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[Wild fang project] Garouden I pure fighting action novel

Page 22

by Unknown

  So as beautiful and cool as the manga was, the manga author got into an argument with the original publisher that owned the rights of the manga series, they let him have his 25 volumes but beyond that, They still own the continuation of the series and the manga author has put the story on hold since 2010. After two amazing Videogames for playstation two, one great movie that inspired the comic book series and the constant doubt that it will return. I had enough. There is a reason why we love this story so much, either manga, game or live action movie (we worked and played all three)

  It is time to advance to the next level in this passion...

  Damn!! what to do?? how will this thing continue? No more Manga...I guess...I'll have to buy the novel and advance to the next level.....

  Translating the source of GAROUDEN....


  And after a year and a month of working with a translator, raising funds to complete it, here we are, nice to meet you and I hope you enjoyed our first novel of “Garouden” I realized that a lot of the inspiration for “Baki” came from this novel series. Fast forwarding into 2016, Yumemakura Baku has sold dozens of millions of books in his Native Japan.

  His works have inspired movies, series and manga series, some of them originals, some based on current works.

  His latest achievement is a big budget production of “Everest: in the summit of the gods” to be released in 2016.

  His released books are more than 350 and he keep writing his hit series “Chimera” and “Leader of the Demon hunters” but we, as a fighting fans we are, we will concentrate in releasing his series “Garouden” and “Shishi no Mon”

  “You are crazy, you know that? You know how much it will cost you?”

  Yes, a lot!! I am, yes, I am sorry... No I'm not, I enjoy this craziness. This line above you. Do you know how much people love to repeat it to me, over and over? And we get it done, Movies, manga books, interviews and now our second novel will start production soon and I invite you to read it, after you read it. If you still feel like it can't be done then don't worry about it. Life will keep going as always but if you help us in this project and you enjoy reading Baku's favorite pure fighting novel series. Help us, we need your enthusiasm and economic help to finish this whole novel series. There are 13 novels plus a special chapter (fist of the blue wolf) for the first series. The manga ends in volume 7 of the novels, the second series are called “Shin Garouden Hiden Kiku Shiki Hen" (New Garouden: the saga of the secret fighting styles parts one and two, two novels of 350 pages each) and the third and probably final series "Shin Garouden Kenshin Kotei Hen" (New Garouden: The saga of gods against emperors parts one and two) also two 350 page novels plus 8 "shishi no mon" which is done because we love Jyumei Kuga and he's the main bad guy there.

  So, how can you help? We will let you know, in the meantime look around for The Wild Fang Project, we're closer than you think. We will see you again in our next book Release. In the meantime, here's a sample of "Shishi no mon"

  Until then.

  Ichido reichan: Main editor and leader of the Wild Fang Project

  January 16 2016

  End of Volume 1


  For your enjoyment, here's an extra bonus for you, SHISHI NO MON chapter 1, the full volume will be availiable in mid 2016.


  Super violent fighting novel series

  Volume one: The wolfpack Arc (Gunrou-Hen )

  -Translations by Miyuki

  - Production, design and rewritten edition by Ichido Reichan

  - Corrections by Mindblighter

  - Project financed by The Wild Fang Project

  - originally written as SHISHI NO MON in Japanese by Yumemakura Baku with illustrations by Itagaki Keisuke.

  - all rights reserved by Kobunsha.



  -[006] INTRO

  -[007] PROLOGUE

  - CHAPTER I: Chikusho fist

  - CHAPTER II: Gedo fist (TBA)

  - CHAPTER III: Gaki fist (TBA)

  - CHAPTER IV: Nio fist (TBA)

  - CHAPTER V: His turn (TBA)


  - Words from the author

  - Words from Wild fang project editor Ichido Reichan



  It would be easy to make a novel of "good guys against bad guys" but you'll know how it ends. How do we separate the "good" from the "bad guys"? are the bad always bad? what if the bad guys are amazing martial artists and we can't help but admire their core and arts?

  Well my dear reader, this novel doesn't have any of that, there isn't a clear "hero" or "nemesis" as you might have figured out. We have five main characters and we have no idea how their paths will cross. Five unusually strong and talented guys by the name of Kikuchiyo Akuta, Kan Takechi, Reiji Shimura, Bunpei Kakura and Takeshi Muroto.

  You can pick your favorite from the group and cheer for him, but ultimately all of them will meet with one man, Hikoroku Hashiba, the one that is the image of strength in this series. A man that you'd probably would confuse for a mountain climber, a hick, a grizzled hunter but the last thing in your mind would be that he's a seasoned fighting master, because he doesn't show it, because he doesn't want you to see it.

  They will meet him, they will compete, they will fight against each other, they will improve their skill and eventually the five stories will become one. Come and enjoy the stories of men that are looking forward to discover themselves in the heat of battle, to challenge the strongest fighters around. Let the lions get loose in a paradise of fierce fighting.

  Yumemakura Baku.



  The wind was blowing everywhere, sweeping the prairie relentlessly,

  making that wet atmosphere seemed like the wind turned somehow into a green color.

  The majestic sky with a gray blanket of solid gray let a few thunderclouds slide and slowly, a shade of light opened its way, bigger and bigger, as if the mighty force of light erased the gray across the sky. The blue sky opened a greater space as if a strong force behind it was pulling the strings, pushing the clouds away to fade into the horizon.

  Like a fierce hammer striking down from the sky upon the land, the sun's rays landed on the prairie, but this didn't stop the rain from pouring on the land, one strike of sunlight, one stride of rain, the wind is still green and still wet on the ground. A waist-high sea of daisies and green lilies waving furiously; it appeared as you could sink in them. The wind drove all this green vegetation left and right, in all directions, you couldn't miss it, the wind was visible wherever you looked.


  It was here that Hikoroku Hashiba was facing one of the most intimidating men he had ever met.

  This man across Hikoroku had sharp crescent eyes, and by the look of his face, one could estimate that he was in his forties, most likely forty-three or forty-four-years-old.

  What was a little startling about him was the color of his skin: it was almost like a dark solid iron color and, combined with his iron-sharp glance as if a million needles were launched to Hikoroku just by staring at him, There was no doubt that this encounter was going to end violently.

  Everything the man was wearing was black: his shoes, his long pants and a shirt with long sleeves, both men were soaking wet and Hikoroku, wearing just a pair of comfy jeans and a cotton shirt, felt as if he wasn't really wearing anything on his chest. The shirt was stuck on his skin and was showing the form of his abs and the color of his skin; water was sliding down from each end of both men's long strings of hair.

  "I heard master Rosen had passed away" Hikoroku spoke with a soft tone.

  "It was because of you!! It's your fault!!" The man replied with a strident voice.

  "My fault? How can it be?"

  "You challenged him and soon after that he died from his wounds"

  "That's very unfort
unate, I never intended for that to happen."

  "Tell your excuses to someone who cares."


  Swiftly, the man took a stance and slowly started moving towards Hikoroku, effectively closing the distance between them.

  "Wait!!" Hikoroku yelled at the man.

  "I won't..." the man replied...

  "I've waited for this moment for the last three years, this will be settled today..."

  He was ready to spring at him. Lowering his waist, the opening attack would be swift and unpredictable.

  A moment of silence, both men standing still while a thick beam of sunlight illuminated both of them, their space and then it kept moving towards the wet and green prairie.

  Soon enough, the rain eased up a bit, still frozen in the moment, both men were staring at each other until a move broke the silence, it was a sound, a scary sound, but not a loud or a startling sound.

  It was a breath....


  The man took a deep breath and when the glance in his eyes turned deadly, he dashed across towards Hikoroku.




  ~ACT 1

  He was just a kid walking down an asphalt road in the streets outside of town, he was dressed with a simple pair of short pants and a long t-shirt. Skinny as he was, it was noticeable that his chest was very small.

  The sleeves of his big T-shirt were very loose because of the skinny arms of this kid. If by a joke we were to fit two or three more kids inside this shirt, they would have fit without a problem.

  The legs that were visible from the pants also lacked big muscles, however, every time the kid walked, the fragile leg muscles hardened under his tanned skin. His sneakers were muddy. This was because he loved to use them without wearing socks and the mud was still wet, fresh and shiny, making funny sounds every time he walked as the mud climbed up to his shins. He didn't care much about it anyway.

  The mud on his knees was almost dry, his pants were pretty wet around his waist and a big, black stain was visible. He must have been playing or exploring around water somewhere probably.

  In his left hand he was carrying a blue plastic bucket and in his right hand he was carrying a half-torn net that had a bamboo handle, a few plastic bags and some other small items.

  This was the high season of crayfish in the river close to where he was and the surrounding areas had plenty of them. It is important to mention that this was a special kind of crayfish, procambarus clarkii, which is a species that wasn't indigenous in Japan, it was actually from North America. About four inches, it's body was redder and thicker than the Japanese crayfish and its taste was better.

  Elementary kids that tried hard to catch them could catch about fifty of them in half a day, only using a small net and some enthusiasm. It would seem that this kid was coming back from that particular crayfish hunting. The dark orange color of the sunset was reflected on his back. In a different time of the year it would be dark and the moon would be out but as of late, it was the sun that was still shining warm.


  It was pleasant that the rainy season was over a few days ago. The sun heating the asphalt was making the air grow dense and one could feel the hot heavy air rising from the ground. The kid was dressed looking like an elementary school student but in reality he was a junior in high school. His fellow classmates wouldn't be interested in walking with him to catch crayfish with nets and buckets. They would much prefer going to the arcade with plenty of pocket change or going to comic books stores to catch up on their favorite releases and check out the new stuff or simply stay at home playing with their computers and video games after browsing the specialty stores during the day.

  The kids his age have many hobbies and interests other than hunting for crayfish because they think that that particular activity is "weird" or "something little kids do".

  He was walking for an hour or so and the fields were being left behind. Now he was entering the residential area, night was about to start but it wasn't quite dark just yet. The red of the sky was mixed with dark blue in the horizon which gave a nostalgic look: a warm and sweet air with a soft ocean scent wafting over the town.

  He turned right on a corner of the road where a large house with a tall fence was erected first in a row of average looking houses, fitting the standard of a small town neighborhood.

  But the road didn't have only houses, there was a mom and pop's convenience stores with the vegetables and some produce in carts on the street, a few coffee shops here and there, a pub, bars and some stores.

  The boy tried hard not to pay attention to the stores or the people around it, he kept walking straight with his chin down, a few blocks up, a park appeared on his right, it had a seesaw, a sand box, a big slide and a jungle gym. It even had a restroom and some food vendors, you could even organize an improvised match of badminton or baseball in the field and there were still a group of loud kids playing at the park when the street lights started lighting up.


  There was this woman wearing a long apron and sandals trying to call the attention of a child that was playing in that park. It seemed as if she was trying to tell the child that playtime was over and that dinner was ready. When our kid arrived there, he stopped and stood there for a short while.

  A white dog suddenly popped his head out from the azalea trees that were planted around the park and suddenly he started staring at the boy with a menacing look.

  Opening his lips, he started growling and showing his teeth to the kid as if trying to find out why the boy was trespassing in his territory and what were the contents of that bucket that was making a particular screeching noise inside of it.

  It was obvious that the kid started getting scared of the dogs behavior, so without thinking it twice,

  he swung the net towards the dog and once the dog retreated, he ran to the other side of the street,

  But running across made the dog chase him with more intensity and eventually caught the kid easily.

  Without many options left, the kid swung the net again, hitting the face of the dog that caught the net and when the kid tried to pull it out, the fangs caught the net strongly and it wouldn't let go.

  The net was trapped in the fangs of the dog.

  The dog was getting more violent and started shaking his head more vehemently. Thick-necked, the dogs power was immense and the skinny kid was swaying because of it. The fangs started to change the metal net's shape from a round form to a more oblong one, it was ruined.

  Because the dog was growling, chewing the metal net continuously and the movement was becoming more intense, the shaft of the net bumped the dog square in the chin and that made the situation worse as the dog became even more furious. His hair stood on its end and white bubbly saliva started pouring and falling from the beast jaw.


  "Hey!! Knock it off!!!"

  The same woman that came looking for the child screamed the dogs name loudly Maybe she was the owner of the dog, or perhaps her neighbor, but in either case, calling the dogs name in a high voice has an adverse reaction to the situation and dogs get confused thinking that the owner is cheering for them to neutralize the threat rather than leave it be.

  Shaking his head crazily without growling or biting, the net finally got disentangled from his fangs.

  Finally free, the dog gave chase to the boy that started running desperately. Jumping at him, he tumbled him on the ground and gave a solid bite to the boy's butt.

  The boy's short pants got half slipped and blood started pouring from his right leg, you could see a pale and small pair of hips showing up and the bite wound was uncovered, bleeding profusely.

  The bucket fell out of the kid's hands and after the dog bit him, he started barking at him for a while and then jumped at the plastic bag to chew whatever was inside of it. The boy promptly stood up and pulled away the bag from the dog and realized it ripped apart.

  The curious thing about this encounter with the boy and the dog was that the boy never cried or screamed at the horrible wound and pain caused by the dog. He just stood up, took a hard breath, a slight groan and tried to recover the bag and the bucket from the floor but because his pants where mid waist he lost his balance and fell backwards, that's when the dog decided to jump and attack him again.

  Stumbling violently, he hit his head on the concrete and tried desperately to kick the dog away but the dog caught one of his feet and started biting his feet under his shoes.


  In a desperate struggle, he sat down as best as he could and smacked the dog in an eye with a closed fist. The dog shook his head and started scratching his skin with his four limbs. All across the kid's legs red lines started showing up and the scratches were so many that it felt that they were made with a sharp fork.


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