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Elfin, Book 1 The Elfin Series

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by Quinn Loftis

  Chapter 13

  “Love isn’t supposed to be easy, I know that. Nothing worth having is ever easy. But it is supposed to be honest; it is supposed to be true and unconditional. Love is messy and painful and joyous and not without sacrifice. Love is supposed to conquer all. Is it enough if the love only comes from one side? Is the love of one person enough to conquer the hurt of two?” ~Cassie Tate

  Trik stood at the door to the lab. It was taking everything in him not to go after Cassie. He could find her. He would always be able to find her as long as her soul was in her body. Something told him the time wasn’t right. He didn’t know what it was but there was a feeling deep inside him that was directing him to a path he never intended to follow.

  He pushed the door open and walked into what looked like a scene from a movie. Tables lined the walls and beakers and tubes and bubbling liquid topped them. A sweet aroma filled the air as smoke wafted from a large suspended basin where a red liquid was being continually stirred. From the bottom of the basin a tube protruded and periodically one of the elves would turn the dial on it and the red liquid would pour into the vial they held.

  The production of Rapture had begun. The next step would be the trials. Lorsan would need to test it on humans to make sure it didn’t have a negative effect on them, too negative effect that is. He also needed to know how much they would have to drink to achieve the desired effects.

  Trik walked over to a thin, dark haired elf with eyes black as coal and hair the color of chrome, Tarron, Lorsan’s top chemist.

  “How is everything going?”

  Tarron took a vile of Rapture in his hand and held it up to the light. He swirled the liquid around and around in the tube. Trik didn’t know what he was looking for but he must have found it because Tarron smiled and placed the tube back in the holder with the others.

  “So far everything is as it should be,” Tarron finally answered.

  “When will he be testing the first batch?”

  Tarron didn’t look at Trik as he answered. “From what I understand, he is in the process of securing the humans he will be testing on.”

  Trik nodded and started to walk away but was stopped by Tarron’s words.

  “Is everything as it should be with you Triktapic?”

  Trik turned to look at the chemist.

  “Speak plainly Tarron. I do not have time for your riddles,” Trik snapped.

  “There are rumblings that your Chosen is human and that she has fled your protection,” Tarron watched Trik closely, a spy for Lorsan no doubt told to keep an eye on Trik.

  “She has left.” That was all Trik said as he turned and walked quickly for the door.

  “I will be back tomorrow to check on your progress,” Trik called over his shoulder.

  The door closed behind him and he let out a deep breath. Pain was beginning to pulse through his muscles and he knew the pain of the separation was only going to get worse. He closed his eyes and wrestled with himself. He needed to protect her, but she didn’t want him anywhere near her and Lorsan had forbid him to go near her. He had to see her, just one more time he had to see her.

  If Lorsan thought he could keep tabs on his most accomplished spy, then he didn’t fully understand the depth of Trik’s talents. Trik was only seen when he wanted to be and right then he was done being seen. He stepped into the shadows and followed the line of the building until he was moving into the forest beyond. He moved quickly and soundlessly through the forest until he found a small lake. Trik walked up to the edge of the lake and looked down into it. He saw himself staring back at him. He took a step and his leg sunk into the water but instead of getting wet it emerged dry in another forest.

  As he slipped into the realm of the light elves, he crouched down low and looked around the forest. He was deep in their lands and would have to travel on foot the rest of the way to their castle. Tamsin had wisely enchanted his kingdom so that anyone entering their realm that wasn’t a light elf, or welcomed by the light elves, would be traveling quite a distance to get to them.

  He moved swiftly through trees, careful not to disturb the plants around him. He felt eyes on him everywhere and knew that Tamsin would have the forest watched. He didn’t know the light elves land like he did his own, but he was a very good tracker and would have no problems finding the light elves’ stronghold.

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