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Ascend (The Vampire Destiny Series Book #4)

Page 5

by Alexandra Anthony

  His hands were rough as he pulled me over his skin, flipping me around until his mouth once again met the slick wetness of my pussy. His fingers spread open my folds and his tongue drove deep inside.

  Without a second thought, I cupped him with one hand, my fingers circling his impressive length, the other bracing against his thigh. My mind had splintered, making it difficult to focus as his mouth and lips seemed to devour me. My tongue snaked out, slowly tracing over the velvet-covered steel of his cock. He moaned, the speed of his tongue and fingers increasing. I was dangerously close to climax. Licking my lips, I sank my mouth down over him, my hands still gripping his thighs. His hips involuntarily thrust against me as my lips moved over him, pulling him deeper and faster inside of my mouth. I groaned around him as I felt him twitch against my lips.

  When he came, I took it all and relished the flavor of him. His fingers circled my clit, pushing me over the edge and I shattered into a million pieces, collapsing over his body.

  Spent, neither of us moved. I heard his soft laughter and his hoarse words. "I take everything back. I missed that…you and me.”

  I giggled softly and smiled against the skin of his thigh, kissing it lightly.

  He gathered me up into his arms, kissing me urgently. I wrapped my legs around him again, and he broke away from my mouth, covering my neck and collarbone with his eager mouth.

  "For three days I thought I had lost you," he gasped into my skin. "I cannot be away from you. I need you too much...and the only thing I fear is my love making you a target."

  I smoothed the worry line between his eyes with my finger. Pressing kisses over his face, I nuzzled my nose against his. “Stefan, we can’t worry about the unknown. We’ll handle what happens. You didn’t survive for 1,000 years by worrying about ‘what-ifs’.”

  Nodding, he snuggled under the covers. Stefan wrapped me in his strong embrace, refusing to let me go. As the dark night sky lightened into the early dawn, we held each other, simply reconnecting. It was healing a wound we both had from my unexpected change.

  I’d almost drifted to sleep when I heard his voice. “I also did not have to worry about losing you during those years. There is much more at stake for me now.”

  Chapter 3 - Learning Curve

  At some point, we’d fallen asleep. As my eyes cracked open, I blinked slowly. I reached for Stefan, only to find his side of the bed empty. The sheets were cool to the touch, looking barely untouched. Had he waited until I fell asleep to leave?

  Stretching languidly in the bed, I snuggled deeper into the covers. I’d expected to feel different when I awoke, expecting to feel like a vampire, to become insane with bloodlust and be uncontrollable.

  Instead, I simply felt like Josephine.

  I knew I was alone in the apartment. Stefan’s presence was humming in the back of my mind, but I could tell he was a short distance away. Listening closely, I could hear his voice. It was slightly muffled, but I could hear him easily. He was next door with Lukas, but they weren’t alone. Concentrating, I could make out the sound of at least two others, all involved in a terse conversation. This couldn’t be good.

  A burst of anger roared through the bond and it spurred me into action. Jumping up from the bed, I struggled into a pair of jeans and an oversize sweatshirt. I didn’t bother with shoes or even to take the time to brush my hair. I hurried out if the bedroom to find Stefan before things spiraled totally out of control.

  I’d reached the living room when his voice hit me. He’d sensed me coming and his deep voice was sharp in my mind. “Stay where you are. Trust me.”

  I wasn’t happy about being ordered to do anything. But I had to trust that Stefan knew what he was doing. Inching closer to the wall that separated us, it was easier for me to listen in on their conversation. It was almost as if I was in the room with them, separated by the safety of wood and drywall.


  "I requested time, Amir. It is too early for her to be evaluated.” Stefan’s voice was steady and precise. He kept his tone low and calm, doing his best to diffuse an already difficult conversation.

  Amir’s bemused chuckle rang out. "And I have given you time, my brother. It has been nearly a week."

  "She is not ready. She is only days old.” Stefan paused and I felt a smugness settle over his thoughts as he switched gears. “I am your elder, Amir. She is my mate and my responsibility. She is nothing to you.”

  “Perhaps another time would be better.” Nigel’s heavy Australian accented voice entered the conversation. It was apparent he was the peacemaker of the group.

  Shifting closer, I pressed my hand against the wall. The wood floor creaked softly under my silent feet. I froze in place, catching my lower lip between my teeth as I waited for their conversation to continue.

  “No, Nigel. We have been delayed long enough. Let us ask her ourselves. My brother, what do you have to hide? You must understand the longer you refuse to let us see her how it appears to the Council?”

  How it appears to the Council?! Stefan had been right when he said that Amir was determined to be the new face of the governing board of all vampires. I’d been hoping Stefan might be mistaken.

  He never was wrong. Not about how the political angles of the vampire world worked at least.

  Standing up straight, I swallowed with a sense of resolve. I couldn’t let Stefan continue to be badgered when I was fully capable of dealing with Amir and Nigel. “I’m coming over, Stefan. This has to stop.”


  “Enough.” I cut him off. “This has to end and it won’t stop until they see me.”

  “Do not say anything that can be used against you. Rely on mental communication if you have a question.”

  I crossed the room with determination, pulling open the door and closing it softly behind me. My bare feet made no sound on the plush carpeting in the hallway between the apartments. I’m sure they heard my approach, but when I pushed the door open, four sets of eyes all met mine at the same time.

  I’d been prepared for Stefan’s fury. He was seething; infuriated that I hadn’t listened to him. He crossed his arms over this broad chest, the buttons of his blue button down shirt straining. His sea blue eyes were cold and glittered angrily as they seemed to hold me in place. Offering him a smile of apology, I tore my gaze away from him.

  As I faced Amir and Nigel, they both appraised me. While Nigel’s eyes were filled with kindness and curiosity, Amir’s amber eyes were calculating and heavily guarded as he took in my changes.

  I knew what he was looking for had nothing to do with my physical appearance. He was curious of my possible abilities and how it would benefit his plans for his new world order.

  “Nigel. Amir.” I nodded to them both. Padding to stand at Stefan’s side, I managed a small smile. “You wanted to see me?”

  Amir’s broad grin seemed forced, his white teeth shining against the ebony of his skin. A heavy eyebrow cocked and his eyes flickered between Stefan and myself. “You have made the immortal change. It was imperative you were assessed.”

  “Assessed? Like a parcel of land?” I queried. I buried my hands in the back pockets of my jeans and rocked slowly on my heels. “Are you afraid I’ll expose the vampire world to the oblivious humans? I was already immortal before this and I managed to keep my mouth shut. Stefan is my maker, Amir. You don’t have to worry about me running out into the streets and draining all of New York dry. I saw my brother with no issue. And if I am tempted, Stefan can command me to stop.”

  I was amazed at how easily the lie slipped from my lips. Stefan was my mate, but he wasn’t my maker. I wasn’t about to let Amir or Nigel in on that information. It was better for few to know of my makerless status.

  Stefan’s shock registered in the bond, yet outwardly he nodded in agreement. “She is no danger. I give you my word.”

  Amir sat down on the arm of an overstuffed chair. His crisp, black Italian suit gave him an air of authority over the rest of us in the room.
His golden eyes never wavered from mine as his head turned to the side. He simply studied me, waiting for me to make the wrong move. He was ready to take over as self-appointed leader with an air of arrogance one would have after a well-executed coup.

  Authority he didn’t have since he has no idea if Kian is even dead, I reminded myself. What if he knew?

  “What can you do?” Amir asked, interrupting my inner musings. His strange, accentless voice broke through my thoughts.

  Blinking in confusion, I looked at him through narrowed eyes. “Excuse me?”

  He chuckled again and straightened his tie. “Your abilities?”

  Ah, now we were getting somewhere. It was time for me to put on Stefan’s poker face. “I lost my psychic ability as I started to become more vampiric. My empathic talent is gone as well. I suppose it was only there while I was human.”

  I shrugged and cleared my throat. Amir pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers and was silent. My eyes shot between Stefan and Nigel standing behind them. They were both poised and tense, ready to spring if Amir made the wrong move.

  Amir dropped his hand and I shifted my attention back to him. He heaved a sigh and stood, smoothing a hand over the front of his suit. “It is a pity. I would still like to offer you and Stefan a position on the Council. Stefan has been by proxy for many years. I would like to make it an official position. You are the daughter of Kian Ahearne, a rightful heir to a position. It is only fitting.”

  I simply stared at Amir for a few moments. “Do we have a choice in this?” I sent to Stefan mentally.

  “There is no refusing a Council position. You know this, vackra.”

  “I’m not going to speak for Stefan, but I need time to think about this, Amir. I am only days old,” I attempted to stall, using my transition time as the little bit of leverage I had left.

  Amir smiled, exposing every single white tooth in his infuriating grin. “Stefan has agreed already. You see, it is an honor to be chosen for the Council. You will make the rules for our world.”

  I met Stefan’s gaze across the room. He nodded in acknowledgement, his blue eyes filled with helplessness. As I stood among the room of men, I felt as if Stefan and I were being dragged unwillingly into a tangled web we’d be lucky to escape from unscathed.

  “Will I have a say in how things are decided? Or will I be there simply because of my bloodline and for show?” I asked boldly. I knew I was heading down a dangerous road by even verbalizing and questioning Amir, but there was no stopping me when I was on a roll.

  “Of course you will have a say. We all will. It will be different this time.” Amir stated, extending his hands palm up as if to show his sincerity. “It is opportunity to change how our world is governed.”

  Even as he spoke, I heard the insincerity in his words. Stefan had told me of how Amir wanted to run things. The Council would only be there for show.

  “Then I guess I have no choice, do I?” I replied quietly. I started to turn away and stopped when my fingers touched the door. It was then I faced them all again. “There are things I need to attend to before I can devote my time to the Council. And Stefan is my mate and maker. I’ll need him to help me. If you offer me a position I can’t refuse, you must give me the time I need to settle my human affairs.”

  Amir stood taller and inclined his head. “Of course. Take as much time as you need. If you need the Council’s assistance…”

  “That won’t be necessary, Amir. But thank you,” I murmured, quickly cutting him off. “I will see you all soon.”

  Opening the door, it was Amir’s voice that stopped me. “Just remember that you are needed here. Please do not linger in your travels.”

  I made no offering to look back. I simply nodded and slipped out the door, closing it with a quiet push. Drawing in a ragged breath, I rested against the solid door and did my best to calm my frazzled nerves.

  I knew now that there were things we needed to do that couldn’t be put off anymore. And now they were more important than ever.


  I’d stripped out of my clothes and made a beeline for the shower. I took my time washing my hair and scrubbing at my skin, as if soap and water could remove the encounter with Amir away. Something had changed with him since the explosion at the Carriage House. Had his near brush with death hardened him, or was he simply an opportunist with an ax to grind?

  Frustrated, I turned off the shower and stepped out, grabbing a soft towel and drying off. I wiped down the steamy mirror and my appearance shocked me.

  I hadn’t seen myself since my change. Taking another pass at the mirror with my towel, I leaned closer to look at my reflection. I was amazed at the differences in my face. My green eyes appeared bigger, sparkling like emeralds and were fringed with thick, dark eyelashes. My skin was like porcelain and my dark, reddish blond hair seemed to be richer and thicker, hanging is loose waves past my shoulders.

  And it wasn’t just my face. As I jerked back from the mirror, I noticed the subtle differences to my body. My breasts were higher and fuller, the already toned muscles of my arms and stomach more defined and tapered.

  I’m not sure how long I spent just staring at myself in the mirror, shocked and amazed at the minute, yet significant changes that would make me unrecognizable to humans that had known me. It was the one time that being a loner had paid off. I wouldn’t have to avoid many people in fear they’d notice my transformation.

  I ran my fingers through my damp hair and turned away to hurry to get dressed. I couldn’t stand around all day staring at myself in the mirror. I’d love to spend the day lounging around and without a worry in the world, but that wasn’t my life anymore. In fact, it hadn’t been for a long time.

  Poking around my closet, I grabbed at the first long sleeve t-shirt I could find and pulled it over my head. Picking up my discarded jeans, I slipped them on. My throat tingled, more of an irritation than a worry. I knew I’d need blood, and I’d need it soon.

  Yet another new reality to deal with, my need for blood. No more espressos, no more wine. Blood would be the only thing that would sooth my thirst and hunger.

  My thoughts became focused on my thirst, and suddenly it was all I could think about. I suddenly realized I had no idea how to feed. I was totally and utterly dependent on Stefan. Huffing angrily at being dependent on anything or anyone, I hurried down the hallway and into the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator, opening and closing various drawers within the nearly empty appliance. There were bottles of water, a bag of coffee, a few bottles of wine.

  No blood.

  Slamming the door shut, I stormed into the living room and was surprised to see Stefan sitting in the chair closest to the window. My thirst had overridden everything, including my awareness of Stefan.

  He was pitched forward slightly, his elbows bent and his fingers steepled under his chin. His blue eyes were watching me intently, a single eyebrow cocked. His mouth slowly and effortlessly curved into a small smile. “You are thirsty?”

  “Yes,” I murmured softly. The tiny tickle that had been a mere annoyance just minutes ago had bloomed into full-fledged inferno.

  He stood and swaggered unhurriedly towards me. Once he reached me, I looked up into the endless blue of his eyes. His hand reached up and stilled my hand, his long fingers wrapping around my wrist. I’d been unconsciously stroking the outside of my throat, as if that alone could soothe the ache.

  “Come. Let me show you what you need to do. I know you do not want to rely on me to help you.”

  Smoothly, he turned and led me down the hallway into his office, his calloused fingertips drifting over my skin. As soon as we entered the room, he motioned for me to sit in his desk chair. He walked over to a small closet and opened the door. It was then that he faced me again.

  “The blood is kept here. Lukas also keeps a supply, but it cannot be kept where it could be easily found.” Stefan explained. “Let me show you how to access this.”

  In a blur, I was at his side. He poin
ted to what looked like a large wall safe. His fingers flew over a keypad, yet I was able to discern every number he pressed. Once he pressed the final key, the door popped open an inch and a cool blast of air surprised me.

  “It is a refrigerator. In the beginning, two bags should suffice. As you age, your thirst will weaken. I now can get by on a bag every three weeks unless I am injured.”

  His words barely registered. I’d developed tunnel vision and all I could focus on was the blood. Neatly stacked bags filled the surprisingly large space. My eyes never left his hands as they removed two of the bags and he closed the safe. His fingers tilted my chin up and he cleared his throat once to get my attention.

  “I know that you are thirsty, however you need to stay calm for me. Can you do this?” Stefan’s voice was calm and soothing, his movements slow and steady. He knew my control was teetering and the agony I was suffering knowing blood was so close, yet so far away.

  My mouth was suddenly as dry as the Sahara desert. It was difficult to swallow, so I simply nodded, barely paying attention to the words. I could only see the blood.

  “Good.” His gentle fingers wrapped around my wrist again as he led me back into the kitchen. He only let me go long enough to retrieve a glass from the cabinet and he tore open the bag with his teeth. He emptied the contents of one bag into the glass and tossed the empty bag into the trash. My stare was fixed on the glass, watching as he placed it into the microwave. “It can be consumed cold. Warm is better.”

  The microwave hummed softly and I watched the glass rotate on the small turntable. I’d stopped breathing, simply watching and waiting.

  When a soft beep sounded, I almost sprang from the seat in anticipation. Stefan stepped in front of me and pushed me back, his blue eyes wary. For a moment, I struggled against him, my shield barely under control. Everything was tinted in a red haze and I wanted nothing more than to wrap it around him, simply because he stood in my way of what I wanted. It wasn’t until Lukas’ soft words repeated in my head about disappearing that I snapped out of my daze and I stared at my feet in shame.


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