Howl And Growl Complete Collection
Page 43
“Bronwen,” a familiar voice exclaimed from their right. “How good it is to see you again.”
“I just saw you yesterday,” Bronwen said nonchalantly. Remus gulped as she did, unable to process how easily she spoke in front of the Lords.
“Ah, yes, however could I forget!” Silvan said, throwing his arms into the air. “So, shall we begin?”
“Let’s,” Bronwen said with a smile, stepping up onto the dais. Remus followed suit, his eyes resting on Lord Silvan.
Chapter Eight: Bronwen
It was finally time; Bronwen had waited a long time for this day. It was hard to believe it was even here. Becoming a Lord had been so easy to imagine a few years prior, but now that it was actually about to happen, it couldn’t have been more daunting. Because of her ease at being a Vampire, she was able to hide her nervousness behind the steady smile she displayed.
She couldn’t say the same of Remus, his shifter nature getting the better of him and causing him to fidget and stare like he was a lost child. Maybe it had been a bad idea to bring Remus along. Shifters were raised to be direct and forthcoming with their feelings and thoughts; practically trained, as some Vampires said, to attack on sight, to reveal all their secrets upon prodding, and to bow when they were told to bow, though they would never bow to an enemy, even if it meant they would die.
But Remus was different. It was why she’d taken a liking to him in the first place. And she didn’t just bring him along on a whim; Bronwen wanted him here to bear witness to the biggest day of her life. Once that golden crown was put on her head, Bronwen would have a say in the biggest of Vampire affairs. It all hinged on this one moment.
“So, shall we begin?” Lord Silvan asked, his plastered smile aimed at the other Vampire Lords. Most didn’t respond, or simply thought it too much an inconvenience to speak, and they only nodded.
“Let’s,” Bronwen quickly interrupted. Stepping onto the dais, she bowed, placing one arm across her chest and the other in the air. Remus blinked at her bow, and reluctantly followed suit, awkwardly bending over, and almost falling forward on his face. Bronwen ignored him as she spoke. “My name is Bronwen, former vassal of Orpheus, the mad Vampire. Though I am very much sane, as you all know. I’m here to take my rightful place amongst you all, as the Thirteenth Lord of the Blackwood.” Glancing up, she saw most eyes upon her, but the boredom in the myriad of droopy eyes told her a rare few actually cared.
“Orpheus was a mad fool, drunk on how big he thought his manhood was,” a stocky Vampire spoke from opposite of Silvan, his voice raspy and heavy. With parted, brown hair that was tucked back down to his neck, the ends poking out to the sides, Lord Cadogan stared Bronwen down with his permanently furrowed brows. The hard-set jaw that was sculpted into his head moved like a machine as he spoke, simply moving up and down. “It’s good we’re filling the Thirteenth spot so quickly...but Bronwen, I must ask you why you brought a pet along to the ceremony. Most of these other twats could care less, but bringing a pet to a sacred ceremony such as this is downright insulting!”
Lord Silvan shot Cadogan a look, but ultimately turned his gaze to Bronwen. “Now, now, Bronwen would never seek to insult the very group she’s looking to join. I raised her after all, Lord Cadogan.”
Cadogan fumed in his chair, gripping his armrest so hard the stone began to crack beneath his fingers. “I think your tongue should be cut and burned along with those ignorant comments of yours, Silvan.” Turning his attention back to Bronwen, Cadogan narrowed his eyes. “This one is not stupid. She knows exactly what she is doing...answer me, dammit.”
Thankfully Remus’ shaking had run its course, and he stood firmly beside her. Forcing her own trembling to cease, Bronwen smiled up at Cadogan, meeting his wild, dangerous gaze. “Lord Silvan is right, I do not seek to insult anyone here, especially not on this day. The shifter standing next to me is no pet, but a dear friend of mine. His name is Remus, and he’s come to the Blackwood to represent the Clans of the Oldwood.” She glanced at Remus briefly, catching his gaze. “Oh, and he’s my lover, as well.”
Cadogan exploded from his chair, landing on his feet and marching up to them both. “What!?!” he screamed.
Sighing, Silvan rubbed his temple. “Lord Cadogan, please restrain yourself. You haven’t been a child in three hundred years.”
“Do not mock me, Silvan!” Cadogan shouted, looming over Bronwen. Thanks to his stocky build, Lord Cadogan stood well over Bronwen, his shadow engulfing her. Next to her, Remus shook, taking a step forward, baring his teeth on pure instinct, but he stopped when Bronwen clutched his wrist. Refusing to budge, Bronwen allowed Cadogan to snort his breath on her as his dark eyes flicked onto Remus. “Why would you lay with an animal, Bronwen? It is detestable! Absurd!”
She could feel Cadogan’s power seeping from his skin, filling the air with a new density that made it hard to breathe...or maybe that was just his rabid stench. “We haven’t actually gotten that far just yet, Lord Cadogan,” Bronwen began, her heart pounding at the very thought, and her face heating as Remus’ fingers wiggled in hers. “But, as I said before and will keep saying, Remus is no pet and no animal. He is my equal in all things, and right now, if anyone is being insulted, it is myself and my lover.”
What remained in Lord Cadogan’s face after her short speech was nothing short of devastating wrath. She knew what would happen if Lord Cadogan remained unchecked, and as he reached for her she shot a look to Lord Silvan, unwilling to be the first to start the fight. But Silvan’s eyes were locked on something next to her; where she expected Lord Cadogan’s hand to be, gripping her throat, instead she found it hanging in the air, caught in Remus’ own white-knuckled grip. Silence filled the air as Remus’ gripped the Lord so tight Cadogan’s skin turned a light shade of violet.
“Don’t you ever try to touch her again,” Remus growled, leaning forward, baring his teeth. Bronwen’s heart nearly stopped as she witnessed the anger rising in him, an anger stemming from Cadogan’s treatment of Bronwen. “If you try something so stupid as to harm her, I’ll rip your head off of your body. Understand, you pompous pig?”
For a moment Bronwen sensed the storm Cadogan was about to unleash on them both, ready to fill the ground before him with their blood, but ultimately Cadogan wrenched his wrist from Remus’ grip and howled in frustration, storming away, each and every step he took shaking the ground around him. “I will not stay for this farce!” he called as he made for one of the corridors that remained shrouded in darkness, away from candlelight. “This will come back to haunt you all, Bronwen, Silvan! Mark my words!”
Lord Silvan waved away the Lord’s threats. “Yes, yes, whatever you say. Now, let us officially begin your ceremony, Bronwen!”
The sudden turn in events wasn’t completely unexpected, but Bronwen had never expected one of the Lord’s to go so far as to leave the ceremony. It was the greatest insult a Lord could throw another future Lord’s way, not that Cadogan’s opinion of her mattered. Turning to Remus, she mouthed a silent ‘thank you’ as Silvan hopped down from his chair and walked over to Bronwen, carrying a small, thin golden crown.
“This crown was once worn by our one and only king,” Silvan began, motioning for Bronwen to lower her head while he talked. “Our king united Vampire kind under his rule until he died so many years ago. There has never been another king, but there have been us Lords, those who once served the king. Now, we lead, and use our king’s crown to name our succeeding Lords. Now, I place it on you, Bronwen, as you ascend to your own Lordship.” As his voice cut out, Bronwen lifted her head in a smile. “Now you are a Lord, or Lady if your prefer. Rejoice! The ceremony is finished.”
Letting her mind whirl in joy, Bronwen touched the golden crown adorning her head. Despite its small size, it weighed heavily upon her head. Unable to contain her excitement, she turned to Remus, catching his warm, loving smile.
“I can’t say I fully understand what just happened, or why this ceremony was so short, but I think that cr
own looks good on you,” he said casually.
All at once, Bronwen’s body surged with a longing...a longing to embrace Remus and finally press her lips to his. And so she did, throwing her arms around the shifter and pulling him to her. He was surprised at first, but as her lips brushed his, he let go of any inhibitions and pressed against her. His lips were dry, but soon slicked up as she tasted the myriad of flavors upon his mouth. She swooned as they kissed, her head filling with butterflies and all sorts of fun new fantasies.
“Oh, my,” Silvan said, stepping back. “You two really are lovers, aren’t you?” Shrugging, he clasped his own hands behind his back. “Oh well, it’s not like I expected any less. You can leave now if you need some alone time.”
Breaking from the kiss, Bronwen stared into Remus’ gorgeous, blue eyes, picturing just moments before when he had stopped Lord Cadogan from trying to hurt her. It was as if her entire heart was overflowing with desires, desires she could just barely contain. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to head on back now,” Bronwen said, adjusting the crown as it began to slip on her head.
“Return the crown the next time you come to the Commune,” Silvan said happily as Bronwen led Remus off the dais and back down the corridor. “Happy days, Bronwen!”
Remus kept glancing back over their shoulders as they walked, Bronwen trying to keep the golden crown from falling off her head.
Now her story truly started. Bronwen was finally a Lord of the Blackwood, or Lady, as Silvan had suggested. She wasn’t just another Vampire anymore; with her at the helm, the Clans would benefit, the other Lords and Vampires would learn about the shifters of the Oldwood, and vice versa. And best of all, now she knew for certain that nothing would be able to stop her from keeping Remus by her side. Not even Lord Cadogan would scare them away from each other.
Chapter Nine: Remus
“So, what now?” Remus asked as they arrived back at Bronwen’s manor.
“We call a meeting,” Bronwen cooed, eyeing Remus with a smile. “We gather everyone together to explain what just happened. They have a right to know how you nearly got us both killed during my ceremony.”
With his cheeks flaming, Remus turned towards the setting sun, hoping its orange and red rays would cover his embarrassment. “Y-you know why I had to do that. Nobody touches a member of my pack without getting through me first.”
“So, now I’m finally part of your pack? Ah, how I’ve longed for this day!” Bronwen exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air to exaggerate her excitement. In the dying light, her pale skin appeared to set on fire, all stemming from her chest as she twirled and giggled. “I still can’t believe you shot your hand out to grab Cadogan like you did! You realize he could have snapped your neck in an instant, right? Not even the other Vampire Lords are bold enough to stop him in his tracks like you did.”
As Bronwen practically danced towards the front door, her lithe figure gracefully came to a stop just before the door, her thin fingers reaching for the knob but her head swinging back to look at Remus. “Are you sure you’re not in love with me?”
For once, Remus didn’t flinch at her question, instead letting himself gaze at her as a stray gust of wind blew by them, her dirty brunette hair swirling around her against the charred wood and dark stone of her manor. Her blood red eyes sent shivers down his spine as he pondered how to answer her question; he’d been thinking of how to answer her for two years now, and after the kiss they shared just half an hour ago, Remus knew there was only one way forward in his relationship with Bronwen. As he stood watching her, Bronwen’s features relaxed, her endless energy smoothing out to a calm aura. Her smiled remained as Remus stepped towards her, though it softened as Remus reached out to cup her cheek.
“You know...I was only teasing you,” she said, her voice quivering. Her breath brushed his neck, causing Remus to tremble, his wolf nature growling for something more than a simple kiss. He wanted her, more than he had wanted anything before, and this simple realization sent his imagination whirling. Stopping Cadogan from hurting Bronwen earlier had flipped his adrenaline on, and now he couldn’t stop himself anymore.
“And it’s working,” Remus responded, flicking his gaze between her fluttering eyelashes and her sumptuous body. “How about we ditch the meeting for now? I don’t think I’ve gotten a good enough tour of your room.”
Bronwen bit her lip, gripping onto Remus’ shoulders as she leaned forward, but before she could say or do anything else, the front door swung open. Startled, both Bronwen and Remus jerked up to meet the curious gaze of Finn, who stared wide-eyed at them both.
“You’re back! So, how’d it all go?” he asked casually, somehow missing the scorching hot sparks flashing between Remus and Bronwen.
Groaning, Remus rubbed his forehead as Bronwen let go of his shoulders to turn and address the newcomer. “Go round up all the others, Finn,” Bronwen said as if nothing had been brewing with Remus. “We have much to discuss.” She threw a look at Remus, one that screamed she wanted to talk about what had just passed between them. It occurred to Remus that this little interruption wouldn’t stomp out the burning desire that finally flowed freely through his veins...but it sure would be difficult to sit still during the meeting Bronwen wanted to hold. If only he had some of that Vampire patience.
“Right!” Finn said. Jumping back from the door, he ran off into the house, only to come sliding back. “Um, but where are we meeting?”
“In the parlor,” Bronwen said quickly. With her finger, she pointed around the corner, “It’s that room right there. Now hurry, Finn. I have other matters to attend to.”
Matters? More like a jaunt in the sheets, Remus thought, unable to keep himself from frowning at Finn.
Chuckling nervously after catching Remus’ glare, Finn backed up, scratching the back of his head. “Uh, yeah, let me just go and get everyone. Be right back!” Then he swung back, the clopping of his boots echoing as he ran down the hall.
Placing a hand on Remus’ arm, Bronwen whispered in his ear. “Patience, Remus. This thing between us has been boiling for two years now...what’s a few more hours, huh?”
Grumbling, Remus allowed her to lead him inside, his hand gently placed in hers.
It took only a few minutes for the others to arrive, each filing in one by one, sniffing and gazing curiously around in the red-carpeted room. Bronwen, who sipped on a cup of tea patiently in the most ornate chair, watched with a friendly, easy-going demeanor as each found a seat. While she watched the others gently run their hands along the smooth fabric of the cushioned chairs, much like Remus had when he plopped down, Remus continued to keep his eyes firmly planted on Bronwen.
He realized quickly after Bronwen had led him into what she called a parlor that not once before meeting Lord Cadogan did he ever think anyone who threatened Bronwen would be able to pull through. But the aura around Lord Cadogan had been unlike anything he’d ever felt, like a fever taking hold of his senses, making him go wild with sudden fear. And now that his pride in his ability to protect the ones he loved was challenged, he couldn’t help but watch her every movement, though he mostly studied her lips as they caressed the edge of the teacup.
“Well, that was fast,” Bronwen observed as she placed her teacup down on a rounded table nearby. “Thank you all for coming so quickly.”
Leaning forward, Nyx cupped her hands together, her ashen hair tumbling down around her neck, “Well, you’re back from your ceremony, right? So, of course, we’d want to know how it went. Are you officially a Lord now?”
He hadn’t noticed until she’d spoken, but Nyx’s hide skin clothes were loose around her body as if they were hastily draped over her. Her sweat permeated the air, as well as Lowell’s, who breathed heavily as he leaned back in his chair directly next to her. Lowell’s jerkin had been put on backward, though everyone failed to notice...or simply chose not to say anything. Glancing a raised brow at Finn, the bear shifter just shrugged.
Bronwen nodded
. “Indeed, I am officially the thirteenth.”
“Does that have anything to do with that strange thing on your head?” Lenna asked quietly, pointing to the golden crown adorning her scalp. Just like with Nyx and Lowell, Remus made note of how close she and Finn sat, their shoulders nearly touching. Because of Lenna’s small size, she sank into her seat.
“Ah, this?” Bronwen glanced up, touching the crown with her fingers. “It’s called a crown. It’s meant to indicate one who has the power to rule over others. I know the Clans don’t really wear headgear, but we Vampires do. I’m to give this back upon my next meeting with Lord Silvan, though, as is our custom. Until then I own the crown.”
Finn whistled as he leaned forward to rest his chin on a fist. “Vampires sure are weird.”
“Why’s it so shiny?” Keanu said from his standing position next to the door leading into the entrance hall. With his arms crossed, he made an imposing figure leaning against the wall. He was also the only one not paired up in the room at the moment.
“Good question,” Bronwen said, lifting it off her head and bringing it down into her lap. Remus’ eyes locked onto her fingers as they traced the pointed parts on top, her smile thinning as she looked down at it. “It’s made of a metal called gold. I’ve mentioned this to Remus, but there doesn’t seem to be much of any kind of metal to be found on this continent...or maybe we simply haven’t caught wind of any deposits, so it could be said that this crown is the only gold in the land at the moment. It’s very rare.”