His by Choice

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His by Choice Page 6

by Angelique Voisen

  “That’s up to you. Now that you’ve told me your story, I understand why you wouldn’t be so keen on joining a new pack soon. It doesn’t have to be difficult, you know. There are pack mates who are mated to humans, and other paranormals who aren’t involved with the pack,” Leon said kindly.

  “Butch is different. He’s the Alpha, and he anchors the pack. Butch deserves a strong mate who will support him through and through.” Walker hesitated, then admitted the core of his fears to a complete stranger, but this was Butch’s best friend and he knew that Leon’s first priority, like Butch’s, was the pack. “I’m scared I’m not strong enough to be that person.”

  “You’re strong, if you’ve managed to walk away from the prison you’ve been in your entire life. What’s that, compared to mating Butch?” Leon’s phone began to ring. The Beta took it out of his pocket and excused himself for a while and exited his apartment.

  Discussion over, Walker went over Leon’s words carefully.

  The Beta never mentioned it out loud, but was Leon asking him to take that final leap? If only memories of the past didn’t weigh him down. Old fears held him back. Since the first time they’d had sex, they’d had plenty more, and each time drew Butch to placing his mate mark on him, but the Alpha displayed exquisite control, holding back at the last second, because Butch knew Walker wasn’t ready.

  Walker knew that wouldn’t last long. Both their wolves were always pushing them to do the inevitable and God knew, Butch was everything he ever wanted, but what if Butch realized one day, that he was tied to a useless Omega who couldn’t give what he wanted, needed?

  Walker clenched his fists on his lap in frustration, momentarily forgetting Roxy was still there. As if sensing his inner conflict, she started rubbing herself against him, offering warmth. Smiling, he stroked her fur in reassurance. Sometimes, the Pom acted more like a needy cat as opposed to being a dog.

  His smile faltered. Mating Terry had used him up, made him less desirable, and he still couldn’t comprehend why Butch would decide to stick around with him, but he had to figure things fast. Butch was still an Alpha, and sooner or later, that precious control would break.

  “Am I brave enough to take that leap of faith?” he whispered.

  Chapter Nine

  Walker checked his phone again, lips curving to a smile at Butch’s message.

  Butch: I’ll see you at nine.

  He glanced at the time on his desk. Thirty more minutes to go. Walker rubbed his sweaty palms over his jeans. How could he be both nervous and excited to see Butch at the same time? His conversation with Leon three days ago had been a revelation of sorts. He thought back to the time he first moved into town, uncertain of what tomorrow would bring, but not anymore.

  His future had one man in it, and it was Butch. If Butch’s mouth sought the special spot between his shoulder and neck again, Walker would yield, give Butch the gift of his submission. Roxy yipped at him, nudging her furry head into his leg. He smiled at the Pom fondly.

  “Tonight’s going to be a game changer for Butch and me,” he said, feeling a little silly he was talking to a dog.

  It didn’t matter. Butch did it all the time, although the tough, strong Alpha always made it a point to hide it from him.

  His phone rang, and he saw it was Abel, telling him he was about to change shifts with Luke, another pack enforcer. Walker texted Abel a thanks and blew out a breath. He’d discussed with Butch he didn’t need protection anymore, but Derek had sent another threatening text message yesterday. Walker opened the message.

  Derek: Stop ignoring my fucking messages or I'll hunt you down.

  Damn him. Couldn’t Derek leave him alone and move on with his life?

  Whatever. Walker had made a promise to himself that he wouldn’t let the past taint the present. He clicked the calendar on his desktop, biting down on his lower lip.

  It was Friday, and come Sunday, he’d attend one of the River West’s weekly pack meetings. Walker was ready. He realized there should be nothing holding him back any longer.

  The doorbell rang, and he leapt to his feet. Maybe Abel forgot something. Luke shouldn't arrive until ten minutes later. Could it be Butch, surprising him? He ran to the door and yanked it open.

  “Butch—” he began, except it wasn’t Butch. Every muscle in his body froze at Derek’s leering face. “Derek?” Hesitation crept into his voice.

  Some of the dominant wolves in his old pack had made him feel small, insignificant sometimes, and Derek was one of them. Terry’s brother always appeared sympathetic, always wore a smile, but in truth, Derek was like a serpent underneath.

  “I hear you’ve been a busy little Omega, Walker, but you’re forgetting your place.”

  He took a hesitant step back. Walker opened his mouth to bare fangs, scream, but before he could take action, Derek wrapped one large hand over his lips and made a grab for him. If Derek thought he wouldn’t go without a fight, the other man had another think coming. He bit down over the fingers clamped over his mouth, making Derek hiss. Derek closed his hand into a fist, slamming it to Walker’s ribs before he could move, stealing the breath out of his lungs. Damn Derek’s speed.

  Walker knew his odds of winning were slim, especially up against a trained fighter like Derek. Still, he couldn't give up now. He kicked, clawed, bit, but Derek’s punches came without mercy, hitting his side, ribs, until he stumbled, ended up on the floor, exhausted. He curled protectively into himself, moaning in pain. Derek planted one leather shoe over his ribs.

  “Walker!” A voice yelled behind Derek in alarm. He spotted Luke’s angry, pissed off face. Luke always acted cold around him, but he knew the other werewolf wouldn’t want to fail his Alpha. Luke started to shift. Fur covered the other man’s arms, but Derek moved faster, shoving a hand into his jacket.

  Glimpsing the glint of metal, Walker croaked out, “Luke! He has a gun.”

  Luke didn’t react fast enough. Derek’s gun roared to life, and a second later, crimson blossomed on Luke’s chest. To his credit, Luke didn’t go down instantly. Derek fired two more shots, and Walker cried out in protest, making a grab for Derek’s ankle.

  Roxy started to yip, lunging for Derek’s other pant leg.

  “Roxy, no,” he whispered in alarm, heart twisting as Derek gave the Pom a savage kick that instantly knocked her down.

  “I didn’t want things to come to this, Walker, but you leave me no choice.” Derek aimed the gun at him, and time seemed to freeze. Then the bastard fired and he shut his eyes, only to feel agony streak up his leg.

  Derek had shot him in the leg, he realized with horror. Derek didn’t want him dead, at least not yet. Walker wasn’t sure to be horrified or relieved.

  “Don’t worry, silver bullets are expensive, but thankfully for me, Omegas heal human slow,” Derek remarked.

  Derek hefted him over his shoulder like a sack of flour and started out of his apartment.

  “No,” Luke protested, baring his teeth, about to lunge at Derek, but Derek shot him again. This time, the other werewolf didn’t move again.

  Icy terror filled Walker’s veins, making it difficult to breathe. Luke and he might have gotten off the wrong foot, but that didn’t mean the shifter deserved to die on his account. Derek took the elevator down, whistling under his breath.

  Derek was smart enough to avoid the lobby though and took the emergency exit that led to an alleyway. Derek’s familiar black Mercedes waited for them, and the dominant wolf chucked him in the back seat. When Walker tried to move, pain laced up his leg again, and he gritted his teeth.

  He could barely think straight as Derek grabbed something underneath the seat—a bag, and procured ropes. He resisted, but it was futile as Derek tied his wrists together but didn’t bother with his legs. Then Derek got behind the wheel.

  “Why?” Walker had to ask, trying to clear his mind, to figure out the reason Derek took him.

  He thought back to all the rumors he’d heard from former pack mates about Derek
, but Terry always assured him they were nothing but that, gossip. What if there was more to them? What if Terry had been covering for Derek all this while?

  Could he delay Derek long enough for Butch to track him? Luke was down, unconscious, but if the bullets Derek used were lead, then Luke wasn’t dead, couldn’t be, so he hoped.

  He didn’t think Derek had an answer for him, but Derek did. “After Terry died, you should have been mine. I always asked him if he’d loan you, but he always blew me off.” Derek laughed. “When he died, I thought the fates finally gave me a lucky break but you ran. Look what you made me do. I had to track you down to his hickville place, but it doesn’t matter now. From here on onwards, it’ll be just you and me, Walker.”

  “Why are you so obsessed with me anyway? You can have anyone you want. Why can't you leave me alone?” He had to ask. If he could understand why Derek was so persistent in chasing him, he might understand Derek better.

  “All the Omegas in the pack are either promised to other dominant wolves or mated to them. I want a child, Walker, my very own legacy to continue the family bloodline.”

  “But I’m barren,” Walker pointed out. Derek only laughed.

  “No, you’re not. Before Terry passed away, he agreed to do a test. He was the one with the problem. I plan to breed you. But once you give me a son, then I don't need to keep you around."

  Dread coiled in his stomach at those words. Forget trying to reason with Derek. How long had Derek managed to hide this psychotic side of him? He painfully shut his eyes as Derek started the engine. Would he ever see Butch again?


  Butch was about to end a meeting with a small falcon shifter group eager to find a new home in River West when his phone beeped. Every pack member knew not to disturb him unless it was important. He patted Leon’s shoulder, and the Beta gave him a nod. He excused himself from the room, the pack house’s conference room to answer the call.

  Seeing the number, he picked up immediately. “Luke, what’s up?”

  Butch didn’t mince words, and he froze, hearing heavy breathing on the other end. He reached out by instinct through the pack bonds. Butch was connected to all his wolves, but each member had shields. No one wanted thoughts or emotions to filter in by accident, but this time he sensed pain from Luke. One of his wolves was hurt, and worse still, he recalled Luke was standing guard for Walker.

  “Some asshole shot me and took Walker, shot him, too, but only in the leg.”

  “Luke, listen to me. Stay still. I’ll head right over there with Beth.” Beth was their pack healer, and although she wasn’t permanently stationed at the pack house, she always responded quickly to incidents.

  “I’m fine, in no immediate danger. The old lady who lives next to you saw me as she came out of the elevator.”

  “Hang tight,” Butch said, relieved Mrs. Wilkins had found Luke.

  He ended the call only to dial Beth’s number. She answered immediately, and they agreed to meet at his apartment building. Butch’s skin felt stretched tight over his body, as if his wolf wanted to rip out of him, but if he let the wolf take over, he wouldn’t be of help to anyone. All his wolf wanted to do was rip out the throat of the sorry bastard who’d dared to take his mate, but Butch reminded himself he was the Alpha of his pack.

  Butch took his bike and rode back to town. Beth beat him to the race. He parked his bike behind her familiar Blue Mazda and took the elevator to his floor.

  Save Walker, his wolf screamed. Soon, he told his wolf as they reached his floor. He frowned at the blood on the carpeting and saw the door to Mrs. Wilkins’s place was opened. Butch ran inside to see Mrs. Wilkins and Beth fussing over Luke.

  “Alpha,” Luke said, spotting him. “Mrs. Wilkins talked with a couple who were hanging in the lobby. They mentioned seeing a big, blond guy with another man of Walker’s description tossed over his shoulder.”

  Butch tried to think past his rage. On one hand, his wolf wanted to throttle Luke for failing to protect his mate, but Luke wasn’t to blame. He asked Luke more questions and found the couple’s description of Walker’s kidnapper matched Walker’s description of Derek.

  Finally, he turned to Beth. “How is he?”

  “I’m fine, just need to extract the bullets. They aren’t silver,” Luke answered, then hung his head. “I’m so sorry, Butch. I underestimated this guy, never thought he’d pull a gun on me.”

  “There’s nothing to apologize for.” Because Butch intended to get his mate back in one piece.

  “Go,” Beth told him simply. “Retrieve your mate, Alpha.”

  He nodded curtly and went back downstairs. Once on the first floor, he flared his nostrils, instantly catching Walker’s scent. The trail led him to the alleyway. He knelt, touching the dried droplets of blood on the concrete, snarling under his breath. Walker’s blood, he knew.

  He picked up his phone and called Leon. The Beta answered after two rings.

  “The meeting’s over. What happened, Butch?”

  “No time to explain. Leon, rouse the pack members there. We’re going on a hunt.”

  Anger unfurled in his belly as he gave Leon instructions. His pack knew how to react in an emergency. There was a reason why the River West pack had held this territory for years, because they kept their word on protecting the place and its residents, and that included Walker. Walker was his, God damn it.

  Derek had some guts, entering his territory, taking what was rightfully his. Fuck this. Butch would utilize all his resources to make sure Walker was safe in his arms. Once that happened, he was never going to let Walker go.

  Butch would place his mate mark on Walker so he knew where his mate was, twenty-four-seven, but first, he needed to teach Derek a lesson, as a reminder to anyone fool enough to take his mate. He was going to leave Derek in pieces and make sure nothing and no one would ever lay a hand on his Omega.

  Chapter Ten

  It was full dark by the time Derek killed the engine. Walker breathed through the pain. If possible, the pain in his leg, the bruises Derek left earlier, and his tightly restrained wrists kept him aware of his surroundings. Tossed in the backseat like some kind of pathetic hostage, he only saw the car passing by trees. They had been heading out of River West, he knew, but not that much time had passed.

  Every second passed by sluggishly, but he counted them. They couldn’t have been more than thirty minutes on the road when Derek stopped the car and parked it. Walker glimpsed other cars from his limited viewpoint. Derek turned to look at him.

  “Stay here. Do I have to gag you or will you remain quiet, like a good little fuck toy?”

  He was about to return more nasty words but caught sight of an alarmingly big bird perched on the car parked opposite Derek’s. Some kind of bird of prey, a falcon. Not just any normal falcon either, because intelligence gleamed in those eyes. The bird made eye contact, before lifting its wings for flight.

  Some kind of sign, he realized. He recalled Butch telling him about meeting a group of falcon shifters looking to settle in town. This couldn’t be a coincidence. Did Butch ask them for help? But he couldn’t dare to hope either.

  “What are you looking at?” Derek demanded, following his gaze, but the falcon shifter had already left.

  “I can see your brother, Derek. He won’t approve of this.” Maybe if he played the crazy card, Derek would back off a little, or at the very least, he could kill some time.

  Derek’s laughter boomed in the tiny car. “Have you gone insane from being parted from my brother, Walker? I know you didn’t love him, but he still put his mating mark on you. That’s got to hurt.”

  It did. Walker and Terry might have never been mates in every sense of the word, but they’d been friends, or at the very least, allies trapped in the same situation.

  “Still,” Derek went on, as if enamored by the sound of his own voice. “What would he say, if he heard you’re rampaging around town, spreading your legs for someone named Butch?”

  A chill went
down Walker’s spine. “What do you know about Butch, and does the pack know you’re doing this?”

  Derek smiled deviously at him. “I’m not stupid. I didn’t tell the pack, and even if they find out, I’ll tell them I was only concerned for Terry’s former mate. They’d believe me. I can be pretty convincing when I want to.”

  Walker believed him. Derek had proven that he was that good of an actor. Walker’s former pack wouldn’t care about him. He knew the pack and his parents only saw him as a commodity, and besides, he had Butch and the River West pack now—if they managed to get to him in time.

  Walker had to believe that he didn’t hallucinate that falcon, that it was indeed a shifter, not a normal bird.

  “As for this Butch, I don’t give a fuck. What is this dude, some random asshole you picked up in a bar?” Derek chuckled. “You’d beg the first guy you see to fuck you?”

  “You didn't do your research?” Walker asked. He was surprised. Derek had connections, came from a wealthy family and had high position in the pack. With those privileges, came the arrogance nothing could touch him. Engines rumbled in the distance.

  His wolf moved under his skin, no longer afraid. A powerful wolf howl rose in the air, and he knew without a doubt, his mate had come. Derek narrowed his eyes, peering out the windows.

  “What the fuck, are there rabid wolves around here?” Derek demanded.

  “Let me introduce Butch,” Walker said, leveling his gaze with Derek. “Butch is the Alpha of the River West pack, and he’s also my mate.”


  “Nope. Why would I lie about something like that?”

  Derek seemed to believe him enough, but perhaps he’d made that revelation a little too early, because Derek got out of his eat, opened his door and dragged him by his shirt. He groaned, body hitting the concrete. Derek dragged him to his feet, pointing a gun right to his head just as an enormous werewolf padded into the open from the bushes to the right of the parking lot.


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