretty good, so we kept it.

  There. Her dad and Mathew, posed in front of a gorgeous sunset in an exotic background. Mathew had a slight beard and longish hair and her dad, he looked happy. Really happy. She didn't know he'd done volunteer work as a lawyer.

  "You're a doctor?"

  "Was. Couldn't deal with the insurance companies and the political bullshit."

  "What do you do now?"

  "Whatever I want. I made a few good investments. Really good. I don't have to work anymore. At least not at something I don't enjoy."

  What do you enjoy, she almost asked, but bit her tongue. This guy radiated a powerful sensual energy, and no doubt his list of enjoyable activities would make her pulse race. Faster than it did now.

  "Tell me about this investment project you're working on with my dad."

  Something safe and boring.

  "It's not terribly exciting. How about we talk about you. Your father mentions you all the time, but doesn't go into much detail."

  What? A guy who didn't want to talk about himself? Odd. Sara continued to peruse the pictures on the shelf. Doug had kept one of their family, him, her and her mom, tucked away in the back. She wiped off the light coat of dust and studied it. How happy they all looked.

  "I'm not terribly exciting either. I live in Maplewood, I'm an admin assistant, and I hang out with my friends."

  "I'm sure there's more to you than that. Come on over and eat. I opened your wine for you."

  Yes, wine. Maybe that would settle her nerves. Something about Mathew did funny things to her lady parts. His voice, lord, like liquid heat, sliding along her nerve endings. Moisture formed between her thighs just listening to him talk.

  She chose a chair opposite the couch and grabbed a piece of pizza and a glass of wine.

  "Sorry, I ate mine already. My table manners are non-existent tonight. I'm starving."

  Yet he still left her two pieces. How thoughtful was that?

  "You can have another piece, if you want. I'm not that hungry. Really, I'd like to know about the project. Unless it's top secret."

  "Nothing like that." Mathew grabbed the last slice. "There are a few vacant houses in a low-rent district in Clayton. Your dad and I are thinking of buying them, fixing them up, and turning them over to a veteran's group to rent to homeless vets."

  Holy crap! Who was this guy? Jesus?

  "Mathew, why do you do all this charity work? And why is my dad involved?"

  He licked sauce off his fingers, a move that produced more heat in the room than the blazing fire.

  "Call me Matt. I've been fortunate in life. I've managed to amass a great deal of money, but I remember what it's like to be down. People helped me then, and I want to help others now. Your dad, I've always been after him to be more of a philanthropist. I think that stint in Africa pushed him in the right direction. Slowly."

  Matt tapped his briefcase with a toe. Damn, even his feet were sexy.

  "This deal will benefit a lot of people. And you know who really ends up feeling good?" He pointed to his chest. "Me, that's who. Doug is figuring that out too. When you give to others, you get ten times back. Why don't you come over here? Better view of the fire. I'll put another log on."

  He stood and went to the fireplace. The guy moved like a person who knew exactly what he was doing at all times. Sure, and in control. What an odd combination of power and kindness. He picked up her empty glass, along with the bottle, and moved them to the coffee table. Had she already drunk a whole glass of wine? It rarely took more than one to make her tipsy.

  "Come on, sit next to me. I won't bite." He refilled her glass.

  Yeah, sure he wouldn't. Pushing away the image of his teeth on her skin, she rose and sat on the couch. Not terribly close.

  "Tell me what you do for fun. I'll bet you don't spend all your free time hanging out with your friends. Doug says you're on your computer a lot. You don't strike me as a Facebook fiend, are you?"

  "No, not that much."

  "So, what do you do on your computer?"

  Sara shifted on the couch. Those deep blue eyes of his seemed to burrow into her soul. That, along with the glass and a half of merlot, must be what made her blurt out a secret she told no one.

  "I write romance books."

  Instead of laughing, like Kyle had when she'd first told him, Matt merely nodded.

  "I can imagine you doing that. I don't know you well, but from what I've heard from Doug, you're creative, smart, and look at the world from a different perspective than other people."

  "My dad said that?"

  "Not exactly, but I've picked up those images over the years. He talks about you a lot, doesn't even know he's doing it. He misses you."

  Weird. This whole night had turned weird. Her father was a man she didn't even know, a half-way interesting guy who actually cared about her, and a super-hot friend of his was…touching her hand?

  Yep. Matt ran a fingertip along the back of her hand that she'd rested on the edge of the couch. Little sparks of electricity leaped from his skin to hers. Part of her wanted to snatch her hand away, the other part longed to stroke the stubble on his face. It would feel rough, like sandpaper.

  "So soft," he murmured.

  "Uh." Common sense finally prevailed and she pulled her hand to her lap. "Tell me more about you. Some of your other projects."

  He scooted closer to her. "You don't want to enjoy some special time together?"

  Oh boy did she. Her body did anyway. Her nipples tightened and her pulse had sped up like a race car. "Look, you seem like a nice guy," she began.

  He sighed, leaned back and crossed his arms. "Right. That's me. Nice guy. A good friend. The one women want to talk to, not get naked with."

  She opened her eyes wide. "No, that's not true. I'd love to get naked with you."

  Holy hell. She did not just say that.

  Matt's eyes lit up. "Then what are we waiting for?" He grabbed the bottom of his shirt.

  She put her hands on his. "No, that's not what I meant. I mean, you're very attractive and fun and nice, but I can't do anything with you."

  "Why not? We're bo
th adults. I want you, you seem to want me. Don't you?"

  His eyes dropped to her breasts, where she knew her nipples stood straight up, broadcasting her desire.

  He caressed her face. "I believe in living life to the fullest. Right now, what I want to do more than anything in the world, is make love to you."


  "Why? Because we're alone, in the dark, with a fire. You're sexy as all hell, and I've been picturing your sweet, naked ass on that fur rug ever since I met you."

  Sara squirmed, the heat between her legs turning to wet fire. She slapped down her building lust. Something was totally wrong with this situation. Any minute now, Matt would burst out laughing.

  "Please. Stop. I don't know what kind of game you're playing, but I know I'm not the type of woman guys like you go for."

  "And what type is that?"

  "Tall, skinny, gorgeous."

  He took her hand and put it on his lap. Oh heavens! His erection throbbed through the thin material of his sweatpants. He was big and lord almighty, hard. She couldn't resist squeezing lightly, making him hiss in response.

  He smiled at her, a smoldering flame in his eyes. "Still think I'm not interested in you? Let me tell you something. I've been all over this world, and there is no "type" of woman I prefer. All women are beautiful, in their own way. You have a sweet, simple, yet complex way about you that I find immensely appealing."

  "You just described a bottle of wine, I do believe."

  He threw back his head and laughed. "Yes, women are like wine. Each a little different, each one mysterious, every one delicious. You," he ran his palm down her neck, then cupped her breast. "I think I could explore you for a long time."

  His thumb stroked her nipple through her shirt and she couldn't hold back a moan. Nor could she think of a reason to say no. It had been far too long since a man looked at her with such desire. Mathew seemed nice. Maybe he really was a good guy, and would treat her well. She deserved this little bit of pleasure.

  Still, the voice of reason persisted. "Condoms."

  "Got one in my bag. Don't move. Wait, move just a little."

  He pulled her to him and kissed her. Not a tender or tentative kiss, either. His mouth captured hers hungrily, drawing her in, coaxing a response she eagerly gave. Their tongues entwined and she met his urgency, surprised at how natural it felt. Like they'd done this a hundred times before.

  He cupped one breast, stroking her nipple again. She arched her back, leaning into him, wanting more. As though he read her mind, he complied, taking the other one in his hand, then rolling her nipples between his thumb and forefinger. An ache filled her and she longed for him to take them in her mouth, to suck on them.

  Once again, he seemed to pick up exactly what she wanted. He pushed her shirt up and lifted her sport bra, freeing both breasts. Exposed to the somewhat-chill air, her nipples hardened further. He bent and flicked his tongue over one peak, while continuing to tease the other with his fingers.

  Sara could barely hold still. Waves of such pleasure ran through her. She wrapped one leg over his thigh, needing contact with his body.

  He stopped, pulled away, and she saw the wonder in his eyes too. Did he feel that spark, that connection when they touched?

  He cleared his throat, ran his hand along her face again. "Don't move." His voice shook slightly.

  Sara leaned back. No way could she move if she wanted to. Her whole body shook, with nervousness and desire. She was about to make love with a guy she'd just met, a wildly hot guy who wanted her bad. Could this night get any crazier?


  The slamming of a door made her jump. Not an upstairs door, one in the back of the house.

  "Sara, I'm home. The garage door wouldn't open." Shit. Her father's voice. "I guess the electricity is out. You okay?" He strode into the room.

  Too late to adjust her bra, she shoved her shirt all the way down and hoped the bulkiness would hide her state of undress. Surely the room was dark enough to hide her enflamed cheeks.

  "I'm fine. Your friend Mathew is here."

  "He is? He's early."

  "Yeah, that's what he said."

  "You don't have to yell, I can hear you."

  Hoping to heck Matt could too, she kept her voice raised. "Good to see you, Dad."

  In the dim light, she saw his eyebrows raise. "Are you sure you're all right?"

  "Hey there. About time you got home."

  Matt ambled down the stairs and to Sara's relief, from what she could see, the erection he'd had moments ago disappeared. The two men shook hands and guy-hugged.

  "Why are you wearing my clothes?"

  "I got drenched. That's my rental car with a flat tire you see down the road. Your daughter was kind enough to let me shower and loan me clothes."

  "You've met Sara then."

  "Sure have. We helped ourselves to pizza and drinks."

  "Why didn't you tell me you had company coming?" Sara stood and put her hands on her hips. Her heart rate slowed a little, but she still had steam to blow off.

  "Sorry, totally slipped my mind. I got called away for this last minute meeting. Glad you were here to let Matt in. Guys, I'm beat. Hate to be rude but I'm heading to bed. Maybe there's still some hot water left. There's extra blankets in the closet, if the heat doesn't come back on." Doug picked up the overnight bag he'd brought in. "I'll see you two in the morning."

  When he'd disappeared up the stairs, Sara and Matt looked at each other.


  "Guess we should smother the fire, close off the fireplace. I'll take care of that, if you'll put away the food stuff. Got your flashlight?"


  "Okay. Well, good night then."

  No, not hardly a good night. Sara wanted to talk further, to continue where they'd left off. But the magic had disappeared. She gathered the wine, plates and empty beer bottle and put the items on the tray. Moving slowly, still shaking, she took it to the kitchen.

  Damn it! Why did her dad have to come in just now and ruin what was sure to be the best time she'd had for a while? Of course, it would have been worse if they'd already been naked and entwined. A shudder coursed through her as she pictured that. Her legs wrapped around Matt, heels digging into him.

  Blowing out a breath, she put that image out of her mind and cleaned up in the kitchen. She'd take a shower, most likely cold. The hot water take in the house was large, but she suspected not big enough for a third steamy rinse. That would cool down her jets. Anyway, her and Matt, bad idea. He said he found her attractive, and his body sure responded, but after their one night together, he'd be gone. So what was the point, besides a little pleasure? She'd just get all goofy and sappy, start to like the guy. She didn't need her heart stomped on again.

  But what a guy! A grin spread across her face as she shoved the pizza box in the trash. Funny, kind, generous. She could have sworn all those men were as extinct as the Tyrannosaurus rex.

  Didn't matter. Matt wasn't for her. His interest was just horny-guy-in-a-romantic-situation attraction, that's all.

  When she walked back to the living room, Matt was gone and the fire was out. Just like the one in her heart.

  Chapter 3

  In the Pink Room, Sara's bedroom of choice, she managed a quick, lukewarm shower before the water turned cold. She'd have to hunt down another blanket or two, wear her yoga pants to bed, if the electric stayed off. Rain continued to beat on the roof, though the thunder and lightning had stopped. Maybe she could coerce Daisy into the bed to snuggle.

  "Don't you look delicious."

  Sara almost dropped the candle she held. Two other candles burned in their holders, one on the dresser and one on the bedside table, joined by the bottle of wine and a glass. Matt sat on the edge of her bed, a mischievous smile in place.

  "What are you doing here?" She clutched the towel to her body.

  He stood, crossed the room, and came to stand a foot away. "Finishing what we started."

  She backed up. "
I don't think that's a good idea. I'm not a 'quickie' kind of girl."

  "Oh, it won't be a quickie." He moved closer.

  "I mean, I don't do one-night stands."

  "Didn't plan on this being one of those." Closer.

  "You said you've had a lot of lovers."

  "I have." Now almost touching.

  "I don't want to be another conquest. You don't live here. You'll be leaving soon. Right?"

  "Wrong. That's one reason I want to get this project rolling. So I can put down roots somewhere for a while. Stop traveling so much."

  His scent reached her now, that pine/orange, mixed with wood smoke. And a little man-sweat. Her pussy clenched and she gripped the candlestick to keep her hands from reaching out and grabbing him.

  "My dad, he's just down the hall."

  "And passed out by now, I'm sure. These rooms are pretty sound proof. We'll just have to try not to scream."

  She didn't protest when he took the candlestick away, set it down, then pulled the towel away.

  "Just stand there a minute and let me look at you."

  She did, trying not to blush. Matt seemed genuinely turned-on by her body. And as he undressed, she was most definitely aroused by his. Strong legs, a powerful torso, arms that she wanted wrapped around her.

  He held out his hand and led her to the bed.

  "Sit. Open your legs."

  She complied, and pulled in a breath as he kneeled, parted her thighs further, and began to lick her pussy. Long, slow strokes, sweeping upward and ending at her clit, which he flicked with his tongue. She buried her hands in his hair, tingles of pleasure rushing from her scalp to her toes. He continued this movement for several moments, then pulled back and slid a finger inside her.

  Like he knew her body already, he found her G-spot. With just the right amount of pressure, he caressed it with one finger, while his thumb teased her clit. Sara planted her hands on the mattress and leaned back on the bed, afraid she would fall over. The tingles had turned to bolts of ecstasy; she could barely sit upright.

  Finally, after only a few minutes of this bliss, she pushed his hand away. "Stop. I'm going to come right now."

  "Nothing wrong with that." The glow from the candles illuminated his eyes, gone dark with desire.


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