His by Choice

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His by Choice Page 7

by Angelique Voisen


  “Stay back or I’ll blow his brains off,” Derek yelled.

  Butch growled, revealing sharp rows of teeth, but the threat made him halt.

  “Fuck, this shouldn’t have happened to me. All I wanted was to prove a point, that no one rejects me and gets away with it,” Derek hissed against his ear. “Maybe killing you might be better after all, if these rabid monsters are going to rip me to shreds anyway.”

  A gun fired from behind them. Derek faltered, losing his hold on Walker for a second. That gave Butch a window of opportunity. The Alpha didn’t wait. Butch lunged, and Walker rolled, ignoring the tendrils of pain climbing up his leg, to get out of Butch’s way. He followed the source of the gunshot and saw Leon, waving at him, shotgun in hand, a smile on his lips.

  What was the Beta smiling about, when Butch was still tangling with Derek?

  Derek wasn’t one to give up easily. Derek shifted to wolf. The two men collided, raking, clawing and biting at each other, but there was a reason Butch was Alpha. The fight was over in seconds. Butch landed Derek flat on his back and ripped Derek’s throat out in one jerk. Silence fell in the parking lot.

  All the worry for his mate came pouring out, and Walker erupted into tears. As if hearing his sobs, Butch got off Derek and padded up to him, nudging his face with his muzzle.

  “My hands,” he began, showing them to Butch, who used his teeth and snipped the bonds off carefully. Free, he wrapped his arms around the big Alpha, tugging him close in a fierce hug. When he pulled away, fur turned to human skin and Butch tipped his chin, looking into his eyes.

  “You’re safe,” Butch murmured.

  “I am, thanks to you. I knew that falcon was no ordinary bird.” He explained what happened since he was taken.

  “After hearing you were taken, I mobilized the pack and our other allies. The falcons proved themselves today.”

  “I’m just glad you arrived in time. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen,” he whispered. “Will you get in trouble for this?”

  “I doubt it. I acted in self-defense of my mate, according to shifter law. Besides, the pack has a good relationship with local law enforcement.”

  “I’m glad.” He leaned against his powerful mate a couple of seconds, inhaling the wonderful scent of Butch.

  “No one’s going to touch you again. You’re mine, and I protect what’s mine,” Butch said simply.

  He cuddled to his Alpha closer, not wanting to let go anytime soon. “Take me home, baby.”


  “You’ve seen Walker around with me. There’s a reason for that. He’s my mate, so treat him well,” Butch announced to the group of waiting wolves.

  Butch gave the back of Walker’s neck a reassuring squeeze. He turned to the waiting wolves. “Pleased to meet you all. I’ll do my best in supporting Butch and everyone else in the pack.”

  Even before Walker’s kidnapping, he’d already come to this decision. To his surprise, the River West pack had welcomed him with open arms, and not just Leon, Steve, Abel and Tommy. Even Luke gave him an encouraging smile, giving him a welcome clap like the rest. That done, he could finally breathe easy as Butch and Leon went on to talk about other pack affairs.

  Since Butch took center stage, Walker took the seat Steve and Tommy reserved for him in the front row of the meeting hall.

  “Great job, Walker,” Tommy, the more cheerful of the Doyle brothers, said with a thumbs-up.

  “Was it as hard as you thought?” Steve asked.

  “No. I used to worry about how the others would view me, whether they’d think I’m unsuitable for Butch, but none of that matters.”

  “That’s right. Focus on your own happiness,” Tommy said. “Besides, the more they get to know you, the more they’ll see your hidden strength. None of us ever saw Butch this happy, and you’re the reason.”

  Tommy’s words stayed with him until the end of the meeting. The pack disbanded, but Butch was waiting for him. Walker approached his mate, a sly smile on his lips. Both Butch and he agreed to wait until after the pack meeting, for his leg to heal up. After the bullet had been extracted, his regenerative abilities kicked in, and it had now faded to a scar.

  He circled his arms around his mate, lifting his head only to feel Butch slamming his lips over his. For those wonderful moments, he drowned in the heat and familiar taste of his Alpha, enjoying every nip and bite.

  When Butch pulled away, he asked, “What do you want to do next?”

  “Let’s go for a run.”

  He blinked, surprised. “You don’t need to stay behind and answer questions?”

  “Cleared that all with Leon and my enforcers. I’m not needed for a moment. Well, my mate needs my attention.”

  “Well, I’m not saying no to that.”

  “I want to bring you somewhere.” Butch clasped their fingers together and began walking out of the pack house.

  “Somewhere?” he asked, curious.

  They were outside now, in the parking lot. Butch led them to his bike, and Walker grabbed the spare helmet in the back, knowing the protocol by now. Once he strapped it on, he climbed behind Butch. The engine roared to life once he placed his arms around Butch’s waist. Wind slapped at their faces as Butch picked up speed. To his surprise, they entered town, only to stop in front of a small church.

  Having an idea of where Butch was bringing him, he sobered, touched his mate was finally letting him into his heart. They got off Butch’s bike, and he fell silent. Butch said nothing as Walker closed his fingers over the Alpha, letting Butch lead him past the church and to the cemetery beyond.

  They passed by numerous graves, other individuals who visited lost loved ones during the Sunday and finally came into an empty lot of graves. Butch stopped in front of a grave. The names engraved read: Rita and Lawrence Cassidy. He guessed these were Butch’s parents.

  No one ever talked about them, but he remembered Mrs. Wilkins calling it a tragedy. This was one secret Butch didn’t often share with anyone else. Since Butch had been an amazing listener when it came to his problems, it was his turn. He waited for his mate until Butch was ready to speak.

  “After my mother died from cancer, my father went insane. He became reckless, picking fights with other packs and practically tore the pack from the inside out. It came to the point he became a rogue wolf.”

  A chill went down his spine at those words, and his heart wept for Butch, who probably had been a teenager when that happened. Rogue shifters were those who lost control to their animals, becoming no better than feral animals in the process.

  “My father’s enforcers tried to take him down and failed, but I decided it was my responsibility. I’m his blood, so I let my wolf take over and ended his life before he hurt, or worse, killed some innocent bystander.”

  “Oh, baby,” Walker whispered, pulling his mate into a tight hug. “I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay. It’s been a long time.”

  Walker of all people knew some scars remained, but they also made them stronger. “You’ve done a great job with the pack. It might have been broken before, but it’s stronger now.”

  “Yes,” Butch said, looking into his eyes. “I thought I could pour my focus into the pack, but now, I realized I’ve neglected my personal happiness until you came along and made me realize I want everything—pack, home, and mate.”

  “I hope I’ll make you proud,” Walker replied, incredibly moved Butch had let him past the last barrier of his heart. “And we finally know I’m not barren. We can make a family together, Butch.”

  Butch took his lips, the kiss incredibly tender but nonetheless managing to warm his heart. “I’m already damn proud of you, baby. So much. It never mattered to me if you could or couldn’t have kids.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “I have one last surprise,” Butch said once Walker and he exited the cemetery and returned to the parking lot.

  “Another one?” Walker asked, eyes wide.

h.” Butch wondered if he was overwhelming his mate, but Walker’s eyes were shining, excited. They both agreed to wait until Walker was fully healed, before they took the next step in their relationship, and that time had finally come.

  “Here,” Butch offered, helping Walker put on the helmet. He gave the Omega another kiss. “Hop on.”

  There was another reason why he’d brought Walker here. Only Leon knew his parents were buried here, but Walker was his mate. Butch didn’t bring Walker here for closure, although that was partly the reason, but also because his other pack mates were busy doing some heavy lifting at his request.

  Once Walker mounted the bike, he started the engine, enjoying the feel of the wind on his face and Walker, slender arms around him, resting his head against his back. His Omega mate felt incredibly warm, wonderful.

  Butch steered the bike back to town and started for the River West’s residential district, not their usual neighborhood but streets lined with single story houses. He stopped the bike in front of one such house, with the mail box still unpainted. Leon strolled out of the front door, grinning, and he had a feeling the Beta had been waiting to make his entrance.

  “Hey, Butch. It’s all yours,” Leon said, tossing a key to him.

  “Thanks, Leon.”

  “What’s going on?” Walker asked, giving them both a suspicious look. “You two up to something no good?”

  Leon gave him a pretend look of shock. “I’d never.”

  The Beta left for his car, where Steve was waiting. Even Leon’s mate gave him a thumbs-up sign. Butch remembered that it was only a few weeks ago he’d given Steve some dating advice when it came to Leon. He never expected it was his turn to be mated. The fates must be smiling down on him, because he couldn’t have asked for a better match.

  “Butch?” Walker finally asked.

  He grabbed Walker’s hand and led him to the door.

  “Come see our new home, baby.”

  “Our new home?” Walker repeated, blinking as he slotted the key in and let them both inside.

  Butch let his surprised mate walk around the space a couple of moments, waiting for the fact to sink in that most of their belongings had been moved from their respective apartments to their new house, even the framed watercolor piece he’d hung for Walker the first time they met.

  Walker’s hand flew to his mouth, eyes tearing up as he turned to Butch.

  When Walker didn’t say anything, he asked, “Too much?”

  Damn it. Butch should have put off buying the house, but he wanted it to be a surprise. By moving from his parents’ place, he was making a stance, moving forward, to a good place, a wonderful future with his mate.

  Walker closed the distance between them and kissed him on the mouth, telling Butch he’d done something good.

  “Not at all,” Walker answered. “I know what it meant for you moving out of your parents’ place to start a new life and home with me. Thank you, baby. You can’t believe how happy I am.”

  “Hmm. I can tell.” Butch trailed his hand down Walker’s body, giving Walker’s dick a squeeze. The Omega’s moan was music to his ears. “Besides, it was about time I moved from that shoddy apartment. You were the one who taught me that the past holds no grip on us, even if we bear some old scars.”

  Walker beamed up at him. “I did? When did I ever sound so old and wise?”

  “Do you want the tour or head straight to the bedroom?” Butch asked. Unable to help himself, Butch nibbled on Walker’s bottom lip. Not touching Walker and waiting for his mate to heal up had tested his patience, but now, he wanted to feast, to indulge.

  “Need you ask? Bedroom of course. Is that the way?”

  Butch let Walker tug him to the opened door leading to the master bedroom.

  The house wasn’t overbearing or huge, but perfect for a couple, especially if they eventually decided to start a family in the future. Butch’s king-sized bed was there, propped up against the wall.

  “What happened to my bed?” Walker asked him, curious.

  “It’s down the hall, I think. This is better, because remember the time I fucked you in your bed? It was too small.”

  Walker blushed.

  “Don’t worry, baby,” Butch drawled, tugging at the hem of Walker’s shirt, pleased Walker held his hands up so Butch could yank the annoying piece of fabric away. “I just told pack mates to move our stuff, but we can decide together what to chuck, keep, or replace.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Walker whispered, not protesting when Butch began unbuckling his belt. Butch had Walker’s pants all the way to the ankle when his Omega decided he wanted to play, too. Walker reached out, began unbuttoning his shirt, fingers quick and nimble.

  When Butch raised an eyebrow, Walker explained, “No fair, I want to see you, too.”

  He laughed, letting Walker undress him until they were both nude. Then Walker went to his knees and looked up at him. He growled in approval, loving the gorgeous sight of his mate about to give him head.

  “Baby, you’re such a gift,” he said.

  Butch threaded his fingers through Walker’s hair, tugging the Omega’s lip to his dick. Walker flicked his tongue out, swiping his pre-cum away with relish. He groaned, growing harder as Walker licked his cockhead, even the sensitive spot underneath with evident relish. Butch gave Walker a look. “Enough playing around.”

  Walker took his dick down his throat. Walker used to gag at first, when he wasn’t used to Butch’s size, but Walker had grown in skill since then. The crafty Omega licked, sucked, and used a bit of teeth. Butch admired his mate, bobbing his throat up and down, working him to climax.

  “Let me take over.”

  Walker relaxed his mouth, and Butch pushed his prick in and out with careful strokes, finally unleashing the pressure building in him. With a groan, he erupted, shooting his load down Walker’s throat. His Omega took it all, not spilling a drop.

  Wearing a lazy smile, he said, “Good job, baby. Your mouth’s the best.”

  “It better be.”

  Butch offered his mate a hand up. Once Walker was on his feet, he edged Walker to the bed and gave his mate a little push. Walker ended up on his back, looking up at him, gaze soft and full of tender affection. Butch blanketed his body over his mate’s, showering Walker with kisses. He left a trail of bite marks down the length of Walker’s body, for he loved seeing his marks on Walker’s skin and his mate admitted he liked wearing them as badges of honor.

  He sucked on Walker’s right nipple, until the Omega cried out beneath him. Butch curled a finger around Walker’s shaft, beginning to stroke his mate’s prick up and down.

  “Come for me,” he demanded. Butch slid one finger into Walker’s puckered hole, and the Omega moaned, spilling his jizz all over his waiting hand.

  Walker’s face, unguarded and undone, was something he never got sick of. It didn’t escape him that Walker’s self-lubricating system was doing its work, so Butch added a second finger and began stretching his mate wide for his access. He placed a rough, biting kiss on Walker’s mouth. When he drew back, Walker smiled up at him.

  “I love you,” Walker whispered, the three little words going to his heart like arrows.

  “I love you, too,” he said, beaming, meaning every word. He extracted his fingers, deeming Walker ready for the ride.

  Walker turned over, positioned himself on all fours and offered his ass at Butch. “Take me, baby. Make me yours.”

  “You’re already mine,” he said, gripping Walker’s hips and aiming his dick into Walker’s ass. He slid in effortlessly, pushing past the stubborn ring of muscles until he was balls deep inside his mate. Walker let out a whimper, but he lowered his body against Walker’s back and took his mate’s mouth for another kiss. “Ready?”

  He drew away so Walker could answer. “Yes.”

  Butch began to hammer in and out of Walker, his thrusts fast and steady. As Walker cried out in pleasure and begged him for more, Butch fucked his mate, harder, going deeper. He a
ngled his hips the next time, and must have brushed against Walker’s prostate, because his mate gasped, clawing at the sheets.

  “That’s it, baby. Give me your release one more time,” he said encouragingly. “Touch yourself.”

  He felt Walker reaching out, obeying him. Butch slammed against Walker’s sweet spot repeatedly, sensing their wolves coming together. His balls tightened against his body. It was time.

  “You close, baby?” he asked.

  Walker answered him with a mewl. Butch reached over, giving Walker’s balls a pinch. That sent his mate over the edge. Walker came, screaming out his name, shooting his load right into his hand. Sweet mate.

  Butch pistoned in and out of Walker a couple more times, before the room fell away from the edges of his vision. Tiny fireworks went off inside of him. He emptied his balls, filling Walker’s ass with warmth as his mind floated in a sea of ecstasy.

  Only their two connected bodies mattered. It wasn’t just the physical aspect, but he could feel their hearts, souls, wolves, eager to join, to become soul mates.

  Walker offered his neck to him in submission, and that filled Butch with pride. Knowing what Walker had gone through, he could have waited longer, but it pleased him Walker offered himself, all of him, to Butch without protest. Walker trusted in them, in their love for each other.

  Butch unsheathed his fangs and struck, burying deep, past skin and hitting bone. Walker cried out underneath him, but he knew the orgasm still cushioned the pain. Once he felt their wolves became one, he pulled away. They collapsed on the bed, and he tugged Walker close to him. It was his mate’s turn to complete the dance. Walker bit his left bicep, leaving his smaller mate mark there, sealing the bond.

  Their animals were completely at peace, satisfied. They didn’t speak for a while, which suited them both. Butch was content to feel the press of Walker’s warm body against his, hear Walker’s steady heartbeat matching his own, and knew he was home.

  Walker twisted in his arms, facing him, but wrapped his slender arms around his waist. The Omega then buried his head into his chest.


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