His by Choice

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His by Choice Page 4

by Angelique Voisen

  “I just need to know you’re safe, that’s all. Where are you anyway?”

  “I’m doing fine,” he replied, avoiding Derek’s question intentionally. He didn't like the other man’s line of questioning. “So stop calling me. I did my duty to your brother, and now I want to live my own life. Good bye, Derek.”

  He ended the call, cutting Derek off. Fortunately, Derek got the message and didn’t phone him again. His phone beeped. This time, it was a text from Butch.

  Butch: Sorry, going to be late. Pack emergency.

  Heart sinking, Walker wondered if Butch changed his mind about dating second-hand goods.

  No. He should stop calling himself that, and Butch made it clear he had every intention of pursuing Walker. Still, the call with Derek had worsened his nerves, reminding him shifter males saw him differently, because he was a dead man’s discarded mate.

  “Butch’s different,” he whispered, wrapping his arms around his body.

  He ended up in bed, staring at the photo frame Butch had helped him put up. Walker ended up falling asleep, his dreams uneasy.


  “But I don’t even know Terry,” he argued, transported somehow in the kitchen of his parents’ home.

  Oh, Walker had been told since he could walk that Terry was his fated mate, but he kept putting the mating ceremony off in the hopes Terry would lose interest and maybe find someone else. Even if that happened though, some other dominant wolf in the pack would move in, like sharks scenting blood in a water. That was the curse of being an Omega wolf in the Jade Mountain pack.

  “Of course you do. Terry’s family owns some of the businesses in town, and he’s a high-ranking pack member. You couldn’t ask for a better mate,” his mother replied, ignoring him completely. Apparently, her phone held more interest.

  “I never asked for him. You, Dad, and the pack made that decision.”

  “What is wrong with you?” His mother’s cold blue eyes bored into this. “You’re usually better behaved than this. We expect you to live up to your responsibilities.”


  “Enough!” His father thundered, and he fell silent, glaring at his old man.

  If his mother regarded him with chilly silences, his father thought of him as an inconvenience. Walker knew his father had never wanted an Omega wolf for a son, but rather a capable warrior. All Walker seemed capable of doing was disappointing his parents, not that their opinion mattered. To them, all he was, was chattel, a bargaining chip to elevate their position in the pack. Maybe, they never saw him as a human being to begin with.

  “You will marry and mate Terry. You will give him children and bring honor to this family.” His father’s words held a note of finality.

  Discussion over.

  Seething, Walker left the kitchen and made sure they heard his clomping footsteps all the way back to his bedroom. Locking the door behind him, he sat at his desk, fuming. Walker debated leaving, but all the horror tales of pack mates filled his head, stories of lone Omegas on the road being taken advantage of by bigger and meaner shifters.

  The pack protected him, made sure he lived a comfortable life. That was the Jade Mountain pack’s slogan anyway, but the compound where he and the werewolves lived, even his parents’ home, felt like a prison. If he ran away now, he wouldn’t survive.

  Walker was eighteen, had nothing but a high school diploma, and neither the pack nor his parents would sponsor a college degree. There was no need to, because Omegas were expected to be married at this point, and take care of their dominant mate’s household. Walker opened his internet browser and considered the online college page for a moment, before hovering his mouse on the graphic design page.

  He’d fiddled with some courses in high school and found he liked it. Walker swore he was going to make this work, to find a means to make a living, so he needn’t rely on a mate. He was going to be self-sufficient, independent. Someday, he was going to break free of this cage and make his own decisions, even choose his own mate.

  But his marriage to Terry was a done deal. Even if he broke free of Terry in the future, would anyone even accept discarded goods?


  “Hey, baby. Wake up.” A familiar deep voice and a huge hand gently shaking him, the touch comforting.

  Walker groaned, fragments of the dream, of the past still fresh in his head. He opened his eyes to see one big Alpha standing over him in bed. Walker blinked, staring at his wall clock. It was close to eleven, and he was about to give Butch a retort, then froze as he rubbed at his eyes to make sure he was seeing right.

  Butch wasn’t in the best of shape, but beat-up, bruised and covered in patches of blood. Walker leapt out of bed and into Butch’s arms.

  “What happened?” he cried out, worried. He reached out, touching Butch’s face, fingers coming away with blood, but the wound from a rake mark started to close, probably as a result of the Alphas impressive regenerative abilities.

  “Got a call about three rogue bear shifters in our territory. One bear injured one of my enforcers and two were on their way to the pack house. A lot of my usual soldiers were on patrol, leaving the weaker members unguarded. I had to step in.”

  “Are you hurt?” he demanded.

  Butch threw back his head and laughed, which only made Walker pound his fists into the Alpha’s chest.

  “What is wrong with you?”

  “This is a small thing. Don’t worry about it,” Butch replied, as if sensing his worry.

  “Small thing? You’re covered in blood!”

  “My mistake. I was excited to see you, and I know some guys get miffed about their date running late. In hindsight, I should have showered first.”

  Wild emotions ran through Walker. He didn't know why the possibility of losing Butch scared him shitless, but it did, and the Alpha shrugged it off as if it were normal. Walker hugged Butch tighter, just to make sure his Alpha was safe.

  Wait. Since when did Butch become his Alpha? It sounded just about right though. Walker began to shake, and Butch started stroking his spine, calming him.

  “Hey,” Butch muttered, dead serious now. “It’s okay, baby. I didn’t mean to worry you. If it makes you feel any better, I’m tougher than I look.”

  That got a laugh out of him. “That doesn’t make sense at all, because you already look badass.”

  “Were you having bad dreams?”

  He groaned. “Are you shifting the topic from you to me?”

  “I felt your pain,” Butch replied, cupping his jaw. “You were hurting and I didn’t like it, so I woke you up.”

  “Just dreamt about the past, but the past can’t touch me.”

  “It left scars on you though.” Butch kissed him gently on the mouth, tender, sweet.

  “Speak for yourself.” He traced the scars on the Alpha’s neck, knowing there was a story there. “Is it too late for a date?”

  “Most restaurants in town would be closing by now, but I have a better idea. You up for a run?” Butch asked.

  On general principle, Walker didn’t go running in the woods during the night time. He was still an Omega wolf, lacking the strength and healing capabilities of stronger shifters.

  Walker didn’t take shit from other paranormals, but that didn’t mean he lacked common sense, because some bigger predator might consider a lone Omega wolf as prey. This time though, he was running with the biggest, baddest wolf in town.

  What could go wrong, or did danger lie a little closer to the heart?

  “Yeah, I think I am,” he found himself answering.

  Chapter Six

  “I’m fine,” Butch repeated, but Walker insisted on checking out his wounds before they headed out.

  “Sit, please,” Walker added, and Butch mutely took a seat on the edge of Walker’s bed.

  It felt good, letting the Omega fuss over him. Walker even ran to his bathroom and came out with a first-aid kit. Butch had fun, letting the Omega poke at him, checking him for injuries, but all the letha
l claw and teeth marks he’d sustained from tangling with two rogue bears had healed up nicely.

  “Wow. You really meant it. You’re healed,” Walker said, looking impressed.

  Butch puffed out his chest. “Of course.”

  Walker rolled his eyes. “Did you want to use my shower to clean up?”

  “Nope. I prefer dousing myself in the river.” Besides, if he lingered any longer his wolf might just become impatient and he’d claim Walker here.

  “Okay then. Do I need to bring anything? Oh, right. We’re running in wolf form.”

  “You being nervous is kind of cute,” Butch pointed out, amused Walker scowled at him. “Come on. We’ll take my bike.”

  They exited Walker’s unit, and out the building. He led Walker to where he’d parked his Harley, by the curb.

  Walker’s eyebrows shot up. “So, why am I not surprised that an Alpha named Butch, rides a motorcycle?”

  He laughed. “Seriously, baby. You need new lines, because that one’s getting old.”

  Well, not really. He liked it when Walker joked and teased, because Walker didn’t seem the kind of guy who laughed easily. Butch was going to change that.

  “Wait, how did you get into my apartment in the first place?” Walker asked.

  “Found your spare key under the welcome mat. My wolf sensed the pain in yours, so we had to let ourselves in. If I hadn’t found the key, I would have just broken your door down.”

  Walker gave him a wary look. “Keep the key, because replacing the door is expensive.”

  “Aw, giving me the key to your place already? You sure move fast, baby.”

  Naturally, that produced a glare from his Omega. Smirking, he handed Walker a spare helmet from the back of his bike. Since Walker looked confused on how to put it on, Butch helped his Omega along, securing the strap underneath Walker’s chin.

  “Thanks, it’s my first time riding a bike,” Walker admitted.

  Could his Omega get any cuter?

  “There, now climb behind me,” Butch instructed, mounting his bike.

  A moment later, he felt Walker take the seat behind him.

  “Wrap your arms around my waist. That’s good.”

  Once Walker was secure, Butch gave a few safety tips, before starting the engine. He steered the bike past the street, streaking past the main town area.

  “This is the way to the pack house,” Walker remarked behind him.

  “Yeah, but we’re not heading there.” Halfway to the house, Butch stopped the bike by the side of the road. Walker dismounted, waiting as Butch hid his bike by the nearest bushes.

  “Here?” Walker asked.

  Butch pulled off his shirt and tucked his wallet, phone, and keys inside the clothing ball, stumped to notice Walker hadn’t made a move. He growled. “Better start stripping if we’re going to play catch, little Omega, or you won’t get that much of a head start?”

  “We’re playing a game? Sorry, you’re sort of distracting,” Walker murmured.

  “Admiring me? Aw.”

  “You’re sort of hard not to notice,” Walker grumbled, peeling off his shirt.

  “If you’re good I’ll let you stroke and pet as much as you want.”

  Walker blushed, then bit his lip. “I like that.”

  Butch smirked, finally pulling off his jeans and boxers without shame. Werewolves were comfortable with nudity, but a smudge of satisfaction filled him when he noticed Walker giving his dick admiring glances. It didn't matter, because soon enough, he would be sinking his prick into Walker’s tight, fine ass.

  Butch let his wolf explode out of his skin in seconds.

  “Okay. Wow. You’re, like, big in wolf form,” Walker said.

  He admired the slender, sexy Omega’s body in turn. He couldn’t wait to be on top of Walker, putting his lips and hands all over that smooth, tempting peach colored skin. Butch licked his lips. Walker shifted, his animal a graceful, smaller beast, one less deadly than Butch’s.

  Butch yipped, but he needn’t worry because Walker knew how to play. The Omega swished his tail at Butch, before disappearing into the nearest group of pine trees. These woods were his home, his territory, and Butch knew every blade of grass and landmark, so he gave Walker a fifteen-minute head start, before diving in himself.

  Refreshing night air kissed his fur, and he threw back his head and let out a howl of pure joy. Leaves crunched underneath his paws, and he instantly caught Walker’s distinctive scent. He followed the trail left behind by his Omega, and would have smiled if he had a human mouth, because Walker obviously made an attempt to make the chase harder.

  Walker made him run circles, but Butch had the best nose in the pack and he easily followed his Omega near the heart of the river that snaked through the area’s woods. Walker stood at the edge of the bank, greedily drinking water when Butch came up behind him.

  Walker spun, trying to swat at his paw, but Butch closed his teeth on the Omega’s throat. He didn’t bite down. It was merely a friendly nip, and he was pleased when Walker offered his neck to Butch, acknowledging his dominance.

  Butch released Walker’s throat, letting their noses and muzzles touch. He then waded into the water. It wasn’t freezing cold as he imagined, the temperature tolerable. He let the current wash away all the grime and dried blood, before returning to human form.

  He found Walker watching him.

  “Come join me. Water’s great.” For encouragement, he gave the Omega a splash. Walker barked at him, but nonetheless changed back to human as well to join him. Once Walker was within touching distance, Butch grabbed the Omega, settling Walker’s back to his chest and wrapping his arms around the other man.

  Walker instantly relaxed around him, sighing. “This is nice. Look, there are so many stars tonight. So gorgeous, don’t you think?”

  Butch followed Walker’s line of sight to find the Omega was right. Around the pale moon, a net of stars spread out, illuminating the night sky. He nuzzled Walker’s neck.

  “There’s an even more gorgeous man right next to me,” he murmured.

  “Don’t tease.”

  “Hah. Didn’t I tell you? Don’t make demands of Alphas. Give me your mouth.”

  He thought he’d need to cajole, tease, and blackmail Walker some more, but Walker turned in his arms, so they faced each other, to receive his kiss. Butch claimed Walker’s mouth, nipping and sucking. Their tongues fought for dominance, but Walker let him push his tongue down his throat.

  Walker rubbed his wet, slick body against his, doing wonders for his aroused prick.

  “You taste so fucking sweet, baby,” Butch said after releasing Walker’s mouth.

  “I think, I don’t mind it when you call me that.”

  Oh, they were definitely making progress.

  “Do you know what’s going to happen tonight, little Omega?” Butch had to ask, to make his intentions clear. He ran his hand down the length of Walker’s body, devouring the sight of Walker shuddering, leaning into his touch like he was starved for it.

  “Yes, I think.”

  “Too fast?”

  “No, I want this, want you, too. God, Butch. Sex with Terry and me always felt like a duty, never enjoyable.”

  “I’ll take that as compliance then.”

  “Absolutely.” Walker smiled shyly at him. “You said you intended to claim my body, then my heart.”

  “Ready, baby? Because once we start, there’s no stopping. Whatever this leads to, it’s a one-way road.”

  “I know, but—” Walker paused, biting his lip. “What if you find me lacking?”

  He snarled at that. “Never.”

  “You’ll take the leavings of a dead wolf?”

  Jesus. Sometimes, his little Omega could be such a fool. Right now, all Butch wanted was to shake some sense into Walker, except he finally understood rejection was the root of Walker’s fear.

  “Listen to me,” he told his Omega firmly, so Walker had no misconceptions, that Butch was playing for keeps. “I
don’t care you were mated before. You left your past behind, traveled this far solely to start a new life. That begins now, with me. I’ll cherish and protect you the way your old mate never did. If you become mine, you’ll be the most important thing in my life. So last chance, Omega. You in or out?”

  Chapter Seven

  Butch’s words took the very breath out of Walker. There was a possessive tone in Butch’s words, yet a promise bloomed there, one Walker never thought such an amazing man would offer him. How could anyone refuse?

  “Show me,” he whispered, “what it’s like being loved by a werewolf Alpha.”

  “My fucking pleasure.” Then Butch took his lips again, all bite and roughness, but that only kindled the flames building inside of him.

  Butch closed his hand around his thickening shaft, stroking it. When Butch drew back, he moaned at the sensation of Butch’s big and callused hand, holding his dick captive, the sound of his cry muffled by the roar of the current. He thought he would have been swept away by the water, too, except Butch’s steel grip anchored him.

  “Out of the water,” Butch said in a firm voice, edging them back to shore.

  The Alpha guided him further past the pebbled bank and urged him to lie down, the soft grass cushioning his body. Then Butch blanketed his body over his, muscles incredibly warm. Walker wrapped his hands around Butch’s neck, seeking Butch’s heated mouth.

  Butch seemed to know what he wanted, sealing his lips again, but after, Butch nicked the side of his neck, and when Butch captured his gaze, the Alpha’s pupils were completely yellow, the savage side of the wolf coming out.

  It took his breath away, seeing the wolf there. A mix of fear or anticipation hummed in his veins. Butch laid a path of burning kisses down his throat, his chest, closing his mouth over his left nipple.

  Walker whimpered as Butch left a bite on the bud, the pain hardly noticeable, because Butch started working his prick again, motions fast. Just when Walker was certain he was on the verge of coming, Butch released his prick, fondling his balls, then dragging a teasing fingernail down his cease to trace his puckered entrance.


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