Broken Hill Honor: The Broken Hill High Series (Novella 5.5)

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Broken Hill Honor: The Broken Hill High Series (Novella 5.5) Page 5

by Sheridan Anne

  We're solid.

  “Have you got the rings?” I ask him while that smug grin of his begins to grate on my nerves.

  Offense flashes across his face as he looks back at me. Jess brings his hand up over his chest, feeling the rings within the breast pocket of his suit jacket. His eyes widen a fraction before he rights himself. “Everything is under control,” he tells me in a too calm tone. “Chill the fuck out.”

  Not a second later, Jesse turns towards Maxen in a pure panic before bolting up the aisle and calling over his shoulder. “I left the fucking rings at home.”

  I shake my head. I mean, beating the crap out of him isn’t exactly going to help me now. He’s my little brother and I know without a doubt that come the beginning of the ceremony, he’ll be standing right by my side with the rings safely in his pocket. Though, I might give them to mom to hold. I knew the second I made him my best man, I was going to regret it, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  I stand at the top of the aisle and the rumble of the guests’ laughter has me looking out towards them as they watch Jesse bolt in the opposite direction and fly into his car. It's incredible how quickly all these people have come together to celebrate our wedding. It's even more incredible how they all made themselves available on such short notice. I left the invites until as late as possible fearing that someone would slip up and ruin the surprise for Tora.

  Brooke nearly killed me when I first told her, but it didn’t take long for her to get on board. Both Brooke and Tora's mom were so helpful with bringing everything together. There's no fucking way I could have done it on my own. I mean, who even knew there was such thing as a bonbonniere?

  My boys stand beside me in their matching suits, looking like a bunch of idiots. I mean, they look fucking good if I really have to admit it. Who would have guessed that Puck could scrub up so well? The only issue is that whenever they get dressed up in matching suits, they think their next level, James Bond. They think their shit don't stink and become the cocky assholes from high school, and for some reason, their wives or fiancées can't fucking resist them.

  I've had to pull the bastards back in line all day. If anyone is going to start acting like a cocky bastard today, then it's going to be me.

  My mom appears at the top of the aisle with her husband by her side, looking like the proudest woman on the face of the earth. She spots me instantly and makes her way down the aisle.

  Mom breaks away from John and in the space of two steps, her eyes pool with proud Mumma tears. “Oh, Nate,” she says, working hard to control her emotions as she reaches out and draws me into a warm hug. “You look…” She stops there with a heartwarming sigh, completely at a loss for words as she holds me tight. But nothing needs to be said. Not now. I know exactly what she’s trying to say.

  “I know,” I murmur, letting her hold me for a little while longer.

  “I’m so proud of you,” she tells me, finally releasing me from her tight grip and allowing me to breathe again. “This is beautiful. Tora is going to love it.”

  At the mention of her name, my thoughts start going wild again. “Have you heard from her? Or her mom?” I question, desperate to know if she’s going to castrate me when she gets here, or hell, if she’s even going to show up.

  Mom squeezes my shoulder and gives me one of those looks that takes me right back to my childhood. “Have a little faith, Nate. She’ll be here and she’ll be hurrying down that aisle faster than lightning.”

  “Yeah, to kill me,” I scoff.

  “Maybe,” mom smiles. “But as soon as she’s finished cursing you out, she’s going to marry you, and become your wife.” Mom brings her fingers under my chin and raises it. “Chin up, Nate. It’s your big day.”

  “Thanks, Mom,” I mumble for only us to hear.

  She gives me a fond smile before looking down the line of well-dressed boys. “Do I even want to know where your brother is?”

  I crack a smile and shake my head. “He’ll be here. Don’t worry.”

  Mom purses her lips. “This better not be payback for what you did at his wedding.”

  I laugh as I recall how we played the old switcheroo on Jesse during the garter removal. He was blindfolded and did a great job shoving his head up a dress and ripping the garter off with his teeth, only it wasn’t Kaylah’s leg the garter was attached to. It was mine and I have to admit, I looked fucking great in that dress. The fucker still hasn’t forgiven me and I can only imagine what kind of shit he’s going to pull on me tonight.

  “Well,” I tell mom with a shrug. “When it comes to Jess, we can never really be too sure.”

  “Damn,” she groans. “We’re going to end up on the news.”

  “Come on,” I laugh. “You have to see the good side of this. It will be a wedding to remember.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of,” she tells me before pulling me in and giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. “I love you, Nate. You’re going to make an incredible husband to Tora. I’m so proud of you pulling all this together. You’ve grown into such an inspiring, young man. Tora is a lucky girl.”

  “No, Mom,” I tell her. “I’m the lucky one.”

  She shakes her head as those tears reappear. “I’m going to take my seat before I turn into a blubbering mess.”

  “Ok,” I laugh. “I love you too, by the way.”

  “I know,” she tells me before turning away and joining John in the front row of the groom’s side.

  I look up at the sky and take note of the sun beginning to lower. It’s nearly time. Tora’s never physically said it before, but I know she’s always wanted a twilight wedding ceremony which is exactly what I’m going to give her.

  The ceremony will be held with the sun setting in the background and then we’ll head off to take a few photos just as the sun is disappearing behind the hills in the distance. Just how she’s always wanted.

  I’ve thought of every last detail to make tonight perfect for her. There are fairy lights hanging from trees with a white sheer fabric draping from tree to tree to make a spectacular canopy above the ceremony. We have lanterns lining the sides of the aisle with white rose petals leading from one end to the other. There are floating candles out in the lake and the fact that the setting sun’s reflection is as clear as day in the water just makes it that much better.

  Every little thing that I know she’s always wanted has been thought of.

  I want this to be perfect for her. She’s fucking perfect and she deserves nothing less. Broken Hill lake holds so many memories for us. Both good and bad. We’ve spent endless summers here and partied over and over again, having the time of our lives, and then we nearly burned alive in the boatshed which has since been replaced. Now, those bad memories are going to be replaced with something much better.

  When she thinks of Broken Hill lake, never will her first thought be of the flames creeping closer and closer. Never will she think of the unbelievable heat, and the way her throat dried up. From now on, when she thinks of Broken Hill lake, she’ll picture me. She’ll think of her wedding day. She’ll think of love and undeniable happiness.

  The sun moves another inch towards the west and before I know it, Jesse is jogging back down the aisle with a cheesy as fuck grin, patting his breast pocket, and letting me know that he does, in fact, have the rings with him. He takes his place beside me, catches his breath, and claps me on the back.

  The band gets into position and start playing.

  The guys straighten themselves up, fixing their ties, and getting perfectly in line.

  The crowd takes their seats, their soft murmurs hushing to silence.

  This is it. My girl will be here soon.

  My palms sweat and my heart begins thumping with a speed I didn’t know it was capable of.

  I let out a breath.

  I’ve never been more ready in my life.

  Bring it the fuck on.

  Chapter 8

  The white limo pulls up near the top of the long aisle and i
t feels like forever until the door finally opens. One by one, girls in golden silk gowns step out of the limo, but as of yet, I haven’t seen the one in white.

  Tora’s mom appears at the top of the aisle and before I know it, she’s making her way down and pulls me into a tight hug. “Congratulations,” she tells me before leaning across to Jesse and letting him know just how handsome he looks. Not a second later, she takes her seat and waits patiently for the wedding of the year to get started.

  The music flows up the aisle and Courtney appears at the other end, clutching a bouquet of flowers with a beaming smile, lighting her face. Her eyes lock on mine before a silent message of ‘just wait until you see your bride’ passes between us. Her eyes flick towards Puck and in the next second, she takes her first step down the aisle, getting the show on the road.

  Brylee appears next followed by Elle and they both make their way down the aisle, both looking just as beautiful as Courtney, but they’re not the ones I’m dying to see.

  Appearing at the top of the aisle next is a pregnant Kaylah and the way the golden silk curves around her baby bump has Jesse losing his shit beside me. “Fuck me,” he breathes, taking her in.

  Kaylah’s eyes raise from the ground and light up with joy as she looks at Jess, completely warming my heart. I love how they love each other. I couldn’t be happier for my little brother. Growing up, I always thought finding a girl who would be strong enough to handle his ridiculousness would be an impossible task, but once again, the little turd managed to prove me wrong.

  Kaylah makes her way down the aisle and I watch Jess out the corner of my eye, physically forcing himself to remain still.

  Kaylah takes her place beside the other girls and I turn my eyes back to the top of the aisle, silently hating that Tora has so many girlfriends. I mean, I’m more than ready to lay my eyes on my bride and it seems that gorgeous girls in golden silk just keep appearing.

  Brooke steps up to the aisle, looking slightly different in a champagne gown as Tora’s maid of honor. In true Brooke fashion, she winks at Maxen and struts her way down the aisle. As she gets closer, he eyes lock on mine and she discreetly shakes her head. “I warned you,” she murmurs as she takes her place beside Kaylah.

  “I stand by what I said,” I tell her. “It’s a risk I’m more than willing to take.” Brooke rolls her eyes, but she can’t remove the smile off her face.

  When the music changes and the guests get to their feet, my eyes turn to the top of the aisle, not wanting to miss a damn second of this.

  I watch the part of the limo that I can see and take in the white, flowing material, desperate to take a few steps to the side to get a better look. Tora’s dad appears first and when he takes one more step, Tora falls in beside him, clutching his arm, terrified that she might fall.

  My heart stops.

  She’s fucking radiant, but when she raises her head and those beautiful eyes meet mine, I think I die.

  She’s perfection. No doubt about it.

  Stunningly beautiful.

  A smile cuts across her face and like an electric shock, my heart starts again. She takes in the setting before her and I watch as all her dreams come true. The sun is setting and the lanterns and fairy lights are giving off just enough light so that nobody has to strain to see.

  Her dress wraps around her body and hugs her curves in all the right places. The veil falls down over her but is sheer enough that I can still make out every little detail of her face.

  Relief takes over me. She’s not pissed. I mean, she’s definitely surprised, shocked even, but not pissed, and just like that I know she’s just as ready to make this commitment as I am.

  My patience is quickly running thin and I’m doing just about everything I can to keep myself rooted beside Jesse. Hell, it’s taken me until now to notice his hand clutching my elbow, holding me in place.

  Tora puts me out of my misery as she gently squeezes her father’s arm and they take their first steps down the aisle together, but it’s a tease as she takes her sweet, sweet time. The closer she gets the harder it is for me not to run up there, hoist her over my shoulder, and sprint back down the aisle.

  I just need to get my hands on her body. My lips on hers. I need to feel her standing right before me with her hands clutching mine as we dive into the deep end together.

  They get to the bottom of the aisle and the desperation pulsing through me is nearly too much. Tora’s dad reaches out his hand with a proud smile and I shake it with my head held high. A moment later, he releases his hold on his daughter, and in a moment of complete bliss, she steps forward and takes my hand as though that single touch is enough to give her life.

  My eyes rake over her body, from head to toe and back up again. I don’t think I’ve ever been at a loss for words the way I am right now. I feel like a bumbling fool trying to find the words to let her know just how beautiful she looks. “You…” I breathe. “You’re beautiful. You look…so much more than I’ve ever imagined.”

  A flush creeps up into her cheeks and she smiles brightly as she squeezes my hand. “This is…” her eyes flick around the lake, still taking it all in. “It’s incredible. How did you know?”

  I search her eyes, waiting until they come back to mine. “I know you.”

  Tora bites down on her bottom lip and I see nothing but joy shining through her eyes. “When you proposed last night, I assumed that meant we’d have a little party, fight over wedding dates, I’d bore you with details, and force you to attend all sorts of stupid wedding venues and cake tasting. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that when I woke up today, I’d be here, marrying you.”

  I can’t help but smile as I shrug my shoulders. “What can I say?” I laugh. “I’m not a very patient man.”

  “Clearly,” she says. “How long have you been planning all this?”

  “Give or take twelve months,” I tell her. “I’ve been waiting to propose to you for years and I knew that you needed me to wait until after Harvard, but I couldn’t wait another day. I want to marry you, Tora, and I don’t mean in a year’s time or a few months. I want to marry you now. Like right fucking now.”

  Tears well in her eyes and I want nothing more than to tear the veil off her face and wipe them away. “I… I’m in so much shock I can’t even be mad at you right now.”

  “It’s a good mad, right?” I question. She doesn’t have it in her to respond so she simply nods. I pull her into me and curl my arm around her back, breathing her in. “What do you say?” I ask. “Will you marry me tonight?”

  Tora tilts her chin up to mine and once again I curse the damn veil. “Nothing would make me happier,” she tells me. “But just so you know, as soon as the shock of all this wears off, I’m going to kill you for springing this on me.”

  I can’t stop the booming laugh which escapes me. “I don’t doubt it. In fact, I welcome it.”

  A throat clears beside me before Jesse’s voice cuts through our little bubble. “I know in your world, only you two exist, but some of us came here to see a wedding. Let’s get this show on the road.”

  Tora groans at Jesse’s interruption and takes a step back. I reluctantly drop my hand from around her waist, but I latch onto her hands, making sure to have a tight grip in case she changes her mind and tries to make a break for it. Though, from the determination in her eyes, I’d dare say she’s in this for the long haul.

  The officiant steps forward and commences the ceremony all while Tora and I don’t remove our eyes off one another.

  The ceremony goes on and before I know it, the officiant is indicating to Jesse to pass me a ring. I take the diamond band from Jesse and take Tora’s hand as the officiant tells me it’s time to say my vows.

  I let out a breath. This is the moment I’ve been waiting for. The moment that will bind us as husband and wife. The moment I know I will never forget.

  I slide the ring half way up Tora’s ring finger and look back up at her. “You’re my world, Tora. It’s as simple as tha
t. You have been since we were kids and not once has that changed. You are my being. My other half. My best friend. I didn’t think it was possible to love another in the way that I love you, but every day, I prove myself wrong. I love you more today than I did yesterday, and come tomorrow, I know I’ll love you more,” I tell her as the tears begin pooling in her eyes. “I don’t ever want to live a life in this world where you’re not by my side. With you, I am stronger. I’m better. I’m more than I thought I could ever be and it’s all because I have your love forcing me to be the best possible version of myself.”

  “Today is where we start the rest of our lives and I vow to you that I will continue to love you with every fiber of my being. I will shield you from the ugliness of this world, and I will build a life with you that you never dreamed possible. This ring,” I tell her, “symbolizes my vow to you that my soul, my body, my mind, and heart are yours, forever more.”

  And just like that, I slide the ring into place on her delicate finger, in the same way that I had last night, only this time it comes with the promise of eternity. “I love you,” I tell her. “With everything that I am.”

  ‘I love you too,’ she mouths, unable to quite get the words out as the emotions overtake her.

  Tora wipes tears from her eyes, but the joy buried within them still remains. She gives herself a moment to gain control of herself before smiling up at Jesse and taking the ring that waits patiently in his hands.

  Taking my hand in hers, she slides the ring half way down my finger in the same way I had done. “I haven’t exactly had any time to prepare my vows like you have, so I guess I’m just going to wing it,” she laughs, somehow managing to make the sound wrap around me. “So… here goes.”

  Tora takes a shaky breath and never once takes her eyes off mine as I anticipate what she is about to say. “Just over eight years ago, you barged back into my life in a big way. No. A massive way,” she corrects. “I still remember those first few weeks with you like it was just yesterday. You scared the crap out of me while also making me feel things that no one else on this planet has ever made me feel. You opened my heart up to a whole new world and it didn’t take long before you’d completely captured me. You stole my heart before I was ready to give it away and then in a true Nathaniel Ryder way, you refused to give it back.”


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