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Charger Chronicles 3: Charger the God

Page 27

by Lea Tassie

  We will in this paper confirm the discovery of the four enlarged, recurved and serrated incisors found modified into a necklace as the very same teeth missing from the giant skull. J. Smythe is correct in his conclusion that the four teeth were at some point in history worn by a member of a tribe, possibly as a distinction or recognition for a great deed, stated by First Nations traditions to be conferred on great leaders or warriors. The realization that these four teeth are, in fact, the dentition missing from the giant skull clearly defines this hominoid as carnivorous, also possibly cannibalistic as mentioned in several First Nations oral traditions of the time and this location. To date we have conferred with all the collections departments of every museum across America and into Canada and can confirm that no other giant skulls are held in containers or crates.

  We can only conclude that this skull is unique and singular, unless others are recovered from the matrix at some point in the future. As to the partial skeleton found at some considerable distance from the skull, we conclude the two are not related. The partial skeleton is unique in that the long bones of the legs and arms seem to have been deliberately broken at some point when the hominoid was living. This is determined by the healing and recovery and use of the limbs in life. A small piece of composite material was discovered on one partial leg bone section and appears to be grafted or mechanically fastened in a manner as yet undetermined. Its purpose is also unknown.

  Two hair samples were later recovered by our team of researchers at the Texas cairn site, but the degradation to the genetic makeup was too severe for identification. No useful research can be gained from these samples at this point, and they have been preserved for future generations that may have better methods for recovery. S. Williams did, however, recover some small fragments of clothing which proved to be period specific and common.

  We would, at this point in our treatise, like to record that the item classified as GEP-127 was appropriated by the United States government from our dig site, an action both highly unethical and unconstitutional. To date, the only scientific information we can record from this cylindrical object approximately 350mm in length, is that it emitted an unknown and intense energy source. It has been described by Sutton as similar to a hand grip found on tools or weapons. This object appears to be of metallic construction and was considerable in weight. Had it been connected to some implement, we speculate that it might have been a power source.

  Materials and Methods

  The original description of The Giant Skull of the Americas and the associated but distinct skeletal remains of The Rockwall of Texas Skeleton (Smythe, 1883) was based on unprepared specimens, so as not to destroy the remains. The unprepared specimens comprised two main but distinct and almost complete humanoid remains. The matrix was removed by mechanical and chemical techniques. The species concept used in this paper follows the phylogenetic species concept of Nixon and Wells (1993, 1998). Hence the diagnosis of The Giant Skull of the Americas and the associated but distinct skeletal remains of The Rockwall of Texas Skeleton is based on a unique combination of characteristics that differentiates this taxon from all others. The anatomical nomenclature used here generally follows Bates and Dart (1996) using the English equivalents of the Latin terminology.

  Systematic Anthropology Descriptions


  The skull is well preserved and complete. Its general dimensions and weight are twice that of the modern human counterpart. The thickness of the bone is dramatic and robust, and exceeds twice the thickness of its modern counterpart. There are two weak crests on the cranial face above the prominent brow ridges that rise 20mm from the surface. The orbits are excessively large for the overall size of the skull and appear rectangular and off centered from the vertical center of the face. The nasal cavity is exceedingly large with the presence of dramatic turbinals deep inside the skull which can only be explained by positing an extremely acute sense of smell. The orbital lobes on the back of the skull are too large for regular visual acuity, and suggest a high degree of night-capable vision, suitable to a nocturnal lifestyle. The mandible and the existing dentition are omnivorous and robust with the exception of the four removed recurved and serrated front teeth which are predatory and exceed 60mm in exposed length beyond the root. A high degree of auditory acuity is represented based on the presence and size of the remaining bony structures. The brain case and assumed associated soft tissue are an abnormality in the skull for they are equal in mass to present day humans, suggesting the remaining empty cavities found in the skull must have had a function and were filled with some as yet unknown materials.

  Axial Skeleton

  Dorsal Vertebrae: The preserved trunk elements are regarded as midposterior dorsals in the absence of ventral processes. The five vertebrae are well preserved; the anterior three are exposed in ventral view and are fused together. The last two are in lateral view and show signs of unusual development or possibly disease. The result is inconclusive and confusing. The articular surfaces are laterally compressed due to either preservation conditions or possible signs of disease. The consideration of genetic mutation is rejected. These bodies are marked by deep longitudinal depressions and their parapophyses are developed in a central position, that seems impossibly connected to a singular osteoderm of immense size and perplexing lack of weight, constructed of some as yet unknown metallic compound.

  Synsacral Vertebrae: The last two vertebrae of the synsacrum are preserved, and bear elongate transverse processes, which retain their individuality and are caudally directed. The last process is narrower than the preceding one. This trend continues in the caudal vertebrae.

  Caudal Vertebrae: The caudal centra seem to be amphicoelous. These vertebrae have elongate and narrow transverse processes that, like those of the synsacral vertebrae, are directed caudally. At the cranial border of the second caudal there is an unusual bifurcate, ventrally projected ossification that probably represents a massive hemal arch.

  Ribs: Fragments of several ribs are preserved, although none of them are articulated with the vertebrae. Three of these ribs are fairly complete and lack uncinated processes. The haphazard distribution of the ribs suggests the body was disturbed after death.


  At first inspection of these unusual and completely unexpected osteoderms, our first impression was that they were some form of ancestral tool. They are of metallic origin and incredibly light weight, and appear ridiculous in size compared to the overall size of the remains of this specimen. The only conclusion is both speculative and unproven: that these osteoderms are unbelievably connected to the bones of this specimen. However, if this specimen did contain bone armor, it is surely of unprecedented importance. These osteoderms show signs of deep pitting and damage and are so large in size that, had they been connected to this specimen, its ability to move with any flexibility is called into question.

  Thoracic Girdle and Sternum

  Coracoid: Both coracoids are preserved, exposed in ventral view. The additional preparation has revealed the shoulder end of the right coracoid, while that of the left one is missing. Both coracoids are typically hominid but are two and a half times the size of the average human, being extremely robust and showing signs of stress fractures in life. The following information is considered problematic and should be considered with caution. One large osteoderm was found some distance from the remains that appears to have been connected to the coracoids. Both coracoids have several coordinated holes that suggest mechanical fasteners were used to adhere these shoulder armor plates to the body. The persistence of these holes cannot be explained as evidence of disease or post mortem interference.

  Scapula: The new preparation has revealed the shoulder portions of both scapulae and part of the body of the right one. Unfortunately, the preserved areas contain little significant new information. The presence of additional holes, as noted by J. Smythe, are still visible and their purpose is still inconclusive.

  Sternum: In addition to the cranial area
described in the original study, the new preparation has revealed the caudal part of the sternum. The sternum is of unknown metallic compound, light in weight and heavily damaged. The sternum is broad and flat with small divots across the surface. Internal to the body on the sternum are ruminates of fibrous material that appear only long enough to be connected to the soft tissues of the body, and for what purpose is still unknown. The difficulty of describing this specimen cannot be overstated.

  Thoracic Limb

  Humerus: Additional preparation has revealed the right humerus, exposed in cranial view with its osteoderm still fused and articulated. It is as long as or slightly shorter than the ulna. Although the bone part of the humerus is crushed, some extent of disphasement between the axial planes of both extremities is still visible. This is a primitive condition known to occur. At the proximal end, the pectoral crest does not curve cranially. In proximal view, the head is cranially concave and caudally convex. There is strong evidence that the humerus was disarticulated in life and severed in half, removing a 120mm section of bone in the center and the replacement and fusing of the osteoderm. The bicipital and tricipital muscles must have been massive as is evidenced in the striations on the bone and metallic section. The distal extremity is cranio-caudally compressed and its cranial surface does not show any evidence of the fossa for the brachial muscle. However, there may have been some mechanical fastening of this muscle.

  Ulna: Only the proximal half of the ulna is preserved, and it is exposed cranio-ventrally. The ulna is broad and robust and correct for the bodily proportions; however, the radius is missing. Here we do not mean unpreserved, but medically missing. It is replaced with a large, possibly metallic, rod that was broken and may have once been attached to another osteoderm. This may indicate that the ulna was also severed in life and a metallic extension used to complete the ulna.

  Radius: Refer to above.

  Metacarpals and Manual Phalanges

  The right hand of this specimen was revealed with the additional preparation and found to be fully complete and perfectly articulated, with all the bones of the hand being present. The term “bone” is loosely applied here for although the “bones” are present, they are not bone. They are, in point of fact, of metallic composition of as yet unknown materials. The most striking feature of the hand is the proximal phalanx which is slender and elongate; the distal phalanx is a claw. There are four digits to the hand and a robust bone-crushing thumb. It is assumed that the left hand is present but at a greater depth in the matrix and as yet not recovered or was removed from the body deliberately.

  Pelvic Girdle

  Perfectly preserved and common for males of modern humans. It is the only section of bone that remained uncrushed and perfectly preserved, and can be rotated 360 degrees for inspection. All aspects of modern physiology are present and therefore not worth repeating here. The only exception is what appears to be engineered holes sporadically placed in the bone.

  Pelvic Limb

  Femur: Both femora are preserved. The right is exposed in medial view and the left one cranio-medially. Both femora are sectioned evenly with a metallic insert to lengthen the bone and connected to osteoderms. The right one is absent and the metallic section shows signs of breakage. Both femurs are excessively robust and considerably shorter than the tibiotarsus. Both femoral shafts are slightly convex, and the femoral head is oval and extremely large. Deep striations are noted and muscle mass must have been dramatic. The right femur shows signs of “bad knees” and this specimen must have walked with a pronounced limp.

  Tibiotarsus: Only the right tibiotarsus is present and found to be dramatically shattered after renewed preparation. The bone also shows signs of being sectioned in the middle of the shaft but the connecting metallic structure and its osteoderm are missing. The damage to the tibiotarsus is extensive and possibly explains the missing presence of a foot, for the remaining bone suggests that the loss was during life. The damage is so severe that this must have contributed to the death of this individual.


  While we find the original work completed by J. Smythe in 1883 was accomplished very well for its time in history, addition preparation has revealed much more complete information of both The Giant Skull of the Americas and the associated but distinct skeletal remains of The Rockwall of Texas Skeleton. We cannot concur with Smythe’s original assertions that the two specimens are connected. However, we cannot entirely rule this line of reasoning out, for we cannot prove reasonably that Smythe is incorrect. The scientific fact that such a humanoid creature existed in the late thirteenth century in what is today’s continent of North America, and had possible contact with ancient peoples of that time is both disturbing and controversial.

  The associated rock walls and cairn found with the skeleton in Texas date to the same time using carbon 14 techniques, and so conclusively prove an association is correct. The twenty-mile square enclosure with right angle construction is clearly manmade and representative of a well-formed society. It cannot be proven that the skeleton found is the constructor of this enclosure or whether others enclosed the skeleton in it as a burial plot, and any speculation is clearly non-scientific. Recent excavation work using ground-penetrating radar done at the Rockwall Texas site has identified a vague outline of a complex that appears like a dwelling, located on the northeastern side of the Rockwall complex. However, until the matrix is fully removed and examined, conclusive proof of a dwelling cannot be verified.

  Finally, if The Giant Skull of the Americas and the associated but distinct skeletal remains of The Rockwall of Texas Skeleton are connected, the image of a humanoid of this size and caliber is deeply disturbing.


  66 MYA Gray aliens explore Earth, cause dinosaur extinction

  65 MYA Grays return, develop intelligent Dinosauroids

  1.5 MYA Grays create intelligent humans

  1 MYA Human First Ones build three great cities underground.

  12,000 BCE Human Mahouds find a new home in space, Alcazaba

  2250 BCE Tasker robot from Mahoud explores Earth

  1700 CE The Grays’ spaceship captures a god fragment

  2025 CE USS Rothschild sent to planet Crest.

  2030-33 CE Mahoud-Earth war. Charger the Hyborg created

  2040 CE Discovery of city below Stonehenge

  2050 CE Dinosauroids merge their timeline with Earth

  2055 CE Mavens steal a spaceship to escape Earth


  2100 CE The Tasker War on New Eden

  2205 CE First Gray attack on Crest

  2255 CE Grays inflict Night of the Black Rain on Earth

  2256 CE Charger creates new humans on Neo Terra

  2315 CE Spaceship Loki lands on Crest, then lost in space

  2365 CE Deleray sees Charger burn up under a tree

  2623 CE God fragment found, Charger R/T created

  2635 CE The Grays have imploded. There is no war

  2640 CE Charger and the god captured in a time-lock


  3640 CE. Abarth releases Charger RT, the First Ones and the god from the time-lock

  3650 CE Pennington and her followers find the Prime

  Flashback to Planet Crest events:

  2025 CE Spaceship USS Rothschild lands on Crest

  2065 CE Spaceship Loki sent to Crest but goes astray

  2105 CE USS Rothschild arrives on Crest

  2205 CE First Gray attack on Crest. Abarth and Charger travel back from 4255 CE and Charger RT kills Abarth

  2300 CE Charger RT destroys heaven and the entrance

  2315 CE Loki arrives on Crest, a dead world

  2316 CE Reanna leaves on the Loki, goes astray again

  Normal time sequence resumes:

  3716 CE Loki with Reanna arrives on New Eden

  3717 CE Dart is born

  3730 CE Abarth betrays Pennington

  3800 CE Abarth loses war with Charger; goes to prison

bsp; 4250 CE Abarth, Jet & Spyder escape from prison


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