His by Choice

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His by Choice Page 5

by Angelique Voisen

“God, you’re mean,” he managed to say, mewling when Butch pushed a finger into his ass. Omegas were self-lubricating, and he was already slick and ready for his mate.

  “Fuck, you’re so gorgeous like this, at my complete mercy,” Butch said.

  “I am?”

  Butch added a finger in, stretching him, and he practically thrust his hips upwards, shamelessly. His dick was at full mast now, so close to orgasm, but he held back, not wanting to ruin the moment. Walker’s gaze followed the faint line of dark hair down Butch’s torso, to the monster between Butch’s legs.

  “My, Alpha. What a big dick you have,” he couldn’t help but say, but even his voice came out husky, needy. If the chance arose, he would get on his knees, and make it his turn to give Butch one hell of a blowjob the Alpha wouldn’t forget. “I don’t think I ever had anything that huge in me.”

  “How many men have you been with?” the Alpha asked, a note of jealousy in his voice.

  Why did he have a feeling it was no longer just Butch in there, but also Butch’s fiercely possessive beast?

  “Just one, Terry. All the Omegas in my pack are virgins, until we give it away to the mates assigned to us. Terry and I had a contract drawn up. Sex once a month.”

  Butch growled. “A contract?”

  “Sex meant nothing to either of us, just a means of reproduction, of continuing his bloodline although I could never get pregnant. I think he knew I was flawed, too, but I remember him once telling me children were work. Maybe he didn’t want them either.”

  He sure as hoped Butch understood the implication of those words. Dominant shifters sought out Omegas only for one reason, and that was an Omega’s ability to give children.

  “Don’t care. Only you matter. If we ever get that far along in the relationship and we want kids, there’s other options like getting an Omega surrogate or adoption,” Butch said, as if reading his mind. “So you never has sex as anything more than an obligation? I’ll change that.”

  “I’m sure you will.” His heart warmed at Butch’s words.

  Children were everything to shifters. There were two ways one could be a shifter. One either had to be born one or bitten and changed by an Alpha werewolf, but the natural born ones were always more powerful and reproduction was only possible with either a male or female Omega wolf. The fact Butch didn’t care Walker might never give him pure-blood pups, meant a lot, because an Omega’s worth was their ability to bring shifter children into the world.

  Unlike Terry, Walker had always wanted children, and it didn't matter if they came from his body or adopted. God. Why did Butch have to be so damn perfect?

  Butch pulled his fingers out, but he never stopped the hand-job yet.

  Walker let out a breath. “Sorry, but if you keep doing that, I won’t be able to hold back from coming.”

  Butch kissed his still swollen bottom lip. “Then don’t. I want to hear you come for me. Do it now, baby.”

  Those words were a trigger, because when Butch gave his tip a squeeze, the pressure in him broke open. He moaned, painting Butch’s six-pack abs with jizz. Butch kissed him again, making his insides melt. Then the Alpha guided his dick into Walker’s entrance and he let out a breath. The Omega wolf in him could barely wait for this big, strong Alpha to claim them. `

  “Ready for me?” Butch asked, lifting Walker’s legs over those broad shoulders.

  “Yes. I want you inside of me,” Walker said, post orgasm bliss clearing.

  Butch began to penetrate him, and his eyes widened slightly. He knew Butch was big, but he hadn’t expected the burn, although the Alpha had impressive control, pushing his way slow and steady inside of him.

  “Breathe, little Omega. Take me inside of you.”

  The Alpha’s command calmed the panic in him. He breathed in and out, and it became easier. Finally, Butch sheathed himself balls deep inside Walker. He groaned, nails digging into Butch’s bicep. It felt like Butch’s dick stretched him to the limits.

  “Good job, baby. It’s my turn to make you feel good.” Butch kissed his forehead and began to piston in and out of him.

  Soon enough, Walker forgot about the initial burn. Butch started at a slow rhythm, and settled at a pace that suited both of them.

  But it was not enough. Walker wanted his Alpha to erase all his unexciting memories of sex with a ride he couldn’t forget.

  He didn’t need to speak, because Butch finished with the build-up, and the Alpha’s next thrusts became faster, deeper, breaching his intimate places. Butch reduced them both to animals in heat, panting and groaning, incapable of human words. Walker clawed at Butch’s shoulders, digging into skin and drawing pinpricks of blood. The Alpha didn’t seem to mind. If anything, Butch seemed more riled up than ever by the slight pain.

  Butch seemed capable of drawing something powerful inside of Walker, passion and desire for someone else that he’d buried a long time ago, when he realized he would never mate or marry for love. Now, his options no longer seemed limited.

  Walker was free to choose, and he chose this wonderful, wicked male of an Alpha who wasn’t far from conquering his heart.

  Butch shifted his thrusts, the next entry making him gasp, his eyes widen in shock.

  “God,” he whispered. He was this close to coming again but once more, held himself back.

  In response, the Alpha aimed for his prostate again. His climax continued to climb. As Butch brushed against his sweet spot repeatedly, jolts of electricity hit his groin. His balls tightened against his body, his dick close to erupting. No one ever made him come twice so soon. Heck, orgasms were rare during his monthly obligations to Terry. The ones he’d had during his marriage were by his own hand.

  “Give me your release.” Butch’s breath was warm against his neck, the next thrust sending him over the edge.

  Walker’s mind blanked out, his legs reduced to jelly as he spilled strings of his cum over Butch’s stomach and ribs. The Alpha wasn’t done with him yet. Butch hammered in and out of him, rhythm quick and punishing, before filling his ass with warmth.

  The Alpha threw back his head, letting out a triumphant howl. His wolf settled inside him, curling up like a smug animal. Seeing his nail marks on Butch’s skin filled him with pride, because they all but screamed “mine”.

  It was quite a sight, seeing Butch reach climax. The powerful Alpha got off him, as if Butch worried about crushing his body. Butch was thoughtful, control impeccable despite the primal side he’d unleashed earlier.

  Still feeling languid, he wondered what to do next. Terry always excused himself after sex. Once the deed was done, it was back to normal programming. Nothing prepared him for what came after sex.

  The last thing he expected was Butch reaching out for him. He thought the Alpha might be primed for round two again. Well, Walker didn’t mind, but he wanted to tell Butch he needed a couple of minutes, except Butch merely tucked Walker’s body against his.

  “Oh,” he whispered as Butch wrapped his muscled arms around his body. They felt like steel, but not suffocating. Warm. His Alpha was incredibly warm and generous. “This is nice, never experienced this before.”

  “You mean cuddling?” Butch asked with a snarl.

  He twisted in Butch’s arms, so he looked at the Alpha in the eye. “What’s gotten you angry?”

  “The fact your old mate never gave you what you need.”

  Walker shivered. “Terry was decent.”

  Butch bared his teeth. “Mating doesn’t have contracts or obligations. Everything is freely given.”

  The Alpha’s words challenged all of his old beliefs, but didn’t Walker want to break free of them in the first place?

  “Teach me.”

  “You want to be my student, little Omega?”

  “What’s with that grin?” he demanded. “I feel like I’ve walked into a trap.”

  “Why, scared this big bad wolf will eat you?”

  “You already did,” he said, blushing.

  “I’m not satisfi
ed with a nibble,” Butch said. “Sure, we’ll have fun, exploring this relationship between us.”

  “Sounds scary, but I know you’ll be a good teacher.”

  “My brave little Omega. I have so many things I want you to experience, and I won’t deny that creating memories with you excites me.”

  “Me, too.” Walker hesitated. Butch began stroking his back, making him whimper. Why was it this Alpha was capable of both roughness and gentleness? It was a damn heady mix. “Butch, I’m handing you my heart, so don’t break it okay? After Terry, I don’t have much to give.”

  Butch clutched the back of his head, pressing their foreheads together. “Don’t you worry your cute little ass off, baby. I’ll take good care of you. It’s not just you. I’m risking my heart, too.”

  Walker smiled. “We’ll both be careful then.”

  Chapter Eight

  Walker fired up Photoshop to do a couple of revisions for a client’s banner when he felt the nip of teeth at his jeans. He looked down to see Roxy, wagging her tail at him, doggy grin on her face. Butch had been surprised when he volunteered to look after Roxy while he was away on pack business, but he didn’t mind the extra company.

  Since he often worked at home, it was nice to be occasionally distracted by an energetic and adorable dog. Sometimes, Roxy was spoiled for attention though, from Butch certainly and from Butch’s pack mates.

  He let out a sigh. “Lunch time isn't until twelve. It’s just eight in the morning now, and Butch will get angry if I feed you too much. He says you’re getting fat.”

  If possible, the little Pom glared at him. Heart softening, Walker ruffled her ears and got up. Walker needed some coffee to start the day either way. He poured himself a cup, gave a few nutritional breakfast treats to Roxy and was about to settle back to his desk when the doorbell rang.

  Walker strode to the door, opened it, unsurprised to see Leon. Ever since Butch and Walker made love a week ago and after Butch discovered Derek had been contacting him, the Alpha had either his Beta or Abel drop by to check on him, despite his insistence that he would be safe.

  For one, even a persistent bastard like Derek, whom he suspected of harboring less than noble intentions, wouldn’t dare trespass on another pack’s land.

  “Good morning, Walker,” Leon said.

  “Morning.” He yawned. “Seriously, I keep telling Butch I’m fine. It’s not like I’m important enough to be targeted or anything like that.”

  “Alphas are naturally protective, you should know that by now.” The Beta always looked like he viewed the entire world as a joke, a contrast to Leon’s more serious mate, Steve.

  Walker liked Steve and even Tommy, Abel’s mate. Steve and Tommy were brothers, too, and were sometimes with their mates when they checked up on Walker. It was inevitable that Walker began to spend more time with Butch’s pack mates as well. As Alpha, Butch was the heart of his pack, and in a sense, his wolves belonged to him as much as a part of Butch belonged to them as well.

  Walker got along with Abel, Tommy, and Steve just fine, but other pack mates viewed him with apprehension and suspicion whenever he walked around town with Butch or when they were on a date. He couldn’t blame them. Walker was still an outsider, not pack. Leon might like to crack jokes most of the time, but he had the sense the Beta was watching him carefully.

  Was Leon wondering if he’d be a good fit for Butch?

  Sometimes, Walker wondered at that very question, too. No matter how many times Butch assured him he was perfect the way he was, Walker’s imperfections weren’t easy to overlook.

  At his silence, the Beta continued, undeterred. “I’ll be downstairs, if you need anything.”

  Leon was about to leave, when Walker said, “Wait. Will you be waiting in your car all morning until afternoon again?”

  “Abel will switch with me after lunch.”

  “You can wait here, if you want,” he blurted.

  Walker had some questions, and it couldn’t be comfortable, stuck in a car all morning, watching over the Alpha’s lover. Butch respected boundaries and never pushed him to join his pack although Butch mentioned if Walker needed a new home, the pack would welcome him with open arms.

  Walker wasn’t entirely too certain of that last part, because he saw for himself how protective Butch’s wolves could be when it came to their Alpha. While out grocery shopping yesterday, one had outright confronted him and demanded what sort of magic he wove, to be able to catch Butch’s attention. Walker disliked confrontations, and his pride had been at stake. He should have had a witty rebuttal ready, except he didn’t know how to tackle that question either.

  “Why does Butch only assign the two of you?” Walker asked out of curiosity.

  “Because he thinks you’re more comfortable with us both, as opposed to other dominant werewolves in the pack. If I stay here, won’t I bother you? Butch says you work at this time of the day.”

  “It’s fine. You can watch TV or do whatever. I’ll be at my desk with my earplugs on. Please come in,” he said, embarrassed to realize he hadn’t invited the Beta in.

  “If that’s the case, all right then.” Leon stepped inside, and he closed the door behind him.

  “Can I ask you something?” Walker ventured as Leon made himself comfortable by plopping down on the couch. He added, “Sorry, ignore my poor manners. Would you like anything to drink?”

  “Do I smell coffee brewing?”

  “How do you like yours?”

  “Black with lots of sugar.”

  He headed to his tiny kitchen to prepare coffee and a little meal. With mug of steaming coffee in hand, he also handed Leon a plate of French toast and bacon strips.

  Leon raised his brows at the breakfast platter, nostrils flaring.

  “I figured you didn’t have time to pick up any breakfast. I made some extra,” he said. “You don’t have to eat it.”

  Leon grabbed the plate. Ignoring the fork, Leon picked up the toast, munched on it and let out a moan. “God. No wonder Butch’s getting fat. You’ve been feeding him with this amazing food.”

  Walker blushed. Was Butch? The Alpha seemed perfectly hard and muscled like always in his opinion. Maybe he should start thinking up healthier options, since Butch and he usually ate breakfast and dinner together.

  Roxy gave him an unfriendly bark from the armchair beside the couch.

  “Man, Roxy likes you. That’s rare. She’s so finicky with company.” Leon chucked a strip of bacon into his mouth. “Jesus. That tastes good. What did you do to the bacon?”

  “Coated it slightly with maple syrup. Butch likes his that way.”

  “When did you learn to cook so good?”

  He fidgeted. Walker didn’t like talking about his past to anyone other than Butch, but he wanted to win this Beta, Butch’s best friend, over, to reassure Leon he didn’t mean Butch any harm and the fact he didn’t plan on going anywhere soon. He gently lifted Roxy from the armchair, placed her on his lap, took a deep breath, and started to talk.

  “I was raised in a traditional pack where they trained their Omegas to take care of the household. Cooking was one of the necessary skills.”

  Leon sobered up, expression turning intense. “Yeah? I’m assuming a pack like that keeps close tabs on all their Omegas. How did you end up here?”

  “They do, on the useful Omegas anyway. I’m flawed. I was in an arranged marriage-mating since I was eighteen, but after Terry died, no one had any use for me. I considered it a blessing in disguise. Since all the time we were mated, I couldn’t bear him kids, I was considered barren. My pack has no use for me, so it wasn’t really a loss to them to let me go.”

  “Their loss, our gain,” Leon corrected. “Besides, are you really certain you're the one with the problem?"

  “Excuse me?” He blinked. Walker had never considered that Terry might be sterile.

  “Have you got yourself tested?”

  “Well, no,” he admitted. “Why are you being nice to me anyway?"”

/>   “For a while now, I couldn’t quite figure you out, but you’re just good at hiding. Some pack members think you’re indifferent, but you’re not. You’re a survivor.”

  Indifferent? Walker supposed sometimes he gave people that impression. “You’re good at hiding, too. You look like you’re smiling all the time, but when it comes to it, you wear your serious, no-nonsense hat.”

  Leon looked surprised. “You got to understand, Walker. I grew up with Butch. We know each other inside and out, even though he’s now the Alpha, too. I just want what’s best for him.”

  “That’s not me?” he had the courage to ask.

  “I don’t know you well enough. Maybe you have your own reasons for not giving yourself completely to Butch, but Butch deserves a mate who’ll stand by his side and support him. You need to step up.”

  “That's true,” he murmured. Butch deserved better, and he knew he wasn't the easiest person to deal with.

  It wasn’t like Walker to be so emotional, but he had to admit it wasn’t just Butch who’d seduced his heart. This charming little town was starting to get to him, and he actually felt at home with Steve, Tommy, and to some extent, Abel and Leon.

  None of these shifters looked at him the way the other wolves in his former pack did, like they were gauging his worth to the pack. Here, they treated him like a person, not property.

  “Show Butch you're serious, that you're willing to commit to him and the pack,” Leon confirmed. “Do me a favor.”

  “What is it?”

  “Come to this Sunday’s pack meeting. Let Butch introduce you to the rest. Make it official, silence the naysayers who think Butch’s still single.”

  “Do I have to join the pack?” It wasn’t like Walker was opposed to the idea.

  He was beginning to see that the River West pack didn’t function like his old one, but he’d also felt like a prisoner chained to his old pack for so long. Walker needed time to think things over. Not about his relationship to Butch of course. Walker wanted the Alpha with every fiber of his being, ached whenever Butch was gone, even for a few hours.

  If he was air, then Butch was oxygen. It was that simple. Once, he’d been terrified of giving the vital part of his heart to someone else, but now, those fears seemed irrelevant.


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