Howl And Growl Complete Collection
Page 30
Sitting, with her knees drawn up to her chest, and now fully clothed, Nyssa sighed and nodded. “Sure, Bronwen.”
“Wonderful! I do so enjoy when others partake of my favorite commodities,” Bronwen said as she poured. Nyssa watched the two streams of scalding, green-tinted water entered the tiny porcelain cups, swirling and filled to just before overflowing. Placing the kettle down, Bronwen handed Nyssa her cup. “Here you go.”
Grabbing it from Bronwen’s long, bony fingers, Nyssa winced at the heat that sizzled under her fingertips. When Bronwen first brought her tea set from the Blackwood a year prior, tea had been a strange concept to Nyssa, but now it was like second nature to her and a few others around Gray Creek. It was one of the many “trades” that went on between the Pack, Pride and Blackwood Vampires. She coughed after the first sip but relaxed a moment later as the heat coursed through her body.
“Ah, sorry about that,” Bronwen said. “I sometimes forget that my tolerance for heat is higher than most shifters around here.”
“Another perk of being a Vampire, right?”
“Something like that,” Bronwen said, her eyelids drooping ever so slightly. Any other stranger wouldn’t have noticed that tiny detail, but Nyssa had come to know Bronwen well over the past few years, picking up on her facial expressions; because Vampires lived for so long, their muscle memory often fades with time, and so their expressions differ greatly from other species, at least that’s how Bronwen explained it. It’s why they were mostly always smiling that creepy smile. Nyssa still didn’t fully understand, but she didn’t need to understand it to see it.
“Something wrong?” Nyssa asked, leaning closer.
Bronwen brightened her features at the question and shook her head. “Nope! Not at all...I was just thinking what the offspring of a Vampire and wolf shifter would be like, what traits they would take from each parent.” Nyssa nearly spit out the tea that was entering her mouth at that moment, gagging and spilling a bit of her tea onto the wooden floor. Bronwen giggled at her reaction, just like she always did. “Caught you off guard, did I?”
“Are you expecting a child?” Nyssa asked quickly, picturing Bronwen pregnant, her brother a father, and herself an Aunt. “I mean, not that I’m all for it...I just wasn’t expecting to hear this kind of news-”
“Please calm down, dear,” Bronwen said, taking a sip of her own, still stable, tea. “I’m not specifically talking about me or anything like the sort you’re happening to think about. I’m just speculating.”
“Wondering what it would be like to be a parent, huh?” Nyssa said, relaxing. She glanced at the tea cup in her hands. That concept seemed so foreign to Nyssa at the moment. Youth and parenthood weren’t often talked about in the same breaths, and even if they were, they weren’t spoken about the same person.
“Perhaps,” Bronwen revealed. “Your brother’s a grown man, at an age where becoming a father wouldn’t be all that difficult for him. Of course, he’s still young, and I’m not saying I would force him to have children now, of all times. We Vampires are patient.”
Nyssa smiled at Bronwen’s reaction. This was the closest she ever came to be least while she was around anyone other than Remus. The duo naturally came to confide in each other in the past year after they had grown their friendship, and now was no different. She was sure Remus told Bronwen to keep an eye on her, but Bronwen always had a way to make these little tasks her own, especially when it came to Nyssa. “You make it sound like you and Remus are already mates. I know how my brother gives you a hard time.”
Bronwen’s eyes watched Nyssa intently, her smile fading to a weaker one. “Yes, well, you’re right. We aren’t partners...yet. He’ll come around eventually, though. Like I said, we Vampires are a patient bunch.”
“What do you see in him?” Nyssa asked, trying to read Bronwen’s stoic expression. “What exactly about my brother made you become so…”
“Fascinated by him? So intrigued I decided spend my time vying for his affections?” Bronwen said. “Well, it’s true Remus gives me the cold shoulder more often than not, and treats me more like a duty than a love in public nowadays, but he’s gotten considerably better about opening up to me in private.”
“Seriously? Well, I guess that’s not too much of a surprise.”
“Exactly!” Bronwen said, using her hand to accentuate her words. “We’ve spent hours just sitting and talking to each other, trading stories and playing games. Remus has a softer side that I’m even surprised he’s willing to show me, so I know that hard exterior is just a show for those around him. I’ve brought many things with me from the Blackwood, thanks to how often I travel back and forth. We even play some Vampire games, like chess and the like.”
Cocking her head, Nyssa stared at Bronwen. “Chess?”
“A strategy game. I’ll have to bring you to one of our lessons sometimes.”
Nyssa shook her head, strategy was not her forte. Maybe Remus, or even Darius could, possibly even Lowell, but her? No, Nyssa lived in the moment, not thinking ahead too far, but rather getting stuck in the past.
Bronwen waved her hand in the air. “But enough about Remus. You and I both know more than anyone else on the man. Let’s talk about you and this Jorah fellow.”
Nyssa twitched at the mention of him, the memory of their lips connecting still incredibly fresh in her mind. She wanted nothing more than to march outside to where Jorah awaited so that she could finish what they started, but at the same time she felt content getting to speak with Bronwen, who she hadn’t gotten the chance to speak to in weeks. “What about us? There’s not much to tell just yet.”
“Oh, I beg to differ. You already told us all how he risked his life to save you, carried you through the frigid cold to the safety of a less cold cave to make sure you didn’t die of frostbite,” Bronwen said matter-of-factly. “Don’t be afraid to speak your mind. I won’t tell anyone else. Not even Remus, if you want.”
“Thank you, Bronwen,” Nyssa replied. “But...there really isn’t much to speak about just yet. We haven't’ exactly had much time to ourselves, and what you saw earlier was-”
“Just the beginning,” Bronwen said slyly. “Yes, I know all too well. It was quite adorable to see you fawn over someone other than Darius for a change.”
Her cheeks flushing bright red, Nyssa frowned at the Vampire sitting across from her. “I wasn’t fawning, and don’t bring Darius into this, he doesn’t have anything to do with this matter.”
Bronwen raised an eyebrow. “Doesn’t he? Haven’t you been in love with him pretty much your whole life?”
“No... maybe.”
Bronwen giggled. “Then he has everything to do with this little situation of yours. I only bring it up because for the past few years you’ve often brooded whenever someone mentioned Darius and Amara being together, you know, the two who met almost magically, falling in love with each other in an instant, becoming the saviors of both Gray Creek and Red Rock at the same time!”
Nyssa snarled. “Yes, I remember, you don’t need to remind me!”
“So then how do you feel about Jorah? Remus has been awfully worried about you these past few years. But now that you might have someone else to lean on, I think everyone would be happy about that.”
Nyssa stayed quiet for a moment, thinking about the bear shifter who had saved her not once, but twice, from both Changelings and his own people. His deep set, dark eyes and chiseled features matched perfectly with his tied back, dark brown hair. His big physique captured her as well, with toned biceps and abs that poked out from his broad torso. Other than his devilishly dark good looks, his charming smile and jovial way of speaking that warmed her heart, he helped her think of someone other than Darius. She guessed it was no secret that she liked him, but was this just a fleeting feeling of lust, or a genuine growing love she felt for the male shifter she’d only met the day before?
Bronwen waited patiently for Nyssa to answer, sipping on her tea and staring intense
holes through Nyssa’s scalp, but when Nyssa refused to answer, she prodded the conversation herself. “It’s clear as the sunlight that streams through the Oldwood that you like him, and that he likes you. It’s why Remus gave him a warning.”
Nyssa rolled her eyes at the thought of Remus trying to be a good older brother and threaten her new love interest. “There’s nothing concrete between us just yet, like I mentioned. It’s true, I like him, but that could fade.”
“Then take it slow,” Bronwen said. “Maybe not as slow as me, but see to it that you genuinely fall for him. It seems like falling in love would be good for you right about now.”
Nyssa wanted to speak to Bronwen further, but panicked voices just outside caught their attention. Someone was shouting something quickly, and another voice, Jorah’s voice, was trying to calm the first down. Nyssa and Bronwen locked eyes, nodded to each other and leapt up from their seats, racing to the front door. Once outside, Nyssa saw that the owner of the frantic voice was none other than Finn, the chocolate skinned bear shifter from the Northern Mountains. His handsome appearance was marred by a wickedly twisted face and the onset of sweat. Jorah held onto Finn with both hands, trying to get Finn to calm down.
“Hey, just calm down and tell me what’s going on, Finn, okay?” Jorah said. “Take a deep breath.”
“No time!” Finn shouted. “I’ve come to warn you, Jorah. The Seers! The Seers ordered you captured and anyone else who knows about us to be killed. Nyx is leading a group with Keanu, though he’s more reluctant than me to just abandon that dumb mission.”
Stunned, Jorah stared at Finn. “What did you just say?”
Finn grabbed Jorah’s shoulders this time, shaking him. “Didn’t you hear me? It’s Nyx! She’s come to get you. Nyx is here right now to take you back to Dallan.”
Chapter Eighteen: Jorah
F inn was the last person Jorah expected to see down in the Oldwood. He didn’t expect any bear shifters to come down, not after Jorah had ran down at high speed with both Nyssa and Lowell in tow; he was sure Dallan and the other Seers would have prevented the outflux of just about anyone.
Jorah first noticed Finn sprinting in the distance, his arms flailing and his head scanning his surroundings for any sign of life. Upon seeing the house, and then Jorah, Finn’s caramel eyes went wide in surprise and practically ran Jorah down as he began to shout in his face. They were lucky enough to be far from the main hub of Gray Creek, lest a horde of wolf shifters heard them both.
“Finn?” Jorah exclaimed as Finn came to a sliding stop, clutching onto Jorah’s arms with his shaking hands. “What are you doing down here? How did you find me?” Finn tried to speak again, but coughed spittle flying from his lips. Sweat poured from his body, stinking up his scent and causing Jorah to wrinkle his nose in discomfort. He trembled, and as Jorah made to grab Finn’s shoulders with his own hands, Finn jerked away. “Hey, just calm down and tell me what’s going on, Finn, okay? Take a deep breath.”
“No time!” Finn shouted. Moments later, the door to Nyssa’s house swung open, crashing against the side of the house, but Jorah didn’t have the luxury to glance over at Nyssa or Bronwen. “I’ve come to warn you, Jorah! The Seers! The Seers ordered you captured and anyone else who knows about us to be killed. Nyx is leading a group with Keanu, though he’s more reluctant than me to just abandon that dumb mission.”
Stunned, Jorah stared at Finn. “What did you just say?”
Finn grabbed Jorah’s shoulders this time, shaking him. “Didn’t you hear me? It’s Nyx! She’s come to get you. Nyx is here right now to take you back to Dallan.”
Jorah’s wide eyes quickly turned to a frown. “Dallan and the other shifters ordered our clansmen to come down to the Oldwood, to bring me back and kill others? Are you kidding me?” Shaking his head, Jorah stepped back, Finn following. “No way...Dallan wouldn’t stoop that low.”
“Would I lie to you about something this serious, Jorah?” Finn said, his eyes gleaming with tears and his lips constantly running. “He ordered all three of us to look for you. Keanu and I wanted to say no, but Nyx agreed. She’s angry, or frustrated, or something, but she and a group of other bear shifters are on their way right now. It took them a little bit to pick up your trail, but eventually they did. I managed to slip away when Nyx wasn’t looking...Keanu shielded the sight of me fleeing with his big body, all so that I could come tell you.”
Suddenly the pounding of feet to Jorah’s left signaled the approach of Nyssa and Bronwen. “What’s wrong?” Nyssa said. “Why is Finn here? Are you okay?”
Jorah whirled on them. “Finn’s here with a warning, he says Dallan and the other Seers ordered Nyx and some others to come capture me and kill you and anyone else that might know about the bear shifters on top of the Northern Mountains.”
“Who in the hell are you?” Finn suddenly asked, his wide eyes searing holes into Bronwen.
Smiling simply, Bronwen curtsied. “Bronwen, the Vampire.”
“Vampire? Oh dear…” At the mention of Vampire, Finn collapsed into Jorah’s arms. Calling his name, Jorah placed a hand to his forehead, feeling the heat beneath his skin. Taking a closer look, Jorah spied scratch marks on his exposed arm.
“Fever, looks like, maybe got scratched by a slightly poisonous plant,” Jorah announced. “You need to sit and rest, Finn.”
Shaking his head violently, Finn bolted back upright. “No! No, I’m fine. I took some herbs already, before I got here, though it takes a few minutes for the effects to kick in. Nyx and her men will be here any minute. They split up into two to go to east and one west. Nyx is leading the western group, following your faded scent and trail marks. Keanu is leading the eastern one, heading towards the bigger settlement.”
Exchanging a scrunched-up look with Nyssa, Jorah let Finn go, who wobbled, but stayed on his feet. “Lowell and Remus!” Nyssa exclaimed. “They have to be going after them. My brother will be fine, but Lowell? He might have wandered into the woods, we need to find him! He’s still wounded.”
“Don’t forget Magnolia,” Bronwen said, her tone jovial. “Though I don’t really care about her, it would still do well to protect...though she doesn’t need protection. It would improve our relations with the other Vampires.”
“Like we have time to worry about another Vampire!” Jorah said, clenching his fist’s. Why Dallan? Why must he continue to pursue him? Next time Jorah saw his adoptive father, he promised himself to smack the man silly. “We need to tell your brother, and that leader of yours, Darius, right? If a group of bears are heading straight for Gray Creek, with no one suspecting, then a lot of innocents will die unknowingly.”
“Then we go, now!” Nyssa said, striping her clothes, shifting into a wolf and bounding away into the forest. Bronwen quickly followed, matching Nyssa’s pace with her own long-legged stride.
Jorah began to strip as well, not caring about how he left the clothes strewn about. “If you’re okay to come, then come, Finn,” Jorah said. “But if you don’t feel up to following then rest in that cabin.”
“No way, I’m coming along,” Finn proclaimed, stripping off his jerkin and pants. “But don’t wait for me to catch up. Just go, I’ll be right behind!”
So Jorah did, shifting into his giant, furry bear form and began to run after Nyssa and Bronwen. While they left just before him, he followed them by scent, keeping his nose low to the ground in order to not lose either of them. The tall trees and colorful foliage passed him by as he raced on, huffing and growling, barreling down the winding trails. Soon howls and roars pierced the air just ahead of him, sending a shiver down his spine, and hardening his resolve to push ahead. Nyx and her bears, it must be! While he steeled his resolve, he also shook at the thought of dueling with Nyx for real, trying to inflict real pain on the other. Back when they were together, they’d wrestle in snow until the sun sank deep below the earth...but that was playful, and this was serious.
As Jorah turned a corner, he saw his fears come
true, spying Nyssa and Bronwen fighting off around five big bears in total. All were a similar leather brown color, except for one. Ashen brown fur and a smaller build, yet still as muscular as the rest of her troupe, Nyx roared and stomped as her bears circled and swiped at Nyssa and Bronwen. It wasn’t until Jorah roared and lumbered forward that Nyx turned to grunt at him.
Stay away, she said through her growls.
But Jorah wasn’t having it; instead, Jorah rose on his hind legs and belched out the nastiest roar he could, shaking the trees and scaring off a flock of birds as well as stopping the rest of the shifters for half a moment, allowing Bronwen to latch on the neck of one with her arms and Nyssa to snap her maw around another’s back. Falling back down, Jorah’s weight shook the earth, and he charged forward, seeing red at the sight of Nyssa surrounded by would be murderers.
Unsurprisingly, Nyx rose to meet his challenge, though she clearly was no match for him now. Just as she roared herself and leapt at him with an outstretched paw, Jorah jumped to the side and smacked her across the stomach with his own massive paw, sending her crashing in the dirt with a thud. Seeing their leader get knocked around, another bear shifter charged Jorah, this one bigger and bulkier. Not backing down, Jorah stood just as the other did and the two locked into a roaring and swatting fest, their paws and teeth lashing at each other’s necks and chests. The other bear shifter cut Jorah deep just above the heart, causing him to growl at the surge of hot pain, but Jorah returned the favor by battering the bear’s head with a flurry of his paws. The shifter backed away, grunting at the pain, blood dripping from a hastily shut eye.
Jorah turned to help out Nyssa and Bronwen with their end, but found them standing victorious over the remaining, swaying and flailing three bears, each grunting and huffing for breath. Nyssa growled at them, and Bronwen’s twisted face glared at the bears in anger. The bears, rising to their feet, glanced to each other, backing away.