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Dirty Mechanic (Hard and Ready Book 1)

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  He’d not let go of her hand, and she gave his hand a squeeze. “I remember. A couple of the guys said I needed men in white jackets to commit me. My dad was crazy, you know. He couldn’t believe I’d bought such a dump.”

  “Why did you?” Eliza asked.

  “I saw that it wasn’t just a dump. People can see what they want to. They saw a rotten old building that was way past its prime.” They moved up toward the house, and he touched one of the walls. “I didn’t see that. I saw a home in need of some loving.”

  He saw the smile on her face. “That is … amazing. So you bought it with the hope of making it better?”

  “Yep. It’s a home. It’s filled with memories, good memories. The family that was in it before were in love so much that even when the love of his life passed away, he couldn’t bring himself to sell it.”

  “What happened?”

  “The man who I bought it from ended up in a nursing home. He passed away about a year ago, but I visited him in the home. I told him what I saw, and what I one day hoped. He must have seen something in me, because he wouldn’t sell to anyone else. I know there were other offers as there was some development planned or something like that. He gave this beauty to me, and I convinced my dad what I wanted.”

  She chuckled. “You were stubborn.”

  “Yeah, I was. My mom would say I got it from my father. When I see something I want, I’ll do whatever I have to, in order to get it.” He looked at her, and he saw her look a little taken aback by that.

  “Wow,” she said.

  “Yes, wow. It was after this that my dad realized I wasn’t an idiot, and gave me a chance with the shop. I won’t let him down, ever.” Opening the door, he flicked on the switch, and was pleased when he heard her gasp. “This is no longer a flea-, mice-, or cockroach-infested building.” It had taken him a long time to get this place to a living standard. There had been many times along the way that he thought he’d cave in, give up, and sell. Each time he’d been tempted, something would catch his eye, and he could imagine his life, his future right here.

  This place had been a bargain to him, and it wasn’t something he was going to give up lightly.

  “Drink?” he asked.


  Moving toward his kitchen, he hoped she was impressed with it. In the back of his mind, he’d been building this place for her.

  There hadn’t been anyone else in his life but Eliza.

  Of course, they had gone in different directions for a long time. While she’d been working and dealing with her father, he’d been focusing on his family business, along with building them both a home.

  It was only now, as an opportunity presented itself, that he’d finally been able to take her as his.

  Pulling out a bottle of wine, he opened it up and poured them both a glass. Handing her one, he lifted his glass up. “To seeing the good within the old,” he said.

  “I like that.”

  They clinked their glasses together, their gazes lingering.

  He took hold of her hand and pulled her close. Some of her wine spilled out of the top of the glass, but he didn’t let her go.

  “I’ve never done anything like this, Tyler. This is cra—”

  He silenced her with a kiss. He didn’t care how crazy it was.

  He only knew what he wanted, and he intended to have her as his for a long time to come. She belonged to him, and he belonged to her.

  Just thinking about her diary, any doubts he had fled.

  There was no way he was going to give anyone else the chance to see how fucking special she was. He’d waited too long. He wasn’t going to lose her now. Sometimes you had to take risks in life, and Tyler was about to take his biggest risk yet.


  Eliza couldn’t believe how beautiful his home actually was. When she heard about him buying this rundown place, she’d had her doubts, but there had been many times she passed it herself, and saw the true potential. Tyler’s vision completely blew her away.

  “Take off your clothes.”

  The rugged sound of his voice made her turn. He stared right at her, but it was the look he gave that had her shivering, and not in a bad way either.

  Had she heard him right?”


  “Take off your clothes, Eliza. I’m not going to ask you again.”

  Heat flooded her pussy, and her nipples tightened. She loved the way he looked at her. There was no room for argument, and yet, he looked at her as if she was a sweet morsel, and he wanted a bite.

  Putting her glass of wine down on the counter, she glanced around the room.

  There were no cameras or anything.

  Stop being stupid.

  “Why?” she asked, feeling nervous.

  They’d never flirted, and apart from him touching her the other day, they’d not ever shown any attraction to each other. Her nerves were completely shot right now, and she was freaking out.

  Tyler stepped up close, taking her hand and pressing it against the front of his pants. “I want to fuck you, Eliza. You feel how hard you make me? Is your pussy wet? Do you want my tongue on your clit, fucking your cunt?”

  She really shouldn’t be aroused by all of his naughty words, but she was. Pulling her hand away, she began to remove her clothes. Keeping her gaze locked on his, she kept waiting for him to laugh or to joke.

  When she removed her shirt, revealing her pastel blue bra, his eyes flared, and she watched as he adjusted himself. Biting her lip, she quickly stepped out of her jeans, and she stood before him in a pair of sneakers and blue pastel lingerie.

  She had a thing for nice lingerie, and was constantly buying new sets.

  “This is sexy,” he said, fingering the strap. “But I want you naked. Take it all off.”

  Reaching behind her, she flicked the catch, and the fabric fell to the floor. Next, she got rid of her panties, kicking her sneakers off, and finally removing her socks.

  She stood before her ultimate fantasy, completely naked, at his mercy.

  Eliza wanted him. There was no doubt in her mind about that. In fact, she couldn’t believe this was happening, and she quickly pinched her leg to make sure this was indeed happening. Everything seemed a little too surreal to her.

  Tyler took the hand that she’d used to pinch herself, and gave it a little kiss. “This is all happening, baby,” he said, moving around her body.

  She heard him release a little groan, and she spun to see what the problem was, but he stopped her, holding her against him. One hand held her stomach, and the other squeezed an ass cheek.

  “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve wanted to touch this ass, to squeeze it? You’re so fucking sexy, I don’t want you to ever get dressed.” He pressed a kiss against her shoulder. The hand that was on her stomach suddenly moved down, going between her thighs, and he began to stroke her pussy. “Um, you’re wet for me, Eliza. Do you like all the dirty things that I can do to this pussy?”

  “Yes,” she said, shocked by the sounds she made.

  His finger slid down, teasing at her entrance, but he didn’t penetrate. “Have you ever had a cock here before?”


  “You’re a sweet little virgin?”


  “We’re going to have to take care of that, aren’t we?”

  She whimpered as he teased across her entrance, tensing up.

  “Well, do you want to keep your cherry for someone else, or do you want me to take it right here, right now, and then I can fuck you hard with my dick?”

  Eliza wasn’t saving her virginity for anyone.

  Sex had been something she’d wanted for a long time but never found the man to share her body with.

  Tyler was setting her aflame, making it impossible for her to think. She’d wanted him secretly for years, and everything that was happening, seemed completely out of her reality, and yet, here it was. He was touching her pussy, prepared to take her virginity, and she wanted it. She was ti
red of being lonely. Her father constantly told her she needed to put some trust in men, and that she should have some fun.

  Maybe now was her time.

  Taking a leap of faith, she relaxed against him. She didn’t know what this was, or even if it would last, but she didn’t care. For so long she’d been hidden behind a book, yearning for him from afar. That wasn’t going to happen anymore.

  “Take it, Tyler,” she said, giving him a part of herself that no one else would ever be able to claim.

  He didn’t ask her again.

  The finger teasing her entrance slid inside, pushing through the wall of her virginity, and claiming her as his.

  It hurt a little, especially as he added a second finger, stretching her as he claimed her V-card.

  “Your pussy is so incredibly tight, Eliza. I hope you realize what you’ve done.” He pressed a kiss to her neck, and she gasped as his other hand cupped her face, turning her so that he slammed his lips against hers, taking the kiss.

  He continued to fuck her virgin pussy with his fingers.

  The pain slowly ebbed away, and rather than be disappointed, she was relieved.

  “You know this makes you mine now, and I will never let you go.”

  She didn’t see that as a threat, and in fact grew excited about what was to come.

  Chapter Five

  I don’t like being asked. I’ve thought about it a lot, and asking if I want sex or a cock, it’s a little … embarrassing. What am I supposed to say? Yes, thank you? No, I don’t. Maybe. I’m not really hot right now, let me grab a book, and see if I can get in the mood.

  I have no hope of the male species ever being able to give me what I want.

  What do I want?

  I want a man who won’t constantly ask questions. Talks dirty, arouses me, takes me, fucks me, makes me his. I want a man who’ll give me everything, and know that I want nothing more than to do the same.

  Tyler couldn’t believe he’d taken her fucking virginity, but he also didn’t regret it. This changed everything. After he’d read some of her diary, he’d known without a doubt that she’d belong to him. Only now, he knew there was no chance he’d ever let her go.

  For a long time, he’d wanted Eliza. Between proving himself to his parents and building a future, he’d not taken the time to claim her. She always seemed untouchable, always with her head in a book and never actually looking out.

  Her diary had shown him a side of herself that dating never would have. The diary had given him a key to her desires, her wishes, and he intended to use it to get what he wanted. Not only did he want her in his bed, he always wanted his ring on her finger, and his child inside her.

  The future he’d been building toward. Each time he saw her in town, a book in her hand, staring at the floor, it had driven him to work just a little harder.

  Soon she’d be his.

  Pulling his fingers from her sweet pussy, he saw there was some blood mixed in with her arousal. He kissed her shoulder, and washed his hands in the sink before stepping back up to her.

  Taking her hand, he led her upstairs to the main bedroom, their room.

  “You really have a skill with your hands,” she said, her fingers stroking the banister, before they made it into his room.

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “You should.”

  He cupped her face, and slammed his lips down on hers, moving her back toward the bed. When she sat on the edge, he broke the kiss, stepping away.

  Pulling his shirt over his head, he made quick work of his clothes, tossing them onto the pile.

  Her gaze ran down the length of him, and he liked that appreciation in her eyes. “I’ve always been fascinated by your ink,” she said, her cheeks turning a delightful red as she spoke.

  “Have you been watching me, Eliza?” he asked.

  “I saw the day you came in with the ink.”

  “It was after a long summer break.” He remembered. Some of the girls had fawned all over him, but he’d brushed them aside, not interested in them at all. “I like them.” He flexed his muscles. “Do you think they make me look tough?”

  She giggled. “You don’t need to look tough.”

  When he pulled his boxer briefs down, his cock sprang free, silencing her.

  Wrapping his fingers around the length, he smeared his pre-cum into the tip and down the length.

  Tyler watched as she licked her lips. He continued to play with his dick, feeling his balls tighten each time he did it.

  His arousal was unlike anything he’d ever felt before, and he knew it was because of this woman sitting on his bed.

  She’d been the woman he’d been wanting for some time, and he finally had her. There was no chance he was going to give her up.

  “Do you want a taste?” he asked.

  Her gaze went from his cock to his face, and he smiled at her. He saw that she did, so he moved in front of her so that his cock was directly in front of her lips. All it would take was her tongue sliding out, to taste him.

  “It’s yours, Eliza. Taste me.”

  It was like all she needed was his instruction as her tongue peeked out and she flicked it against the tip.

  He groaned.

  Taking hold of her hand, he wrapped her fingers around the length, showing her exactly how he liked to be touched. “Like this,” he said.

  She began to work his shaft, taking his guidance as she did what he wanted.

  Tyler was so close to orgasm that he had to count sheep to get his mind back in control. He didn’t want to spill his cum all over her chest, not that that would ever be a bad thing, but he didn’t for a second think she was ready for that.


  “That feels so fucking good,” he said.

  “I want to taste you again.”

  Clenching his hands into fists, he waited for her lips, and when they finally touched his cock once again, the pleasure was intense.

  He didn’t come, but it was very close.

  If he didn’t get her to stop soon, he’d be done for.

  After only a few seconds, he pulled out of her mouth, took hold of her face, and ravished her lips. As he kissed her, he moved her backward, and she followed his command, lying against his pillows.

  Reaching into his drawer, he retrieved a condom, tearing into the foil packet and sliding it over his raging erection.

  He’d never been this aroused before.

  Moving between her thighs, he bumped her clit, watching her squirm as he did this. She looked so sexy spread out on his bed. He wanted to spend the rest of his life fucking her, taking her, consuming her, making her his.

  He’d do it as well.

  Tyler intended to make her as addicted to his touch, as he was to hers.


  Eliza had thought about sex a lot. All the books she read were on the dirty side, and along with reading, she also watched porn online. Yes, she was sex-mad. With it, came a great deal of fantasies, especially about this moment.

  Whenever she touched herself, she always imagined Tyler. He was the leading man in all of her dreams and desires.

  As he ran the tip of his cock against her slit, she was taken away by the sheer power of her orgasm. There was no way she could think past the never-ending sensations that he evoked.

  After all this time, finally at twenty-five years old, she had lost her virginity but also about to be with the man she’d wanted for a long time. There was no doubt that this was going to be the start of something completely new, but she didn’t mind.

  The excitement was there.

  The possibility of a future.

  The promise of tomorrow.

  She couldn’t help but tense up as he held onto his cock, placing the tip at her entrance. Slowly, he began to thrust inside her, taking his time, getting her used to the feel of him as inch by inch he filled her pussy.

  Biting her lip, she released a whimper as his fingers hadn’t prepared her for the length or width of his cock.
/>   She’d seen a lot of men with large cocks, but never in the flesh, and never inside her either.

  He grabbed her hands, pressing them beside her bed, and slammed the last inches inside her, making her arch up, scream his name, and pant for more.

  “Oh, fuck, baby, you’re so fucking tight.” He held himself still within her.

  The sting was long gone.

  The feeling of fullness took her breath away, and she hadn’t been ready for that.

  She didn’t complain though.

  His cock pulsed, making her ache for more.

  Eliza felt wet, incredibly wet, and so good.

  She couldn’t just hold still for long, and began to wriggle, needing more.

  Suddenly, he pulled out of her, and thrust back in, the force shocking her to stillness once again.

  “There’s so much I want to do to you. To show you how good fucking can be.” He slammed inside her, and they both cried out, their pleasurable sounds echoing off the wall. “So tight. So perfect, and all mine.”

  She loved it when he said stuff like “mine” and “perfect.”

  He fucked her hard, pounding inside her with a depth that took her breath away. Tyler suddenly changed as he reared up.

  His cock was deep inside her, but he held onto her hips, staying still.

  Tyler released her hip with one of his hands, and he stroked over her pussy, teasing the hair. She licked her lips as he opened her pussy and began to stroke her clit.

  His cock was a hard rod inside her. Each time he stroked her nub, her cunt tightened, and they both moaned.

  She held onto the sheets beneath her, desperate for more.

  Two fingers teased her pussy, flicking her clit, rubbing back and forth before pinching it.

  “Your cunt feels so good, Eliza. Come for me. Let me feel everything.”

  He continued to tease her clit, and she felt her orgasm beginning to build. After he’d touched her downstairs already bringing her to climax once, she didn’t for a second think that he’d be able to do it again.

  She screamed his name as she came.

  He sent her to the stars, her release shocking her with the intensity. Before she’d even come down, he began to fuck her, taking her harder than ever before, showing no mercy as he claimed her for his own.


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