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Silent Treatment

Page 4

by Jackie Williams

  Carrie struggled feebly in his arms, wanting to prove that she was fine. She didn’t want him to feel bad about what he had done but she gave up almost immediately as she realized that her efforts were no match for his bulging muscles. She kept her voice steady as she spoke.

  “I’ll be fine. I can feel that it’s okay. It’s just a bit numb now. It was only the shock that made me faint. I didn’t think it was going to hurt that much.”

  Carrie felt the rumble shudder through his chest as Daniel groaned.

  “Numb? Oh no, I don’t think it should be numb. God! I wish I had done the advanced first aid course as well now.” He sounded exasperated with himself.

  They reached the car. Paul waited with the back door open. Daniel ducked his head and slid inside with Carrie still in his arms. He reached for the seatbelt and clipped it in around them both. Paul put the car in gear and took off slowly up the road.

  Paul leapt from the car as soon as they drew up to Daniel’s house. He flung open the car door and took Carrie from Daniel’s arms. She protested loudly that a shoulder injury didn’t affect her walking ability, but they both ignored her and didn’t put her down until they reached Daniel’s front room. He shouldered his way inside and pushed open the door to the lounge. Paul moved forwards quickly, lay her gently on the couch and then stood back as Daniel knelt down in front of her.

  Carrie immediately tried to sit upright, but as she put her hand down to push against the fabric of the settee the shooting pain in her shoulder brought the nausea back to the surface. She leaned forwards and breathed deeply, holding back the vomit that suddenly rose into her throat.

  “Give it a while. Don’t put any pressure on it for a moment and the pain will go quicker.” Paul spoke over Daniel’s shoulder. “When Dan put mine back in last year, I actually thought he’d killed me, felt like he’d torn my arm off. It was numb for ages afterwards, and I felt as sick as a dog. Seemed like hours before I could even think of moving it, but really, after just a few minutes it was a bit better.”

  Daniel gave Paul a furious, accusing glare.

  “You didn’t say it hurt that much, you just walked off like it was fine right away. You were rolling it round like it was okay. You even carried on playing after half time.”

  Paul gave a great laugh and slapped his friend on the back.

  “Huh! That was for your benefit mate, you know, just so you didn’t feel too bad. I actually thought I was going to die from the pain. I only didn’t say anything because I couldn’t unclamp my jaws. If I had done I would have cried. I never want to have an injury like that again.” Paul pulled a face and shuddered as he remembered the agony.

  Daniel glared at Paul, amazed at his confession.

  “What real tears? Christ Paul! You should have told me. I would never have made Carrie suffer like this if I’d known it was that bad. I can’t believe I put her through this.”

  Paul shrugged dismissively.

  “Just as well I didn’t let on then. Carrie would have been up at the hospital and out of the dance troupe before she knew it. You can’t let that happen without a bit of a fight, especially when some sick bitch did it to get her out of the group.” He looked back down at Carrie sympathetically. “As it is, there’s no way you’re going to be doing anything much with that arm for a day or two. Can you get out of any rehearsals?”

  Carrie gave a small nod, anticipating pain. She winced as she was suitably rewarded.

  “Probably. But maybe I can pretend I have a stomach bug or something. They won’t want me around if they think I could spread an infection. Antonio makes us take a full twenty-four hours off after the last time we’re ill, forty eight if we’ve actually been sick, just so that none of the rest of us catch anything. The sweaty atmosphere and constant contact during the dances means that infection spreads quickly. That rule will get me to Friday and then we’ve a two day rest break this weekend anyway.”

  Daniel turned to Paul, his tone like acid as his eyes accused his friend’s misplaced loyalty over his own shoulder injury.

  “Four days then. Was that long enough for you? And for God’s sake tell me the truth this time. I don’t need you placating my ego over Carrie’s health.”

  Paul nodded and help up his hands in surrender. He was serious now.

  “Okay mate. It’ll be moving by then, but it’ll still hurt like fu..,” He cleared his throat noisily as he held back the swear word. “You know what I mean, but don’t forget, I wasn’t doing any wild arm movements anyway. If you remember I stayed well out of trouble for a couple of games…” He looked at Carrie. “Can you fake it in dance practice?” He squatted down beside Daniel.

  Carrie shook her head gently, wary of moving her neck too far.

  “Not a chance. Antonio goes mad if we don’t put everything into it. He’ll notice in a heartbeat if I’m holding back. The best I can get away with is if I say that I slept on it funny and it’s gone a bit stiff, but if I’m not okay in a couple of days, he’ll have me at the physiotherapist’s and nothing gets past her. She’ll know what’s wrong with me in a second.” She looked at them both glumly. “This is going to be hard to pull off.”

  Daniel nodded, swivelled around and sat on the settee beside her. His thigh was just skimming her leg.

  “Do you have to go into school for anything over the next couple of days? My exams have finished so I won’t be going in.”

  Carrie turned to him, wincing as the pain caught her off guard again.

  “Ouch! No, that was my last exam, so I’ve officially left school now. I only have to go in to clear my locker and then I can be signed off for the summer.”

  “Paul will do your locker, won’t you?” Daniel looked up at his friend who nodded immediately.

  “Whatever you need pal,” he answered firmly. “I have to go in anyway. My last geography exam is tomorrow, I can do it after then.”

  Daniel turned to Carrie again.

  “I’m done with all everything. Took my last math’s exam today, but maybe I can go in and have your end of year slip signed. If you can get away from your mum tomorrow you can come over here when I’m back and we can start on the physio straight away. I’ve been taking an evening course for the last year. Obviously I’m not qualified yet but I know the basics for shoulder injuries. What those cows did to you was a bit like being slammed by a defender. It’ll be good practice for me anyway.”

  Carrie almost shrugged, but stopped herself in time

  “I don’t know how I’m going to get out of the house if I’ve told mum that I’ve got a stomach bug. She’ll see through that in a minute. I’ll have to say something about wanting some fresh air, that might do it.”

  Paul stood up and rubbed the feeling back into his thighs. He looked at his watch.

  “Well, if we’re all okay here, I’ve gotta go man. My parents are still at work so I pick up my kid sister from drama club about now. She’ll be a pain in the butt if I’m late.” He gave a brief glance at Carrie. “You sure you don’t want to go to the hospital? It’s on the way to my sister’s school.”

  Carrie shook her head automatically and then grinned as she realized her shoulder didn’t hurt quite so badly.

  “No, it’s fine, I’m sure. I can feel it’s getting better already. I’ll go home in a while and have a good hot soak in the bath. I’ll tell mum I feel a bit light headed after the exams. She’ll fall for that. Then a bit later I’ll go to bed and pretend I’m sick in the night. With a bit of luck, if I time it right, I can be ill for more than the two days, then I can get a third day off after. Another day resting will probably make a difference.”

  Daniel smiled at her, obviously relieved that she could move her head more now.

  “Well, Carrie Denton! I didn’t know you could be quite so devious.” He flicked his fingertip on the end of her nose.

  Carrie raised her eyebrows and felt her cheeks begin to flush.

  Paul rolled his eyes at her and turned to leave.

  “I’ll see you lat
er Dan, and if you leave your locker key with him Carrie, I’ll pick up your stuff tomorrow. Maybe I’ll see you back here, if you’ve got away with telling a few fibs.”

  Carrie smiled at him.

  “Yeah maybe, and thanks for the lift Paul. See you tomorrow.”

  They stayed silent until they heard the front door slam and then Daniel turned to Carrie again. He stared at her shoulder.

  “You sure about not going to the hospital? I can get you there if you need to go. I passed my test earlier this year and I can borrow mum’s car. She goes to an aerobics class with her friend this afternoon so she won’t need it.”

  Carrie shook her head gently.

  “Honestly, I’m fine, look.” She lifted her shoulder tentatively. It hurt, but it wasn’t unbearable. Daniel leaned forwards and put his hand on the joint. He pressed his fingers lightly around her whole shoulder, moving it carefully as he checked to see that she had full movement. Then he laid the flat of his hand on her shoulder blade and began to massage it slowly.

  Carrie sat up very straight. Her shoulder had been burning with pain, but now her whole body felt as though it were on fire. His hands were firm but gentle as they massaged deep into her muscle and then he moved one hand up to the back of her neck. His hand was so large she could tell he could almost encircle her whole neck with his long fingers, but he kept his fingertips on the muscles just beneath her skull and rolled them with a gentle pressure.

  The sensations were so intoxicating that an involuntary groan left her lips and Daniel moved his hands away from her quickly.

  “Sorry!” He exclaimed. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.” His voice was very near her ear and she was more than relieved that he had thought her in pain and not enjoying the experience of him touching her so much that she had lost control of her voice box. “Perhaps I’d better not do any more to it today.” He added quietly.

  She couldn’t help herself as she spoke.

  “No, carry on for a bit, it’s really soothing. I don’t want to look all stiff when I go home. Mum has eyes like a hawk and will spot it straight off.” Her heart thumped erratically as she spoke, but he put his hands back on her hesitantly and then began moving them rhythmically again.

  She tried rolling her head from side to side as he massaged and then turned it either way. As she turned to the right she caught Daniel looking directly at her. She stopped twisting her head and stared back at him.

  He seemed to hesitate for a moment, but then spoke quickly as he massaged some more.

  “I won my scholarship place in America.” He didn’t stop speaking as Carrie felt her face crumple. “As long as I get 2 A’s out of my four subjects and pass the other two with at least a B, I can start early September. I’m pretty sure I’ve done enough for that. It’s going to be great ‘cos Paul was awarded a place too. I just need to get my airfare together. I’m working Saturday and Sunday nights at the garage to help pay for it.”

  Carrie tried to fix her expression into one of delight. She didn’t think, by the way her cheeks contracted violently, that it could look very convincing.

  “That’s fantastic. When did you hear?” She gulped and had to stop speaking or she would have cried.

  Daniel sat a little straighter.

  “I only received the confirmation yesterday. I was worried for Paul. His parents are well off and he doesn’t qualify for the full scholarship, but they’ve said they’ll pay the difference for his first year. Hopefully he can get a decent job and earn enough while he’s there to cover the rest of the course. I’m going to have to work too, but at least I’ll only have to cover living expenses. We’ll probably end up sharing somewhere and divvying up the money, that way we’ll both be able to benefit.” Daniel didn’t sound as enthusiastic as Carrie thought he should. He wasn’t smiling at all.

  She frowned up at him.

  “Is something wrong Daniel? You don’t sound very happy about it all. Don’t you want to go?” She knew her voice was trembling with emotion but there was nothing she could do about it. She felt her eyes begin to well up with tears and she blinked them back furiously, determined not to cry.

  Daniel looked down and dropped his hands into his lap.

  “I thought I wanted to go more than anything in the world, up until a few months ago. I still want to go really, but there’s a complication that’s come up big time, and I don’t know how I can get around it.” His tone was more than despondent.

  Carrie felt as though her mouth would never work again, but she forced the words out from between her clamped jaws.

  “What complication?”

  Daniel lifted his blue eyes to hers again and Carrie suddenly felt very hot under his burning gaze.

  “Don’t you know? Can’t you guess Carrie.” He ran his fingers through his hair in obvious frustration. “The complication is you. I don’t want to go and leave you. Not now.” He sounded more than miserable.

  For a moment she couldn’t think what he meant. She was barely over the shock of him telling her that he was leaving England.

  “Me? You don’t have to worry about me. My shoulder will be fine by then.” Her heart was banging in her chest, threatening to explode through her school shirt.

  He suddenly laughed at her and then grabbed her hands. He wrapped his huge palms around her fingers and squeezed them gently.

  “You idiot. I don’t mean just because of this injury. I mean because I’ll miss you. Really miss you…” He paused and looked deep into her eyes.

  “You’ll miss me?” Carrie squawked in shocked delight. “I’ll miss you too Dan.” She lifted her face to look up at him.

  He suddenly dropped her hands and slowly raised his to her face, touching her cheeks with his fingertips and leaning in close, his warm breath wafting over her.

  And then his expression changed again. His fingers dropped from her face to her shoulder and he sat back again as he sighed deeply. He gave her shoulder one more quick rub as he spoke.

  “Look, don’t worry about it if you can’t get out tomorrow, I’ll come over to your place. I’ll say I’ve already had the bug so your mum will have to let me in to visit my sick friend. We can do some exercises to get it moving then. Come on, I’m sending you home now so you can start pretending to be ill.” He stood up quickly and pulled her up gently from the sofa.

  Carrie stood looking up at him, but he avoided her gaze and turned abruptly towards the front door. She followed him, confusion curling through her stomach. She had been sure he had been about to kiss her a moment ago, and she wondered what had put him off. She tried to shrug, but stopped as she gasped in pain again. He turned quickly as he heard the stifled sound, but she smiled valiantly and walked past him as he opened the front door for her.

  “You going to walk me up the road?” She asked as he came to a halt by the front gate. “Just in case I feel faint again.” She added, the corner of her lip lifting as she spoke.

  He grinned down at her.

  “Do you feel faint then?” He took hold of her hand and gave it a squeeze.

  Carrie looked down as he intertwined his fingers with hers and she squeezed his hand back.

  “Not really.” She smiled. “But you never know with an injury like this, it might come over me all of a sudden. I wouldn’t like to take any chances.”

  Daniel laughed and let go of her hand.

  “I suppose so. Come on then.” He walked out of the gate in front of her and they fell into step.

  They only took a few minutes to cover the distance and they didn’t speak again until they were almost at her gate. Just before they reached her house, he turned towards her and lifted his hand to her shoulder. He rubbed it gently and then picked up her hand. He turned it over in his and lifted her arm slightly, watching her face carefully for any signs of discomfort.

  “Okay?” He asked, his eyes searching hers.

  She nodded as she stared up at him, unable to speak again as she thought about him leaving. She gulped back the constriction in her throat.r />
  “I’ll give you a call later if everything is going to plan. What’s your number?” She asked him quickly.

  He fumbled in his pocket and brought out his mobile. He read out the number and then chuckled.

  “Not many people have this. It’s mostly only the team. You are highly honoured, you know.”

  Carrie raised her eyebrows and laughed as she tapped his number into her phone, but then her face fell again as an impatient hoot caused her to turn quickly.

  They both stepped aside as Carrie’s father pulled his car into the driveway and she deliberately ignored his furious expression as he glared angrily at Daniel.

  Chapter Thre e

  The Same Evening

  “I don’t believe her Helen. She’s not sick. She’s never sick. She didn’t look sick earlier. I saw her holding hands with that great gorilla of a kid who lives up the road. The one that makes all that flipping racket every night. She looked fine when she was making eyes at him. Goofy even… I thought he was gay for God’s sake! I’ve never seen him with another girl. He’s always hanging out with those other huge apes from the rugby team. She’s puked up twice now. Christ! You don’t think she’s pregnant do you?”

  Carrie fumed as she lay in bed listening to her father whispering loudly to her mother, just outside her bedroom door.

  Her mother gave a startled gasp.

  “Jim! How can you even think that? You should wash your mouth out with soap. That’s our daughter’s reputation you’re maligning.” Her mother sounded furious and Carrie gave a grim smile before she settled her face into a martyred expression as she heard a gentle knock. Both her parents walked in through her door.

  “Hey, sweetheart, how are you feeling now?” Her mother walked over to her bedside and laid a cool hand across her brow.

  Carrie coughed dramatically, unsure of how convincing it sounded. She had never won a part in any of the school drama productions. She wiped her mouth on a tissue before she spoke.

  “Awful. I was sick again ten minutes ago. I just want to go to sleep.” Carrie kept her voice faint.


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