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Tender Love: A Christian Romance (The True Love Series Book 1)

Page 6

by Juliette Duncan

  “Really? Today? You’ve got tickets?”

  “I did. Tee off’s in just over an hour, so we’ll need to leave soon.”

  “Okay, I’ll get ready and be straight down.”

  Ben went back downstairs with a skip to his step. Maybe things between him and Jayden were fine again. At least for a while. Foolish to think a day’s outing would fix everything, but at least it was something. And Tessa was coming… the thought of her sitting beside him all day put a wide grin on his face. Thank you God. And having Tessa beside him might stop him from thinking of Kathryn.

  If she’d been here, Kathryn would have been front row. Luke Emerson was playing today. Not only had Luke been Kathryn's favourite golfer, he’d been her favourite athlete, period, almost to the point of obsession. Whenever she couldn’t see him play live, she’d watch all his tournaments on television. Magazines that featured him littered the house. Kathryn had been star-struck, and Ben hadn’t liked it. The guy was a wealthy play boy. Everyone knew it. Kathryn didn’t care.

  Luke Emerson was definitely not Ben’s favourite golf player. Although the man had a keen style and Ben enjoyed watching him play, whenever Ben heard Luke’s name mentioned, he thought of Kathryn, and painful memories came flooding back. But he couldn’t let the free tickets go to waste, and so just for today, he’d put aside his dislike for the man and enjoy his time with Jayden and Tessa.

  He poured himself another coffee and drank it slowly while waiting for Jayden to come down. Thinking of Kathryn always left him feeling melancholy. The initial shock of her leaving had been replaced with a heavy dull ache. If only he knew where he’d gone wrong. She hadn’t even given him the opportunity to talk about it, to give him a chance to fix whatever the problem was. It was too late to fix it, but if he knew what he’d done, he might be able to deal with it and move on. Not knowing why had torn him up inside. So many emotions he hadn’t sorted out. So many questions waiting to be answered. He swallowed the lump that stuck in his throat and sighed heavily. God, where did I go wrong?

  Maybe he did need to open up with Stephanie and allow her to help him.

  “Dad, are you ready?” Jayden's voice brought Ben back to the present. Jayden was at the counter stuffing buttered toast into his mouth. “I’ve fed Bindy and I’ll walk her tonight. Let's go.”

  Jayden began talking excitedly even before he jumped into the front seat beside Ben. “Maybe I can try to get Luke Emerson’s autograph today. What do you think, Dad?”

  Ben pushed back his initial response and spoke through gritted teeth. “Yes, why not? It’s worth a try.” He flashed Jayden an encouraging smile. He could almost endure anything just to see Jayden excited about something. So different to last night…

  “Where are we going, Dad? The course isn’t this way.”

  Ben had been waiting for that. His smile faded. His hands clenched the steering wheel as he steeled himself. “You remember Tessa Scott, the lady from puppy school?” Ben held his breath as he waited for a response. Jayden glared at him with darkened eyes. I should have told him she was coming. A sinking feeling flowed through Ben’s body and landed in his stomach. He gulped. “I invited her to come with us.”

  Jayden remained silent. No need for words, the daggers in his eyes said it all.

  “I’m sorry, Jayden. I should have told you I’d invited her.”

  Jayden crossed his arms and slunk down in his seat.

  “No, you shouldn’t have asked her.”

  When Tessa climbed into the back seat a short while later, she leaned forward and smiled brightly as she wished Jayden good morning. Ben had warned her that Jayden wasn’t in a good mood, but hadn’t told her why.

  “Morning.” Jayden’s voice was short and crisp. He turned his head and stared out the window, and said nothing more for the entire trip.

  A great number of people had already gathered at the golf course, and not just spectators and fans, but sports’ reporters, news media, and a number of photographers. The Pro-Am Golf Tournament was a big event.

  Tessa followed Ben and Jayden to watch Luke Emerson tee off on the first hole. Jayden didn’t seem interested in seeing the course or watching anyone else play. He only wanted to see Luke. They followed him and Luke’s amateur partner from hole to hole throughout the morning.

  “Luke’s the best player around these days,” Jayden told Tessa on their move to the fourth hole. She was glad he was finally talking, and she asked questions to keep him engaged.

  “I've never been to either, so what’s the difference between a Pro-Am tournament like this one and a regular tournament?”

  “At Pro-Ams, pro tour golfers and ordinary golfers play together. It's still a competition, and the winning team still gets the prize, but they usually raise money for charity too.”

  “Oh, look,” Ben said. He held up the event brochure he’d been reading. “This year the Pro-Am’s supporting several Australian animal charities.”

  “Cool.” Jayden’s face lit up. “Bet you’re happy about that, Tessa.”

  “You bet I am.” Tessa smiled affectionately at Jayden, so relieved he’d forgiven her for gatecrashing his day with his dad.

  Chapter 11

  When the players paused for lunch, Luke Emerson was at the top of the leaderboard. “I'll try to get his autograph now, and maybe a photo. Wanna come?” Jayden asked Ben as the crowd around Luke began to disperse.

  “No, you go, son.” Ben gave Jayden an affectionate squeeze.

  “Save my lunch, then,” Jayden called as he ran off.

  As Tessa walked with Ben to the grill, the need to come clean with Ben sat heavily on her mind. Now was as good a time as ever. But would he understand it hadn't been a conspiracy? Maybe Stephanie had intended to use her to glean the information she needed, but Tessa’s intentions were honest. Would Ben believe that? She took a deep breath, but her heart thumped heavily in her chest. What if he takes it the wrong way? Wouldn’t blame him if he did.

  “Ben, I have something to tell you.”

  Ben turned his head, a slightly puzzled look on his face. “Tell away then. What is it?”

  Tessa gulped. “One thing I strive to have in all my relationships is honesty, and I want to be honest with you.”

  An amused look grew on Ben’s face. “Are you going to tell me you’ve got two heads or something?”

  Tessa laughed lightly. “No, nothing like that.” She became serious. “I’m not quite sure how to say this, Ben, so I’ll just say it. Your counsellor, Stephanie, is my best friend.”

  Ben’s head jerked up, his eyes widening as his face paled.

  “Ben, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know how to tell you.” She reached out and grabbed his wrist. He pulled it away. Her chest heaved. It was over. He’d never trust her now.

  His eyes held hers, as if he was searching her soul, condemning her. Say something, Ben…

  Placing his hand firmly on her elbow, he guided her to the side of the walkway, away from the crowd, and faced her.

  “That’s not what I expected to hear, Tessa. I’m disappointed. So much for client confidentiality.” His voice was crisp, and she felt like a naughty school girl.

  “Oh, Ben.” Tessa swallowed a sob. “I’ve known Stephanie since we were kids, and now we’re house mates. I try not to listen when she talks about her cases. In fact I try to discourage her from talking about them, but sometimes she just needs to get them off her chest.” Tessa gulped, imploring him with her eyes to understand. “When I met you at puppy school and realised who you were, I was caught. But I didn’t think it’d matter, until you asked me out.” Tessa lowered her head and stifled a sniff. “Maybe I shouldn’t have accepted.”

  “I should have known there was a connection by the way she kept suggesting I ask you out. I should report her.” Ben’s eyes had narrowed.

  Tessa looked up, her breath catching. No! Surely Ben wouldn’t do that. A heavy weight settled on her chest.

  “But I won’t.” She met his gaze. His eyes were stead
y, but the darkness had lifted a little and his face had softened. “I haven't been the most cooperative of clients - you probably know that already.” Ben’s breathing slowed as Tessa gave a faint nod.

  “I’m glad you agreed to go out with me, Tess. Even if I was set up.”

  “Oh Ben. Don’t think of it like that. Please. I didn’t say yes because of Stephanie. I said yes because I wanted to.”

  Ben reached out and took her hand. “Thank you, Tess. To be honest, I've been hesitant to get involved with another woman again, so I’m glad she pushed me. I may never have asked you out if it hadn’t been for her.”

  All the tension in Tessa’s body fell away and a smile, flowing from deep within her, grew on her face and reached her eyes. This felt good. They’d survived their first spat and come out the other side. It could have ended so badly. Their eyes were locked. Her breathing quickened. Would he kiss her?

  Tessa laughed to herself when Ben said they needed to order lunch. The kiss would have to wait.

  Tessa ordered a chicken sandwich, potato chips and bottled water. Ben ordered the same for himself and Jayden, but added a candy bar as well. They were on their way to an area of tree-shaded picnic tables when Jayden raced towards them, looking distressed.

  When he didn’t stop, Ben leapt up from the table and raced after him, pulling on Jayden’s T-shirt to stop him. Tessa leaned forward to get a clearer view. What could have upset Jayden so much? Surely he wouldn’t have gotten that upset over an autograph?

  Ben attempted to wrap his arms around Jayden but Jayden pushed him away. Jayden couldn’t stand still and his hands jerked as he jumped from leg to leg. He looked like he could burst into tears at any moment.

  Tessa prayed. It was all she could do. Whatever’s troubling Jayden, Lord God, You know. Please wrap Your loving arms around him and comfort him.

  After several minutes, Jayden calmed down and allowed Ben to place his arm around his shoulder. They walked slowly back to the table.

  “Tessa, we need to leave.” Ben’s voice held regret, and his eyes were dark with pain as he gently placed a hand on her shoulder.

  She nodded, not knowing what to say. What could possibly have happened?

  As they walked towards the car, Ben broke the silence.

  “Jayden saw his mum.”

  Tessa’s eyes widened. “Kathryn?”

  “Yes. She's with Luke Emerson. I should have guessed. Jayden’s positive it was her even though she looked different. He reckons she saw him but acted like she hadn’t.”

  “Oh, you poor thing.” Tessa stood and tried to hug Jayden, but he pushed her away.

  When they reached the car, Jayden slumped into the back seat. He held a golf ball and used his thumb to rub off Luke’s autograph.

  “I hate mum. I hate Luke. Don't wanna see either of them ever again.”

  Ben turned around. The muscles in his neck were taut. “Jayden, don't say that.” His voice was measured and he spoke through gritted teeth.

  “It's true.” Jayden lowered his head further and continued scrubbing.

  Tessa’s heart ached for them both. She couldn’t blame Jayden for the way he felt, but if he held onto that hate, he’d end up hurting more. And Tessa couldn’t even start to imagine how Ben must be feeling. God, please be with Jayden and help him deal with this horrible situation. Lord God, wrap Your arms around him and comfort him. And give Ben wisdom to know what to say and do.

  When Ben went to check on Jayden later that evening, Jayden was sprawled across his bed, asleep. Tear stains dotted his pillow. The room was junky as always, but where posters of Luke Emerson had been hanging that morning, only bare spaces remained. Ben found the posters crumpled in Jayden's trashcan along with torn photos of Kathryn.

  Ben's gaze fell back on Jayden as he moaned in his sleep. His face was troubled as if he were having a bad dream. Ben brushed Jayden’s dark brown hair, damp with sweat and tears, with the back of his hand. His chest tightened. How could Kathryn have done this to her son? Did she despise them both so much she’d go out of her way to ignore Jayden? What mother would do that? Did she have no feelings at all?

  The muscles in Ben’s neck tensed the more he thought about it. How dare she do this! He inhaled deeply to control his anger. God, forgive me, but right now I feel like grabbing her by the throat and dragging her here so she can see what she’s done. Ben’s chest heaved and tears pricked his eyes. He stroked Jayden’s hair. “Oh my precious son, I love you. I’m so sorry for everything, but I’m here for you. I really am.” Choking on his words, Ben sat on the bed. Tears poured down his cheeks as everything inside him ached for his son.

  Much later, Ben wiped his face and placed a gentle kiss on Jayden’s cheek before leaving the room quietly.

  Chapter 12

  Kathryn leaned forward in one of the luxurious armchairs in the lobby of the hotel where she and Luke were staying, crossing one long leg over the other. Her hands shook as she opened the gold inlaid cigarette case Luke had presented her with on the anniversary of their first year together, just one of the many extravagant gifts he’d bestowed on her in the past year. She was about to light up when she remembered the non-smoking rules of the hotel.

  Sighing with frustration, she returned the cigarette to the case, snapping the lid shut. Maybe she should just go to their suite – smoking was allowed on the balcony. But Luke wouldn’t be happy if she left him here.

  Kathryn caught Luke’s eye as he signed yet another autograph for the adoring fans who’d gathered in the lobby. In the past, she would’ve been amongst that group, but now, she could get Luke Emerson’s autograph any time she wanted. Her gaze lingered on him as he turned his attention to his fans. What an amazing ride they’d had. And how lucky she’d been to capture this legend’s heart. Her gaze travelled beyond him to the ballroom where it had all happened. Oh, what a night it had been! One of fifty lucky fans chosen to have a private dinner with Luke Emerson on his last visit to Brisbane, and out of those fifty people who’d dined with him that night, Luke had been captivated by her. Her! All night Kathryn’s heart beat so fast she was surprised it hadn’t exploded. Luke sat at her table and talked with her. He asked a lot of questions, and somehow she answered them all. Luke had treated her like she was the only person in the room. How special she’d felt. Ben had never made her feel like that. And her body had never felt so alive as it had that night with Luke.

  But seeing Jayden today had thrown Kathryn’s world into a spin. She shouldn’t have come back to Brisbane with Luke, but he’d insisted. No way could she tell him the real reason for not wanting to come. If she did, he’d dump her there and then. No, it was paramount that Luke never found out about Jayden.

  Kathryn forced a smile on her face when he called her over for a photograph. How could she refuse? She’d tried so hard to hide her identity from the media, but no doubt it would come out eventually. And then? Pushing down the sick feeling in the pit of her stomach, she smiled for the cameras. Luke’s toned arm around her shoulders offered some comfort, but didn’t fully alleviate the dread she felt.

  “Alright, baby. I'm all done for now.” Luke placed a quick kiss on her cheek and waved once more to his fans before linking Kathryn's arm in his and walking to the elevators. Once the doors closed, Luke pulled her close. His red polo shirt was slightly damp with sweat, but neither the dampness nor body odour offended her, in fact, Kathryn’s body tingled with anticipation as it always did whenever Luke Emerson touched her.

  “How did I do out there, sweet pea?”

  “Fantastic as always.” Kathryn lifted her head and gazed into his eyes. “But you need to rest, Luke. You hardly got any sleep last night.”

  “I wonder why?” A cheeky grin grew on Luke’s face. He smacked her bottom lightly as the doors opened.

  “Luke! Behave!” Kathryn giggled as she batted her eyelashes and shimmied her bottom away from him, for a moment forgetting all about Jayden.

  Reaching their penthouse suite, Luke showered and then f
ell into bed, pulling Kathryn with him. After they’d made love, he lay back and pulled her tight.

  As he slept soundly beside her, Kathryn ran perfectly manicured nails slowly across Luke’s chest. If only they could stay here, cocooned in this sumptuous suite, away from the prying eyes of the media and fans. And Jayden. As much as she tried to push thoughts of her son from her mind, the image of Jayden’s distraught face when recognition hit taunted her. Just as well she and Luke were flying out first thing in the morning, otherwise the temptation to see him might be too great.

  She wriggled carefully out of Luke’s tight embrace and ran the bath. As the hot soapy, perfumed water swirled over her body, Kathryn rested her head on the rim of the tub. For the first time since leaving Ben and Jayden, tears sprang to her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.

  Had she made the right choice? Opening her eyes slowly, she stared at the soft lights glowing above her. Ben had been so shocked when he saw the packed bags sitting just inside their front door that day. He looked like he’d been punched. He’d begged her to reconsider, to change her mind - if for no other reason than Jayden.

  He’d pleaded with her to tell him why. What had he done wrong? The problem with that question was that he hadn't done anything wrong. Ben was a good man. He wasn't as good looking as Luke Emerson. He didn't have money in the millions or a mansion or a yacht. He hadn’t showered her with attention or lavish gifts like Luke had, and he’d never been as romantic as Luke. But despite all that, Ben was a good man. The problem was, he hadn’t made her feel special like Luke had. Luke loved her, and with him, all her dreams had come true.

  It had been a mistake having a child. She’d been so young and had no idea what parenthood involved, nor how much she’d have to sacrifice. Ben had been a great father, doting on Jayden and doing everything for him. Just as well, because she couldn’t stand the smell of dirty nappies or the feel of sticky fingers. Yes, Jayden was better off without her in his life. But something deep down tugged at her. Jayden was her son. Her flesh and blood. Her eyes burned with unwelcome tears as pain stabbed her heart. She glanced at her phone. Maybe she should call him.


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