Bones of My Grandfather
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16. Russell, Josephine, letter to Frances Bonnyman, April 11, 1951.
1. Prejean, Alix, interview with the author, June 4, 2011.
2. Alexander, Joseph, letter to Fran Bonnyman Evans, April 5, 1994.
3. Alexander, Joseph, letter to Alexandra Bonnyman Prejean, August 6, 1994.
4. Denver Post, “Veteran remembers,” November 24, 1985.
5. Alexander, Joseph, letter to Alexandra Bonnyman Prejean, August 6, 1994.
6. Alexander, Col. Joseph, USMC (Ret.). Utmost Savagery: The Three Days of Tarawa, (Annapolis, 1995), 240.
7. Evans, Frances Bonnyman, letter to Jones, Gallegos, Snead & Wertheim, P.A. November 3, 1976.
8. Edison, Maj. A.E., letter to Frances Bonnyman Evans, May 21, 1990.
9. Prejean interview, June 4, 2011.
10. Stevens, Jonathan, “Introduction,”, June 15, 2003.
11. Lipinski, US Rep. Daniel, office of, “Lipinski presses Defense Department to Locate Remains of U.S. Service Members in Battle of Tarawa,” June 26, 2009.
12. Stevens, Jonathan, “Lipinski Presses for DOD to find Tarawa Dead.”, June 26, 2009.
13. Hiete, Kurt, email to multiple recipients, December 19, 2009.
14. Shane, Leo, III, “Remains found on Pacific island likely to be those of 139 WWII Marines,” Stars and Stripes, November 28, 2008.
1. Marshall, J. F.; Jacobson, G., “Holocene growth of a mid-Pacific atoll: Tarawa, Kiribati,” Coral Reefs, April 1985.
2. Allen, Donald K., Tarawa: The Aftermath, (self-published, 2001), 2.
3. Secretariat of the Pacific and Government of Kiribati, “North Tarawa Socioeconomic Report 2008,”
4. Morison, “The Gilberts & Marshalls.”
5. Morison, “The Gilberts & Marshalls.”
6. McQuarrie, Peter. Gilbert Islands in WWII (Oakland, Calif.: NAL Caliber, 2012), 4.
7. Allen, Tarawa—the Aftermath, 5.
8. Sacred Heart of Mary convent, private collection, Bairiki, Tarawa.
9. Alexander, Utmost Savagery, 28.
10. Russ, Martin, Line of Departure: Tarawa (New York, 1975), 6.
11. Wukovits, John, One Square Mile of Hell: The Battle for Tarawa (New York, 2006), 17.
12. Bonnyman, Alexander, Jr., letter to Frances Berry Bonnyman, October 2, 1943.
13. Hammel, Eric, and John E. Lane, Bloody Tarawa: A Narrative History with 250 Photographs (Pacifica: Pacifica Military History, 1998), 6.
14. Hammel and Lane, Bloody Tarawa, 6.
15. Ellis, Maj. Earl H., “U.S. Marine Corps 712H Operation Plan: Advanced Base Operations in Micronesia,” July 23, 1921.
16. Hammel and Lane, Bloody Tarawa, 7.
1. Troost, J. Maarten, The Sex Lives of Cannibals, new title edition (New York: Broadway Books 2004), 255.
2. Shiok, Jeremy Edward, email to the author, May 21, 2011.
3. Osorio, Maj. Ramon, email to Steven Barber, July 1, 2010.
4. Barber, Steven C., email to the author, August 4, 2010.
5. Noah, Mark, email to the author, July 8, 2010.
6. Noah email, July 8, 2010.
7. Hylton, Wil S., Vanished: The Sixty-Year Search for the Missing Men of World War II (New York, 2013), 16.
8. Defense POW/MIA Accounting Command, “Tarawa Summary,” March 11, 2015.
9. Noah, Mark, The Lost Graves of Tarawa (self-published, 2009), 16.
10. Noah, Mark, interview with the author, June 1, 2015.
11. Niven, Capt. William L. USMC (ret.), Tarawa’s Gravediggers (Morgan Hill, California: self-published, 2007), 16.
12. Noah, The Lost Graves of Tarawa, 94.
13. Noah, The Lost Graves of Tarawa, iii.
14. Noah, Mark, interview with the author, February 17, 2015.
15. Noah, The Lost Graves of Tarawa, 4.
16. DPAA, “Tarawa Summary,” March 11, 2015.
17. Niven, Capt. William L. USMC (ret.), interview with the author, December 11, 2011.
18. Niven, Capt. William L. USMC (ret.), Tarawa’s Gravediggers, 4.
19. Niven, Tarawa’s Gravediggers, 320–321.
20. Niven interview, December 11, 2011.
21. Akaka, US Sen. Daniel, letter to Alexandra Bonnyman Prejean, September 9, 2009.
22. Joint POW/Accounting Command (JPAC) 2010 Annual Report.
23. Niven interview, December 11, 2011.
24. Noah, Mark, interview with the author, October 29, 2011.
25. JPAC (source redacted), email (recipient redacted) July 15, 2010.
26. Tarawa Talk forum,, July 29, 2010.
27. Covert, Dennis, email to the author, August 3, 2010
28. Asian Development Bank, “Economic Costs of Inadequate Water and Sanitation, South Tarawa, Kiribati,” 2014
29. Rivers, Kelle, letter to the author, January 1, 1995
1. McKeon, Robert, interview with the author, September 6, 2010.
2. Bonnyman, George Gordon, interview with G. Kurt Piehler and Tim Bracken, University of Tennessee Veteran’s Oral History Project, April 20, 2000.
3. Knoxville Journal, “University Of Kentucky To Honor Bonnyman,” May 23, 1950.
4. Knoxville Journal, “University Of Kentucky To Honor Bonnyman,” May 23, 1950.
5. Nelson, Kristi L. “War hero’s childhood home: Bonnyman family, staff resided in Kingston Pike mansion,” Knoxville News-Sentinel, May 20, 2012.
6. Leonard, R.M., editor, The Pageant of English Poetry: Being 1150 Poems and Extracts by 300 Authors, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1911).
7. Headman, Mary, letter to Frances Bonnyman, August 26, 1932
8. McKeon interview, September 6, 2010.
9. Bonnyman, George Gordon, Jr., interview with the author, June 20, 2014.
10. Tate, Mary, interview with the author, August 11, 2015.
11. Friend, Craig Thompson, editor, Southern Masculinity: Perspectives on Manhood in the South Since Reconstruction, (Athens, Georgia, 2009).
12. New York Times, “Non-Flopping Student Trousers Evoke Praise from Coolidge,” November 24, 1927.
13. Almond, Steve. Against Football (Brooklyn, New York: Melville House, 2014), 19.
14. Gore, Frank, letter to Alexander Bonnyman, Sr., (undated) 1928
15. Van Schiack, A.G., letter to Alexander Bonnyman, Sr., May 20, 1947
16. Bonnyman, George Gordon, Piehler and Bracken interview.
17. US Marine Corps, memorandum recommending Alexander Bonnyman, Jr. for Officers’ Candidate School, October 5, 1942,
18. Bonnyman, Alexander, Sr., letter to Charles Scarlett, Jr., January 29, 1944
1. Bale, Ed, interview with the author, July 13, 2011.
2. Bale interview.
3. Bale interview.
4. Moore, Katherine, interview with the author, June 4, 2011.
5. Kossow, Robert, interview with the author, June 28, 2015.
6. Evans, Frances Bonnyman, interview with the author, August 3, 2013.
7. Silliman, David, interview with the author, June 28, 2015.
8. Bonnyman, Alexander, Sr., letter to Lt. Gen. A.A. Vandegrift, January 17, 1944.
9. Faust, Drew Gilpin, This Republic of Suffering: Death and the American Civil War (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2009), 100.
10. Poole, On Hallowed Ground, 145.
11. Colley, Safely Rest, 220.
12. Crane, David. Empires of the Dead: How One Man’s Vision Led to the Creation of WWI’s War Graves (New York: William Collins, 2013), passim.
13. Poole, On Hallowed Ground, 143.
14. Poole, On Hallowed Ground, 145.
15. Poole, On Hallowed Ground, 145.
16. Poole, On Hallowed Ground, 189.
17. Fussell, Paul. The Boys’ Crusade: The American Infantry in Northwestern Europe, 1944–1945. (New York: Modern Library, 2004.)
18. Trotter, Mildre
d. “Operations at Central Identification Laboratory,” US Army Graves Registration Service (AGRS), 1949.
19. Hylton, Vanished, 97.
20. Appy, Christian. American Reckoning: The Vietnam War and Our National Identity, (New York: Penguin Books, 2015.)
21. Title 32, Part 371, Defense Prisoner of War/Missing in Action Office, Code of Federal Regulations, September 5, 1993.
22. US Government Accounting Office, “DOD’S POW/MIA MISSION: Top-Level Leadership Attention Needed to Resolve Longstanding Challenges in Accounting for Missing Persons from Past Conflicts,” July 17, 2013.
1. Perry, Lt. Col. Wayne, email to superior (name redacted), August 6, 2010.
2. Miller, Marc, interview with the author, January 24, 2011.
3. Miller interview, January 24, 2011.
4. Osorio, Maj. Ramon, audio recording by the author, August 11, 2010.
5. Osorio, Maj. Ramon, audio recording by the author, August 11, 2010.
6. Fujioka, Nobukatsu, Atarashii Rekishi Kyōkasho: Shihanbon (Tokyo, Fusosha, 2006). (Translated by Hana Y. Masters, July 29, 2011.)
7. Noah, The Lost Graves of Tarawa, 53.
8. Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency, “Tarawa Summary,” March 11, 2015.
9. Noah, Mark, email to the author, July 26, 2013.
10. New York Times, “Tarawa Foe Accused in Massacre of 22,” March 24, 1945.
11. Fox, Dr. Gregory, interview with the author, August 14, 2010.
12. Fox interview, August 14, 2010.
13. Fox interview, August 14, 2010.
14. Fox interview, August 14, 2010.
15. Shiok, Jeremy Edward. “JPAC Mission to Tarawa—August 2010,” self-published report, 2014.
16. Shiok report.
17. Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command (JPAC) public-affairs office (sender and recipient names redacted), August 31, 2010.
1. Noah, Mark, interview with the author, October 29, 2011.
2. Tabokai, Temoana, interview with the author, August 12, 2010 (translated by Kautebiri Kobuti).
3. Talu, Alaima, letter to Margaret Sullivan, June 24, 1999.
4. Tabokai interview, August 12, 2010.
5. Tabokai interview, August 12, 2010.
6. Shiok, Jeremy, interview with the author, August 13, 2010.
7. Sullivan, Margaret, interview with the author, August 16, 2010.
8. Niven, Bill, interview with the author, December 11, 2011.
9. Noah, Mark, email to JPAC, July 23, 2010.
10. Noah interview, March 11, 2011.
11. Noah email, May 13, 2011.
12. Noah, Mark, interview with the author, March 13, 2011.
13. Kiribati Ministry of Foreign Affairs, email to JPAC (recipient redacted), July 21, 2010.
14. JPAC official (name redacted), email to Mark Noah, August 4, 2010.
15. Belcher, Dr. Bill, interview with the author, September 6, 2015.
16. McAvoy, Audrey, “U.S. military finds 2 sets of remains in Tarawa,” Associated Press, September 22, 2010.
17. Rowlands, Ted, interview with the author, February 11, 2011.
18. Rowlands interview, February 11, 2011.
19. DPAA, “Tarawa Summary,” March 11, 2015. 152
1. Shiner, J.S. Foulois and the U.S. Army Air Corps: 1931–1935 (Office of Air Force History, 1983), 109.
2. Headman letter, August 26, 1932.
3. Bonnyman, Sandy, letter to Frances Berry Bonnyman, October 2, 1943.
4. Alexander, Utmost Savagery, 187.
5. USMC general pay data record, November 25, 1942.
6. Young, Virgil L., Jr., USMC (ret.), interview with the author, August 25, 2015.
7. Prejean, Alix, interview with the author, August 16, 2015.
8. Prejean interview, August 16, 2015.
9. McKeon interview, September 6, 2010.
10. Russell, Josephine Bell, letter to Frances Bonnyman, April 1951 (no day specified).
11. Evans, Frances Bonnyman, interviews with the author, passim.
12. Evans interviews.
13. Russell letter, April 1951
14. Albuquerque Morning Journal, “Copper mine is operating near town of Pastura,” June 6, 1925.
15. Bonnyman, Alexander, Sr., letter to Josephine Bonnyman, December 8, 1942
16. Prejean interview, August 16, 2015.
17. Campos, Joseph, interview with the author, July 27, 2015.
18. US Marine Corps, “Report of physical examination,” November 23, 1942.
19. Santa Rosa News, “‘Sandy’ Bonnyman Wounded Saturday Following Argument,” March 14, 1941.
20. Santa Rosa News, “Damages Are Awarded in Santa Rosa Affair,” March 20, 1942.
21. Santa Rosa News, “‘Not Guilty’ is Verdict of Jury,” April 17, 1942.
22. Bonnyman, George Gordon, Piehler and Bracken interview.
23. Flores, Daniel, interview with author, July 27, 2015.
24. Evans, Fran Bonnyman, interview with the author, November 13, 2016.
25. Kisling, Leroy Jr., interview with the author, September 20, 2010.
26. Hitchens, Christopher, “Poor Old Willie,” The Atlantic, May 2004.
1. Clerou, George, email to the author, September 14, 2010.
2. Sheppard interview, August 18, 2010.
3. JPAC public-affairs officer (name redacted), email to JPAC official (name redacted), September 3, 2010.
4. JPAC public-affairs officer (name redacted), email (recipient name redacted), August 31, 2010.
5. Barber, Steven C., email to Cortland D. Joyce, February 6, 2012.
6. Barber, Steven C., email to Ken Moore, May 19, 2010.
7. Barber, Steven C., email to JPAC public-affairs office, October 27, 2010.
8. Miller, Marc, email to the author et al, May 29, 2012.
9. Scheck, Frank, “Until They Are Home: Film Review,” Hollywood Reporter, August 30, 2012.
10. Catsoulis, Jeannette, “The Fallen in 1943 Get an Audience in 2012,” New York Times, August 30, 2012.
11. Noah, Mark, History Flight 2011 Tarawa Trip Summary, 2.
12. Dostie, Paul, interview with the author, March 24, 2012.
13. Dostie, Paul, interview with the author, February 20, 2011.
14. Noah, Mark, interview with the author, April 10, 2011.
15. Noah, Mark, interview with the author, October 29, 2011.
16. Sears, David, “Bring the Fallen Home,” Air & Space, September 2015.
17. Noah, Mark, interview with the author, September 30, 2012.
18. Belcher interview, September 6, 2015.
19. Noah, Mark, interview with the author, February 7, 2015.
20. Belcher interview, September 6, 2015.
1. Bonnyman, Alexander, Sr., letter to Robert Sherrod, November 30, 1948.
2. Russell letter, April 1951.
3. Russell, James H., and Bonnyman, Alexander Jr., “Limited Partnership Agreement,’ June 29, 1942
4. Bonnyman, Alexander, Sr., letter to Josephine Bonnyman, December 8, 1942.
5. Bonnyman, Sandy, letter to Frances Berry Bonnyman, May 10, 1943.
6. Jackson, Col. Gilder D., Jr., letter to Alexander Bonnyman, Sr., May 30, 1944.
7. Bonnyman, Josephine, letter to Alexander Bonnyman, Sr., July 22, 1942.
8. Bonnyman, Sandy, letter to France Berry Bonnyman Sept. 22, 1942.
9. Headquarters US Marine Corps, Circular Letter No. 602, August 31, 1942.
10. Bonnyman, Alexander, Sr., letter to Sandy Bonnyman, October 6, 1942.
11. Jackson letter, May 30, 1944.
12. Johnston, Richard W., Follow Me! The Story of the Second Marine Division in World War II, (New York: Random House, 1948.), 84.
13. Jackson letter, May 30, 1944.
14. Bonnyman, Sandy, V-Mail to Alexander, Sr. and Frances Berry Bonnyman, November 26, 1942.
15. New York Times, “The Engineer
s,” Sept. 17, 1943.
16. Bonnyman, Sandy, letter to Frances Berry Bonnyman, March 9, 1943.
17. Jackson letter, May 30, 1944.
18. Jackson letter, May 30, 1944.
19. Marston, Capt. John, letter to Hugh Matthews, February 12, 1943.
20. Bonnyman, Sandy, letter to Josephine Bonnyman, September 22, 1943.
21. Boos letter, April 20, 1944.
22. Bonnyman, Sandy, letter to Anne Atkinson, May 12, 1943.
23. An Encyclopedia of New Zealand, Auckland 1966.
24. Bonnyman, Sandy, V-Mail to Frances Bonnyman, February 14, 1943.
25. Bonnyman, Sandy, letter to Anne Atkinson, May 12, 1943.
26. Bonnyman letter to Atkinson, May 12, 1943.
27. Kisling interview, March 26, 2011.
28. Griswold, Capt. Tracy, letter to Frances Berry Bonnyman, July 31, 1952.
29. Bonnyman, Sandy, letter to Frances Berry Bonnyman, March 9, 1943.
30. Ornelas interview, May 13, 2015.
31. Bonnyman, Sandy, letter to Frances Berry Bonnyman, April 25, 1943.
32. Bonnyman letter, April 25, 1943.
33. Graham, Michael B. Mantle of Heroism: Tarawa and the Struggle for the Gilberts, November 1943. (Novato, California: Presidio, 1993). 111.
34. Johnston, Richard W., letter to Alexander Bonnyman, Sr., January 12, 1949.
1. Johnston, Follow Me!, 93.
2. Hammel and Lane, Bloody Tarawa, 6.
3. Johnston, Follow Me!, 98.
4. Bonnyman, Sandy, letter to Josephine Bonnyman, September 22, 1943.
5. Bonnyman letter, September 22, 1943.
6. Evans, Frances Bonnyman, interview with the author, June 18, 2014.
7. Bonnyman, Sandy, letter to Frances Bonnyman (daughter), April 25, 1943.
8. Bonnyman letter, October 2, 1943.
9. Bonnyman letter, October 2, 1943.
10. Bonnyman, Frances Berry, letter to James H. Russell, November 3, 1943.
11. Evans interview, August 23, 2013.
12. Bonnyman, Josephine, letter to Alexander Bonnyman, Sr., December 5, 1942.
13. Bonnyman, Sandy, letter to Clara Hood, October 4, 1943.
14. Bonnyman, Alexander, Sr., letter to Josephine Bonnyman, December 8, 1942.
15. Bonnyman letter, March 9, 1943.
16. Brown, Monte E., letter to HQ, Second Marine Division, July 27, 1943.
17. Bonnyman letter, September 22, 1943.
18. Hammel and Lane, Bloody Tarawa, 16.
19. Alexander, Utmost Savagery, 93.
20. Johnston, Follow Me!, 102.
21. Russell, Josephine Bell, letter to Frances Berry Bonnyman, December 17, 1945.