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Eternally Yours

Page 16

by Brenda Jackson

  “Good evening, ladies,” Justin said, coming over to join the group with Dex and Clayton with him. “I think you ladies are the most gorgeous ones here tonight. Don’t you agree, Dex?” he asked, placing a soft kiss on Lorren’s lips.

  “Absolutely,” Dex said, smiling. His arms went around Caitlin protectively, gently pulling her against him. “All Madaris women are beautiful, and they’re all Madaris women.”

  Syneda smiled. It was on the tip of her tongue to remind Dex she wasn’t a Madaris but thought better of it. Like everyone else, Dex considered her as part of the family.

  She liked Justin and Dex. Justin had been there for Lorren when she had needed someone to help her through a difficult time in her life. And for that reason he was very special to her. With Dex, there was such tenderness in him, as well as stubbornness and pride. He was the type of man who protected his own. Last year Caitlin’s life had been threatened, and Dex had made it clear that no one messed with his wife unless they were willing to face his wrath.

  Her gaze went to Clayton. He took another sip of his wine, watching her with dark eyes. A part of her came to life under his steady gaze. It was silently reaching out to her, touching her, making her want him and bringing forth memories she could never forget. Not being able to handle his gaze any longer, she looked down.

  “Clayton, you’ve been scarce lately. I’ve heard you’ve been taking quite a few trips out of town. Any reason why?” Kattie asked, her dark eyes twinkling.

  Clayton’s eyes narrowed. His gaze went first to Kattie and then to Traci. “What I do does not concern the two of you. Remember that.”

  Syneda’s stomach was in knots. Had Kattie and Traci figured out what was going on between her and Clayton? Did they suspect anything?

  Clayton glanced at Syneda and couldn’t help but see the worried look in her eyes. He wanted to go to her and take her in his arms and wipe away that look. He decided to do the next best thing when he heard Freddie Jackson step to the microphone to sing. “Syneda, could I speak to you for a minute?”

  “I hope the two of you aren’t going to start arguing about anything,” Caitlin said, smiling.

  “Not tonight. I just want to dance.” He knew that dancing provided a socially acceptable way to be close to her. And he desperately needed to hold Syneda in his arms.

  Not giving Syneda a chance to refuse, he reached out and took her hand in his and led her to the area where people were dancing. He took her in his arms as Freddie began singing, “You Are My Lady.”

  Clayton’s arm tightened around Syneda and he whispered, “I missed you.”

  Syneda relaxed in Clayton’s arm. She knew the members of his family wouldn’t think anything of them dancing together. They usually danced together at all the family functions. His family had commented several times on how well they danced together. “And I missed you, too,” she said truthfully.

  “I’m coming to your room tonight, Syneda.”

  She looked into his eyes. “No. Don’t. Someone might see you.”

  “I’ll make sure I’m not seen, but I’m coming, so don’t ask me not to. I have to come. I want you so much I can barely stand it.”

  She lifted her face upward seemingly to invite the kiss he wanted to give her, but both knew he couldn’t. “Don’t tempt me, Syneda.”

  Syneda smiled and placed her head against his chest. Clayton pulled her closer to him. He wondered if she was listening to the words Freddie was singing. Syneda was indeed “his lady” and he would never let her go. She is my lady, he whispered in his heart. She is everything I need and more.

  Dex was walking across the room to get another glass of punch for Caitlin when he glanced at his brother dancing with Syneda. He stopped walking. He had seen them dance together several times before, but never like this. It seemed they were so in tune to each other. There was such a look of possession in Clayton’s eyes as he held Syneda while they danced. And there was another emotion on his face, the same emotion he and Justin wore whenever they looked at their wives.

  He had never seen that look on Clayton before. He glanced around the room to see if anyone else had noticed and found that no one else seemed to be paying any attention to them. Then he remembered the scene earlier with Clayton and the lies he had told Bernard Wilson. Now it all made sense.

  A smile tilted Dex’s lips. He hadn’t thought he would ever live to see the day Clayton fell for a woman. And of all people, Syneda. He wondered how the two of them had stopped arguing long enough to connect. His smile widened. Apparently they had enjoyed more than the beaches in Florida.

  Clayton saw Dex across the room watching him and Syneda dance. He had seen the exact moment when the truth had hit Dex, and he’d put two and two together. Their eyes met and the shock he’d noticed in Dex’s features gradually disappeared. He nodded to his brother and pulled the woman he loved closer into his arms.

  Senator Lansing heard the knock on the door. “Yes?”

  “It’s me, Senator—Braxter.”

  Senator Lansing opened the door. “Come in, Braxter. I was about to go back downstairs.”

  Braxter entered then closed the door behind him. He studied the senator curiously. “Are you all right, Senator?”

  “I don’t know. I may have overreacted just a little. It’s just that that young lady reminded me of someone. And then her last name is Walters. It may all be a coincidence.” He sighed. “Do me a favor, Braxter, find out everything there is to know about her.”

  “I’ll talk to Jacob Madaris and—”

  “No, I don’t want to involve Jake in this. I want this handled discreetly. I don’t want anyone to know I want information on her. Use an investigative agency, and make sure it’s one we can trust. I want the report on my desk as soon as it’s received.”

  Braxter frowned. “This sounds serious, sir.”

  “It may not be. I may be getting myself worked up for nothing. But until I see the report, I won’t know for sure.”

  Braxter nodded, wondering who the young lady could possibly be and what part she played in the senator’s life. Unfortunately, Senator Lansing wasn’t saying. He hoped there was nothing he really needed to worry about. There had never been any sort of scandal linked to the senator before, and now was not the time for one to happen.

  “I have this friend from college who has an investigative company. I’ll talk to him on Monday.”

  Senator Lansing nodded. “Do you know whether the young lady is still here tonight?”

  “I saw her leave just before coming upstairs. She left with some other members of the Madaris family. It’s my understanding that Jake’s putting them up for the night in the various guest cottages around the ranch. Tomorrow is their grandmother’s birthday and they’re all staying overnight, including Ms. Walters. She’s considered a member of the family.”

  Senator Lansing nodded, remembering that tomorrow was Jake’s mother’s birthday. His friend had mentioned that to him months ago. “Then there’s a possibility that I’ll see her at breakfast before I leave. I’m going to make it my business to meet her.”

  Chapter 15

  Clayton followed the path that led to the guest cottages. The party for Senator Lansing had ended over an hour ago, and after engaging in polite conversation with the senator, he had quickly cut across the wide lawn and headed in the direction where the cottages were.

  “Where are you going in such a hurry?”

  Clayton turned quickly at the sound of the familiar voice. “Mom? What are you doing out here so late?”

  Marilyn Madaris’s face split in a smile. “I wanted to check on your grandmother. She was determined to sleep in the old house tonight, and Christy is staying with her.”

  Clayton nodded. The old house had been the original ranch house. It was the one his grandfather had built for his grandmother and where they had raised their seven sons.

  “I was wondering why Christy left the party early,” Clayton said.

  Marilyn Madaris studied her son. �
�You never answered my question about where you’re going in such a hurry.”

  “I’m not in a hurry. I thought I’d walk around a bit.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  Clayton couldn’t help but notice his mother was giving him a strange look. It was one of those looks he recalled all too well from when he was a kid. It was a look that made you think you couldn’t fool her about anything, no matter how hard you tried.

  “Well, I’ll see you in the morning, Mom.”

  “All right, Clayton, and don’t forget your grandmother expects everyone to be in Sunday school in the morning, nine o’clock sharp.”

  “I won’t forget. See ya.”

  Clayton waited until his mother was no longer in sight before climbing the porch to the row of cottages that sat off in the distance.

  Syneda had just closed the book she’d been reading when she heard the faint knock on the door. The rapid beating of her heart, and the heat settling in the pit of her stomach told her just who her late-night visitor was.

  Pulling her robe together, she crossed the room. She paused within a few feet of the door, knowing she should send Clayton away. She shouldn’t take the risk of his family finding out about them. His sisters had already begun questioning his frequent weekend trips.

  She sighed. As much as she knew she should send him away, she couldn’t. She’d been under a lot of work-related stress the past couple of weeks, and she needed to lose herself in the kind of passion only Clayton could stir within her. “Yes?” she finally answered.

  “It’s me and turn off the lights before opening the door.”

  Syneda darkened the room then opened the door. She looked past Clayton into the velvety darkness that was lighted by only a few stars and a quarter moon.

  “No one saw me come here,” he said before she had a chance to ask. He stepped inside, closing the door behind him. He turned on a lamp near the door and the room became bathed in soft light.

  Syneda studied him. Tonight he appeared as suave as always, but more unyielding and with less control. He reached out and tilted her chin up with his finger, and looked deep into her eyes.

  Syneda’s senses were piqued by his closeness and the desire she saw in his eyes. She could feel his heat and literally tasted his passion. An essence of electric tension was sharp and vibrated in the air between them. He reached out and took her hand in his, rubbing his thumb over the softness of her palm. The erotic touch sent her over the edge. He had first done that to the palm of her hand in Saint Augustine. And later when they began seeing each other, that had always been his silent code to her that he wanted her in the most intimate way.

  Clayton leaned down and his lips brushed lightly over hers. He lifted his head and their eyes met for a brief moment before he was kissing her again, molding her mouth to his, covering it fully.

  Syneda shivered and his arm tightened around her. “Are you cold?” he asked, breaking their kiss.

  She shook her head. “No, actually I’m hot. I’m burning up…for you.”

  That was all Clayton needed to hear. He pushed the robe from her shoulders, and soon her short gown followed, falling to the floor by her feet. His eyes roamed slowly over her, and even in the dim light Syneda could see the appreciation shining in their dark depths. Then he lifted her in his arms and carried her into the bedroom and positioned her on the bed.

  He stood back and without his eyes leaving hers, he began removing his own clothes. Then he took the time to protect her. When he rejoined her on the bed, he began kissing her again, bestowing feathery kisses to her ear, her temple, the tip of her nose and the corner of her mouth. His kisses then moved down her neck, and from there to her shoulder. “I love tasting you,” he whispered huskily.

  Syneda held on to him, the force of the passion she felt overwhelming her. It nearly took her breath away. His mouth claimed hers again. Her lips parted under the onslaught of his kiss. Her breath came in short gasps as his fingers touched her intimately, driving her to the point of total madness.

  She softly moaned his name when she felt him ease into her, fusing their bodies together as one. They made love in a rhythm as old as time, but still as new as the early-morning dew. With infinite tenderness and passion, he loved her. She bit her lip and tried to control her groans of pleasure, but she didn’t have to. Clayton kissed the sounds from her lips. She arched her hips, bringing him deeper inside her. What they were sharing felt so good and so right she thought her body would surely shatter from the force of it.

  Moments later she did shatter when she reached the peak of total fulfillment and felt Clayton’s body trembling with his own release, the sensations were extremely satisfying. Their pleasure built higher and higher, taking them both over the edge. Clayton’s muffled groans combined with her own, as they both tumbled into pure ecstasy.

  In a guest cottage not too far away, someone else was receiving a late-night visitor. The actress, Diamond Swain, quickly crossed the room after hearing the knock. She flung open the door and a smile spread across her face.

  “Jacob. Oh, Jacob, I missed you so much.” She reached for him. Her arms slid around his neck as their mouths met in a fierce, demanding kiss.

  With their mouths still intimately joined, Jake Madaris’s firm hands wrapped securely around her waist, lifting her higher in his arms and he closed the door with his foot.

  “I missed you, too.” And then he was kissing her again, more fiercely and more passionately than before.

  “Jacob,” Diamond murmured against his moist lips moments later. “I hate to tell you this, but we have company.”

  “Yeah, remember me, cowboy?” a masculine voice asked from across the room.

  Jake spared the man a brief glance before gathering Diamond closer into his arms. “Get lost, Sterling. Go find a woman of your own.”

  Sterling Hamilton threw back his head and laughed. “Good suggestion, and I would do that in a heartbeat if I hadn’t promised a particular stubborn rancher that I would go around pretending his woman was really mine.”

  Slowly, Jake’s eyes narrowed at his friend. “And from what I read in the papers, you’re doing a pretty good job. Maybe too good a job. The last rumor I heard said the two of you were secretly married.”

  Sterling Hamilton smiled. “Jealous?”

  “No, just cautious. Just don’t forget who she belongs to.”

  “All right, stop it you two.” With a half laugh Diamond pressed her head against Jake’s chest. “And, Jacob, leave Sterling alone. He and I are doing a real good job fooling everyone. Besides, how can I be married to Sterling when I’m already married to you?”

  Sterling chuckled. “Your wife has a valid point there, Jake. And with that bit of logic, I’m out of here,” he said walking to the door.

  “I put you up next door,” Jake said to Sterling.

  “Thanks,” he said, turning back to the man who still held Diamond in his arms. He smiled. “Oh, yeah, Jake, your faith in me is touching.”

  “I wouldn’t trust my wife with just anyone, Sterling. Remember that.”

  Sterling chuckled. “Believe me, I will. And by the way, Garwood sends his best regards. He couldn’t make it tonight because he, Kimara and the kids are spending a few weeks at Special K.”

  “How is Kyle?”

  “He’s doing fine. Kimara is pregnant.”


  With a throaty laugh Sterling opened the door. “Yes, again. Some people enjoy making babies.” He gave Jake and Diamond a wide smile. “And others just like to practice. I’ll see you guys later.” He left, closing the door behind him.

  Chapter 16

  The sun was shining brightly through the bedroom window when Syneda awoke the next morning. She stretched lazily and rolled over only to discover she was alone in the bed. Clayton had left sometime before daybreak.

  She sucked in her breath sharply as memories of their night together descended upon her. Each time they came together was better than the last. Their passion for ea
ch other had driven them to new heights, making their hunger more demanding, and making their wanting of each other more urgent.

  She took a quick glance at the clock on the nightstand near the bed. It was after eight already. There was no way she could make breakfast and still get to Sunday school on time. She would just have to skip breakfast, she thought, quickly getting out of the bed. She just hoped that she and Clayton would not be the only two people missing at breakfast.

  The first thing Clayton noticed when he entered the sanctuary of the Proverbs Baptist Church was the fact he was late. Not only had he missed Sunday school, but the morning service had already begun. The second thing he noticed was that the church was packed with Madarises. They sat shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip, crowded in a church whose air-conditioning, as usual, wasn’t working very well.

  “Don’t worry about the heat in church,” his grandmother had told him once as a kid when he had complained about it.

  “Why not?” he’d ask her.

  She had turned to him and calmly said. “The heat in here isn’t so bad. Just remember it’s even hotter in hell. Just make sure, Clayton Jerome Madaris, that you never have to find that out.”

  After hearing that bit of news, he had never complained about the heat in the church again. His grandmother’s words that day, as far as he’d been concerned, had been the gospel.

  Clayton sat on the last pew, hoping no one would notice his late arrival. No such luck. His grandmother’s eyes met his, all the way from the front row corner pew where she sat as the oldest member and official mother of the church. He didn’t mistake the frown she gave him.

  He shrugged. He had had all intentions of making it to Sunday school, but a night spent making love to Syneda had practically drained him. It had taken all his strength to get out of her bed and make it back to his own before he’d been discovered missing. He didn’t like this sneaking around stuff and was determined more than ever to bring it to an end very soon.


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