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Filthy Cowboy

Page 92

by Amy Brent


  Rayna got home about half an hour after Mallory and ran right up to her room to throw the door open. “Holy shit. He. Kissed. You. At. School.”

  Mallory was holding up a shirt that she promptly dropped with a gasp. “You scared the…out of me. Yes. He did. How did you know?”

  “I think everyone knew but I heard it from Amber. She’s devastated because he was going to choose her when he was ready to date.” Rayna told her with a smirk. “I can’t believe it! Did you pee yourself?”

  “Almost. It came out of nowhere and they were all looking at us. I don’t like that. You know I like to fade in the background.” Mallory groaned as Rayna shook her head slowly.

  “That’s simply not going to happen with you being with him. I think I saw broken hearts all over the place today.” Rayna looked her over. “I love that skirt on you. It’s all clingy and it makes you look like a pin up girl. Aha wait a minute…that explains the kiss. He saw you and lost his mind. Makes sense.” Rayna smiled as Mallory laughed and leaned over to pick up her shirt to hold it up to herself. “I think that purple shirt that we got a couple weeks ago would look great. Just enough cleavage and it’s kind of tight. That with some heels and he’ll be on his knees for you.”

  “Are you sure?” Mallory asked with doubt in her voice as she looked down her body. She was a size eighteen and not so tall but the curves were in the right places if it was a good day. “Think he’ll like it?”

  “Do I need to remind you what he did today on campus? Silly girl.” Rayna told her as she walked up to the closet and gently slid hangers over. “Here it is. Perfect. Want me to do make up?”

  “Yes. You’re so much better than I am at that.” Rayna was a regular viewer of all of the make-up artists on you tube so she could keep up with the latest trends. The girls left the shirt hanging and went into the big bathroom that they shared. Mallory took a seat and Rayna studied her carefully.

  “Your skin is so gorgeous. I am so jealous.” Rayna smiled as she met Mallory’s eyes and started gathering supplies. She brushed just a light coat of liquid to powder foundation over her pale skin to set it before she started on her eyes. Before too long, they were sexy and smoky and popping out of Mallory’s face as she smiled. “You look beautiful. Here…add one more coat of mascara. Just a gloss for tonight since he won’t be able to keep his lips off of you.” She winked as Mallory laughed and did as she was told, holding still for a moment as the mascara dried.

  “Do you think he really likes me?” Mallory asked Rayna as they went into her room to get dressed.

  “He’s shown all of the signs and made a hell of a lot more effort than anyone has ever seen him do before. Actions say so much. It’s so romantic.” She flushed as she reached into the closet for the deep purple shirt and bit her lip. “I already threatened to cut his dick off if her hurt you anyway, so…”

  “Oh, well then. That makes everything perfect.” Mallory told her sarcastically as she stared at Rayna. “Ray!!”

  “He’s pretty cute close up. He really took the threat seriously, I think.” Rayna told her as Mallory resisted resting her freshly made up face in her hands. “Hey, I had to! You’re my sister and I take care of family. He took it well, so don’t worry. He’s polite…more so than I expected.”

  Mallory slipped the shirt on over her black lace bra that she’s worn to the bathroom with a robe over it. The V ended just where her cleavage began and Rayna whistled as Mallory looked at herself closely. They added a long amethyst necklace that hung just above the shirt and heels that brought Mallory a bit closer to his height. Mallory grabbed a black cardigan before she closed her closet to slip over her outfit as they heard the doorbell. “I think I’m going to throw up.” Mallory grumbled as they walked downstairs to get it as Mary stood waiting in the kitchen. “I really want to see him.” She whispered excitedly as Mallory smiled nervously.

  “Might as well. Ray already threatened his manhood today.” Mary stared at her daughter for a fleeting second before she walked over to the door and opened it with a flourish. De clan asked for Mallory and she greeted him graciously before she let him inside with an impressed glance at Mallory.

  “Hello, ladies.” He greeted them as he stepped inside, his eyes dragging over Mallory slowly as she fidgeted anxiously. “You look beautiful, Mallory.” He was dressed in some good black pants and a white button up shirt with a tie that matched his eyes perfectly and looking incredibly handsome.

  “Thank you. You look amazing too.” She told him, feeling Rayna gently pushing her forward with her hand on Mallory’s back.

  “Good to see you again, Rayna.” He nodded at her with a shake of his head as she laughed and told him the same. They said their goodbyes and he walked her out to a black SUV by her hand as she licked the slick gloss on her lips.

  “Are you one of those guys that has a garage full of cars?” Mallory asked him as she turned to look at him with a smile on her face.

  “No. Just this one and my other baby. This one is good for some of the bad weather.” Declan explained as he hit the button on his keys to unlock the doors. He let go of her hand slowly to open it as she watched him move in the dim light of the street lamp. He helped her inside as he ran his hand up her calf slowly and watched her shiver with a dark gaze. He leaned forward as she raised her face towards him in anticipation of the kiss that she hoped was coming. “I’ve never seen someone look as good as you do tonight.” He told her in a soft voice before he brushed her lips with his gently. Declan stepped away stiffly as he ran his hands down his legs and sighed before he closed the door and walked around to his side.

  He drove them into Monterey and parked at one of the nicer seafood places on the water after checking that she was alright with his choice. Again, they were seated quickly and graciously and had waters within a moment of being brought to their table. “Do you have some celebrity status that I don’t know about?”

  “The business is well-known here since my grandfather brought it to the states about forty years ago. Meadows and Lane Investments. You’ll see them around.” De clan explained as she nodded. “I came to live with them ten years ago and learned the ropes though they urged me to pursue sport. I just want to have a backup plan because he’s getting older now. No siblings to take over since my parents brilliantly stopped at one so they wouldn’t have more kids to neglect.” He closed his eyes and clenched his fists over the smooth wood of the table. “I’m sorry. This isn’t the time or place for my self- pity.” He looked up and took in Mallory’s face slowly as she smiled slowly. “I get into the best places all over the area. I’ve never had much of a reason to use that before but I plan to now.”

  “You’ve never taken a girl anywhere on a date around here?” Mallory asked him as she watched him shrug.

  “You’ve heard some things. No, I never have. Nobody has made me want to spoil them the way I do you.” De clan told her as he reached across the table and stroked her hand. “Your friend gave me quite the warning today over my rushed lunch. She’s something.”

  “I am so sorry about that. She’s protective of me to a fault sometimes.” Mallory apologized as he smiled dimly for a moment.

  “As am I. I like that she’d guard you so fiercely and respect her greatly for that.” De clan told her as a deep frown crossed his face. “You don’t have a lot of people in your life that you’re close to, do you?”

  “I…I have Ray and her family. They’re my family and I have a few friends, but no…I’m not the girl that has twenty close friends and always goes out. This is a pretty big night for me, to be honest.” She blushed and shook her head. “I mean in just going out as much if not more than being with you here. I don’t know why you want me but I’m glad that you do.”

  “Do you want me as well?” Declan asked her before the waiter approached to take a drink order. He ordered a white wine and then met her gaze with a hooded one of his own.

  “I’m scared but I do. I don’t take this lightly, D
e clan. I am not just a one- night girl.” Mallory told him in a whisper as he smiled at her.

  “You could never be just that to me. Something is changing for me, Mallory. I don’t think like that now.” De clan told her as she leaned forward and he cleared his throat. “Give us just a moment? We haven’t made it to the menus yet.” Mallory realized that he was talking to a waiter as she blinked slowly and glanced down. She picked up the light brochure and flipped it open as she tried to focus on the choices rather than the lust racing through her body as she trembled.

  She selected salmon and De clan the special before he glanced around to make sure that they were alone again. “I don’t want you to fear any of your feelings with this, with us. I am all in myself so we can be scared together.”

  She told him more about losing her parents in the plane accident and how she was shifted around to family members that didn’t want to deal with teenager, which left her alone a lot and moving to different places. Mallory had grown up a shy girl after that since she’d lost everything that she’d ever known and was adjusting to the fact that she’d lived with Rayna since she was eighteen. Four years in one place felt like forever after what she’d been through. She blamed the weight gain on some of that since food was a comfort for her but also on the fact that she’d always been curvy. Mallory wasn’t meant to be small and petite like Rayna was. She learned every day to be comfortable with herself and to put some of the cruel things that she had been told over the years behind her.

  They were eating as they talked and he shook his head with an angry look on his face. “Nobody should have ever criticized you, Mallory. You’re a beautiful girl and I will spend every day telling you so.”

  “I won’t have to tell you that, will I? I think it’s been said since you were born.” He looked like a model tonight with his hair gathered back in a loose ponytail and his cheeks defined in the candlelight from the table. His eyes studied her closely and he licked his bottom lip slowly as she watched him carefully.

  “Not the way that you say it, no. Your eyes tell me much more than the words ever could and I know that you mean all of it.” De clan told her as she widened her eyes and shook in her seat. “I hope you see the same in my face.”

  “I see so much in your face.” She admitted as she turned pink and slowly ate a bite of her fish. “I haven’t had a lot of relationships and no man has ever made me feel like you have in such a short time. It terrifies me a little.”

  “You deserve it so much more than you’ll ever understand.” He told her sadly as she met his eyes.

  They talked about his grandparents who lived in a big house on Pebble Beach, near to where the break in of the coach had occurred. De clan had insisted that they update their alarm system immediately right after he’d been told the terrible news, thankful that they had agreed. They adored their only grandson and made sure that he was taken care of as he pursued his dreams. “So many people see the cars and think that I’m just this rich kid that has a smart family. I do have that but I’ve been through the wringer to get here where I am now. I know the inside of the company and I respect it. I might take it over when I need to and put other things aside as far as sports or school…but not my relationship. I have not had any of those here but I value them too much to disregard them that way.” He pushed his plate away and drained the last of his only glass of wine slowly. She’d had the rest and Mallory was feeling pretty giddy as she reached across the table to take his hand. “Would you like to go somewhere now that we’ve finished?”

  Mallory looked down at the table as he stroked her skin gently with his thumb while they waited for the check. He dropped a card into the thick folder and looked into her face as they waited.

  He signed off on what must have been a very expensive dinner with the wine and tip before he stood and held out his hand. Mallory took it as he helped her out of her chair with a giggle as she pressed against him with a small stumble. She slid her arms around his neck and looked into his eyes before she pulled him down to her for a slow kiss. “I like the Mallory that does that kind of thing.” He told her as he kissed her again slowly to part her lips with his and trace her mouth with his tongue. “Don’t be scared of anything.”

  They walked out to the car and he looked around carefully as she watched him. “Declan?”

  “This happening so close to what occurred with coach makes me feel so many things. I want to guard you closely and never let anybody hurt you because I never want to feel what he is right now. I want to always have you with me so I know that you’re safe. I’ve never felt like this.”

  He ushered her into the car before getting in on his side and starting the engine, insistent that they be warm and safe. “I can’t be with anybody all of the time, right? I went through a phase after my parents died where I clung to anyone that I was staying with. I was so scared and insecure and it just drove me out of that house faster than it was already happening. I still feel that way…sometimes. I just step back and tell the people I care about that I love them and try to be happy with that.” She told him as he backed out of the parking space. “You should too.” She reached her hand across the car and rested it on his thigh. “I’d like to see your house.”


  “Are you sure?” Declan asked her in a soft voice as he watched her nod.

  “I am so sure.” Mallory promised him as he pulled out of the lot and turned right. He drove into the good part of town as she stared forward and felt the high off of the electricity in the car. It was overwhelming and she breathed in the air as she smiled widely. “I want you so much.”

  “I want you all over my house…my bed, my table, my couch. This will only go as far as you want it to, Mallory.” Declan spoke in a serious voice as she smiled at him. “No matter how tonight ends; I am all in with you. I don’t have any expectations of you at all.”

  She stroked him gently as he drove and memorized the feel of his muscles tensing. He pulled down a wide street and then another small one and into a long wide driveway in front of what looked like a big storybook cottage. “This is so cute.” Mallory told him as she looked over at him.

  “Grandma bought it for me from her friend. She loves it.” Declan admitted as he leaned over to kiss her while he pushed the garage door button. He glanced up enough to pull in and claimed her lips hungrily as the heavy door closed behind them. She tilted her head hard to let him deepen it and dragged her tongue across his as they both moaned.

  Declan held her face in his as they kissed again and again, some long and some careless. He pulled away and stared her in the eyes as he took a deep breath. “Let’s go inside. I need more room with you.”

  He pulled her inside to a sunken living room with dark leather couches spread over the hardwood floor with a big stone fireplace on the wall opposite the television set. “Living room.” He kissed her hard as he pulled her close. “Kitchen over there. Three bedrooms with two on the first floor and the master upstairs with a loft that I use as an office.”

  “It’s gorgeous.” Mallory told him as she tugged him closer to her and kissed him with her open hungry mouth as he gripped her hips. “I love it.” She felt herself pulled forward and yelped as she was pulled down over him on the couch, against all of his hard muscles and heat. Mallory kissed him harder as they molded together, feeling him press against her needy core as she rocked slowly and held on tight. He felt big and she closed her eyes as they began to move together, tongues and lips matching the rhythm of their bodies as they thrust together slowly.

  She knew that her skirt was rising but didn’t care as he slipped his hands down to cup her thighs with another deep kiss. De clan gripped her tightly as he moaned into her mouth and she held onto him tighter. “Deck. Oh, that feels so good.” The angle was perfect as she moved against him, so heated that she was ready to explode. He held her tighter and thrust up and against her as she felt something start to unravel inside of her. She lost herself in the orgasm as she gasped against his lips in a kiss.
Mallory felt like coming out of her own skin and she shook in his embrace as she tried to catch up with her body.

  He slipped her cardigan off and dropped it to the floor as she let her arms fall down weakly as he held her steady. Mallory felt him kiss her lips again before he brushed them over her jaw softly. She found the strength to hold onto him again as she pulled his mouth against her. De clan slid his hand down to the hem of her shirt and push it up slowly as he pressed his lips to the bare skin of her chest.

  Mallory shoved it over her head and it joined her sweater as he pushed her back against the soft leather of the seat. He pressed his lips to the lace of her bra as his hands slid over her stomach and just underneath her breasts.

  She tore at his tie and shirt before he pulled off her skirt and tights with her permission. His muscular chest was hot as he pressed against her in another kiss while she tried to slide her hand between their bodies. Mallory stared down as he unhooked her bra and took one of her deep pink nipples into his mouth with a hard suck as her hand cupped his hard cock through his pants. He choked as he pulled away for a moment before looking at her. “I am so ready to come for you, Mallory. Watching you…it was everything to me.”

  He cupped a breast in one hand as he slipped the pants open for her to grasp him. De clan sucked on her other nipple for a moment before he kissed down her stomach and spread her thighs apart. “You smell so good.” He slipped the lace to the side as he leaned down to press his lips to her as she arched her back against him. “You’re so wet with cum for me.” His tongue darted over her folds and flicked her clit and she cried out and gripped his head. His hair was long since loose now and she buried her fingers in it as he continued to lick and suck on her at a frenzied pace.

  Mallory came again just as hard as before, surprised with how long it lasted as he coaxed her through it with his mouth. She dropped her head back as he slipped her panties down her weak legs and moved to sit back against the cushions with a deep breath. Mallory struggled to lift her head to see the glistening on his lips from all of his work before she dropped it again. “I’ve never felt that way with anyone before. You’re so good.”


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