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Little Sister Next Door

Page 24

by Riley Rollins

  And then I'll walk away, I reminded myself sternly. It was so easy to let my imaginings run away with me. More and more often, I found I had to remind myself that our agreement would only be completely fulfilled when I packed my bags and returned to my own life… Images of Jack flashed through my mind…

  Jack in the water, holding me in his arms…

  Jack's face as he read to me by the fire…

  Jack hands exploring my sculpture… then exploring me…

  I shut off the water and toweled off harder than I needed to. It was that damn kiss on the stairs that had fanned the flames again. I wiped the steam off the mirror and saw my flushed cheeks and wild curls reflected back. I looked exactly the way I felt. Aroused and needy. Excited, and yet terrified. Confused, but rushing forward anyway…

  But there was no more time to think. And no point in looking back.

  There was a hairdresser waiting for me downstairs. And a wedding dress to squeeze into. The wedding wasn't going to wait any more than the baby I was carrying would. There was no time for the riot of emotions inside me to fall into place.

  I tied the belt of my robe and stared at my own reflection.

  "Mrs. Liberty Mason," I whispered.

  Everyone was dressed and ready. India was sparkling in her silver gown. Jack's mother and father were fussing with boutonnieres for all his brothers. We'd gathered in the solarium. Everyone except for Ben. And Jack.

  A string quartet was playing outside as the last few guests were being seated. Long liquid notes blew in on the cool breeze. Fletcher had opened the French doors and everyone was beginning to line up…

  "You look perfect," India's voice was soft in my ear. "I never saw a more beautiful bride." She gave me a wink. "Courage," she whispered, as Fletcher came to offer his arm.

  She handed me my bouquet. I took it, the tremor in my fingers setting the tender freesia blooms quivering. They were in white and gold, mixed with pink hydrangeas and tied with white satin ribbon. The scent rose up and I felt my stomach tighten.

  "The only bride I ever saw who rivalled my Vivian," Fletcher said, taking my hand and placing it with comforting firmness on his arm. He kissed my cheek and I felt myself flushing. The rest of the wedding party was slowly working their way down the aisle. It was only the two of us left, and all of a sudden everything was happening too quickly.

  "Fletcher… Dad… I… this isn't…" I stammered hopelessly, my nails grasping at his arm. For a moment I felt dizzy. It's the baby, I thought.

  Fletcher laughed softly, patiently and patted my back kindly while I leaned on him. I could see so much of Jack in his face.

  "Everything's going to be just fine," he said soothingly. "Deep, slow breaths, sweetheart. Take your time."

  I looked out to where Jack's family and friends were waiting. It wasn't too big, still private… but I knew each and every person there was important. To Jack… to his family… I looked to the enormous rose covered arch where he stood with Ben at his side.

  As if he could feel my eyes, he turned to me. The man who was about to marry me. The man who'd fathered the baby I was carrying… He was looking at me like I was the only woman in the world. And for a moment, just one little moment, I told myself… I would let myself believe… What harm could it do?

  "It's time now." I heard Fletcher's voice in my ear. I turned from Jack's gaze to look up into his handsome, lined face. "Are you ready to make my son the happiest man in the world?"



  It had been less than a day since I'd seen her last. And as I caught my first glance of her on Dad's arm, I knew it had been entirely too long.

  The music played, the guests turned to watch her, Ben shifted at my side. But the whole world seemed to narrow until there was nothing left but her, and her brilliant green eyes. I couldn't look away. I held her gaze as she came closer and closer. When Dad put her hand in mine, I turned to look down at her… to take her all in.

  Her hair was longer than the first day we'd met. It curled in dark, soft swirls that licked at her shoulders. Woven in were tiny white flowers as small as pearls. Mom's diamond earrings sparkled from her ears. I took both her hands in mine and held them tight. She smiled up at me, but I could see her nervousness… her concerns…

  Without waiting for the reverend's cue, I leaned down and kissed her. Laughter and murmurs of approval filled the air around us, breaking the tension and making her beautiful face glow with pleasure.

  I would kiss her again, minutes later, long and hard until we both broke apart, flushed and excited. But that was only after we'd promised to love, honor and cherish one another… And after I'd slipped the ring onto her finger.

  I had had it custom made, just for her. Surrounded by tiny pearls, all set into gold, it was a huge oval emerald that perfectly matched the color of her lovely eyes.

  "More sparkling cider?" I asked, as she settled into a big cream leather seat. She rolled her eyes and I laughed.

  "Nobody told me the hardest part of being pregnant was not being able to drink."

  India had been terrific, always at Libby's side with a glass of cider instead of champagne during the reception dinner. It was still going on now, and likely wouldn't end until close to morning. My folks throw a hell of a party.

  But I'd stolen away my bride early with the excuse that our plane was waiting. The truth was, I was more than ready to have Libby all to myself. The flight had been perfectly smooth and we'd made excellent time. The yacht had been waiting on the only nearby island with a landing strip and the crew had transferred us and our luggage in record time. We'd be on the island before nightfall.

  "You shouldn't have done this, you know…" She used her thumb to roll her ring from side to side. The facets caught the soft evening light and flashed. But the color within the stone seemed to glow with a life of its own. "A plain band would have done, like we agreed."

  I took her hand, admiring it. "That's what I went into the store for, Libby." I smiled at her. "But I knew this one was yours when I saw it. It wasn't terribly expensive." There was no point in telling her the truth. I was afraid, if I did, she'd refuse to keep it after we went our separate ways… I looked out the window. "Look, that's it… there."

  We watched, sitting close together as the outline of the island grew nearer. Some colors were starting to fade with the light. The blue water was darkening and pinpoints of light were starting to show near the main house. But the colors in the sky had just begun. Pinks and oranges. A flame of brilliant crimson…

  We watched the sunset bloom, then fade from the boat deck, as the crew unloaded. Staff from the house took care of the rest. They were efficient, discreet. Exactly what I was paying them for. By the time Libby and I disembarked and the yacht disappeared, we might as well have been the only two people left on earth.

  I'd arranged for dinner to be ready on the beach when we arrived. And it was. After all the formality of the wedding and the reception after, I'd known exactly what Libby would want. We'd changed out of our wedding clothes on the plane, into comfortable cotton beachwear. And our wedding supper on the sand was a picnic basket waiting on a big plaid blanket. I lit a few candles and watched my wife relax for the first time all day.

  "How did you know?" she asked, digging into chicken sandwiches and a tropical fruit salad. I shrugged, pleased. "This is just so perfect, Jack. All of it. The island, this dinner… being alone with no one to keep pretending for…"

  "I want you to be happy, sweetheart. As happy and relaxed as you can possibly be. It's good for you… good for the baby." I put my hand on her little belly and she looked up at me.

  I'd been doing my damnedest all day to stay focused on the business at hand. A wedding for appearances, the welfare of the surrogate I'd hired to carry my baby. But seeing Libby in her white gown, coming down the aisle had been real. Very fucking real. And she was right here beside me in the sand, warm and soft and beautiful. My ring was on her finger and my son was in her belly. I'd already had mor
e than a taste of her… enough to know I wanted so much more. And this was our wedding night, after all…

  I used my fingers to wipe the breadcrumbs from her mouth. At first, it was nothing more than a reflex. It was so natural to do… But when I saw her tongue peek out… just to moisten her full bottom lip…

  My body was already so fucking ready. And the hell of it was, it wasn't the only part of me that wanted her. I'd been working so hard to ignore it, but the fucking truth was that she'd gotten under my skin. I wanted to respect her feelings, that this was just business, albeit between partners with an obvious sexual attraction. As much as I wanted her, I couldn't risk everything blowing up in my face by taking advantage...

  "Jack…," she started hesitantly. "I'm not a child… I know the baby is the only reason we're here right now…" She caught her bottom lip in her teeth, like she was unsure about going on.

  "I signed the contract. And nothing's changed. I'm going through with our agreement… no matter what… just as we planned. I never go back on my promises, Jack. I want you to know that…"

  She stood up, her bare feet on the white sand. I looked up the length of her body. The soft curve of her hips… the fullness of her breasts. I ached to reach out and touch her…

  "It's just the baby, I'm sure. The hormones and all… But we started something we never finished, Jack. And what could it hurt, after all?" she said softly, reaching up to the buttons of her shirt.

  "This is our wedding night…"



  It was reckless, crazy and I just didn't care anymore. "I want you, Jack. And I think you…"

  It was all I got out before he was on his feet, hard muscled arms around me. He kissed me until I was weak and breathless. Then he caught my face between his hands. "I want you so fucking much, sweetheart. But I don't want to hurt you." His breathing was as ragged as mine. Suddenly the thin cotton fabric between us was almost more than I could bear.

  "You won't," I panted, my hands against his hard, sculpted chest. "Not me, not her… I'm either pregnant or I'm not. We'll know in a few days. But tonight won't change that either way…"

  "Holding you again was all I've been able to think about…," he rasped out. ‘There were times I didn't even care…"

  His mouth was on mine, his hands on my flesh. In a second, he'd stripped off his clothes and mine. Then I was in his arms, the water lapping up his legs, splashing my bare ass. He carried me into the warm, dark water until we were half submerged. The water licked at my breasts and barely covered the head of his rock-hard cock. The stars were the only light, and reflected off the surface of the water. I could feel him more than I could see him. He reached down and lifted me, curving my thighs around his waist.

  ‘I want you to have control," he said, the words coming hard through clenched teeth. "So I'm not too deep. Not too much for you…"

  I wrapped my arms around his neck, leaning my heavy breasts on his chest. I reached below the water and took him in my hands. "You are too much," I panted. "And I want you so fucking deep."

  "God, sweetheart…"

  He thrust and my body swallowed him. I wrapped my legs tight, pushing my pussy down his shaft, taking as much of him as I could have. He was long and thick, but I was greedy. "God, yes," I was so slick inside and the seawater made me nearly weightless. He held my ass, letting me move on him… letting me take my fill. Giving me everything he had…

  "Fuck, baby… you're so fucking tight, so fucking perfect." He had one hand under my ass and the other was around my breast. He licked and finally sucked my nipple. In seconds, I was so close… the orgasm threatening to spill over. "So fucking delicious inside… I knew it…"

  Blind, driving need hit us both and I rode him in a frenzy. Like I couldn't get enough, even with him inside me, even with his hands all over my body. He held me as I bucked and writhed. His body fed me, giving and giving until I knew we were both ready to explode. His balls were huge and tight against me. I felt the first rhythmic spasm hit him and by the time his come was filling me up, I was lost in a pounding climax of my own. He was the single solid point in my universe, holding me as shuddering waves released me and I was helpless in his arms. It seemed he was all that kept me real and whole. Like without him, I might have floated off in the warm waves of the sea… drifted up to the stars…

  "Libby, darling…" I opened my eyes to his face. He was a dark outline against the sky. He kissed me, softly, deeply. And he held me as the water bathed us both, pushing and pulling us. Swaying us gently. Then he gathered me into his arms and carried me. All the way into the house.

  He dried me and wrapped me in a plush, velvety towel. Then he tucked me into bed and climbed in beside me. My head on his chest, his arms wrapped around me, the last thing I heard was his voice. Deep and gentle, he whispered.

  "Goodnight little one. Sweet dreams."

  I woke early, with Jack on his stomach, still sleeping beside me. His hair was rumpled, his arm over my belly protectively. I could hear the dull and constant sound of the ocean just outside. It felt like a dream, waking up here. In bed with my husband… the distant cries of the seagulls…

  I rolled onto my side and Jack rolled with me. I snuggled my back into his chest and felt his erection warm against the inside of my thighs. I didn't regret a thing. And I knew it had been inevitable anyway. There was no way in hell we could have spent a month here alone together without giving in…

  Sex with Jack had been like nothing I'd ever experienced in my life. Was it being pregnant that made it so fucking hot, so deeply satisfying? Or was it whatever was happening between the two of us?

  The attraction had been instant and powerful, right from the start. And the fact that Jack was the hottest man I'd ever laid eyes on hadn't hurt. The contract was just a business deal, but it also meant living with him… And now sleeping with him…

  He was the kind of guy any woman would fall for. And yesterday he'd put a ring on my finger and made his wedding vows. We were on our honeymoon and, fake marriage be damned, we'd consummated those vows. And it wasn't like we had to worry about possible consequences…

  There were worse things in life than nine months with an incredible guy pampering me, treating me like a queen, letting me be a part of his family, even if it was only temporary. I'd signed on for all this and I was still sure I was doing the right thing. And if we got to have mind-blowingly incredible sex too… well, what was the problem? People fucked each other all the time with far worse intentions every day. Jack and I liked and respected each other. There wasn't anything wrong, for two consenting adults to be together. And yet something inside me was going off like a warning in the distance. Close enough to hear… far away enough to ignore…

  His hand roamed my belly, cupping it easily. The other found my breast and he moaned, his erection growing steadily, pushing its way between my thighs. There was nothing but to rock back against him. He was kissing my neck, the curve between my shoulder blades. "Libby, darling girl…" The blunt head of his thick cock found my sweet spot. It was slick and waiting. He pushed in, slowly at first. Then steadily inch by long, delicious inch until he was buried and I was gasping. "Fucking… sweet… darling… girl…," his breath was hot in my ear as he stroked me in long, luxurious strokes.

  "Relax and give in to it," he said in a voice that melted any doubts I might have had left. "And let me take care of you…" His slow, smooth movements were as hypnotic as his voice.

  "This is going to last a long, long time."



  I keep my promises.

  Hours later, when we were spent, sated… we headed back out to the beach with lobster rolls and a bottle of limeade. The chef had it ready and waiting even before we were showered and dressed.

  The basket swung in one hand while I held Libby's in the other. She was wearing a bikini that begged me to untie its strings. Her curves had always been lush, but I swore they were becoming even more so. I couldn't seem to get enough…<
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  "Here… you'll burn if you're not careful." I said, after we'd finished our lunch and she stretched out in the sand. "Lotion?"

  "Mmm, please…" She rolled over onto her front and the curves of her round ass beckoned. She reached up behind her back and untied the strings that held her top. She wasn't making this easy…

  I spread the tanning lotion over her back and legs, letting my fingertips slip under the elastic of her bottoms. She was so warm, so smooth. The hours making love to her had done nothing to satiate me. Her skin was like a drug, her body an addiction that got stronger with every touch. Then she rolled over onto her back and pushed the tiny triangles of her top away. She smiled at me expectantly.

  I dripped lotion onto her beautiful breasts and watched it run in thick, slow rivulets, all the while keeping her gaze locked onto mine. When she took my hands and put them on her body, sliding them over her slippery skin, her eyes were sparkling… teasing. I rubbed the cream into her breasts until her nipples were tight and she was moaning.

  I was more than up to the challenge…

  We spent the afternoon walking the perimeter of the island, hand in hand. Pristine white sand along with exotic birds and plants… white clouds over sapphire water…

  "I didn't really believe you, when you described all this," Libby said, looking out over the water as the sky started to dip toward the horizon. "I can't imagine there's a more beautiful place anywhere in the world."

  "Oh, there are," I replied. "Paris, St Lucia, Greece… I'd love to show them to you one day…"

  She was quiet for a while as we walked. "Is this a mistake?" she asked quietly, still looking out over the water. "The contract says I walk away, once the baby's born… This," she waved a hand out across the ocean, "and this…," she rested a hand on my chest, "isn't going to make that any easier when the time comes."


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