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Anyone But Her

Page 21

by Everhart, Allie

  "But that's completely opposite of you. You love swimming when it's really hot. That's the best excuse you could come up with?"

  "I was tired. I just woke up. I didn't know what to say."

  "Did Cal believe you?"

  "I don't know. I'm not sure. I think he's definitely getting suspicious. He asked me stuff about Luke, like why I always ignore him and don't talk to him."

  "Taylor, I told you to stop doing that."

  It's true. Birdie keeps telling me to pay more attention to Luke when I'm around my family. She says ignoring him seems like I'm covering up something between us and apparently she's right. But I never know what to say to him when my family is around.

  "Yeah, I know. I'll work on it. But for now, I don't know how to handle Cal. I don't want him even thinking I'm interested in Luke."

  "Then you need to go on a date. This new guy just started at the coffee shop. He's a couple years older than us but really cute. I could try to set you up with him."

  "I don't want to go out with another guy. It's not fair to Luke and it's not fair to whoever this other guy is."

  "You only need to go out once or twice just to show Cal you have no interest in Luke. It worked when you went out with Noah."

  "Not really. I couldn't even fake being attracted to Noah."

  "But that's normal for a blind date. You never know what you're gonna get. What mattered is that you went out with him and you did it in front of Luke, which showed Cal that you're not interested in Luke."

  "Let me think about it."

  Now that I love Luke as much as I do, I don't want to hurt him by going out with some other guy, even if it's fake.

  "So what about this afternoon?" Birdie asks. "I really need some pool time. And some Taylor time. I barely saw you last week."

  It's because I was golfing. My dad took Cal and me to different courses every day and some were out of town so we didn't get back until late.

  "Okay, you can come over but I'm going to tell Cal you made me go out there in the hot sun."

  "Works for me. I don't care what you tell Cal. Feel free to add that I still think he's immature and annoying."

  I laugh. "I think he already knows that. You make that clear every time you see him."

  "I have to get back to work. I'll be there around two-thirty or three."

  "Okay, bye."

  A text pops up. I love you.

  I smile and text back, I love you too.

  If my parents ever saw my texts with the name 'Katy' assigned to Luke's number they'd think I'm secretly dating a girl. They'd probably be more okay with that than me dating Luke. I don't get why they're so against us being together. Who cares that he's Cal's friend? It shouldn't matter.

  "What are your plans for today?" my dad asks me as we're all eating breakfast.

  "The usual. Gym in the morning, then meet with my coach. Birdie's coming over this afternoon. We're hanging out by the pool."

  "You just said you wouldn't go out there in the heat," Cal says.

  "Yeah, but Birdie really wants to so I told her we could."

  "Birdie doesn't even swim," Cal says.

  "She wants to learn. She's going on spring break next year to meet guys."

  "Learning to swim and meeting boys..." my dad says. "How are those two things correlated?"

  I laugh. "They go together in Birdie's mind. I don't know if she'll actually swim today but she might get in the water."

  "I could teach her," Cal says as he stuffs a slice of bacon in his mouth.

  "Yeah, right. You teaching Birdie how to swim? One of you would end up drowning the other."

  "Cal's an excellent swimmer," my mom says. "He could teach Birdie."

  "Mom, they hate each other. It'd never work."

  "She picks up on stuff fast," Cal says. "It wouldn't take that long."

  "You'd seriously give her swimming lessons?"

  "I'd be doing it for you. I don't want you to lose your best friend because she drowns while trying to flirt with some guy. She's seriously going on spring break to meet guys?"

  "That's what she said, but you know Birdie. She says she's going to do something but then she doesn't."

  Luke walks in. "Hey."

  "Luke." My dad stands up. "I was thinking last night about your situation. I think we should get you a lawyer, just in case."

  "I already have a lawyer."

  "We need a different type of lawyer. One who deals with this type of situation."

  "Meaning what?"

  "Situations where family disagreements are involved. We don't know what your father is planning. He might be planning to sue you."

  "For what?"


  "He can't sue me for money. I don't owe him anything."

  "Lawsuits don't always make logical sense. Many times they're based on emotion. Anger. Trying to get back at someone. If your father is angry and jealous about your success, it's possible he'll use the legal system to help deal with those feelings."

  "That's messed up," Cal says."

  "We can talk about it later," my dad says to Luke. "I'll make some calls. We'll get some meetings set up."

  "Thanks, Lou. I really appreciate it."

  "Anything I can do to help." My dad gets up and goes to his office.

  "You want to play eighteen at the club this afternoon?" Cal asks Luke.

  "I don't think I can today. I'm too messed up with this thing with my dad. I think I'll just hang out here. Maybe take a swim."

  "You can't. Taylor and Birdie are taking the pool."

  "Yeah? So? It's girls only?"

  "You can swim," I say. "Cal, you might as well show up too. Then Luke won't feel awkward being the only guy."

  Cal sighs. "If I have to, but tell Birdie I'm not dealing with her shit today."

  "She won't say anything if you don't."

  Luke's phone rings. "I gotta get this. It's the lawyer."

  "My dad got someone that fast?" Cal asks.

  "This is Albert's lawyer. He's calling about the will." Luke hurries outside to answer it.

  I hope it's good news. Luke really needs some good news right now.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  "Hi, this is Luke," I say as I answer the phone.

  "You called and left a message for Mr. Pascall?" a woman asks.

  "Yes. I need to speak with him."

  "I'm sorry but Mr. Pascall had to leave the country for a family emergency. I'm his assistant, Judy. He wanted me to tell you he'll get back to you as soon as he returns."

  "Do you know when he'll be back?"

  "I don't. His sister was injured while vacationing in Europe. I'm not sure of her condition. It's possible he could be gone for weeks."

  "Is there anyone else there who could help me?"

  "I'm afraid not but I can keep you posted as to when he'll back."

  "I'd appreciate that. Thanks."

  Going back inside the house I see Taylor at the table and force myself to look away. It's hard to pretend we're not together. Every time she's near me I feel the urge to hold her hand or put my arm around her or kiss her, but I can't do any of those things. Even looking at her for too long could cause suspicion.

  "What happened?" Cal asks.

  "Nothing. The lawyer had a family emergency out of town."

  "And nobody else can tell you what's in the will?"

  "Guess not. His assistant said I have to wait until he gets back."

  Taylor gets up from the table and takes her dishes to the sink. I want to go up and put my arms around her. Holding her always calms me, and with everything going on I need her calming presence. The feel of her in my arms.

  I watch as Taylor goes past me to the other room.

  "Hey." Cal hits my shoulder. "Don't be looking at my sister that way." He says it like he's joking.

  "I wasn't looking at her. I was just staring into space, thinking about what to do."

  "You can't do anything until you know more. For now, you mi
ght as well go to the club and hit some balls."

  "I think I'll go to the gym instead. You going?"

  "No. I told Alecia I'd take her to get her car at the shop. She got new tires put on it."

  "You're still doing shit for her? I thought you were breaking up with her."

  "I was, but she keeps inviting me over and then we end up having sex and I feel like I can't break up with her."

  "Then stop having sex with her."

  His phone rings. "It's Alecia. I gotta go."

  He leaves and I return to the guest house, then head to the gym. After lunch, as I'm changing into my swim trunks, I see Taylor out by the pool. Then I hear her at my door.


  I quickly open the door and let her in. I hug her and instantly feel better. More relaxed. Like I can finally breathe again.

  "Are you okay?" she asks.

  "I am now that you're here."

  "I wanted to call you but I wasn't sure if you were spending the morning with Cal."

  "He had to do stuff with Alecia."

  "I thought they broke up."

  "He hasn't been able to do it so as of now, they're still dating." I pull back to see her face. "I love you."

  She smiles. "I love you too."

  I lean down and kiss her.

  "Hey Luke, any news about—"

  It's Cal. He's standing at the door. I could've swore we closed it but I guess not.

  I quickly let Taylor go. "Cal, it's not what you think."

  "Really?" I hear the anger in his voice. "And what exactly should I think when I see you kissing my sister? Because to me, it seems pretty damn obvious."

  "Cal." Taylor runs up to him and grabs his arm. "Please don't tell Mom and Dad, especially Dad."

  Cal crosses his arms over his chest. "How long has this been going on?"

  Taylor answers. "I'll tell you if you promise to keep quiet."

  "I'm not making any promises. In fact I'm about ready to punch Luke in the face if you don't start explaining what the hell's going on here." He looks at me. "I fucking told you she's off limits!"

  "I know. And I totally understand if you want to hit me. In fact, go ahead." I motion to my face.

  "No, don't!" Taylor says, looking between Cal and me. "This isn't Luke's fault. It isn't anyone's fault. Neither one of us thought this would happen. But it did and now we're in love and—"

  "You're in love?" Cal throws his hands up. "You gotta be fuckin' kidding me." He glares at me, his face getting red.

  "Cal, I'm sorry, okay? I wanted to tell you but I couldn't because I knew you'd react this way."

  He storms up to me, stopping just inches from my face. "One rule. One fuckin' rule for you living here and you couldn't follow it."

  "It was before that," Taylor says, coming up beside me. "This happened before he moved in."

  Cal steps back, his eyes moving between Taylor and me. "What are you talking about? How could it start before he moved in? You guys didn't even know each other."

  "Something happened." Taylor glances at me. "On spring break."

  Cal narrows his eyes at me. "What did he do?"

  "He didn't do anything," Taylor says, even though I actually am the one who made the first move. But I couldn't help myself. She was right there, looking so damn beautiful, that I couldn't help but kiss her.

  "You're saying YOU did?" Cal asks Taylor.

  "We both did. It happened when we were golfing. Luke and I went to find our balls in the trees just happened. We kissed."

  Cal shakes his head. "I had a feeling something was going on over there. You guys were taking way too long. I just didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe Luke would betray my trust that way."

  "I didn't," I say. "Or I didn't mean to. I didn't plan for it to happen that day. It just did."

  "And you kept it going?" Cal asks. "You guys have been together since spring break?"

  "No," Taylor says. "After that we agreed we couldn't see each other again. Luke didn't want to ruin his friendship with you so we ended things. But we still talked on the phone. Only for a few weeks and then we realized it was just making us closer so we stopped talking. But even after we stopped talking I couldn't stop thinking about him. I didn't even date anyone after that kiss Luke and I had. I didn't want to. I only wanted him. I loved him...even back then."

  She looks up at me and smiles. I smile back.

  "Shit," Cal mutters.

  "What?" Taylor asks. "What's wrong?"

  "You two." He points at us. "You really are in love. I can see it. On both of you. Honestly I saw it weeks ago but I kept telling myself I was wrong. This wasn't supposed to happen."

  "But why? Why is it so horrible if Luke and I are together? Why does it have to change anything? I mean, you already like Luke, and wouldn't you rather have me be with a guy you know and like than with some guy you've never met?"

  Cal shrugs. "Maybe. But you lied about it. Both of you lied. That's the part that really pisses me off. You both lied to my face this whole time."

  "Because we knew you'd tell Dad," Taylor says. "Please, Cal. Please don't tell him."

  "I won't. But you will, Taylor. You have to."

  "Cal, no. I can't. If I do, he'll kick Luke out of the guest house. He doesn't have anywhere to go. And why does Dad even have to know? I'm an adult. I can date whoever I want. Dad's rule was stupid to begin with. He never should've made it."

  "I know you're pissed we didn't tell you," I say to Cal, "but if we could just keep this quiet for a little longer. Until I can find a new place to live."

  Cal looks at us both, then sighs. "Okay, fine. I'll keep it quiet."

  "Thank you." Taylor hugs him.

  "What's going on in here?" a voice asks.

  We all turn and see Birdie at the door, holding a beach towel. She has a sundress on, the straps of her swimsuit showing underneath.

  "Cal knows," Taylor says.

  Birdie runs over to us. "You told Cal?"

  Cal huffs and points at Birdie. "You told her and not me?"

  "Yeah, but only because I—"

  "You can't trust Cal!" Birdie says, interrupting Taylor. "Are you crazy?"

  "He promised he wouldn't tell Dad."

  "I never promised," Cal says. "I said I'd keep quiet but I reserve the right to change my mind."

  "See?" Birdie scoffs. "I told you you can't trust him. Why'd you tell him?"

  "He walked in on us," Taylor says.

  Birdie's eyes widen. "When you guys were..." She doesn't finish her sentence.

  "You had sex with my sister?" Cal yells, his arm aimed and ready to punch me.

  "Cal, stop it!" Taylor yanks his arm down. "I'm an adult. I can do what I want. Stop trying to protect me. I don't need your protection."

  There's a knock on the door, which is still open. Barb is standing there. "Everything okay in here? I heard yelling."

  Taylor answers. "Cal was just telling one of his stories. You know how loud he gets."

  "Cal, honey, keep it down. We don't want the neighbors to complain."

  "Yeah, got it," Cal says, glaring at me.

  "I left some drinks out by the pool."

  "Thanks, Mom." Taylor loops her arm around Cal's. "C'mon, let's go. You can finish your story by the pool."

  He reluctantly lets her drag him outside. Birdie and I follow.

  We each take a lounger by the pool. My eyes go to Taylor as she lifts up her t-shirt.

  "Taylor!" Cal yells.

  "What? I have a swimsuit underneath."

  He sighs and shakes his head, then turns to me. "Just so you know, I am not okay with this. Maybe someday I will be, but now? I am SO not okay with this. I thought—" He stops and I follow his eyes to Birdie, who's slipping her sundress off to reveal a bright red bikini. She has some extra weight on her but it's in the right places. The girl's got curves and Cal has definitely noticed.

  I nudge Cal. "You were saying something?"

  His eyes are still on Birdie, who is n
ow spreading her beach towel out on her lounger, her curvy ass facing Cal and me.

  "Cal," I say, trying to get his attention.

  "What?" He pries his eyes off Birdie. "What do you want?"

  I laugh. "Nothing. Go ahead and look."

  "Look at what? I'm not looking at anything." He leans back in his lounger and closes his eyes.

  "Would you put lotion on my back?" Birdie asks Taylor.

  "Sure. Spin around."

  Birdie turns to face Cal. She leans over and her large breasts practically spill out of her very tiny bikini top.

  "Cal." I nudge him. He clearly has a thing for Birdie and now that I know that, I'm not letting it go.

  "Leave me alone," he says. "I'm trying to sleep."

  "You might want to wake up for this," I say in a low voice.

  "What?" He opens his eyes and I nod toward Birdie. He looks over at her and I hear him mutter, "Holy shit."

  I chuckle. "Yeah, I thought you might enjoy that."

  "Okay, you're all set," Taylor says, putting the lotion away.

  She and Birdie lay back on their loungers. Cal is still staring at Birdie but she doesn't notice, her eyes now closed.

  "Feel that sun." Taylor smiles as she puts her sunglasses on. "I love being out here when it's hot like this."

  "I knew you were lying this morning," Cal says.

  She ignores him and keeps talking to Birdie. "Are you going in the water later?"

  "I'm not sure. I haven't decided."

  "Oh, I forgot to tell you," Taylor says, "Cal offered to give you swimming lessons."

  Birdie laughs. "Yeah, right."

  "I'm serious. He did. Tell her, Cal."

  "He offered so he could drown me and say I did it myself," she says.

  "I actually did offer," Cal says, "but I knew you wouldn't accept."

  Birdie opens her eyes and looks over at Cal. "You seriously offered to teach me to swim?"

  "Yeah, but forget it. You're obviously not interested."

  She sits up. "I'm interested. I really need to learn. How long will it take to teach me?"

  "A couple weeks. Maybe a month."

  She cocks her head. "What's the catch? Are you charging me?"

  "No. But you'll have to work around my schedule. Sometimes it may have to be at night. And we can't start right away. It'll have to be in a couple weeks, or actually end of August would be best. Shit, you'll be gone by then. When do you start college?"


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