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Drawn to You: Lover to Stepbrother

Page 1

by J. L. Ostle

  Drawn to You

  J.L. Ostle

  Copyright 2017 J.L. Ostle

  All rights reserved

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including but not limited to photocopying, recording or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people, either living or deceased, is purely coincidental. Names, places, and characters are figments of the author’s imagination, or if real, used fictitiously. The author recognizes the trademarks and copyrights of all registered products and works mentioned within this work.

  All rights reserved.

  Edited by Aleesha Davis

  Proofread by Jen Wildner

  Formatted by Leigh Stone

  Cover designed by Kennedy Kelly

  Always to my beautiful little boy.

  Also to one of my best friends Susana (Sasha) Steeley for giving me the inspiration to name my leading lady. The name suited the character lol Least you’re in one of my books ;)


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36


  Excerpt - Seduced by a Rockstar - Chapter 1

  Excerpt - Seduced by a Rockstar - Chapter 2


  Books by J.L. Ostle

  About the Author


  “Mr. Baxter, I would say I’m surprised to see you again in my office but we both know that I would be lying.” Principal Atkins sighs, glancing at his computer before looking back to me. I give him a shrug, leaning back against the chair. This is the sixth time I’ve been in here in the last two months for getting caught fucking a girl either in a classroom or the locker room. “I get you’re young and have needs, but I am sick of telling you to keep it in your pants.”

  “I can’t help that the girls in this school can’t keep their hands off me.” I smile, placing my hands behind my head.

  “I have no choice this time, Colin.” He leans forward in his chair. “You have got off with so many warnings so I think suspension is the only way you will learn.” I sit up straight.

  “For how long?”

  “Three weeks.” Fuck.

  “You can’t do that. I have a big game before then and you know as well as anyone in this town that the team needs me.” I can even hear the panic in my own voice. Scouts are already interested in me and they will pull out if they know I got suspended.

  “My hands are tied here. You may think you are God in this school, but you aren’t.” He rubs his forehead with his hand. I know he doesn’t want to do this. I can see it all over his face.


  This can’t happen.

  “Surely there is something else you can do. Punish me in some other way.” A knock on the door makes us both turn and I see a familiar head poke through. Sasha Bennett looks at us both then to the ground.

  “Sorry to interrupt, I have those forms you wanted.” She quickly walks in, putting them on the desk and then quickly heads back out.

  “Thank you, Miss Bennett.” She turns, giving him a small smile, and her eyes dart over to me before quickly looking away and leaving. I turn back around and see Principal Atkins looking at the sheets of paper. “Have you heard about the talent show that is being held here?”

  “The one that’s raising money for charity?”

  He nods. “A lot of known people will be attending and we are shorthanded on volunteers.” He doesn’t need to continue for me to know what he is getting at.

  “You want me to help out.” I groan.

  “Yes, as well as your friends.”

  “Come on, you know the talent show is full of outcasts. My friends wouldn’t help out even if you paid them.”

  “Then you need to see how loyal they are to you it’s either this or suspension. Your call.” I lean back, looking up at the ceiling.

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “I want you and your friends to help out with all the handy work, getting the students to come. That sort of thing.” I stretch my arms up, thinking it over for a second. I know I have no choice and Principal Atkins knows it.


  “Good, well at least we have that cleared up.” I stand up and head to the door. “Oh and Mr. Baxter.” I stop and turn around, his eyes on me. “Don’t screw this up,” he says quickly as I walk out the door to the busy hallway.

  Leaning against the wall, I take a deep breath. This cannot be happening to me. Why did I have to fuck Katie, or was it, Kathryn? Did it even start with a K? Anyway, why did I have to fuck that girl in homeroom before school started? I know why. It’s because I think with my dick. I can honestly say that I would probably do it all over again, even knowing the consequences.

  A girl just has to say she is ready to blow me and I have her pinned against the wall, making sure she keeps her promise. I do love a good blowjob, but nothing ever compares to entering a tight, warm cunt. Even thinking about it now is making me want to grab the nearest hot girl and fuck her brains out.

  I just need to be more careful where I’m fucking from now on.

  I start walking to my next class when I feel someone clap my shoulder and I smile when I see my best friend Aaron.

  “So, what did Mr. Prick have to say to you this time? Not to do it again and to be a very good boy?” He laughs.

  “Aaron, he threatened to suspend me.” Aaron stops and looks at me.

  “Please, tell me he didn’t. We play against Cornwall in a couple of weeks.”

  “Do you think I don’t know that? We made a deal.” I continue walking with Aaron right beside me.

  “What deal? It must be better than getting suspended. Especially this close to graduation.”

  “That depends on what you think “better” is. I’ve been roped into helping with the talent show.” Aaron stops in the middle of the hall and starts to laugh.

  “Oh, man, that is so funny. You’re going to be hanging out with the music nerds and people who think they have talent when they clearly don’t.” He holds onto his stomach as he continues to laugh.

  “Laugh as much as you like. You and the rest of the guys are helping me.” He stops laughing and runs up to me as I turn a corner and a few girls that walk by give me seductive smiles and small waves. I give them a wink, making them giggle.

  “How the fuck are we involved in this?”

  “Atkins said that you all need to help and, if you don’t, I’m suspended for three weeks.”

  “That mother-fucker!” he shouts, causing people to look our way. “So, I have to study, train, and also help out w
ith the nerdfest?”

  “You got it.”

  “You are so lucky that we need you on the team or I would let you get kicked out of school. Can’t believe we are being punished because you fucked some chick. In the school. Again,” he whines.

  “Thanks, man, glad to know you have my back,” I say sarcastically.

  “Come on man, this is going to be torture.” He turns, looking behind him. “Look at them.” He nods behind us.

  I turn to see Sasha and her friend, Karen I think is her name, whispering to one another as they write something down. Like she knows I’m looking at her, Sasha looks up, her big blue eyes connecting with mine, and I see her cheeks blush as she looks away, her long, light brown hair almost touching her tight ass. “Look at them, they don’t care how they look. They’re also in music band, which is social suicide, and they have a so called ‘rock’ band,” he continues.

  “You have put way too much thought into how nerdy they are.” I take another quick glimpse back and, yeah, they are in the nerd category in this school. They don’t party, they work hard, and join anything that is involved with music.

  But still, I know it’s weird, and I wouldn’t even share this with the Pope himself, but there’s something about Sasha Bennett that I find intriguing.

  A few months ago, I was fucking a girl in the girl’s locker room and I heard someone come in. We stayed perfectly quiet but I looked around the corner to see Sasha undressing and, holy fuck… her body is made of every guy’s wet dream.

  Her body is perfect. Curves in all the right places, big breasts, smooth, flawless pale skin. Her long, brown hair flows down her back. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her; I felt like she was teasing me without even knowing it. My dick got harder and harder the longer I watched her. Every time I see her now, all I can picture is her naked body on my bed, her long legs spread open. Once Sasha left, I fucked that girl so hard that I even saw stars.

  I know I have no chance with Sasha. Not because she’s a good girl, but because she is a virgin. I know goody, goody virgins like to keep hold of that shit until they are in a relationship. If you know me, you know I don’t do relationships.

  I’m in my prime and I want to enjoy as many girls as possible. I’m eighteen years old, I’m the star quarterback, and girls open their legs with a click of my finger, so why would I want to ruin a good thing for one girl?

  I look back once more and quietly groan to myself. Why did I have to see her naked body? I close my eyes and I see her there, biting her lip, and I quickly re-open them, looking back to Aaron who is on his phone texting away.

  “The guys aren’t happy,” he says without looking up.

  “Couldn’t you have waited until lunch?”

  “If the guy’s lives are over, shouldn’t they have a right to know?” I push his shoulder.

  “Stop being melodramatic. It’s a couple of weeks of helping out here and there and then it’s over.”

  “Until you get caught fucking another girl,” he quips as we walk into class and take our seats.

  “I won’t get caught anymore. Like hell I want to go through this again. Let’s get this shit over with and concentrate on our next game.” I sigh and look to the front of the class to see two blondes looking at me smiling. One saunters over and sits on my desk, spreading her legs out a little.

  “Hey, Colin,” she purrs. I recognize her from the cheerleading squad. I also happen to know she is quite flexible.

  “Hey.” I give her a charming smile that I know makes girls wet.

  “I was just wondering if you could help me out with something.”

  “And what is that?” I watch as she glides a hand up her leg.

  “I have this ache, right here.” She points to her inner thigh, close to her pussy. “I need you to make it all better.” I feel my dick jump in response.

  “I’m sure I can help you with that.” I stand up, gathering my things, and I take her hand.

  “You really going to fuck her after you were just almost suspended?” Aaron looks at me incredulously.

  “I’m already being punished, I better make the most of it.” I give him a cocky smile and head to the door. I don’t know why, but I look to the back of the room and see Sasha watching me, but I don’t think anything of it as I am pulled away. We enter a nearby janitor closet and, once the doors are closed, her lips land on mine.

  Her hands go straight to my jeans, unbuttoning them, and she pulls them down along with my boxers. Her hands grip around my erection for a minute before she kneels down, taking all of me into her mouth like she can’t wait to taste me. I grip her hair and my head falls back. I can feel my dick hitting the back of her throat and I grab her hair harder, urging her to suck faster.

  My dick starts pulsing so I tug her hair until she stands and lift her tiny skirt, ripping off her underwear making her yelp. I place my fingers along her wet folds causing her to moan. Like I predicted, she is dripping. I bend down, grabbing a condom from the pocket of my jeans that are around my ankles. Stepping out of them, I place the condom on, stroke my dick along her pussy, then with one quick thrust, I enter her and she screams in ecstasy.

  I lift one of her legs so it’s around my waist, allowing me to enter her more deeply. Her pussy tightens around my dick the faster I go and I move my hand so I can reach her clit and start rubbing with my thumb. Her moans getting louder, I rub harder, thrusting in faster, and soon she screams out and I thrust a few more times until I reach my own release.

  I breathe into her neck until my heart rate is back to normal, and then quickly kiss her hard, pulling out of her. Taking the condom off, I tie it up and place it in the bin that’s in the corner. Pulling my jeans up, I watch as the blonde adjusts her skirt and I smile knowing that she isn’t wearing anything underneath and that her pussy will smell of me all day.

  “That was really incredible,” she finally says.

  Once I’m ready, I give her another kiss and open the door, checking no one is around, and once the coast is clear we both step back in the hall. “I’m going to head to the girl’s room. See you around?” She bites her lip.

  “Sure.” I watch her walk off. I know this is going to make me sound like an asshole, but I don’t go twice unless I really need a quick release and there is no one else around. Girls get attached after you fuck them. If you cross that line more than once, they think you’re in a relationship or have something special.

  I don’t want to hurt their feelings, but you shouldn’t let a guy fuck you after five minutes and expect them to claim you as theirs. It’s a fuck, end of discussion. But I know it’s not easy as that.

  I head back to class, and Aaron smiles as he shakes his head at me.

  What can I say?

  I like to fuck.


  “I think he likes you,” Karen, my best friend, whispers in my ear. I continue looking at the song I wrote ages ago, trying to make sure it sounds alright in my head.

  “You’re seeing things,” I whisper back and she scoffs.

  “If you say so.” I look up and see Colin concentrating on what Mr. McGuire is saying and look back to my notes. “He’s Mr. Hot Shot, Karen. He’s interested in girls who wear short skirts and willingly open their legs with a simple smile. He likes the hot girls.”

  “I think you’re a good looking girl.” She giggles.

  “Thanks, but I’m not like the ones he goes for. If you’ve forgotten, we’re ‘music nerds’. Anyway, even if I was interested, it would never happen.” I dismiss the thought and start humming the song I’m working on.

  “I like that we’re music nerds. Your music is going to make us famous and then we can laugh at these assholes who think they are better than us. Colin would be lucky to have a girl like you.”

  “Why are you going on about Colin? Do you have a crush on him?” She pushes my arm and scoffs.

  “What? No. It’s our last year of high school and it would be nice to go on a date or even make out with someone.” She sighs. />
  “Phillip likes you, he would make out with you.” I try not to laugh. Phillip is also part of the music nerd group and he has a huge thing for her. He basically adores her and would do anything for her.

  “I don’t think so. It would be like kissing my brother if I had a brother.” She shivers. “Anyway, what is the plan for the talent show?”

  “We’ll go last, I think. I want the others to do their bit and then we go on.”

  “But if we go last people may lose interest by then.”

  “We are good, Karen, and once we start playing, we are going to rock the whole thing. I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t think it was okay.” She nods, trusting my judgment. I have been put in charge of the whole talent show. I mean, I have to oversee everyone’s talents and make sure it’s all top notch and then take care of all preparations and make sure the equipment is all in order.

  We are dismissed from class and when I get to the door, I accidentally bang into someone in front of me and notice it’s none other than Colin Baxter. He turns around and grabs my upper arm, and I can’t explain it, but my whole body shivers at the contact. His light green eyes go to his hand and I swear I feel his thumb rub against my skin.

  “Are you okay?” he asks me, his voice vibrating through my entire body. I pull my arm away and shrug.

  “I’m good.” I walk around him and head down the hallway.

  “What was that?” Karen asks as she runs to my side.

  “What was what?” I ask.


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