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Little Sister Next Door

Page 18

by Riley Rollins

  We'd both signed the contract a week after our first meeting here at the lake. Since then, life had been a hectic schedule of business meetings and doctor appointments. Being constantly busy with all the practical details of our arrangement had thankfully gone a long way toward clearing my head about Libby.

  She was just the right woman for the job, and that was all. The physical reaction I'd had to her when we'd first met had just been the result of the long stretch of celibacy I'd endured over the last year. That, and general excitement that I was finally on my way to becoming a dad. I was back in control, back in business, so to speak. And thank god for my brothers stepping up. Even Mom and Dad had worked overtime at Mason to keep the company on track. And India, as always, had been amazing.

  The Mason family has been an institution in this part of the South for generations. We're known for being traditional, conservative. Old fashioned. Our people do things the way they've always been done, without question, for the last two hundred years. We're close knit, loving supportive and loyal. And no Mason, aside from my sister, would ever accept that I'd hired a woman to bear the next generation.

  So India had created the cover story we would tell my family tomorrow night at dinner. That she'd introduced us at a party and we'd instantly hit it off. Introductions would be made all around and my parents and brothers would meet my new girlfriend for the first time. That I'd moved her in with me so quickly would come as a hell of a shock to everyone, but India assured me she'd smooth the ruffled feathers. For now, that would just have to be enough. Libby would be living here where I could watch over her, before the insemination appointment on Friday. And once we knew for sure that she was pregnant… well… I was pretty sure how I'd tell my family about that. I just hadn't run the plan by Libby yet…

  I headed back toward the cabin just in time to hear India's tires crunching gravel. I'd been excited, living on adrenaline for days anticipating this. The last few weeks of spending every spare minute getting to know Libby better had solidified the feeling I'd had from the first moment I'd laid eyes on her. That she was the one. The future mother of my baby.

  "Libby, I can't tell you how happy I am you're here." I took her hands and kissed her cheek. As always, my cock leapt with enthusiasm I had to work hard to quell. It hadn't quite gotten the message yet, that the only thing it was going to be filling to the brim was a paper cup in the doctor's office…

  "I can't believe it's all really happening," Libby said, putting her hands on her hips and stretching her spine. The result pushed her generous breasts up and apart, the swell of her round little ass creating a curve in her back that made my cock painful in the confinement of my jeans. It's okay to be attracted to the mother of your baby, right? Hadn't I read somewhere that it increased the odds of conception?

  Only if you're doing it the old-fashioned way, I corrected myself grimly, lifting Libby's suitcase out of the trunk.

  "I'm heading straight back into the city, Jack," India said over the noise of the engine. She'd brought Libby out to the house because the beetle had finally given out, but she had a dinner meeting with Spencer. He's my right hand at the corporation, ingenious and invaluable regarding the takeover of an aluminum company that Mason Steel had been working on. He was a good man to have on your side. I sure as hell wouldn't want him on the other.

  With a smile and a wave, India was gone and Libby and I were alone. In all these weeks, I always had the same sense when we were alone together. It was something halfway between total comfort and complete awkwardness. Ever since meeting her, it was something I couldn't seem to shake. There was certainly no question, this situation was utterly unique for both of us.

  "Sooo… here we are…" She twisted her hands together.

  "Yes… here we are." I smiled down at her, a riot of emotions going off inside me despite our calm exteriors. "Should we get you settled in your room before dinner?"

  I led her up the stairs and into the room next to mine. It was the brightest room in the cabin, with one long wall of windows and a huge sugar maple leaning close. The leaves were just starting to turn their brilliant colors.

  I put her case on the huge bed and watched her react to the view of the lake. "I've never seen such beauty," she breathed. "Thank you, for this. All of this, Jack. The second chance you're giving me with this job… and letting me stay here…"

  "Little enough, compared to what you've agreed to do for me," I answered. The fact was, I'd asked her to move in for my sake, as much as for hers. I wanted her close, where I could be sure she was safe and healthy. Close, so that I wouldn't miss a single day of my child's life… from the very minute of conception.

  "You're giving me the future I've always wanted," I added honestly. "I'm going to make sure you and the baby have everything you need."

  She turned from the window to face me. "I can't believe Friday's nearly here," she said softly. "All these weeks of blood tests and vitamins, poking and prodding. And now it's actually going to happen…"

  I took her hands in mine, ignoring how the feeling of her skin affected me. "No doubts, Libby? You're sure this is what you want?" The next words came out painfully. "If you're not fully committed, this is the time to tell me. You can still back out, even with the contract in place." I took a steadying breath. "But once we're pregnant, there's no changing your mind. You will give birth… and the child will be mine."

  "We're on the same page, Jack." she answered after a thoughtful pause. Her brilliant eyes were clear and sincere. "I don't have any doubts about the kind of father you'll be, and I'm completely sure that what we're doing is the right thing for both of us." She smiled and I felt a lump form in my throat. "I want to experience pregnancy and birth. It's a huge and important part of life." She shrugged. "I'm just not the mothering type." She smiled wider.

  "You, on the other hand, are more than equipped to be both mom and dad." She looked around the beautiful room. "This baby will be so lucky to have you as her father."

  "Not even pregnant yet, and you're already sure it's going to be a girl?"

  Libby smiled inscrutably and headed for hallway. "Were you just teasing me, or did you mean it?"

  "I'm sorry…?"

  She'd already disappeared around the corner.

  "Dinner, Jack," she tossed back carelessly. "Momma's hungry."



  Jack was watching me intently as I spooned another helping of chicken onto my plate. I blinked at him and he leaned back in his chair, smiling.

  "Don't be self-conscious," he said. "I like that you have a healthy appetite. I'm just not used to that in a woman."

  "And I'm not used to a man who can cook like this." I licked the back of my spoon, aware of his impeccable table manners and my somewhat more casual approach. "Did you take classes, or does this kind of skill come naturally in your kind of world?" I took a sip of water and wiped my lips with my napkin.

  "As a matter of fact, I did take a class. And I burned my final project." He sipped his white wine while I tried not to be jealous. "And my kind of world is probably not quite so different as you think, really. Not so different in a lot of ways." He paused. "I've worked fucking hard to find my way here today. You have too." He put his hand over mine. I knew it was just a friendly gesture, but the wave that that moved up my arm and made my breasts tingle didn't have a clue.

  "I'm glad you have security… and a big, supportive family," I replied, trying to shift my focus. I knew that my hormones were in full sail, what with the insemination planned for the day after tomorrow. Maybe that was why my body wanted to move in a little closer. He was so warm, so kind to me. And he was looking into my eyes in a way that made me want to reach out and touch him back. We were about to embark on one of life's most intimate adventures together. It was probably natural to like each other. And normal to respond to one another…

  "I have to work tomorrow," he said, "but I'll be home by three at the latest. Mom and Dad are expecting us at five-thirty. Dinner won't be unti
l seven. Plenty of time for the whole crowd to arrive." He stroked my palm absent-mindedly with his thumb and my lips parted. "Are you nervous?"

  "I'm… uh… I'm," I stammered. "No, I'm fine. I'll be fine." Except my heart was beating too fast. "I'll be on best behavior and let you do most of the talking, just like we planned. That we met through India and things are moving quickly."

  "And that you're my girlfriend," he added. "We'll present the picture-perfect couple. Two people wrapped up in the excitement and attraction of a new relationship." His hand moved up my arm until his fingers reached the tender skin at the back of my neck. "Lovers," he said quietly. "Who know each other's habits and preferences… who touch each other easily, comfortably…"

  "So that it's not too big a shock when you tell them I'm pregnant," I said, a little breathlessly. "And the fact that you paid me to carry your baby stays our secret…" His hand cupped the side of my face and I had to bite my lip to silence the moan waiting under the surface. God, I'd never responded to a man the way I did with him. And from only a touch of his hand…

  "Can you keep the secret, Libby? For me, for the baby? To let my parents keep believing that their first grandchild came from love?"

  At that moment I couldn't think of one single thing I was capable of denying this man. As long as those long, strong fingers kept moving against my cheek. I imagined what tomorrow evening might bring. His arm around my waist… his hand on the curve of my hip… And what if he kissed me too? All for the sake of appearances…

  I nodded my head, not trusting the words that might come out. He smiled, and his thumb brushed against my mouth.

  Maybe it was just my hormones. Maybe it was that in a few days time, I'd have this gorgeous man's seed me. Or maybe I was just fucking horny. But I swear to god, in that moment, I thought I saw pure, carnal desire flame in those brown velvet eyes.



  What the hell did I think I was playing at?

  I knew that circumstances demanded we both play the roles of a loving couple. And that we needed to be comfortable touching each other, showing physical affection. With the family introductions only one night away, it had hardly seemed too early to start practicing. Libby seemed to take to it naturally, to understand the necessity. But I wasn't sure how the fuck I was going to manage any of this. One touch and I was rock hard in my jeans and already wet with precum. It struck me as overselling our story, to spend the evening with my parents, my new girlfriend, and a hugely obvious erection.

  I broke the moment abruptly, awkwardly, by taking her hand and pulling her onto her tiny feet.

  "Come on," I said too loudly. "I've got something to show you… a surprise."

  I kept her hand tight in mine, pulling her along with me, out to the deck and down the stairs to the where the guest house sat. It was behind the main house, but unshadowed by the larger trees. I'd planned to wait until morning to show her, when the light inside would be clean, perfect. I wasn't an artist myself, but I understood the importance of light to someone who was.

  "Close your eyes," I said, feeling excitement like I hadn't felt in years. It was almost like Christmas morning and I got to be Santa. "Don't open them until I tell you. You'll have to imagine it in daylight… I just couldn't wait any longer."

  I unlocked the door and then placed the key in her hand. Standing behind her with my hands on her waist, I guided her inside and turned her toward the windows. My heart was beating fast. I could tell hers was too.

  "It's my gift to you, Libby. A place just for you." I lifted her fist that held the key and gave it a kiss. "Open."

  I couldn't see her face, but I felt her chest fill with her breath. The next thing I knew, my arms had folded around her, and she was leaning back into my chest. She was warm and round and luscious. The answer to my dreams. This was the least I could do to thank her.

  "A studio," she breathed. Her head turned and her curls caressed the nape of her neck. "You're giving me a studio to work in…"

  "Nine months is a long time, Libby. I want you to be happy here. To do the work you were meant to do." I'd seen a number of her sculptures and the woman had the kind of natural born talent other artists would kill for. "Tell me if there are any changes you need and I'll make them. If there's anything at all I can give you…"

  She turned in my arms, her full, round breasts pushed up against my chest, her arms around my hips. Her face was partially hidden in the twilight of the evening, but I could tell her cheeks were wet. Something inside me shifted the throbbing ache in my loins to the center of my chest. "What, Libby? What's wrong? Tell me…"

  And then her lips were on mine. I didn't know if she was pleased or upset about my gift. I only knew that our bodies had a far deeper understanding. What might have only been a kiss of thanks had deepened in a heartbeat, into a savage hunger. Her curves were the luscious release my aching hardness demanded. I molded her to me, my body unforgiving, hers yielding. I threaded my hands through her thick curls, taking her mouth the way my body wanted to take her body…

  "Jack… god, Jack…," her words came after each gasp of air. I pulled back, looking into her eyes.

  But I never found out what might have happened next. My phone rang, vibrating my pants and ending the moment. Libby broke away, her eyes bright, her cheeks flushed.

  "What?" I answered sharply. My blood was racing, my mind anything but clear. Interruption was the last thing I'd wanted.

  "Jack?" It was India. "What the hell, Jack. You always this cranky?"

  "What is it, India? This isn't the best timing."

  "Sorry…," she faltered for only a second. "I just thought you'd want to know. Spence and I had our meeting tonight."


  "And besides finding out the man is a bit of an ass, I found out something else. That the takeover…"

  "You mean the merger…"

  "Whatever. The deal he's been working on with Warner may have taken a turn."

  "He told you this?" I asked, angered at the thought he was telling anyone in the company anything, before he told me.

  "It was a phone call I overheard," she said. "Enough to make me call you, interrupt your evening with Libby."

  "I'll be in the office tomorrow. And thanks for the heads up. I'll make Spencer my first meeting of the day."

  "So, how is it, having Libby living with you now? Didn't I tell you she was terrific? How are the two of you getting along?" Her questions shot out rapid fire.

  Always the nosey one in the family, India had always been way too interested in my personal life. But thank god for it this time, I thought, watching Libby explore her new studio. I felt my frustrated cock throb, still angry at the interruption.

  "Good, India. Really… good." I swallowed hard. "See you tomorrow."

  Libby closed a cabinet door and turned back to me. The air between us was still crackling with the energy of our kiss.

  "Is this what you want?" I asked. I meant the studio, but the question came out with a weight I hadn't intended. "I'm sorry if I overstepped just now…" She was still looking around the room, not meeting my eyes. "It's good for us to have an attraction." It seemed best to address it head on. "It'll make things go smoother with my family tomorrow." I felt like I was grasping at straws.

  "It will," she answered slowly. "And considering the circumstances, it's probably pretty common…"

  "For any two people having a child to feel a bond between them…"

  "That's right," she said. "But we're both adults here. And it's really just a business agreement, in the end. Attraction is just proof that my eggs are ripe and ready… It makes it more likely the insemination will work on the first try."

  "And we're both very focused on being successful here," I added. "So, we're good?" If this was all purely business, why did my heart speed up when she turned those green eyes up to mine?

  "We're fine," she said, smiling unevenly. "And I can't tell you how much I appreciate all this," she waved a hand around the room. "It's per
fect. Everything is perfect. I can't even tell you…" She broke off. "But it's been a long day and a birth mother-to-be needs her rest.

  Can we go back up to the house? I think what I need most right now is a shower and a good night's sleep."



  Sleep? Did I really say sleep?

  Good luck with that, honey. I was about as likely to get a good night's sleep as I was to wake up five inches taller and a blonde.

  Jack followed me into the house and up the stairs. I swear I could feel his eyes on my back the entire time. Maybe it was hormones. Maybe it was just a serious case of lust. But regardless, it was clear neither one of us had any intention of screwing up the business deal that stood to give us both what we really wanted. He wanted a baby and I needed the best chance I'd ever get at launching my art career. I had to create some kind of security for myself and my future. And there was no way in hell I was going to destroy it all by fucking my boss. No matter how delicious he smelled… no matter how huge and sexy and…

  We faced each other at the top of the stairs, our respective bedrooms so close…

  "I'm so glad you're here," he said easily. The timbre of his voice set off vibrations low and deep inside me again. "The bathroom's here…," he indicated a door directly across from his room. "I hope you don't mind sharing it… the other is downstairs."

  "I'm good… It's fine," I stumbled. "Thank you for tonight and… everything." I saw a light flare in his eyes again. "The studio, I mean. Goodnight… see you in the morning."


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