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Page 48

by Tia Wylder

  My stomach drops. I feel like my head is going is to explode from a sudden surge of rage. I know my face is turning red, because that is what happens every time I get angry, and as the tears start to well in her eyes again, I only get angrier. I take her hand in mine again as something clicks.

  “Bethany, did one of the private airline pilots see it happen? Or see anything?”

  She nods. “I think I saw someone come in after, a tall man. He definitely caught on to what had happened, but then the flight was boarding, and Sam was pushing me toward the gate, and I just didn’t know what to do.”

  I ball my free hand into a fist, ready for a fight. I feel like I could fight just about anyone right now. “Where is he, Bethany?”

  She points to the lobby. “Right out there, with all those people. Acting like nothing is wrong like he’s the frigging king of the world. And I just don’t know what to do.”

  I’m just about to throw the door open and storm out when a knock from outside startles me backward. Zachary’s voice echoes through in a slight whisper.

  “Ladies? Is everything okay? You disappeared, and the door seems to be locked.”

  I click the lock, swing the door open, and pull him inside of the bathroom, ignoring the look of total shock on his face as I shut the door behind us again. When he sees Bethany, his face drops.

  “What’s wrong? We just got here! What the hell could have happened already?”

  I look at Bethany, who shakes her head, panicked. But I’m not letting it go. “Bethany, tell him.”

  “Tell me what?” Zachary asks, his face beginning to mimic the look of terror on Bethany’s.

  Bethany chokes down a sob and repeats the story she just told me, but her details are even scant for Zachary than they were for me. But it takes all of three seconds for him to catch on, and his face now reflects the same rage I am feeling. He doesn’t say anything. He just turns on his heel, unlocks the door, and storms out. I look at Bethany, who looks totally confused. Neither of us is sure what to do until we hear a sudden crash from out in the lobby. That sends us running out of the bathroom after him.

  Nothing could have entirely prepared us for what we find. The crowd of record executives has completely parted, and in the middle, is Zachary, on top of Professor Sam. He has Sam pinned to the ground, with his hands around his neck, and Sam looks terrified. It wouldn’t matter what side of the island you are on; everyone can probably hear Zachary’s voice.

  “You son of a bitch. You think you can treat women like that? Just because you have a little bit of power? Not on my watch, asshole. You will never work in Los Angeles, or anywhere, again. Do you understand me? Everyone in the industry will know about the man you are, and I will make sure that you pay dearly for what you did to that poor girl. Now, get your bags, get in a cab, and get out of here. I don’t ever want to see your face again.”

  Sam tries to squirm under Zachary’s heavy hands, but he can’t move. When he speaks, his voice is thick with worry and false guilt. “Listen, man, it was a misunderstanding. I didn’t mean any harm. Just,” he tries to squirm away again and finds no relief, “let me up, and we can talk it out.”

  The record executives are all whispering, but it’s clear they know exactly what is going on. A few of them are shooting Sam serious daggers, which I find enormously satisfying. But Bethany is practically shaking at my side, so I put my arm around her. Zachary’s voice cuts through the silence of the lobby again.

  “What you did isn’t a ‘misunderstanding.’ It’s a deliberate act that requires forethought, and a solid helping of pure evil. You won’t talk your way out of this. So, let me say this one more time. Get your shit. And. Go.”

  The finality of Zachary’s words is clear, and he jumps up to his feet, which sends Sam scrambling across the floor. Everyone is watching him, and he is fully aware of it. So, he doesn’t say anything. Sam just retrieves his duffel bag from the line of luggage by the main desk, squares his shoulders in a final, empty act of defiance, and walks back out to the front entrance. I can see the concierge calling a car, trying to diffuse the situation as much as they can given what’s already happened. Zachary straightens his shirt, and suddenly, he’s smiling again like nothing happened.

  “Sorry about that, folks. Professor Sam will no longer be enjoying the Hummingbird’s hospitality this weekend. However, we shouldn’t let that ruin our good time, or have any bearing on your time spent with the charming and delightful artist standing with my intern Ava.”

  All eyes turn to Bethany and me, and I flash my brightest smile to try and make up for the fact that Bethany still looks totally shell-shocked. Zachary draws everyone’s attention back to him. “Everyone, please allow the wonderful staff to get you set up in your rooms, and then we can meet back here tonight for a lovely dinner and an acoustic performance from Bethany.”

  The staff begins to rush over, take bags, and start ushering people back out of the hotel and in a dozen different directions toward the villas, leaving the three of us standing in the lobby.

  “Will you be okay, Bethany? Is there anything I can do for you?” Zachary asks as he hands her a handkerchief out of his pocket. She shakes her head sadly.

  “I’ll be okay. I just need a few hours to myself. Maybe sit on the beach. I’ll be ready for the show, I promise.” Bethany forces a smile and follows an attendant out toward the beach. With a long, exhausted sigh, Zachary turns to me.

  “I’m sorry you had to deal with that, but thank you for bringing it to my attention. I would never knowingly work with a man who behaved that way. If I had any idea, I would never have let him within a mile of Bethany. I hope you believe that.”

  I can’t explain why, but I feel a sob catch in my throat. The way Zachary just stood up for Bethany, the lengths he went to defend her… none of it makes sense when compared with Josie’s version of him. I look at him now, and all I feel is this strange, overwhelming swell of affection. I just want to throw my arms around him, and kiss him, and tell him everything. But then the concierge is directing us to a luxury golf cart and pointing the way to The Residence, where Zachary and I will be staying. It’s a mile-and-a-half from the main hotel, and we have no time to waste if we want to get there and finish planning the dinner.

  The ride across the resort to the hotel is amazing, as we fly past each of the villas, and watch the record executives walking wide-eyed into their accommodations. We pass Bethany, who is already sitting on her strip of beach, staring out at the ocean, and while I want to stop and talk to her, I know she would prefer the time to herself, so we keep going. Five minutes later, we round a corner through a grove of palm trees, and my jaw drops.

  A huge villa sits atop a small hill with the ocean sparkling off to the side. The windows and doors are all open, and gauzy white curtains flutter through them, accenting the warmth of the pale wood. Zachary grins as we get out of the golf cart.

  “Not bad, huh?”

  I am barely able to form words. “It’s. I’ve never. Wow.”

  We walk inside and see that the living room opens up at the back to a massive, glittering private pool. There are three bedrooms on the first floor and a separate villa off by the pool. I take my bag into one of the smaller bedrooms downstairs. It is small but full of light, and the bed is huge and plush. All I can think about is my crappy little bed back in Los Angeles, and how amazing it will be to sleep in this incredibly fancy bed. I'm just about jumping into and bouncing around for a minute, but Zachary calls out to me.

  “You have to come see this, Ava!”

  I leave the room I picked and climb the spiral staircase up to the master bedroom, but calling it a master bedroom hardly seems like enough. The entire top floor is taken up by the bedroom, which overlooks both the ocean and the pool. Palm trees are everywhere, and the sun fills the room, illuminating the beautiful white wood and white tile floors. A four-poster bed covered in gauzy fabric and a dozen fluffy pillows takes up the entire center of the room, and there are plush couches and ch
airs everywhere. The room is bright, and beautiful, and warm, and I want to stay here forever.

  Zachary is standing in front of the huge balcony doors, and a soft island breeze is drifting in, blowing his dark hair into his eyes. I feel that familiar tightness in my stomach at the sight of him, and I try to remind myself to keep it together. But suddenly, I am having trouble remembering the point of any of this. If Zachary were anything like Josie seemed to think he was, I can’t believe he would have stood up for Bethany the way he did. He was strong, and caring, and seemed passionate about protecting women.

  Could he have ever intentionally hurt my sister when he leaped to Bethany’s defense like a lion protecting its pack?

  Zachary smiles at me. “It’s amazing, isn’t it? I’ll tell you one thing; when Donovan and I were growing up, we never imagined a future like this. Where we would have access to amazing things like this, or fly in private planes, or eat amazing food. Believe me, this is not a life I never pictured for myself… But I’m sure not complaining.”

  I tilt my head. “You didn’t have much growing up?”

  “We didn’t have anything growing up. Donovan and I were foster kids. We bounced around from house to house for most of our childhood until I aged out of the system and took custody of van. Then we both busted our asses for years until we could make something of ourselves. Now, here we are. He takes everything a little more seriously than I do, but I think that’s the nature of being the little brother. He feels like he has to work harder for everything like he owes me something. He doesn’t owe me anything of course, but I…”

  I don’t know what comes over me, but it happens in a flash. I cross the room, almost tripping over the heels I don’t really know how to walk in, throw my arms around Zachary’s waste, and kiss him. I kiss him long, and slow, and at first, he doesn’t reciprocate. I’ve made a horrible mistake, I think, about to pull away. But then he wraps his arms around me, and pulls me closer, holding me tight as he returns my desperate kiss. His tongue gently explores my mouth, then becomes more insistent, tracing the lines of my lips with the tip. He gives me a tender squeeze, then pulls back, his eyes dancing with surprise and lust.

  “Ava, I don’t even… Why… Where did that come from?”

  I shrink back a little, unsure of how to answer. “I don’t think I can tell you. Because I don’t know. It just came out of nowhere.”

  Zachary takes another step toward me, a sly smile forming at the corners of his mouth, the stubble on his jaw crying out to be touched.

  “I’m glad you did it, Ava. Because I’ve wanted to kiss you since the first moment I saw you, but I just didn’t think you were interested. You’ve seemed like you kind of… hate me? I don’t know how to explain it. But I didn’t want to push, or do anything that would make you uncomfortable.”

  I stare at Zachary, and I begin to feel as if I could cry, tears welling in my eyes. He wants what I want, even though I didn’t know I wanted it. But I also feel like I have to tell him the truth. About Josie. About why I took the job at the law firm. About everything. A lie of omission is still a lie, and I can’t lie to him anymore. I need him to know who I am, but I also still need to understand what happened between him and Josie. And yet, the way he is looking at me…

  My knees are going absolutely weak.

  “Zachary, you're right. Things have been really complicated for me, and I haven’t been able to explain anything to you. But I do want you. I want you now, and I want to explore whatever this is that is going on between us. It's just that…”

  He reaches up and touches a finger to my lips. “Don’t overthink it, Ava. Let’s just see where the moment takes us. What I’ve been feeling for you, and it’s something I haven’t felt for anyone else in a very long time, I feel an ache for you. It’s the only word that can describe it. It's profound, and it’s more real than anything I’ve felt for anyone else in my life.”

  I nod my head, listening to his every word and trying not to overthink it, but also trying to push away thoughts of all things I’m not saying. I want to see where things with Zachary can go. I want to see if what I’m feeling for him is real, even though it’s only been a few days. I want, just once, to follow my heart. Zachary is staring at me, waiting for me to decide, but then… He decides for me. His hand drifts over and slides up my leg, under my dress, stroking my inner thigh. I instinctively lean toward him, wanting more. My eyes slowly close and our lips find each other once again. I let out a long sigh as his tongue enters and explores my mouth, sending shivers of desire down to my toes.

  Zachary slides his hand up the rest of the way between my legs. I feel waves of pleasure running through my core down to my lower abdomen. His fingers trail up and over my belly button, and then even higher until they are hovering tantalizingly below my breasts. I am overcome with lust and without a second thought in my head, pull Zachary's hand up the rest of the way to cup my breast.

  We stop kissing, and Zachary pulls away, his eyes full of passion and pure sex. He gently takes my hands and pushes me back, then he reaches down and takes the edges of my dress in his hands. In one adept move, he whips my dress up and over my head, so I am standing in front of him in just my lacy black underwear. Zachary runs his hands down my bare arms and takes in my whole body. His eyes devour me, and all I want is for him to pull me close to him, to hold me. But then he stops for a beat as if considering what is about to happen.

  “Ava, obviously, I want this to happen. Obviously. I also don’t want to do anything that will make you uncomfortable. Or cross any lines. But if you want to do this, we’ll do it. And I’ll show you what it means to be mine.”

  I appreciate his warning, but all it does is make me want him more.

  “I’m yours. Take me, Zachary. I want all of you. Now.”

  Something comes over me, and I can’t help myself as I reach out and begin to tear at the buttons of his shirt, pulling it away to reveal the defined muscles I'd seen when he’d poked his head out of the bathroom in his office. His skin is smooth and tan, his chest is muscled and smattered with the perfect amount of manly chest hair. I run my hands up and down his torso before kneeling and unzipping his jeans, letting them drop to the floor. I look up at him from my knees, and I see the immense bulge of his cock through his boxer briefs. I reach up to pull them off, freeing a rock-hard cock. He’s thick and huge, and I’m almost worried he’ll be too big to fit inside of me. But I’m so wracked with desire for him, I don’t care.

  Zachary pulls me up from the floor and takes me into his strong arms, abandoning all of his clothes by the balcony door as he carries me over to the bed. The warmth of the late-afternoon sunlight is bathing the room in a soothing glow, and that combined with the heat from Zachary’s body is making me dizzy. I am already squirming in his arms, feeling my desire building inside of me, driving my anticipation. I want him inside of me, filling me up, immediately. I don’t even want to waste time with foreplay.

  He lays me tenderly back on the soft, luxurious bed and then gets down on his knees in front of me. He parts my legs wide, and then begins to kiss the outer lips of my pussy, tracing his tongue around my welcoming entrance and then nestling it inside. My hips instinctively buck upwards toward him. I run my hands through his hair, and try to pull his face closer to me, grinding against him as I ache for more. I am about to come, and there is nothing I can to do stop it. He spreads my legs wider and licks at my clit until I am shuddering with desire. I feel myself about to come, hard, and I bite down on my lip to try and suppress a scream.

  But there is nothing I can do to hold back any longer, and my back arches as my screams explode from a place I can’t even begin to explain. I am suddenly immensely grateful that we are so isolated in The Residence. I orgasm with an intensity I’ve never felt before in my life. Zachary keeps his tongue inside of me, probing elegantly, and I come again. His tongue swirls around my clit, and he begins to gently suck. I orgasm again, this time with even more intensity. I feel like my whole body goes comp
letely liquid. I quiver in a flurry of smaller, but just as powerful, orgasms until my body finally goes limp and I collapse backward on to the mountain of pillows behind me.

  Zachary gets up from his knees and begins to pull away the pillows from behind me until I’m laying flat on the bed. As he lingers next to me, I stroke his thick cock, taking it in my hands and almost coming just at the thought of him being inside of me. He takes the last pillow and slides it under my ass so that my hips are elevated, giving him perfect access to my waiting sex. I have to bite my lip from crying out that I want him inside of me now. I’m tired of waiting.

  As if he can hear my thoughts, he begins to lower his beautiful body to my waiting pussy, and I shiver as the tip of his cock touches my entrance. He enters me gently, leisurely, and gradually, allowing me to stretch and adjust to his massive size. Only when his strong body is on top of mine does he push fully inside me, and it’s like my whole body comes alive. I squeeze my muscles tightly around his cock and rise to meet his first powerful thrust.

  He jams himself inside of me, and I’m suddenly overwhelmed by a sensation that is driving me wild. With my hips elevated, he is hitting my G-spot, and I feel like I might cry from the pleasure.


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