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Dirty Mechanic (Hard and Ready Book 1)

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by Sam Crescent


  Copyright© 2017 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-524-1

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Hard and Ready, 1

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2017

  Chapter One

  I want him to look at me like I’m the only woman in the world. His cock can only get hard for me, and that’s what he wants, to taste me, to take me at every single turn. He can’t get enough of me. All he can think about is getting me naked, lifting up my skirt, or bending me over the nearest surface. I want him to force me on my knees, to suck him, and for him to come, and make me swallow it down.

  Above all else, I want him to want me.

  “There’s no problem with that, sweetheart,” Tyler Hard said while running his fingers over the words.

  Eliza Small’s diary was the most precious thing he had ever possessed. Not that it came into his hands intentionally. No, this diary had been left on his desk three weeks ago when she’d brought her piece of shit car in to be repaired. Not only did he have to wait for all of the parts to arrive, but most of them would break down the older parts that were already on there. She loved her car, so even though she wasn’t aware of it, he was completely rebuilding her car.

  He’d charge her for the minimal work, but everything else was coming from him. The last thing he wanted was for her to be driving around in a death trap. He’d not expected for her to leave her diary.

  When he first saw it, he’d had every single intention of handing it back to Eliza. She was the sweetest, kindest woman in town. Eliza was all woman, with full curves, big tits, and a set of hips that he often fantasized getting his hands on and doing all kinds of wicked things to her. She made him ache for her. The worst part of it all was she didn’t have a clue that he’d been wanting her since high school. Yep, that was how far his obsession for her ran. She was two years his junior.

  He’d graduated high school before she had. There hadn’t been any college for him. His father owned this mechanic shop, just like his father had before him, and Tyler loved cars. All of his life he’d lived and breathed them. This was where he wanted to be, and he had no intention of going to some fancy college or getting out of a town he loved.

  This would be where he grew old, had kids, got married; though not in that order, he hoped.

  Who he wanted, though, was a woman that had rarely given him the time of day. She was never rude. Eliza spent most of her time with her head either in a book or looking down at the pavement.

  After reading each page of her secret thoughts, he wanted in, damn it. He’d never asked her out, nor had he ever taken a chance with her, but all that shit was about to change now. He knew what she wanted, and he wanted it as well.

  No more being the nice guy.

  Eliza was his.

  “Boss, we need you,” Carl, one of his employees, said.

  “I’ll be right there.” The door to his office closed, and Tyler ran his fingers across the words she’d written. She wanted someone to want her, and he was just the guy she needed.

  She just didn’t realize it yet.

  Putting her diary back into his safe, making sure it was locked up and secure, he made his way outside to whatever problem needed fixing.

  Humming to himself, Carl stood away from the car as he worked. He’d solved each problem on a car, truck, or bike so many times that he didn’t even need an update on what was wrong with a car.

  Just by listening to the sounds a car made, he could tell if it needed work. While walking past the library three weeks ago, he heard Eliza’s engine pretty much begging for help. He’d loved that it had given him an excuse to see her.

  “There we go. Good as new,” he said, grabbing a dirty cloth and wiping his hands on it.

  “Thanks, Boss.”

  “You know my name is Tyler. You don’t have to keep calling me ‘boss.’” His father had decided to retire early at seventy. His parents had him really late in life, not that they regretted a moment of it.

  He’d made his mistakes growing up, but that had been it, and he’d always taken responsibility for what he’d done. Not that he’d done anything dangerous or scary. Well, one time he did drive home drunk. He didn’t get caught, but his parents not only put the fear of God into him, they also made him aware of what his actions could have caused. As punishment, his father wouldn’t let him drive his car, and he had to in fact take the bus.

  “I don’t care if you’re the most popular guy in school. You’re my son, and my son will always have respect for his elders, treat women properly, and have respect for the law. We’re mechanics, son. This is what we’ve been doing for generations. I will not have a drunk driving mechanic in my shop!”

  Tyler smiled as he recalled his dad’s words. He’d memorized them. The one thing he hated doing was disappointing his parents, and he’d never do anything to hurt them again. He loved his parents, which was why he’d booked them a year-long cruise to retire, too. He’d earned the respect from the customers, and knew the business back to front. The employees stayed in line, and he wanted his parents to know that he appreciated everything they’d done for him.

  This cruise had been in their plans when his mother fell pregnant. When Tyler found out about it at fourteen, he’d been determined to make sure his parents got to go.

  Sitting behind his desk, he opened the diary where he’d marked the page with the corner flipped inwards.

  The only thing their parents wanted for him now was to find a wife, and start a family. The woman he wanted was Eliza, and he’d been handed the key to her heart. First, it came with desires, wishes, and wants.

  Every single thing he’d need to win her over.


  Eliza tried not to think about her missing diary. Three weeks she’d been without it. It wouldn’t have been a problem if there weren’t little fantasies laid out as stories, or at least her name inside. Anyone could have claimed it if she’d not put her damn name.

  No, she’d gotten cocky and thought her diary would never be lost. Only now it was lost, and had been for a good few weeks, and each time she thought about it, she got scared. What if it landed in the hands of someone who’d like to tell everyone?

  She was just a librarian.

  There was nothing exciting in her world other than writing her fantasies in her book. It was pitiful, really. She’d not done anything with anyone.

  Yes, she was probably the only virgin at twenty-five years old.

  Pressing her head on the front of the desk, she released a little sob, not loud enough to draw attention.

  “You okay?” Jackie asked.

  Lifting her head up, she turned toward her colleague and nodded. “Yes, just trying not to think about something.”

  “You know how I do that?”


  “I don’t think about it,” Jackie said.

  Jackie was one of the oldest women in the library. At seventy years old, she had so many stories to tell, and they were all amazing.

  Eliza loved hearing about her finding her husband, her grandkids, the me
mories of times gone by.

  “Are you having men troubles, dear? You know you can tell me anything.” Jackie patted her hand.

  “I wish.”

  “You’re still not with a man?”

  “Nope, no man. No nothing.” She forced a smile to her lips before standing and picking up the latest pile of books that were scanned in just a second ago.

  “You know, you’ve got to get out there. Show them you want them, and there’s going to be one man who’ll pant after you.”

  “No man wants this.” She pointed down at her size eighteen curves.

  Her body was her own, and she loved food. Baking was her talent, and it was also a curse. Nothing she could do about it though. She’d always been the bigger girl in school. She was the one they mocked for her weight, often calling her “Fat Eliza.”

  “Nonsense. There are a lot of men who like a woman with some hips and thighs to her. Not to mention a good pair of tits.”

  Okay, Jackie was also very outspoken, and often said what she wanted to say without any thought. Back in her day, a woman had to fight for what she wanted, or at least that was what she said.

  Her husband loved her mouth, too, or that was what he said when he came to visit every lunchtime.


  “Don’t you Jackie me. You’ve got to be proud of what you’ve got. Hold your head high, and you’ll see men checking you out. You spend too much time with your nose in a book, or watching your feet as they move. It’s not going to find you a husband.”

  She laughed. Jackie was a sweetheart. “I adore you.”

  “You should. I know what I’m talking about. Believe me. Over fifty years of marriage, I could teach you a thing or two.”

  “I have no doubt.” Eliza was feeling happy and not freaked out, and the rest of the day went by without a hitch.

  Of course, she had to stay late, and she also had to go and pay for her car. She couldn’t believe her baby had been in the shop for three whole weeks. She hoped nothing else was damaged. Being a librarian didn’t pay a whole lot, but she had some savings put aside for emergencies, as she lived a very frugal life.

  After closing up the library, she said goodbye to Jackie and her husband, Frank, who’d come to collect her. For a few seconds, she watched as Frank took Jackie’s hand, pulling her against him and wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

  Now that was true love. They’d been together years, and their love for each other was still as strong as ever.

  I won’t be jealous.

  She’d never been with a man. A pitiful virgin.

  Walking in the opposite direction of Jackie and Frank, she made her way toward the mechanic shop.

  Just the thought of Tyler Hard got her all excited, and she always tried to hide it. Tyler had been one of the most popular guys in high school, and what made him special, he wasn’t a dick for the title. He could have any girl he wanted, and if he was ever with one, he didn’t brag about it.

  The girls did.

  She’d been using the bathroom while they whispered about him.

  Pushing that to the back of her mind, she paused at the gate of the shop, seeing that the gate to the workshop was closed.

  She’d warned Tyler that the library closed late on Wednesdays. He’d stayed behind so that she could pay her bill, and see her car once more. In fact, she saw it parked, looking good as new. Had he washed it while she’d been here?

  Walking up the long parking lot, she opened up the shop door only to find it locked. Knocking on the door, she waited for Tyler to answer, and it didn’t take long. She saw him enter the room, and for a second, she just stopped and admired him.

  His muscles were huge, his arms covered in some kind of tribal ink. She remembered when he came to school with the ink. It had taken all of her control not to stare. His hair was messy, and the jeans and shirt he wore covered in stains.

  He looked every bit a man, and it was hard for her to stem her own desire for him.

  There wasn’t a chance Tyler would ever want her, so she did her best not to even think about him like that.

  Chapter Two

  He’d press me against the nearest wall, and without any question or permission, he’d slam his lips against mine. His hands would be all over me, and there would be nowhere for me to escape, not that I’d ever want to.

  Tyler smiled as he opened up the door to his shop. “Hey, sweetheart.”

  “Hi, Tyler. Sorry I’m late.”

  He wasn’t sorry at all. The last of his workers had already gone, and it was only him and Eliza.

  “No worries at all. I live and breathe car oil.”

  She chuckled, and the sound made him smile. He waited as she stepped into the room, making sure to close and lock the door as well.

  “Were you able to fix my car?” she asked.

  “It’s fixed, good as new, and ready for you to take home. Follow me.” He moved away from the main reception toward his office. Everywhere was locked up, and as he took a seat behind his desk, he ruffled through all of the paperwork that he’d been doing while waited for her.

  He handed her the clipboard with all the work on that he’d done. Tyler hadn’t wanted anyone else to work on her car. This had been a job he’d done all himself. Tapping his fingers against his stomach, he leaned back and waited.

  “Wow, it needed all this work?” she asked, lifting another of the papers attached to the bill.

  She really was beautiful. The jeans she wore clung to every single curve, and he couldn’t wait to peel them off.

  From just watching her, he knew she had a thing about sexy lingerie as she visited the shop across from the diner in town quite frequently. He’d also seen her eyeing certain pieces whenever she passed the shop, and of course, it always made him hard as fucking rock just imagining her in those delicate silks.

  She’d dropped her keys a few weeks ago on the floor, and the shirt she wore had hung down, and he’d caught a glimpse of red lace.

  He’d worked his cock in the shower for the next week after that vision.

  I want someone to want me.

  That had been the line, hadn’t it?

  Not only did he want her, he was fucking obsessed with her. There was no one else for him, no one ever.

  “This is a lot of work. There’s no way you’ve got the bill right.” She nibbled her lip, and he just couldn’t take it anymore.

  He stood up and stepped close to her. Placing a finger beneath her chin, he tilted her head back. “Don’t worry about the money.”

  “Tyler, you pretty much rebuilt the engine. How can I not wor—”

  He silenced her with his lips against hers. Slamming his down, he held onto her shoulders as he pressed her against the nearest wall.

  For a few seconds she did nothing as he kissed. With each passing second, she changed, dropping the clipboard onto the floor as she reached up. Her hands landed on his shoulders, and he slid his tongue across her lip, wanting more of her touch. More of everything.

  Moving his hands down to her hips, he reached around, gripping her juicy ass, and rocked his cock against her round stomach.

  She was so fucking soft.

  Soft and curvy.

  He moaned.

  There was no way Tyler could help it. Feeling her in his arms, finally getting to taste her, she was fucking heaven to him.

  The hands Eliza had on his shoulders glided up, and she sank her fingers into his hair, pulling on the strands, making them both moan as he broke away from the kiss. They were both panting for more.

  He wanted her so badly.

  For the longest time, neither of them spoke. They just looked at each other, panting, desperate for each other.

  Tyler watched as she licked her lips, and he couldn’t resist another taste. Taking possession of her lips once more, he ran his hand between her legs, cupping her pussy.

  If he’d not read her diary, he wouldn’t have done this.

  He was tired, though.

  Tired of
always watching her, and wondering what she felt and tasted like.

  Tonight, that was all going to end.

  Flicking the button of her jeans open, he pushed his hand inside, feeling the silk against his hand as he cupped her pussy.

  She gave a little cry, and he swallowed it down as he pressed a finger between her slit.

  Eliza was soaking wet, and he teased across her clit.

  “Oh, fuck!” She gasped the words and spread her legs a little more as he began to stroke her clit.

  “Do you like that, baby? You’re so wet. You want my cock?”

  She whimpered, thrusting up against his hand. With his other free one, he began to open her shirt, each button revealing more of her skin as he saw her silk bra.

  His cock pressed against the confines of his jeans.

  Tyler wasn’t interested in his own pleasure right now. The only person he cared about was the precious woman in his arms.

  He held onto the cup of the bra and pulled it down, exposing her tit to his gaze. Her nipples were large, better than anything he could have ever imagined. Just the sight of her alone made his mouth water for a taste.

  Leaning forward, he flicked the nipple with his tongue. He continued to tease her clit, but it wasn’t enough. He wanted to see all of her, open, exposed, holding herself so he could devour her.

  His cock leaked pre-cum, and the pleasure of just touching her was fucking intense.

  He’d known it would always be like this, and if he’d not been given the key to her fucking heart, he would never have done this, but he didn’t regret it.

  For a long time, he’d pined for Eliza, and now he was going to have her.


  Eliza couldn’t believe she was allowing this to happen. Tyler was the sexiest guy from high school. Everyone wanted to either be him or date him. She’d never given herself time to even think of being with him, and right now his hand was holding her ass, his mouth on her nipple, and his other hand touching her pussy.


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