Forever Violet (Tangled Realms Book 1)
Page 29
Sheer ecstasy rushes through my veins as he bites me harder while slipping his fingers inside me. I cry out, the noise echoing through the night and sending leaves from the tree branches falling around us.
I scream myself hoarse until I can scream no more. Then he removes his fingers from me and stares down at me with eyes glowing so violet I have no doubt how he feels about me.
“We can stop if you want?” He struggles to breathe. “I don’t even have any protection.”
“It’s fine… I’ve been on something since that day…” As the moment starts to slip away, I draw him to my lips, refusing to let the past control me anymore. I pull his body closer. He moans deeply as he starts to slip inside me, and for a faltering moment, I tense, that dark memory tainting the light he shines over me. I force the memory away, shoving it back into the shadows where it belongs, and whisper the words fighting to escape off my tongue.
“Jules … I love you,” I gasp as he sinks all the way into me.
“I love you, too,” he whispers, giving me a moment to adjust.
Then he begins rocking his hips, and I move with him slowly, until my body relaxes.
I start to lose control. So does he. Then our bodies slam together as we bite and claw at each other’s flesh.
Every part of the moment is perfect, even the scrapes and bite marks. And in the end, as we come apart together, all I see is violet.
Amazing, warm, loving, forever violet.
Chapter 39
“Mommy, I don’t want to leave you and daddy,” I plead as she runs through the forest, carrying me in her arms. I don’t know where my dad is, but when my mom and I ran away from the house, I heard him scream. It has me worried. And scared.
“You have to, Elora. It’s the only way you’ll ever be safe.” When we reach the center of the forest, she slams to a stop and whirls around. “Star, are you here?”
A girl with long, blonde hair emerges from the trees. She looks around my age, maybe a few years older. But unlike me, she appears sedated and calm.
“Are you sure the Common Realm is the safest place for her?” my mother asks, now clutching my hand.
The girl nods. “It’s the last place any creature would look for her.”
“Are you taking her there?” my mom asks Star, frantically glancing around the trees.
Star nods again, not a drop of emotion in her eyes. “I have a few connections at the portal who will assure her safe passage into the human realm. But you’ll want to erase her memories. If any creature finds her, it’s best if she doesn’t remember what she is.”
“I know that.”
Tears well in my eyes.
“Thank you for helping me, Star. I know you’re risking your life to be here.”
“I’m more than happy to do it. The king may have forced the answers out of me, but I won’t let him achieve what his heart desires.” She steps toward me. “When the time is right, when I’ve found the other nature energy creatures, I’ll track down Elora in the Common Realm.”
My mom nods, her hand tightening around mine. “Thank you. Knowing that will make this easier.”
“I’m going to the Common Realm?” I peer up at my mom with tears in my eyes.
My mom crouches down so she’s eye level with me. “You have to, sweetheart.”
“Are you coming with me?” I ask as the scent of fading moonlight and dirt taints the air.
She shakes her head sadly. “If your father and I go with you, he’ll be able to track our scent. But he can’t smell your scent.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m going to use all my power to mask it.”
“Will it ever return?” I really like my scent.
She tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “Maybe one day.”
I think she might be lying.
I open my mouth to say more, but heat stabs in the center of my brain and sears away everything that makes me Elora until I am nothing but a confused, scared, little girl.
“I love you,” a lady whispers. “Your father and I will always love you.”
I blink at her. “Who are you?”
The lady lets out a sob as she shoves me toward a girl with blonde hair.
“Who are you?” I ask, blinking at her.
“I’m no one.” She snags ahold of my hand and drags me into the bushes.
“Where are we going?” I ask as the sound of howls cut sharply through the air.
“Shh …” she whispers as we hunker down in the bushes. “Close your eyes. I’m going to take you away from here.”
I do as I’m told, feeling magic surround me, whisking me away into the sky, away from the forest.
Just before we soar through the last of the branches, I catch a glimpse of the sobbing woman. She’s kneeling on the ground as a beast of a man stands before her, a sword raised above his crown of violets sitting on his head.
“Where is she!” he shouts as giant wolves creep out from the trees.
“I’ll never tell you!” the woman yells as the wolves circle her.
“Then you shall die a painful death.” He lowers the sword then steps back. “Attack.”
The wolves bare their fangs, closing in on the woman before tearing at her flesh.
Her screams spear the dwindling night.
It’s the last noise I hear before blackness overtakes me.
Chapter 40
I wake up, gasping for air and blinking against the sunlight. Birds chirp from the trees and the breeze is crisp across my naked body. My naked body that’s lying on top of Jules.
Somehow, after the fierce love we made, we must have fallen asleep in the middle of the woods.
“Jules, wake up.” I give him a gentle shake as I sit up, straddling his waist. My eyes burn with old tears. More than likely, I’d been sobbing in my sleep.
He murmurs incoherently as his eyes roll open. When his gaze finds mine, his blue eyes immediately flame to violet.
“Hey.” He moves to kiss me, and I let him. But only for a moment, a quick taste, before I break the news to him.
“I have to tell you something,” I whisper against his lips.
Sensing my worry, he pulls back. “What’s wrong?”
The words rush out of me, every gory detail, from how I forgot my mom to how I watched her get eaten alive. I also tell him about the violet crown on the man’s head.
Jules swallows, his fingers digging into my waist. “My father killed your mother.”
“Actually, the wolves did.”
“But he commanded the order.”
“I know.” Tears veil my vision as I press my head against his cheek, clawing at his back as a wave of sadness and pain crashes over me. “I wish I could forget … seeing her like that.”
“I’m so sorry.” He kisses my head repeatedly as he trails his fingers along my spine. “Tell me what to do. Tell me how to take away your pain.”
I listen to his heart race inside his chest, a heart that still belongs to me no matter what his father did. “We need to find Star and see how many nature energy creatures she’s found. Even if it means tracking down a witch to get us into the Sun Moon Realm. I can’t wait any longer. Not when I know she’s the one who put me in the Common Realm.”
“We’ll start searching as soon as we get back to the house,” he promises me. “I’ll track down every witch I can if I have to.”
I press closer to him, tears rolling down my cheeks. “She was just a girl.”
“Star. When she helped me escape, she was the same age as me. Which means she was just a girl when she told your father about the vines … How could she possibly have the knowledge no other creature seemed to have at such a young age?”
“I’m not sure, but she’s probably very powerful.” He grows quiet, his chest rising and crashing against my cheek.
Wiping my cheeks with the back of my hand, I lean back to look at him, then startle at the tears watering his eyes.
“I’m so
sorry my father did this to you, Lake.” He sucks back his tears, struggling to breathe. “I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you. That is, if you even want to be with me anymore.”
“You think I’d stop loving you because of who your father is?” I shake my head when he doesn’t answer. “I still feel exactly how I did last night.” To prove my point, I let my eyes flood with violet light.
“I just want you to be happy and safe,” he whispers, his own eyes reflecting mine.
“Then stop thinking I’m going to leave you.” I manage to crack the smallest smile. “Whether you like it or not, you’re stuck with me now.”
“I’m perfectly fine with that.” He kisses me, letting his love for me flow through our lips.
I kiss him back, allowing every drop of violet shine from me, letting him know nothing has changed.
“We should get dressed.” His lips brush against mine as he speaks. “So we can get started on our witch hunt. Plus, the glamour has worn off.”
“Okay.” I resist a sigh as we stand, wishing we lived in a realm where we could stay in the trees and make love all day on top of a bed of rose petals.
Unfortunately, as I’m reminded moments after we put our clothes back on, this realm is too polluted and broken for such peace to exist.
Chapter 41
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Slate stalks from the trees with his hands in his pockets. Bruises and welts pebble his skin, and he has a limp to his walk. “You look lovely, Elora. Although, personally, I’m not a fan of the violet eyes. But maybe I can break that out of you.”
Jules’ teeth clank together as he growls. “You come near her and I’ll break both your legs.”
He rolls his eyes. “You and what army?”
Jules positions himself in front of me. “My guards.”
The smile that curls at Slate’s lips send a chill slithering down my spine. “What? These guards?” He whistles, and a few deafening heartbeats later, ten of Jules’ guards appear from the bushes and trees, their swords drawn, the sharp tips aimed at me and Jules.
“Sorry to be the one to break it to you”—Slate looks anything but sorry—“but as of last night, most of your guards now work for your father. So do I.”
Jules spans his hand to his sides protectively. “You will all be killed slowly and painfully for your betrayal,” he warns in the coldest tone I’ve ever heard.
Slate throws his head back and laughs. “That’s quite a big threat for a wolf in your position.” He gestures at the wolves circling us. “Take a look around you, Jules. You have nowhere else to go.”
“We’ll see about that.” Jules reaches for his knife, but stops when Slate clucks his tongue.
“The moment you draw a weapon, I sic them on her.” He points a finger at me then winks.
A violent growl rumbles from Jules’ chest, rage rippling off him in violent, potent waves.
Slate smirks, pleased. “I like this side of you—all rage and growls and threats. Too bad you couldn’t have been this way a little earlier. Maybe then you would’ve killed me sooner instead of torturing me. Unfortunately for you, that’s not the case. And unfortunately for you, your guards and I can be bribed by your father.”
“Bribed with what, exactly?” An edge etches into Jules’ tone.
Slate’s smirk broadens. “The fountain of youth. Everlasting life. To live forever. Something you two do not get the pleasure of experiencing.”
Wait … Does that mean his father can make other creatures immortal?
Slate hobbles forward, leaves and branches crunching underneath his feet, reminding me of my gift. “Now, here’s what’s going to happen. Lake is going to come with me so the king can kill her personally and make sure she’s good and dead.” He stops just short of us. “As for you, Jules, I’m afraid your time in this life has come to an end.”
My lip twitches as I spread my fingers wide, whispering to the leafy vines that hang from the trees. Like snakes, they slither down the trunks and move across the ground.
Jules clutches my wrists.
“And to be extra certain you obey, I brought a little surprise.” Slate claps his hands, and two more guards stride through the trees, dragging a bound creature with them.
No, not a creature.
“Legend,” I whisper in horror, momentarily losing hold on my magic.
He stumbles forward, snagging my gaze. “Lake, whatever you do, don’t go with him.”
My gaze skims over him, inspecting for any wounds or injuries. Then I remember he’s a vampire, and while he can be hurt, cuts, scrapes, bruises, and broken bones never last long.
“I have to say that your little friend right here must really care about you.” Slate roughly pats Legend’s shoulder. “No matter how hard we tortured him, he wouldn’t tell me where you were. Lucky for my sake and the king’s, one of Jules’ guards informed me that Lake had shifted last night and fell asleep in the woods.”
Legend’s fangs descend from his gums. “When I get loose from these ropes—and I will—I’m going to rip your throat out.”
Slate just smirks. “Sorry to break it to you, but none of you are walking away from this.”
“That’s where you’re wrong,” I whisper. “You’re the one who’s not going to be walking away.”
Then, like a bursting thunder and lightning storm, I unleash my magic. Vines and branches burst through the air and rip from the ground, slithering like venomous snakes and wrapping around Slate and the guards’ bodies. Cries and howls haunt the air as the vines and branches squeeze tighter and tighter and tighter, crushing their bodies, squeezing the life from their veins. Eyes bulge, last breaths gasps.
I ball my hands into fists, fingernails cutting into my palms, as I watch the scene unfold in terror, until finally Jules and Legend pull me away. Away from the wolves trapped in the tangled web of deadly vines and branches I created.
Chapter 42
We find the rest of Jules’ guards slaughtered at the edge of the field. The sight of their mangled bodies makes me feel a bit less awful about killing the other wolves, but not enough to stop me from vomiting all over the ground.
Jules kneels beside me and rubs my back while I empty out the contents of my stomach. “We need to get Lake someplace safe,” he tells Legend. “But I need to stop by the house and see if Liberty, Rune, Shade, my mom, and Kylan are okay … If they’re at the house, they should be.” His voice cracks. “Dammit, I can’t fucking believe this is happening. I can’t believe my guards would …” He trails off, breathing harshly.
“Not all of them betrayed you,” I remind him, wiping my mouth with the back of my sleeve.
“I know.” He plummets into grieving silence.
“I think I know a place where we can hide for a little while,” Legend mutters. “It’s in the Willow Realm, but the house is well-hidden and the owner is trustworthy. Plus, he’s rarely home during the springtime.”
“Take Lake there, then,” Jules instructs. “I’ll meet up with you later after I find everyone else.”
I raise my head. “No, I’m going with you.”
He shakes his head, violet eyes blaring with light. “It’s too dangerous.”
I give a pressing glance back at the forest, making a silent but very valid point.
With nothing left to argue about, the three of us set out for his house together.
When we arrive at the house, Liberty greets us in the foyer with a sly smile. Kylan is behind her, looking miserably tired.
“You two have fun last night?” She clearly has no clue what’s going on.
A good sign, I decide. More than likely, it means they’re all safe.
“Where’s Shade and Rune?” Jules asks as he barrels up the stairway.
“In the training room.” She shakes her head, gaping at me. “What’s his deal? I thought he’d be super happy after you guys didn’t come back last night.”
“We were for a bit.” The sadness of the truth chills my b
ones. “I need to tell you something.” Then all the lies I’ve been keeping from her rush out of me at once.
Before we leave, Jules takes a moment to send Philip a letter, informing him of where is family is being held captive and a few ways he might be able to free them.
“I feel like it’s not enough,” Jules says as he seals the letter. “One day I need to make this up to him.”
I brush my knuckles across his cheek. “You need to stop blaming yourself for everything your father does.”
He slings the handle of his bag over his shoulder. “I know, but I need to fix what I can—fix what he’s done to our realm.”
“We will.” I take his hand, letting him know he’s not alone in this.
He steals a soft kiss before steering me out of the room. Then we abandoned the house. Shade, Rune, Kylan, Legend, Liberty, Jules, and I. Jules also carries his mom, wrapped up in a blanket. We pack very little, only a bag each, and set out for the underground spot Legend mentioned. We all sport cloaks, and Jules uses the last of his glamour to keep us concealed as we rush through the city.
As we creep undetected past the magical creatures, I tell Legend everything. About what we found in Jules’ library. How we need him to help us. I also beg him to forgive me for bringing him into this mess.
“This isn’t your fault.” He drapes an arm around my shoulders and pulls me close to his side. “And I probably would’ve been dragged into this mess even if I hadn’t met you.” He grinds his teeth. “The Eternals are officially starting a search for a cure for the vines.”
“What will happen if they find out about me?” I ask, wrapping my cloak around myself.
“They won’t,” he swears to me. “Because, as soon as I drop you and your wolf friends off, I’m going to find this Star, and then we’re going to find a way to get rid of the vines without any harm coming to you.”
“Or the rest of the nature energy creatures,” I add.
All he does is stare off into the distance.