Howl And Growl Complete Collection
Page 41
Letting herself smile, Bronwen accepted Silvan’s embrace, letting his broad physique engulf her, just like it always had. It felt good to be in his arms once again.
The aura behind her slowly morphed from threatening to confusion, with the shifters glancing between each other as they stared on at the two Vampires embracing. She was sure this had to be a spectacle to them, watching two Vampires embrace like old friends. No one would step forward, though, except for Remus. “Lord? Did you just call him Lord, Bronwen?”
Blinking, Bronwen looked back at him, motioning him forward. “Indeed, I did. Everyone, this is Lord Silvan, one of the Thirteen Vampire Lords. Lord Silvan, these are the ambassadors from the Clans of the Oldwood. They’re eager to get their new lives started.”
As Remus cautiously walked forward, he was stopped by a simple outstretch of Silvan’s hand, wary of Silvan’s intentions. “Come, Remus! Let us greet each other. I’m assuming the others will be unable to for the time being. I am intimidating after all.”
Bronwen was the only one to laugh at her senior’s humor, while the others continued to simply stare. Remus, after a moment of hesitation, came forward and reached out with his own hand, unsure of what Silvan meant to do. As soon as Silvan clasped Remus’ hand, he pulled him forward for an embrace, a motion that caused Remus to go still as stone, and for Bronwen to frown just a little at the fear Remus was emitting. She didn’t exactly like seeing him so on edge, especially around a friendly face, though she knew it would just take time for Remus and the others to come around.
“Ah! Wonderful!” Lord Silvan exclaimed as he pulled back, retaining Remus’ hand in his own and clasping the other down on Remus’ shoulder. “I think you’ve picked the right pets to bring along.”
“They’re not pets, Lord Silvan,” Bronwen responded dryly.
“Of course they aren’t, sorry, it was just a slip of the tongue. And, please, just call me Silvan now, Bronwen.” With a dangerous flash of his red eyes, his short white hair spiking towards the sky, Silvan let go of Remus’ hand and shoulder and gestured for the rest to follow him as he backed up. “Everyone, the Blackwood awaits! Please, let us hurry. Night will be here soon, and traveling in the Blackwood in the dark isn’t a pleasant venture. Come, come!”
Bronwen waited for Remus to step up beside her before following, nodding to the rest that it was okay to follow along. Each hesitated, but once Nyx took a step forward the rest did as well, staying close to each other as they walked.
“Talk about being welcomed,” Remus said as they marched along, trying to keep pace with Silvan’s long strides.
Bronwen didn’t respond, instead focusing on what their future days would look like. If this was how the group reacted to just one Lord, how would they fare when they were encircled by them all? Bronwen thought she should take her own advice and simply wait and see. Only time could truly tell, after all. Bronwen knew that better than anyone.
Chapter Five: Remus
Silvan certainly had been a surprise. Remus couldn’t remember the last time his whole body shook and froze at the very presence of another creature that was so clearly, devastatingly powerful. Even Orpheus couldn’t have lived up to the sheer authority Silvan commanded; the two couldn’t have been more different.
Where Orpheus went mad and into rages when spoken to by what he considered lesser beings, Silvan appeared to barely care, even to go so far as to happily whistle a tune while they walked, listening to Bronwen speak to him as they neared the border of the Blackwood.
Tall and lanky like every other Vampire, Silvan loomed over them all, including Bronwen, his shadow stretching all the way back to Finn and Lenna, who both understandably kept their distance. Bronwen was one thing, but to suddenly be face to face with an even more lively and energetic Vampire that could turn on them all within half a second...he shared their fears, though Remus was forced to stand just behind the man.
As they walked, he noticed Bronwen’s renewed energy, the way she moved her hands while she spoke to Silvan, her straighter, taller posture. It was like she was trying to impress him with the way she carried herself. And her was so bright that it nearly melted Remus’ heart, except it was the byproduct of being able to speak with Silvan. Remus bored holes in the back of Silvan’s skull, unwilling to tear his eyes away from the Vampire.
“So, this is the shifter you’ve been telling me about?” Silvan said, turning to stare back at Remus with a wide smile as he continued to walk forward. “He’s a bit thinner than you described…”
Very aware of himself, Remus glanced at Bronwen, who giggled and winked. “Yes, he does seem a bit thinner than he used to be. But it’s not like that’s a bad thing.”
“Oh no, not bad in the slightest…”
Maybe it was just a trick of the eye, or his mind getting the better of him, but just before Silvan snapped his attention back to Bronwen he narrowed his gaze at Remus, sending a quick chill up his spine. Remus gulped as Silvan leaned closer to Bronwen. “I daresay the boy is quite handsome for a shifter. I’m assuming he’s very loyal as well. With those defined muscles, I’m sure he acts as a fantastic bodyguard.”
Remus’ mind spun as he listened to the Lord speak. Was he complimenting Remus? If so, Remus didn’t feel too good about being called a simple bodyguard.
“As I have mentioned, he’s more than what you think he is,” Bronwen said, placing a hand on Silvan’s arm. “He is loyal, but that’s because we trust each other. It took a long time to build up that trust, so I’d rather you not try to shatter it now.”
Silvan remained quiet for a moment, his face deadpan, until he finally smiled and nodded. “Indeed, it is as you say. Then you consider yourself an equal amongst these shifters? Each and every one?”
“Yes, I would,” Bronwen replied sternly.
Remus’ eyes remained on Bronwen’s hand touching the Lord’s arm, her fingers curling around his limb like it would slip away if she didn’t hold onto it. For a variety of reasons, Remus picked up his pace and grabbed Bronwen’s wrist, pulling her hand off of Silvan and stepping between the two, causing them both to raise a brow at him. “No one here is above the rest, Silvan. Bronwen may be a Vampire, but we’re all used to her by now...well, most of us, anyway. I’ve known her the longest, and I can say with full certainly I’d give my life for hers. So believe what she says, will you?”
The Lord looked at Remus with a devastating stare, his brows creased and his nose scrunched up, but upon seeing Bronwen’s jittery reaction to Remus’ pledge, Silvan sighed and hooked his arm around Remus. “As you say. You really do have a lot of faith in her, don’t you all?”
“More so than you do, it seems…” Remus responded.
A twitch took hold of Silvan’s eye, but instead of replying to Remus’ comment, he turned to look forward and point. “See that darkened land? That’s the Blackwood, home of the Vampires! We’re almost there folks.”
Remus peered forward along with the rest, seeing the charred, fallen trees and rocky, pocketed ash filled landscape. It was as if an inferno had blazed through the entire forest, stopping at a perfect line just before reaching the rest of the forest to the north. Remus’ senses went into overdrive as they stepped over the hard line that cut the Blackwood from the rest of the known continent, his feet sinking into the sandy grains of dirt and ash. There was no wind and no rain, yet storm clouds gathered overhead, swirling in the distance. Even the air tasted stale upon his tongue, it’s scent like that of salty smoke, creating an itch Remus knew he wouldn’t be able to scratch.
The others gasped as they witnessed the new world they’d be living in. Remus glanced back as best he could to gauge the other’s reactions; Nyx was the first his eyes laid upon, her hands clenched at her sides as her head turned back and forth, her dark, wide-eyed expression seeming unable to comprehend the destruction she was seeing. Keanu and Finn mimicked her reaction, their eyes darting at every fallen tree, some even sticking up from the ground like gravestones, though Keanu
’s eyes were partially hidden behind his neck-length locks of hair. Lowell frowned as he sniffed the air, spitting out a glob of spittle after breathing in the awful, dry atmosphere; he hunched over as they walked, sticking close to Nyx. Lenna tried her best to keep marching forward unaffected by her surroundings but instead, she found herself keeping close to Finn, her small frame casting a wide shadow behind her on the gray and black earth.
Remus remembered his own reaction when he, Bronwen, Amara, and a few others had first snuck into the Blackwood, gagging at the sights and smells they encountered as they entered a whole new world. It would take them a few days, at least, to fully comprehend this new terrain.
“Where is the wildlife?” Finn asked, almost desperately. “The green? Where’s the life here?”
“There is no life here,” Silvan answered, his tone jovial. He chuckled, as if the whole suggestion was a joke. “The land here is stuck in time, if you would. Unable to move forward, unable to break from the spell over it, thanks to a certain Vampire Lord. Really, it’s just a rather splendid change of pace compared to the Oldwood, is it not?”
“Splendid is definitely not the word I would choose,” Remus muttered under his breath.
Silvan shrugged. “If there’s anything I could say to ease your fright at the prospect of living in this barren land, I would tell you all. But, sadly, there isn’t. We manage out here, and you’ll never want for anything, despite how it may seem.”
“It won’t feel as empty when we finally arrive at my manor,” Bronwen said, raising her voice to hopefully uplift everyone’s spirits. The others breathed out heavily at her suggestion, glancing between each other and nodding. “Speaking of which, I think I might just spy it in the distance.”
Remus squinted against the black backdrop of the world, catching sight of something rising from the dark plains. As they approached, Remus made that something out to be a three-story manor, much like the one Orpheus had years ago. Like an arrowhead, it stuck out from the ground, it’s maroon banners and decorative carved wood and stone exterior a striking contrast to the barren fields in front of the manor. A wide, extended forest stretched back behind the manor, each and every tree leaning to one side, their branches snapped and jagged. More than a few toppled trees blocked their path, so they continually vaulted over them as they reached neared the manor.
Remus had to admit, it was much bigger than Orpheus’ home had been, and at least four times the size of houses back in Gray Creek. Once close enough, Bronwen jogged forward, staring up at her sizeable new home. She came to a sliding stop before her front door, reaching out to brush the tips of her fingers against the old, charred wood; Remus half expected the front door to crumble at her touch, but to his surprise, it remained in very good condition. Spinning on her heel, Bronwen gazed out at them all, her smile so wide and beautiful it made Remus’ heart began to pound.
“This will be our new home from now on,” Bronwen called out. “We have finally arrived. There are plenty of rooms for each and every one of us.”
A quick glance at everyone’s faces told Remus that the mood had shifted once again. Now everyone stared up at Bronwen’s manor with wide eyes, their mouths agape and minds probably trying to comprehend how such a massive home could be built. Remus definitely wondered himself who would build such a home, and why a single Vampire would ever need this much space.
“Go on and explore!” Bronwen said, gesturing to the door. “But don’t get lost. I can’t lose any of you after we’ve only just arrived.” A wave of laughter rolled through the group, and they all jogged forward to surge past Bronwen and into the manor, their voices echoing in awe at the inside. Remus made to join them, sauntering up to Bronwen, but stopped short when Silvan yanked on Bronwen’s arm and pulled her to the side. Remus hesitated as Silvan began to whisper into her ear, but ultimately he decided to wait just outside the door for her, eyeing Silvan as he spoke ever so daintily.
“...careful about him, do you hear me? Our laws are strict. If you become too involved with Remus, your voice will lose its influence.” With that, Silvan backed away, leaving a frowning Bronwen to stare after him. “I cannot protect you from everyone, Bronwen...but I will be back later! Enjoy exploring your new home. See you soon.”
Silvan bowed and then swiveled on his heel to walk away into the vast nothingness around them. There was something about how casually he left Bronwen that unnerved Remus, something he couldn’t quite pin down. But soon enough, Bronwen sighed and marched over to Remus, capturing his full attention before grabbing his hand and pulling him inside.
Chapter Six: Bronwen
Our laws are strict. If you become too involved with Remus, your voice will lose its influence.
No matter how hard she tried to push Lord Silvan’s words out of her mind, they kept pushing their way to the front of her mind. It was easy to get lost in anything he said regarding her life, to consume herself based on a single sentence that came from that Vampire’s lips. But Bronwen wasn’t the same scared, young Vampire she had been fifty years prior, nor would she allow herself to be shaken like Silvan had expected her to be.
Vampire law was often complicated when it came to relationships outside of Vampire kind; it wasn’t as if her feelings for Remus, or the actions she took to help him fall for her, were illegal. But Vampires lived forever, and others did not. There was only one way to keep a Vampire’s relationship with another afloat for an eternity, and that choice needed to be made sooner or later by the non-Vampire.
Bronwen stiffened as the thought crossed her mind, her heart thumping in her chest. The realization of her future with Remus dawned on her, watching him and the others excitedly wander the great hall that acted the part of an entrance hall. She watched him eagerly, her dark red eyes piercing the candlelight to inspect the muscular, curly blonde haired and blue-eyed wolf shifter. Just like all the others, he walked about, spinning and gazing at the entrance hall with the hint of a smile forming on his lips.
What would Remus be like as a Vampire? Bronwen wondered, clasping her hands behind her back and gliding forward into her manor. Would he be able to survive the mental shifts after becoming one? Would he get over the idea of living long past his friends back in the Oldwood, and living past Nyssa who was up on the Northern Mountains? How would he react if Bronwen even suggested it?
Did Bronwen really even want to put him through that pain?
She stopped in the middle of the entrance hall as she pondered her last question. Lifting her head, she gazed up at the elegantly twisted chandelier that hung silently above, it’s dozens of candles sending streaks of shadows over every part of the hall, slipping onto the staircases on either side of the hall, sneaking into the narrow hallway just ahead, covering up paintings and animal heads adorning the walls. There was no light without shadow and no good without the bad. If she wanted more of Remus, he’d have to sacrifice something in exchange.
When she caught Remus staring at her, Bronwen realized her expression had darkened while she stood staring into the candlelight. Blinking, she shook her head and walked over to him, watching as Nyx and Lowell darted up one staircase and Finn, Lenna and Keanu rushed down the hallway, whispering and tripping over raised floorboards. Remus waited by a suit of armor that stood along one of the walls, his gaze drifting back to its glinting steel plates; drawing his fingers across the steel, he jerked back suddenly when he traced the collar plating, his finger glistening red.
“I see you’ve found my battlewear,” Bronwen cooed as she stopped next to Remus, trying to keep the inner workings of her mind secret for the time being, his eyes rolling over to her.
“So that’s what this is…” Remus reached forward once again, this time just touching his whole open hand over where the heart would be. “I’ve never seen clothes so rigid before. And what material is this? Hide could never seem so sturdy.”
Bronwen laughed, her mind racing as she realized there was so much she had yet to tell him about. Stepping closer so their shoulders touc
hed while they stared up at the raised armor, Bronwen lowered her voice. “It’s called armor, and it’s made of steel. A metal that isn’t really found on this continent. Where we Vampires came from originally, people use this to fight each other in battle, and then they stow each piece away until it’s needed again.”
Remus blinked, his wolf eyes catching Bronwen’s breath. “There are shifters that fight using this? Now you’re messing with me. No one could shift into something so sturdy. This metal would crush one’s rib cage.” At his words, Remus shivered, becoming antsy as he rolled his shoulders and shifted his weight between his feet.
“Who said the people I mentioned were shifters?”
Frowning, Remus dropped his hand from the armor, leaving a streak of blood to stain the glossy shine. Remus started at the blood, whipping his hand up to peer at his finger. “I’m bleeding.”
“Yes, you hadn’t noticed?” Bronwen cooed, leaning closer, her breath brushing his neck. She could practically hear his heart pound as he blushed and stepped back from the armor, looking around.
“Is there some cloth we can use to wipe it up?” Remus asked, turning, but leaving his hand hanging in the air. His finger dripped slowly, giant drops of blood smashing into the floorboards. Before Bronwen could stop herself, she leaped forward, throwing her own hand up to steady his and then placed his dripping finger on her lips. Startled, Remus whirled to watch wide-eyed as she sucked on the blood, her eyes penetrating the two blue oceans that were contained within his gaze. She expected him to try and jerk away, to prevent her from continuing to suck on his finger, but instead, his breathing became ragged and he twitched and winced in a strange, appealing way.
Bronwen normally didn’t drink blood, mainly because she rarely had the opportunity to, but when she did, she made sure to stop herself short of going overboard. But right now, her lips wouldn’t respond to her mind’s will. Remus’ blood tasted salty and thick on her tongue, a sensation that created a buzz in her head. In legends, it was said that blood worked much like ale to Vampires, causing them to act out of their element afterward...but that was only if the Vampire took more than they should have.