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Drawn to You: Lover to Stepbrother

Page 7

by J. L. Ostle

  “It's fine,” Danny says with gritted teeth before grabbing a beer and leaving.

  “You are so hot.” Colin kisses my neck. “I’m not just talking about that killer dress.” His hand glides down my back, causing goosebumps in its wake.

  “I do try.” He chuckles.

  “You do have some balls. No wonder why our boy here likes you.” Nathan laughs. “I’m Nathan by the way.” I shake his hand.

  “Nice to meet you. You played well today.” He beams. Karen does have the right way of doing things. Just compliment a guy and they are in the palm of your hand. I do want his friends to like me. Danny seems like an ass but Aaron and Nathan aren’t that bad.


  “Karen thought I was amazing on the field today.” He puts his arm around her shoulders, passing her a beer in a red cup. She winks at me and holds his hand.

  “You were, couldn’t take my eyes off you, you were that mesmerizing on the field.” He looks so proud of himself it's almost funny.

  “Everyone only ever sees Colin since he’s the quarterback, but we’re all just as good.” Aaron nods in agreement.

  “I know what you mean, you were really good. In the band, everyone only ever notices Sasha as she can sing the shit out of anything, but I can play the guitar like a devil possessed.”

  “You’ll have to play for me sometime.” Aaron winks at her.

  “You’ll have to give me a personal show in your uniform.” He gives her a smoldering look.

  “I think that can be arranged.”

  “Good.” She smiles at him and takes a sip of her drink.

  “They’re just as bad as each other,” I tell Colin.

  “Yeah, they are. Hope she knows what she’s in for. He can be a dick.” I squeeze into him tighter. I like that he’s warning me even though it’s his friend.

  “I already warned her. She just wants to lose her virginity and, in her eyes, she thinks losing it to a football player is a memorable thing.” He stands in front of me and before I have time to react, he lifts me up so my legs wrap around him and he places me on a counter, moving to stand between my legs.

  “Does the same go for you?” I shake my head slowly.

  “Yeah, I would love to lose it before I go to college but I want a connection. I want feelings involved. I don’t want any regrets.” His eyes bore into mine, soaking up every word I’m saying.

  “I’ll prove to you that, whenever you’re ready, you will never regret being with me.” He takes hold of my wrists, placing my arms around his neck, then puts his hands on my hips. “You will never regret me.”

  “I hope you’re right.” He leans down and kisses my nose, causing me to giggle.

  “I will prove it.”


  I have never had so much fun. I’ve danced, laughed, and my and Colin’s friends are acting like long lost friends, well minus a certain dick Danny. Colin passes me another drink and stands by my side as we listen to Nathan and Leo argue over an episode of The Big Bang Theory.

  Colin presses a kiss to the side of my head and wraps his hand around my waist. I look around the room and see a few girls staring our way but I look away and concentrate on my friends. A slow song comes on and I see someone walking towards us from the corner of my eye.

  A redhead with long, shiny hair, creamy white skin, and seductive smile stops in front of us. She rubs her side to Colin’s and pulls him more towards her and away from me. “Would you like to dance?” She goes on her tiptoes so she’s closer to his ear. I watch him try to detangle himself from her.

  “I’m with Sasha.” He steps back to my side, giving me an apologetic smile.

  “Who?” The girl asks, confused. I look at her in disbelief, he just stood by me and she still can’t figure it out? Or maybe she’s acting like I don’t exist.

  “My girl.” He pulls me into his side in an obvious way. Her eyes train on me and she checks me up and down.

  “The rumors are true?” She shakes her head. “After we fucked this time last week, you gave the impression we would be having more fun,” she pouts. Seriously, this girl is pouting like a two-year-old. It’s just another reminder of his selective past.

  “That was before I started seeing Sasha. I’m off the table now, spread the word.”

  “I don’t mind sharing.” She walks to his side and places her hand on my hip. “I’m game if she is.” She smiles seductively at me. Even if I wasn’t a virgin, I don’t want to be watching my guy having sex with another girl right in front of me.

  “Take the hint, girly, you aren’t getting any. Go get your claws in another guy,” Karen interrupts. I have never been more thankful for her non-filtered mouth more than I am now. The girl glares at Karen and winks at me before walking away. “Some girls are so desperate,” Karen huffs.

  “You are a sassy girl, aren’t you?” Aaron looks down at Karen in awe.

  “I don’t let whores hurt my friends.” She steps closer to him.

  “Do I classify as a friend?” He moves in closer so their bodies are almost touching.

  “Maybe.” She smiles up at him.

  I roll my eyes and luckily, Starley ‘Call on Me’ starts to play. I grab Colin’s hand and I start to walk backward so I’m facing him and drag him to the made-up dancefloor. A few couples are already swaying to the song. I wrap my arms around Colin’s neck and we start to slowly sway like the others.

  I love the song and soon I start to sing along to the words. My eyes stay connected to his. His eyes solely on me. His hands glide down to my hips and I start to move them a little and he pulls me in closer to him as I continue to sing to him.

  I start playing with his hair as I sing the words that he can count on me. That if he needs someone, he has me. I sing stronger when the song starts to come to an end and finally, the song ends and he places the gentlest kiss on my lips.

  It’s like he’s trying to tell me what he is feeling through that one kiss.

  The room is quiet and I look around to see everyone has stopped what they are doing and are watching us. I look to Karen and she mouths show off. Soon, everyone starts to clap and walk our way, making conversation.

  People start introducing themselves even though we all go to the same school and I know who they are, but I guess they never really knew I existed. A few say that I’m a good singer and ask if I ever thought of doing it professionally, and I tell them I’m in a band and they gushed even more. I have never had so many people come and talk to me like I became famous overnight or something.

  Colin stays with me every second. His hand glued around my waist to show everyone, especially the guys, that I’m his. Girls who had boyfriends were saying Colin and I make a cute couple and it’s about time someone tamed him.

  I listen to everyone talk but my mind drifts off. Me and Colin have only been together for like, a day, and only started interacting a couple of days ago. Right now, I’m starting to feel a little claustrophobic. This is too much, way too fast.

  “I need to get some fresh air,” I tell everyone and step away from Colin. I squeeze myself away from the crowded room until I’m at the back of the house and suck in a deep, calming breath.

  Looking ahead, I see some open space so I start walking and when I’m a good distance away from the party, I sit on the grass, which is hard in this dress. I hug my legs to my chest and lean my head on them and close my eyes.

  I feel so stupid.

  Colin has been nothing but sweet and caring and I just ran away from him.

  This is my first real relationship. The last time I had a boyfriend, I was twelve and that didn’t really count. I don’t know what I’m doing. I groan into my arm, frustrated with myself. Soon, I hear footsteps and feel someone sitting next to me. I turn my head to see Colin looking forward.

  “I’m sorry,” I tell him and he nods. We sit in silence for a few minutes and all I keep wondering is what he is thinking.

  “Have I scared you off?”

  “Not you.” Whic
h is the truth. “They are all just too much. It doesn’t help the girls you sleep with are starting to pop out of the woodwork. Already had a cheerleader warn me off you.” His mouth tightens.

  “Someone warned you to stay away from me?” I nod. “What did they say?”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  “It does to me.” His expression is sad.

  “During your practice today, Nicole and her friends found me and told me that you will eventually hurt me. That you will either get bored waiting for me to sleep with you and walk away, or you’ll cheat. That you see me as a challenge and that you may think you have strong feelings for me, but it will fade. And that you have this great future ahead of you and where does that leave me?” I watch as he crawls until he is sitting in front of me and he lifts me so I’m now straddling him.

  “I can’t change my past. Yeah, I was a man whore, I will admit that. These girls knew what they were getting into when they were with me. I never gave any of them promises. You are different, I love being around you. I promise you now that as long as you want me, you will have me.”

  “What if I want to be with you forever?” I whisper, my heart starting to ache.



  I’m really falling fast for him. I don’t ever want him to leave me.

  I want him to want me always.

  “Then I will be with you forever.” I shake my head.

  “You can’t promise that. Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” I look down and he lifts my chin.

  “I wouldn’t be making it if I didn’t think I could keep it. It’s crazy how much I like you. I want to be with you twenty-four-seven. I want to touch you every time I’m around you. When you touch me, I feel it everywhere. I know you are it for me. It’s crazy, but I know it.”

  “And you aren’t saying all this just to try and get into my pants?” I watch as so many emotions run through his eyes.

  “I never want to hurt you. I care for you too much and that’s the truth.” His thumb rubs along my bottom lip before he leans forward and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into me.

  When his lips are on mine, it’s like all the thoughts I have evaporate. I pull him closer and can feel his erection press against me. I adjust myself so my dress lifts a little so his covered erection can press against my soaked panties.

  I start grinding myself against him; our lips barely touching as our breathing comes in fast. His fingers dig into my thighs, moving me back and forth. I hold onto his shoulders wanting to grind harder.

  I reach between us and unzip his pants, reaching in to wrap my hand around the shape of his dick over his boxers. He gasps at my touch. I have never touched one before but he is definitely big. And very hard. I pull his pants down a little more and adjust myself so I’m sitting more on top of him. The only barriers are our underwear.

  “I can feel your heat radiating on my cock.” He breathes into my neck before biting it.

  “This feels so good,” I say breathlessly.

  “So fucking good.” I wrap my legs around him harder.

  This sounds so fucked up, but I want to get even closer to him, like I’m not already close enough even though our bodies are rubbing against each other. I want to crawl into his skin. I just want to scream and beg for more.

  I grab his dick again and spring it free and my eyes bulge seeing the girth of it. That is so going to hurt when we do make love. I look up at him and his eyes are hooded as he tries to stay focused on me.

  I sit on top of his dick; my panties are now the only barrier but because of my wetness, they don’t hold much of an obstacle. I grind hard, loving that I can feel more of him against me. Colin’s fingers go between our bodies and his thumb starts rubbing my clit and I bite his neck to stop myself from screaming out.

  He rubs faster and I grind harder. We keep at that pace until my release hits and I bite down harder, causing him to growl, and he thrusts my body against him a few more times until he comes, making sure to point his dick towards the grass.

  I look to him and he is staring right back at me. “You are amazing. I never knew foreplay could be like this. Was so fucking good.” I smile.

  “Yeah, it was good. If this is what it’s like without sex, just imagine what we would be like in the bedroom,” I tease. His eyes go darker and his dick springs to life again.

  “I know how mind-blowing it's going to be.” He tucks himself away and pulls up his pants. I try and look decent but he quickly pulls me into him and just holds me. “You are too good for me.” I look at him, surprised.

  “I’m not.” He tucks some hair behind my ear and cups my cheek.

  “You really are. I just wish I talked to you sooner, I could have been with you longer.” I cup his face and lean forward and kiss his lips slowly.

  “You have me now, and I’m afraid you’re stuck with me.”

  “Promise?” He chuckles.

  “I promise.” He kisses me again.

  “Come on, let's head back before Karen sends out a search party.” He stands and helps me up.

  “Do you think everyone will know what we did?” I ask, flattening down my dress.

  “You look a little flushed and happy so I think people will know something happened.” I groan. “People do worse at these parties.” That doesn’t reassure me. He entwines his fingers with mine and we head back inside and find our friends in the same spot we left them. When I get close to Karen, she gives me a knowing look.

  “Have fun?” I stick my tongue out at her.

  “I did, actually. Had a good scream.” I smirk and Colin chuckles next to me.

  “You sleep with him?” she whispers.

  “No, but I will say the only thing holding us back was my underwear.” She squeals quietly.

  “That sounds so hot,” she whispers.

  “It was,” Colin whispers back, obviously able to hear Karen. I nudge Colin’s arm and he squeezes me into him tighter.

  We stay at the party until late and unfortunately for Karen, Aaron got too drunk and was in no state for anything sexual. We all took turns dancing as others talked. It was weird seeing my clique with Colin’s, but I’m happy there’s no drama.

  I watch our friends get in cabs and when it’s just me and Colin, he entwines his fingers with mine and we start a slow walk back to my house. We talk and have moments where we are happy to be silent and just enjoy each other’s company.

  I want it to always be like this. The butterflies, the fire, and spark. My mind drifts back to what we did in the garden. Anyone could have seen us, but that seems to be a problem with us. Once we are in the moment, we forget everything else exists.

  “Did you have fun?” Colin asks, interrupting my thoughts.

  “I did. You?” He twirls me, making me giggle.

  “The best party yet.” I smile.

  “You know you didn’t have to stay with me and my friends all night if you wanted to mingle.” He pulls me into him and holds my hands behind my back, pressing his front to mine.

  “If I wanted to mingle, I would have told you I was going to mingle. When is it going to sink in that I need to be around you, that I hate when I’m away from you?” He kisses the top of my head.

  “I just don’t want to be one of those clingy girls that need their boyfriend’s attention constantly.”

  “Boyfriend?” My face blushes. Why did I have to say boyfriend?

  “I didn’t mean boyfriend, boyfriend. I was just saying…” I press my head into his chest. “Just kill me now.” He lifts my chin again.

  “I like hearing you call me boyfriend.” I bite my lip.

  “Really?” He nods.

  “That makes you my girlfriend.” This time I nod. “I like that.” He kisses me.

  It takes us a couple of hours to get home as we kept stopping to kiss, but neither of us mind. We didn’t want the night to end and, most importantly, we didn’t want to leave each other.


been a week since the party and Sasha and I have been inseparable. I take her to and from school. I sometimes keep my car in the school's parking lot just so we can walk to her house. It’s the times we walk when we get to know one another. I love hearing her talk, especially about music, and seeing how her face lights up when she’s passionate about something.

  It is the night before the talent show and seeing her boss around my team is so hot. She is a girl on a mission and she wants everything perfect. I’m watching her bite her pen as she looks at her clipboard.

  How did I get so lucky?

  I can’t imagine my life without her in it.

  I hate leaving her, I hate going home. I see my dad less and less, and when I’m in my room, all I’m thinking about is her. We haven’t gone any further since the party but our make out sessions are hot and steamy.

  We’ve gotten to the point where we strip down to our underwear, but that’s it, and I’m honestly fine with that. I never thought I could get off without actually being inside a girl or using my hand. Seeing her almost naked body on top of me, or even beneath me, is always my undoing.

  I walk towards her and wrap my arms around her middle and she turns her head and smiles at me. “I’m missing you.” She turns in my arms.

  “How can you miss me? We’re in the same room.” She places her hands on my shoulders, the clipboard now placed on the floor. It’s stupid, but I love that she will have her whole attention on me even though I know this talent show means a lot to her.

  “I haven’t touched or kissed you in the last…” I look at my watch, “five minutes.” She giggles and stands on her tiptoes to kiss me.

  “Better?” I pretend to think about it.

  “I think one more should do it… for now.” She smiles against my lips and I kiss her hard and when we pull back, her hand goes to her heart. “I’m good.” I kiss her cheek and start helping the guys with the chairs.

  “You're mean!” she shouts and I turn, blowing her a kiss. She tries to look stern but I can see her lips pulled up at the corners. I put my hands together so it looks like I’m praying, giving her an innocent look, and she shakes her head at me and picks up her clipboard and goes all business woman again.


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