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Ride: Maelíosa and Sage: Episodes 9-12 (Puca Mates Collection Book 3)

Page 8

by A. C. James

  Darcy joined in the laughter, and Maelíosa rolled her eyes.

  Felicity lifted the golden gown off Maelíosa’s large bed. “Time to get dressed.”

  She swallowed. “I hope it fits. Mum was so dainty compared to me...” Maelíosa looked down at her hands, twisting them together. This would have gone over better—or at least she’d have been more confident—in clothes that were familiar. Her leather leggings were functional and suited her. Thank fuck she’d only had to wear a dress once before, and she’d likely never need to again. Well, you only get mated once. Deep breath. You’ve got this.

  “You’ve got an athletic build,” Felicity said soothingly. “I’m sure it’ll be lovely on you.”

  Maelíosa nodded. Felicity helped Maelíosa pull her tunic over her head, and then she slipped out of her leather leggings and her comfort zone at the same time.

  “Go on,” Maelíosa said. “Let’s get on with it.”

  She held her arms high over her head, and Felicity lowered the dress down. Maelíosa kept her eyes closed and held her breath as she felt the golden fabric cascade over her face and body. When her arms had slipped through the sleeves, she opened her eyes.

  “Lovely,” Felicity said.

  Cyn came forward with a small sewing kit. “Turn around, love,” she said mildly, tapping Maelíosa on the shoulder. “We need to cinch you in.”

  Maelíosa sucked in her breath and stared at her reflection in the mirror as Cyn zipped the golden fabric tightly around her midsection. She gasped. She looked beautiful.

  Then she shook her head. “I don’t look like myself. I look completely different, and I doubt anyone in the clan will know me. They’ll shite the bed when they see me in this...”

  Cyn stepped close to Maelíosa and adjusted a lock of hair on her shoulder. “Looking different is bloody acceptable on your wedding day. You’re beautiful.”

  “Sage won’t know what hit him.” Felicity grinned. “How does that feel? Right?”

  Maelíosa frowned. She tugged at the golden material of the bodice. Her small breasts were pushed together, creating a savage cleavage that she’d never known she had. “It’s a bit tight. Me mum was a bit slimmer than I am.”

  “You’re gorg.” Felicity reassured her. “Take another look.”

  Maelíosa glanced in the mirror. The longer she stared at her reflection, the more she had to admit that she looked bonny. The gold dress was tight, but very classy. When she thought of Sage ripping the dress off her body after the mating ceremony, her skin started to itch and grow warm. She fanned herself with a hand and spun away from the mirror.

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” Maelíosa said softly, in a rare display of emotion.

  “Don’t worry,” Felicity said. “Shite! I told Niall I’d go find him and make sure he’s dressed. You know men; they hate formalwear.”

  Maelíosa laughed nervously as Felicity skittered out the door, closing it behind her. Cyn was lounging on the bed, scanning through a document that her agent had sent her about the interview. Darcy and Carina, on the other hand, were looking intently at her and smiling. It was making her twitchy.

  “Can I help with your make-up?” Darcy stepped closer, holding a zippered metallic bag that she recognised as belonging to Cyn.

  Maelíosa nodded.

  “She’s taught me a few tricks,” Darcy said, gesturing to Cyn’s curvy figure sprawled on the bed.

  She sat down on a bench by the foot of her bed and closed her eyes. As Darcy and Carina fluttered their hands about her face, she had to suppress the urge to laugh. Bloody hell, that tickles. She twitched her nose as Darcy lightly ran a powder puff across the bridge of it.


  At the sound of her name, Maelíosa’s eyes flew open. Carina was sitting down next to her, staring right into her eyes. The girl had a serious look about her.

  “What is it?”

  Carina tilted her chin high up in the air. “You’d better be good to my dad.”

  Maelíosa nodded, just as seriously. “I promise that I’ll be good to your da.”

  Carina smiled. Maelíosa liked the young girl—she saw a lot of herself in Carina, and knew that the nine-year-old was likely wise beyond her years.

  “Good.” Carina grinned. “I’m really glad that you’re doing this. I mean, I’m glad you’re helping us.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she lied.

  Or was it a lie? There was a tiny part of her that was doing it for reasons she still couldn’t fathom.

  Chapter Five

  Sage shifted nervously. He was wearing the traditional outfit of the clan, and he couldn’t help but think of how different it was than his old Navy uniform.

  Fallon raised his eyebrow. “Having second thoughts?”

  “Fuck no,” Sage said.

  Fallon let out a hearty laugh.

  “I mean, no, definitely not. Just...thinking about this place.” Sage glanced around the great hall of the castle. “Never seen anything like it.”

  “I’m glad you approve.”

  It was getting hot now that the clan was gathering in the hall. Sage adjusted his collar.

  Fallon cleared his throat. “About Maelíosa....” He trailed off, shaking his head. There was a glint in his eye. “She’s resisted mating for so long. I was starting to think she’d never take a mate.”

  Sage raised his eyebrows. “Really?”

  “Aye, she was very against the idea for a long time.” He sighed good-naturedly. “But I like to think that now, she’s really started to grow up.”

  A stab of nervousness shot through his chest at Fallon’s admission. Fuck, I’d take storming a beach over this. At least that was straightforward... He didn’t want to second-guess his mate, and it was too late to back out now, anyway. Sage wasn’t sure what had made Maelíosa change her mind, but he was grateful that she’d chosen to mate with him in order to bypass the application and courtship period.

  “And I am well aware that Maelíosa is a handful,” Fallon continued. “She can be obstinate, headstrong, and sarcastic.”

  He thought about Maelíosa’s banter with Kieran. “Yeah, I gathered that.”

  Fallon chuckled. “I hate to say it about me own daughter, but I swear to God she was a ballbuster. A good number of the male púca in our clan would never consider her for a mate. She was promised to one, and he wouldn’t have her stubborn arse...though it’s just as well. I never cared for the lad.”

  Sage tried not to show his shock. Everything Fallon was telling him—well, maybe aside from the headstrong and sarcastic part—was a surprise.

  “I’ve seen a good side of her, I guess,” Sage joked. “She’s a nice girl. I’m so damn grateful to her. Haven’t the faintest idea where I’d be if it wasn’t for her offer.”

  Fallon nodded. “Welcome to the family. We’re a bit of a strange lot; definitely a lot to take in. And I know you’ve barely had time to acquaint yourself here, but I hope that in time you’ll feel comfortable and consider this your home.”

  Sage grinned. “I’m sure I will.”

  He watched in awe as the great hall continued to fill with people. He stretched up and looked over the heads of the newcomers. Never in a million years had he thought he’d marry. Certainly not after his experience with Carina’s mom, if you could call her that. There wasn’t a motherly bone in her body. And now here he was mating with a púca.

  Sage laughed out loud at the absurdity of his predicament, then started coughing to cover it up. His midsection ached, and he was already tired from being on his feet so much, but overall he felt better than he had in months. Years, even, if you counted how worn out he’d been after the Navy.

  “The ceremony is about to start,” Fallon said in a low voice. “Maelíosa will be coming out with Niall. She’ll walk up to us, and then we’ll begin.”

  Sage nodded. He felt a rush of anxiety for a moment as he realized this was it—this was his second chance. At everything. Life, love..
.maybe even a chance to give Carina a real mother.

  A small band of musicians took up their instruments and began to play a lovely, lilting tune as Sage turned toward the front of the room. He spotted Carina, all decked out in a dress fitting for the Realm, with golden sleeves and a bodice, scattering flower petals on a red carpet that had been rolled out across the stone floor. Behind her came Niall, and on his arm was the most beautiful woman Sage had ever seen. His mouth went dry as he took in Maelíosa’s athletic figure, practically poured into a beautiful golden gown. Her dark eyes were sparkling, and there was a hint of a smile on her face. Sage couldn’t resist grinning. Darcy, Fallon’s youngest daughter, trailed behind, carrying the golden lace train of Maelíosa’s gown.

  It seemed like an eternity passed before Maelíosa was standing in front of him. Niall passed Maelíosa’s hand to his, and leaned in to give his sister a kiss on the cheek before stepping down to the side.

  The hall was quiet.

  Fallon reached down and took Maelíosa’s right hand and Sage’s left hand, binding them together with a scarlet ribbon. Maelíosa’s hand was soft and incredibly warm. Their fingers laced together with comfortable ease. Sage stared down at the ribbon, momentarily spellbound. Another wave of anxiety churned in his gut, but it passed as he took a deep breath and focused on her hand. The way it fit in his felt natural and right. He centered his attention on his mate, and everything else fell away: family, the clan gathered in the hall. It was only them, bound together for better or worse. I’ll be yours completely.

  It wasn’t until that moment that Sage was struck with the realization that he wanted this, wanted her, and it had nothing to do with saving himself or his daughter. Maybe it was crazy to feel this way about someone he barely knew. Sage didn’t care. This was the first day of his new life, and he’d spend the rest of it figuring her out.

  “You may now speak the sacred words.” Fallon’s voice was grave and serious.

  “I, Sage, take thee, Maelíosa, as my wedded wife, till death do us part, and thereto I plight three my troth. Deo mo ghrá.”

  Fallon turned to Maelíosa and nodded ever so slightly. When she began to speak, her voice was lilting and soft. “I, Maelíosa, take thee, Sage, as my wedded husband, till death do us part, and thereto I plight three my troth. Deo mo ghrá.”

  Fallon nodded to Maelíosa. “He is your mate, and now a member of our clan. Cherish do maité.”

  Sage looked at his new mate, his new wife... Maelíosa. He grinned, then reached forward and wrapped his arms around her, dipping her low in a passionate kiss. Maelíosa’s soft lips pressed against his in a demanding kiss that made his loins stir. He couldn’t wait to get her alone. There was a loud cheer from the crowd. Oh yeah. She’s mine.

  MAELÍOSA COULDN’T STOP herself from smiling so widely her cheeks ached. Her lips were still smarting from the passionate kiss, and her belly was a tangle of arousal and nerves. She leaned close to Sage. “Grand of that to be so short, I don’t think I could have said much more!”

  Sage threw his head back and laughed. “Just glad I didn’t fuck things up.”

  Maelíosa blushed, then straightened up. Felicity and Niall were walking toward them, and Niall had his arms open for another wide hug.

  “Never thought I’d see you in a dress,” Niall said as he pulled his twin in for a hug and kiss.

  Maelíosa rolled her eyes.

  “Congrats!” Felicity cried, her eyes shining with real happiness. She leaned in for a hug and pulled her sister-in-law close. “I think it’s bloody marvellous that you’ve found someone. Niall and I couldn’t be more thrilled.”

  “Just wait until the wee ones come,” Niall said. There were dark circles under his eyes and he looked exhausted. “Then you might be a bit regretful!”

  Felicity gently cuffed him on the shoulder and laughed. “He’s kidding. The wee ones are marvellous.”

  Maelíosa blushed. “No more talk of wee ones right now. We’ve just mated!”

  She hadn’t even shagged him and her family was already talking about babes. She shook her head.

  Sage cleared his throat. “Right, we’re still getting to know each other.”

  Felicity and Niall exchanged a secretive look before wishing Sage and Maelíosa the best and moving on. Next came Fallon and Cyn, arm in arm, both looking pleased.

  “Daughter,” Fallon said. There was a touch of pride in his voice. He straightened up tall, looking every inch the proud chieftain. “I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am. And Sage, welcome again, to our clan, and to our family.”

  Fallon pulled Maelíosa into a tight hug and shook hands heartily with Sage.

  “I’m so happy for you,” Cyn beamed. She was wearing a fitted dress that looked incredible on her curvy body. She grinned at Sage. “Welcome, Yank. I know Maelíosa won’t put up with any bollocks from you, so don’t even try.”

  “Wasn’t planning on it,” Sage said. He turned to Maelíosa with a grin that made her heart flutter.

  Cyn and Maelíosa hugged, then Maelíosa watched as her stepmother and her father walked off, arm in arm.

  “Did it bother you?” Sage leaned in. “When your father remarried?”

  Maelíosa met his grey eyes—even when he was just talking to her, he was so intense!

  “A little,” she admitted. “But not now. They’re so happy together.”

  Sage nodded. Tomas and Mara were approaching. Mara smiled brightly and pulled Maelíosa into a hug.

  “I’m so happy for you,” Mara whispered into Maelíosa’s ear. “And you look so beautiful.”

  Tomas stepped forward and took one of Maelíosa’s hands in his own. “Aileen would be so proud. She’d probably be in disbelief, but also proud.”

  Maelíosa laughed. No one had expected her to mate. Hell, she’d never seriously thought her father would make good on all his threats about finding a mate. None of the humans who’d walked in The Stables had caught her attention...not until Sage.

  “I’m sure,” she said. The thought of her mother looking down on her sent pinpricks of tears to her eyes, and she blinked. She couldn’t help but smile, too.

  “And I know your father is so pleased.” Tomas leaned in and kissed Maelíosa on the cheek. “You’re a beautiful woman, and he’s lucky to have you.”

  It wasn’t weird hearing that from Tomas, because he’d been her brother’s oldest and closest friend, and only had eyes for Mara.

  Sage chuckled. “That I am.”

  Chapter Six

  Maelíosa and Sage were seated in ornate wooden thrones at the bonfire. The air crackled and snapped with the glow of the fire, and the delicious aroma of roast pig wafted towards Maelíosa, although she was too nervous to eat.

  “This is one hell of a wedding,” Sage said.

  He leaned over and stroked a finger down Maelíosa’s arm. Even through the thick brocade of her dress, she could still feel his touch. She shivered.

  “Not like I would have stood for some to-do in the great hall. That’s what Da wanted, but...” She trailed off, shaking her head. “I had to have at least some say in the matter, right?”

  Sage chuckled. “You’re a hell of a woman.”

  Maelíosa thought he was going to say something else, but instead he turned and stared into the fire.

  “Maelíosa, look!”

  Maelíosa turned as she heard Felicity call her name. When she looked up, she saw Darcy and Carina chasing each other around the fire. She watched for a moment, then burst out laughing.

  “It’s good to see Carina being a kid again,” Sage said. His voice took on a more serious quality, and he shifted his weight in the heavy, ornate wooden chair. “I haven’t really seen her act like that in a long time.”

  Maelíosa nodded. “She’s mature, especially for her age.”

  And especially compared to Darcy. Maelíosa knew that Darcy had been sheltered from a lot of things in the world, mostly as a result of her own influence.

  “Remind me to thank your fa
ther and Cyn for watching Carina after this is over,” Sage said with that sexy southern drawl that drove her wild.

  She flushed just thinking about the two of them being alone after the bonfire and squirmed in her seat. “You’re family now. There’s no need to thank them.”

  “Y’all really know how to throw one hell of a party,” Sage said.

  He grinned at Maelíosa, and again, there was a fluttering beneath her breast. He took a sip of ale from the goblet in his hand and toasted Maelíosa without taking his eyes off her. Her face heated up as Sage kept his eyes glued to her, even while drinking.

  “We try,” Maelíosa said, feigning modesty. She shifted uncomfortably in her chair. “I have to admit, this get-up isn’t much my style. You’ve seen what I normally wear.”

  Sage laughed. “And I think you look great, but you don’t seem like much of a girly-girl.”

  “Aye, I’ve always been a tomboy, I guess.”

  “And I think you’ll look even better once that dress is on the floor.” He stroked Maelíosa’s arm through the golden sleeve. “That is, if you don’t mind a Yank like me saying so.”

  Maelíosa licked her lips. “Not at all...”

  She grinned to herself. It was nice to feel desired, especially by Sage. He was a real ride, all right. Her mare pranced around in delight, tossing her mane. I know. We’ll get there. This party can’t last forever. Actually, her dress on the floor sounded like a grand idea. It was beautiful, but restricting in more ways than one.

  But as the night sky darkened and all of the stars began to come out, Maelíosa started to feel as though the party would last forever. She’d eaten and drunk, caroused with her new mate and her family. As the hours wore on, she began to grow eager for the rest of the mating ceremony to take place—the private part, and the best part in her book.

  “Penny for your thoughts?”

  Maelíosa’s head snapped up and she looked at Sage. He’d been drinking ale all night, but he wasn’t ossified. In fact, he looked more alert and aware than ever.


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