Drawn to You: Lover to Stepbrother

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Drawn to You: Lover to Stepbrother Page 9

by J. L. Ostle

  “You definitely need to wear this again for me.” I pull her body against mine. “I love the rocker look.”

  “It could be arranged. With the high I’m feeling right now, it’s making me…” She stands on her tiptoes and whispers in my ear, “so horny. I think that you being inside me will help.” I step back and see her cheeks blush a little but her eyes are screaming for me to take her.

  “Are you sure?”

  She bites her lip and nods. “I’m going to scream if I don’t get you inside me soon.”

  “Too much info, love.” Brady chuckles and Sasha blushes more. I cup her cheeks and she smiles up at me.

  “You know I will never say no to you, but I want you to be sure.”

  “I’m sure. I love you and that will make it perfect. Our whole relationship is like a speeding car, but who cares. It works for us and besides, don’t you want to see how hot and tight I feel?” My dick instantly hardens at her words. She’s teasing me and she knows it if the smirk on her face is any indication.

  “I will punish you for that.”

  “I hope you do.” She licks my lips and steps back. “I better get ready.” She links her arm through Karen’s and blows me a kiss.

  “You are mean,” I yell out to her.

  “I learned from the best.” I shake my head at her.

  I jump off the stage and decide to look for Aaron and, of course, find him stuffing his face with food. I grab some chips and start to pick at them as I wait. Now that I know what’s going to happen tonight, I feel too much on edge. I just want to leave now and fuck my girl's brains out. I’ll make love to her, but I don’t think I’ll be able to hold back.

  This is the longest I’ve gone without having sex. I’ve had my releases, just as Sasha has had hers, but, God, I can’t wait to be inside her. To own all of her. Images of her on my bed, of her screaming out my name, flash through my mind. I look at my phone for the time and only two minutes has passed. It feels like hours.

  I need to calm the shit down or I’m going to explode before I’ve even touched her.

  “You look like someone is after you,” Aaron says with his mouth full.

  “I’m fine,” I lie.

  “Yeah, you look it, what’s up, man?” I bite my lip, wondering if I should tell him. Karen and the rest of the band knows after she accidentally said out loud that she wanted me to be inside her.

  “I’m going to be having sex with Sasha for the first time tonight.” Aaron almost chokes and I have to clap his back.

  “Holy fuck, dude. So happy I never took that bet now.” I turn, facing the wall. I forgot all about that stupid bet.

  “That bet was stupid. I should never have agreed.”

  “But if it wasn’t for that bet, would you have talked to her? You wouldn’t be this happy.”

  “What’s going on?” Nathan asks, walking behind us with Danny.

  “He’s getting lucky tonight,” Aaron blurts out and I glare at him. He just gives me a what look.

  “Fucking hell, dude. You really are good. Knew you could fuck her.” Nathan claps my shoulder.

  “You should have kept the bet, you could have earned all that money,” Danny says.

  “Can we stop talking about the bet?” I groan.

  “Come on, you should thank us. If it wasn’t for that bet, you wouldn’t be with Sasha and you wouldn’t be getting your dick wet in just over a week. I thought it would take a month at least but, damn, you must have the special touch.” The guys laugh.

  “What bet?” My body freezes and I look to the side of me to see Sasha and Karen standing there. Tears are forming in Sasha’s eyes as Karen is glaring at us all. Sasha is wearing a long, cream maxi dress and she looks like a model. She dressed up for tonight.

  “Baby…” I try and hold her hand but she steps away from my touch.

  “What bet?” she asks a little louder.

  “It’s not what you think,” Aaron steps in, trying to defend me.

  “What bet!” she shouts.

  “The guys made a bet to see how far and how quickly I could get with you, but it didn’t mean anything. I ended it the following day since it was so stupid.” I try and explain.

  “But you had agreed to it?” She sniffs and I see her heart breaking right in front of me. “That’s why you started talking to me, because of a bet.” More tears flow from her eyes and all I want to do is hold her.

  “Sasha…” She lifts her hand, stopping me.

  “You promised you wouldn’t hurt me.” No words form out of my mouth. “You could have told me, said you made a bet but you stopped it. You kept it from me, now your friends are laughing that after a week I did want to sleep with you. To make love.” She whispers the last part.

  “It doesn’t mean anything.”

  “Maybe not to you, but it does to me. I thought you and me talking was a sign that we were meant to be together, but it’s a lie. All this is one big lie.” She turns to walk away and I start to panic. I run in front of her but her eyes start to harden up. “Stay away from me.”

  “Please, don’t do this,” I beg.

  “Move aside.” I shake my head and she tries to walk around me but I block her moves.“Move,” she grits out.

  “I can’t. I love you,” I plead.

  “You don’t know the meaning of the word. Now move.” I drop down to my knees and put my arms around her waist, my head pressed to her stomach.

  “Please don’t leave me. I am so sorry. I love you. I love you, Sasha.” Tears have formed in my eyes and I know I may seem pathetic, but I can’t lose her.

  “Stop it.” She sobs.

  “You still love me. Let’s just move on from this. We were happy.”

  “We were.” She grabs my hands and pulls me away from her, walking around me and I stay on my knees.

  “Sasha, don’t leave me!,” I shout but she doesn’t look back. I watch her walk away. I watch the girl that was my everything walk away from me. Another woman leaving me behind.

  “You are a real dick. You just broke her damn heart,” Karen spits at me. She slaps me before running after her friend, but I don’t even feel it. Aaron comes to my side and tries to help me up but I shrug him off.

  “She’ll come around.” He sits next to me. I know she won’t. I saw it in her eyes. Just like a switch. She went from loving me to hating me.

  I don’t know how long I stay on my knees in the middle of the gym but Aaron stays by my side. I don’t care what people think of me since now I feel like a shell of the person I once was.

  “We’re locking up now,” someone says and I stand. Aaron has to hold me up as my legs almost give out.

  “Thanks, man,” Aaron thanks the person and he helps me walk to his car and drives me home. “Will you be okay?” he asks me.

  “I don’t know.”

  “She’ll forgive you. You’re crazy for each other. Just give her some time.” I nod and then step out of his car and into my empty house. I look around the living room, the place feeling more empty than usual.

  I shout into the silence, letting all my hurt out, and then I fall to the ground crying.


  “He’s looking at you,” Karen whispers to me and I glare at her.

  “Stop telling me he’s looking at me,” I whisper-yell at her. It’s been a week since the talent show. A week I have stayed away from Colin. A week away from his touch, a week he has left messages and voicemails. I don’t read or listen to any of them.

  I can’t.

  Karen told me after I calmed down that he made a mistake and asked me if it this is worth me losing Colin over. She may be able to forgive him, but I can’t get over that he did agree to it. What if he didn’t fall for me? What if he saw me with indifference and I ended up falling for him, just for him to me screw me over?

  For fucking money.

  I can’t forgive him.

  He’s a pig.

  Class ends I stand up to leave. Colin is in front of me walking out the door but befo
re he leaves, he turns and looks at me. He has circles under his eyes and he looks tired. My heart aches a little for him, but I look away from him. I can’t feel sorry for him.

  I walk to my next class and I try to keep my eyes away from Colin. I’m thinking of new lyrics when the classroom door opens and my name and Colin’s gets yelled to head to the principal’s office.

  Holy shit, what if we’re getting in trouble after that whole scene last week after the talent show? But why would Mr. Atkins wait until now to say something? I grab my stuff and head out and I can feel Colin right behind me. He doesn’t touch me, he doesn’t say anything, but I can feel his eyes on me.

  My body is humming for him. It's screaming for him. I feel like I’m in rehab, trying to wean myself off Colin Baxter. I’m lost in my own head when I trip over my feet. I’m about to fall and land on my face when I feel arms go around my middle, pulling me back into his hard chest.

  His arms stay around me and I don’t pull away. His heat surrounds me, his smell consumes me. I close my eyes, soaking it all in since I know this could be the last time. Neither of us move, scared to break the connection.

  His hands move a little until I feel his thumbs start to stroke my skin. I move further into him and his fingers dig into me. I want him to continue to touch me. His lips go to my neck and I automatically move my head to the side a little to give him better access. He bites down hard and I squirm.

  My head is fuzzy and I know I’m not thinking straight. The next thing I know, I’m being pulled into an empty classroom and his mouth lands on mine as he pushes me against the door. My fingers are in his hair, my body is pushed up against his. His hands roam all over my body. Our breathing comes in and out fast.

  I should stop this but I can’t.

  He pulls up my skirt and pushes my soaked panties to the side. His fingers slide along my folds before entering me and I bite down on his shoulder to stop my screams. I start riding his hand until my release hits me and I know this isn’t enough. I want more.

  I pull down his jeans and boxers, freeing his hard dick. I grab it in my hand, causing his head to fall back. I push him back slowly until he lays down on the teacher's table and I climb on top of him.

  Heat and confusion swirl in his eyes and, before either of has time to think, I start to slowly slide down, causing him to growl and me to groan by the pain it causes. He places his hands on my hips and helps me down slowly. I stay still and watching him come undone in front of me makes me ache.

  I feel so full.

  Once the pain subsides a little, I lift myself up and slowly go back down. I start to go in a slow rhythm and soon I am full of pleasure and start to grind faster, to bounce on him harder. I need more. I squeal when he sits up and I wrap my legs around him as he holds on to my hips and starts lifting me up and down so fast that I’m starting to see stars.

  “Oh, God,” I shout out to the empty room. This is so good.

  He stands up and turns so I’m sitting on the desk and starts thrusting inside me and I lay back a little and we both moan as this angle causes him to go deeper. My feet are pressed against his ass, telling him to move faster.

  His rhythm speeds up and soon I am screaming out my release. After a few more thrusts, he growls out his own. His face tucks into my neck and I place my hand to the back of his head.

  That I didn’t expect.

  I literally have no will power.

  We stay like that until I hear my phone vibrating in my bag and just like that, the bubble breaks, bringing us both into reality. I adjust my skirt and grab my phone to see my mother calling.

  “Honey, why do you keep answering your phone when you should be in class?” she jokes.

  “Why do you just happen to call me when I’m not in class?” I tease back, my back to Colin. I can’t look at him right now.

  “Good news, sweetie. Xander has finished up his work and wants to meet you tonight. We have some news.” I nod even though I know she can’t see me.

  “Sounds good. Just pass on the details.”

  “Honey are you okay? You sound a little funny,” she asks, clearly concerned.

  “I’m fine, just a long day.”

  “You need to sleep more.” I haven’t told her that the guy I was seeing is no longer in the picture. I don’t want to concern her. I guess deep down, I’m not ready to admit it out loud even though it’s true.

  “I know. Looking forward to later.” I try and change the subject.

  “Me, too. Now go and get an education.” I chuckle.

  “Love you.”

  “Love you too, sweetie.” I hang up and turn around and see Colin dressed, sitting on the edge of the table looking pained.

  “It was my mom.” It’s the only words I can get to come out of my mouth and he nods. “Listen…”

  “I get it,” he interrupts me. “You either regret what happened or it was just a one-time thing or it won’t happen again.” I close my mouth, not sure what to say. I feel like I used him. And in some way, I did.

  “We should get to Mr. Atkins office before they send a search party,” I try and joke. He stands and walks around me, heading out of the classroom. This time I’m the one to follow him. My eyes on him.

  When we get to the office, the secretary lets us in and we knock on Mr. Atkins door. After a moment, he yells for us to come in. “Please, take a seat,” He says and we both do. “I want to talk to you about last week.” I feel my palms start to sweat. I watch him walk to his files and then back to his desk, taking a seat. He looks between us and then smiles. “You both did a great job.” I look at him speechless.

  “Excuse me?” I say softly.

  “You did a great job. More than great. Because of you, this school was donated one hundred thousand dollars and half of it will be going to the arts department.” I open and close my mouth over and over.

  “My department will be getting money?” He nods.

  “They said it was a requirement. They loved you. They couldn’t stop talking about you.” I squeal a little.

  “Oh, my God.”

  “Told you they would love you,” Colin says. I look over at him and he gives me a sad smile.

  “Thank you,” I tell him and I feel tears prickle my eyes.

  “And you, Mr. Baxter, everyone said how hard you worked. Even a few said that you and the team were blackmailing a few of the students.” He laughs. “Love your style, it was wrong, but I’m thankful as the place did look full.” I look to Colin again. He made sure that the place was packed for me.

  “I just did what I was told.”

  “And you did good. Oh, and well done for a good game yesterday. A few scouts are asking me for a recommendation and I am happy to say that I will make it glow.” His game was yesterday. The most important game and I missed it. I have been so stuck in my own head that I forgot about his game. I promised him no matter what I would go. I would have gone, I knew it meant a lot to him.

  “Thank you, sir.” I look at him but he won’t look to me.

  “You two did me proud. You make a good team.” With that, he is dismissing us and we both stand and walk out of his office. Colin starts to walk down the hall but I run after him, stopping him.

  “I’m sorry I forgot about your game.” He just shrugs.

  “I know you had other things on your mind. Don’t worry about it.” He walks off again.

  “Colin,” I shout and he turns. No words come out. My head is telling me to scream that I forgive him. That I want to give us another chance. But only air leaves my mouth. He gives me a nod and then leaves as I stand there rooted to the spot.

  I told Karen what happened on the way home. I first told her what Mr. Atkins wanted and then I tell her that I lost my virginity in an empty classroom to the person I thought I hated. Yeah, once I had more time to think, the more I’m regretting not giving him second chance. I can see how sorry he is.

  Why should I keep on punishing us both?

  Tomorrow I am going to speak to him.
  “You lost your virginity and you’re just telling me now?” Karen shouts in the car.

  “I knew you would overreact so that’s why I waited.”

  “You lost your virginity. In school. You could have been caught, you could have gotten suspended. What were you thinking?”

  “Actually, I wasn’t thinking. It just sort of happened.”

  “I can’t believe this.” She pauses. “Can I ask you a question?” I nod. “Did it really hurt?”

  “It did. I know this is going to be a bit TMI, but I was soaked and even that didn’t help. He was just so big and thick. But, God, once the pain was gone, it was so good. I was like a woman possessed. I wanted more. I wanted it harder. I wanted him to just slam into me.” I look at Karen and her mouth is hanging open.

  “Did you come?”

  I nod. “Big time. I’m sure my eyes rolled back.”

  “I can’t believe you lost your V-card and I still have mine.” She huffs and I laugh. “So, are you and Colin back together?” I bite my lip shaking my head.

  “I think I made a mistake. Maybe I did overreact over the whole thing. I was just so hurt I wasn’t thinking straight. I miss him so much.”

  “Are you going to get him back?”

  “I’m going to try.” She shrieks.

  “I know he did a dickish thing, but after you left last week, you should have seen him. He looked so broken. I heard he stayed there until he was kicked out.” I look to my hands in my lap.

  “But you slapped him.”

  “Because that’s what friends do. I was in the moment, okay? You were hurt so I had to hurt him.” I laugh.

  “You are such a drama queen.”

  “I know.” We both laugh. “So, tonight is the night you meet your Mom’s fella. Call me right after, okay? I want to know how he talks, how he looks, and if he’s stepfather material.”

  “I will call you right after.”

  “Good, now go and make yourself even more beautiful.” I give her a hug and head inside to start getting myself ready. I just hope I like the guy.

  I decided on a black and white flower summer dress. I called a cab and now I’m standing outside the restaurant looking at the message from my Mom that they are already sitting inside. I take in a huge breath and walk in.


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