Broken Hill Honor: The Broken Hill High Series (Novella 5.5)

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Broken Hill Honor: The Broken Hill High Series (Novella 5.5) Page 6

by Sheridan Anne

  A tear falls from her eye and she leaves it there, almost like a symbol of her emotion. “I don’t ever want it back, Nate. It’s yours. I’m yours, completely and wholeheartedly yours. I want to love you until our dying days. I want to give you the world just as you do for me every damn day. I want to love you with no reservations and comfort you when your world is caving in. You’re my hero and my sunshine in the darkness. You’ve supported and loved me even when I didn’t deserve it. You’ve taken my world and made it whole, to the point that it would never be whole without you.”

  She takes another breath and I squeeze her hands giving her the strength to get the words out, knowing that pouring her heart out in front of everyone we know is not something she takes lightly. “I promise you that from this day on, I will love you with everything that I am. I will share in your dreams and support you in your journey of reaching your goals. I will be understanding. I will love with compassion, I will value honesty, and strive to make your every dream a reality.”

  “I love you, Nate,” she tells me as she slides the ring home. “I’ve never experienced happiness the way I do when I’m with you. You consume me. I want to fill our home with laughter, love, and as many little feet as possible, and I want to be by your side every minute of it.”

  I can’t resist her any longer.

  I grab that damn veil and pull it over her head before grabbing her and pulling her into me. I crush my lips down onto hers and her body instantly melts into mine as I kiss her with every ounce of my being.

  Her arms wind up my chest and around my neck as mine circle her waist, holding her as close as possible.

  Neither one of us gives a damn about waiting for the officiant to announce our first kiss. If he wanted that honor, then he should have been faster because no way in hell am I about to stop.

  He gets the picture real quick and announces over the top of the guests’ applause. “I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

  “Fuck, yeah,” Jesse whoops, grabbing my shoulders and propelling himself into the air in his excitement before dashing across and grabbing Kaylah.

  The boys follow suit and before we know it, it’s a fucking party.

  Chapter 9

  Music blasts through Broken Hill lake, so loud that I wouldn’t be surprised if they could hear it over in Haven Falls. I don’t doubt we’ll have the cops showing up soon saying that we’re violating the noise restrictions, but I simply don’t care. All I can think about is the sexy way my wife moves her body on the dance floor.

  That’s right. My wife. She’s my fucking wife for now until forever. Wife. Wifey. I like the fucking sound of it, but what I like more is the smile that hasn’t moved from her face for even a second.

  She’s radiant. That’s all there is to it.

  Stunningly beautiful.

  I can’t wait to get her home so I can truly get her all to myself.

  Tonight has been incredible. We’ve covered dinner and speeches which I have to admit were amusing, the whole first dance thing is done and dusted, and now all that’s left is for us to enjoy our night.

  The music gets turned down and I start looking around when I hear Jesse’s voice over the microphone. I instantly start searching him out, knowing this couldn’t be good.

  “Ladies and gentleman, cougars and bastards, will you all kindly make your way back to your seats?”

  Tora turns around and starts searching me out, wondering what’s going on and all I can do is shrug my shoulders as Puck comes out with two chairs and places them right in the center of the dance floor.

  Assuming they’re for me and Tora, I make my way over and take a seat as Tora does the same, taking my hand and squeezing it between her fingers as Jesse grins. “I swear, Jesse,” Tora says as we wait for all the guests to take their seats. “If you embarrass me on my wedding day, I’m going to tear you a new asshole.”

  Jesse puts a hand to his heart and sucks in a shocked gasp. “Would I do that?” he questions. “I’m offended.”

  I roll my eyes because, well… what else can I do in this situation?

  The guests finally take their seats and a hush falls over them as Jesse takes a step forward. “I’d like to welcome you all to this momentous occasion,” he starts. “I feel like we’ve been waiting for this day to come for what feels like forever. Am I right?”

  The guests all cheer and clap for their favorite little dipshit. Tora laughs but all I can do is narrow my eyes on my conniving little brother, wondering where the hell he’s going with this. After all, he’s been waiting for years to get me back for what I did at his wedding. It’s only fair.

  “Of course, I’m fucking right,” he laughs as he continues before he nods to someone behind us. My head whips around to watch as Maxen practically dances towards us with his hands behind his back. Not a second later, he produces a pair of handcuffs and before I know it, both Tora and I are handcuffed together and then duct taped to the chairs as the guests continue laughing at our expense.

  “Jesse,” Tora warns.

  Jess wiggles his eyebrows, clearly very proud. “Nowhere to go,” he teases with a wicked grin before looking back up at the guests who are all waiting eagerly to see what he’s going to do.

  “Tora and Nate are a great couple,” he continues. “As most of you would know, we grew up together. The three of us would run around causing havoc like the three musketeers. It was us against the world. Well, those two against the world with me tagging along because mom made them include me. Even then, you could see the special bond they shared, it was like I was the third wheel, always looking in on what they shared. Hell, half the time I don’t even think they knew I was there.”

  “But,” Jess says with a sigh. “Tora grew boobies and Nate… well, Nate had this psychological need to be an asshole every time she was around. I don’t know, maybe he needed to look like a tough guy. You know, me Tarzan, you Jane. He tormented her, he teased her, he would do everything in his power to make her jealous, yet little did he know that every time he tried his foolish attempts to get her attention, it would backfire because she just didn’t give a shit.”

  “That’s always been Tora. She’s never let Nate’s bullshit affect her. Well, maybe at first because she didn’t realize what was going on, but as the years went on, he would try harder and harder to get her attention and she would try harder and harder not to give it to him. It was actually kind of amusing. We all knew he was into her. It was clear as day to everyone except Tora. Kind of sad really,” he laughs.

  “Anyway, eight years ago during their senior year of high school, these two were forced into a situation neither one of them were prepared for. Poor little Nate was beside himself. Didn’t know how to get a girl to notice him when she wasn’t interested in the car, muscles, or the ego.”

  “Have you got a point here?” I question with my fingers laced through Tora’s.

  “Shut up,” Jesse grins. “This is my big moment.”

  I let out a breath and let him have it, but only because Tora’s way too interested in listening to Jesse’s recap of our story.

  “So, these two were living across the hall from each other, and to be honest, it was awkward as fuck. They hated each other. Well, Nate acted as though he hated her. Tora on the other hand actually hated him. Like truly hated the guy. I felt sorry for the little guy. He had no chance in hell of turning things around. I swear, I’ve never heard the door to that spare bedroom being slammed so much in my life.”

  “I’d catch Nate all the time staring after her. He’d make sure she was fed, he’d make sure she was happy, he’d make sure she had everything a seventeen year old girl could possibly need. It wasn’t long before things started to change,” he says. “Every night I would hear Nate’s door open and close before he would slip into Tora’s room, and I don’t need to tell you what happened there.”

  “Tell me you’re lying?” mom calls from her table.

  Jesse grins up at her and shakes his head. “Right under your nose,�
� he laughs before getting back to his story. “I absolutely loved having Tora stay with us as we got to find that friendship that we lost when we were kids, and for that, I will always be grateful. Having Tora in my life, and now as my sister, is a blessing. One I have never taken lightly. She has helped me pave the way for my own happiness and because of that, I’ve grown to love her in one of the purest forms. She’s not just my sister-in-law, but my family. She’s one of my best friends.”

  Tora’s fingers squeeze mine and I look across at her to see tears welling in her eyes. ‘Thank you,’ she mouths at Jesse who winks back at her. They’ve always had a great friendship and it’s something I’ve always been proud of. There’s emotion shining brightly in both of their eyes and I can’t help but smile at them both.

  Jesse recovers from the emotion and quickly pulls himself back together. “From here, their relationship developed. It was almost as though they had picked up right where they left off as kids, only this time it was stronger. They were falling in love and they became a force to be reckoned with. Nobody could tear them apart. No matter how hard people tried. They were solid and no matter what happened, as time went on, their love only grew, they were unstoppable.”

  “Since they first got together, I always admired them as a couple. What they have, even back then has always been so pure. It’s what I always had hoped to find and was lucky enough to stumble across. So, for that, I want to thank you, guys.”

  I nod at Jess. I can’t help but feel the love. That little turd is always surprising me, and just when I think he’s about to do one thing, he does the opposite.

  “But…” he says, making my face fall. I should have known. “Some of you guys will remember my wedding where this fucker thought it was acceptable to have my head shoved up in his junk.”

  “Hey,” Tora calls out. “Consider yourself lucky. Not just anyone is allowed to get up close and personal with his junk.”

  “Then maybe you should have been the one to shove your head up there and rip the garter off with your teeth,” he fires back.

  “With pleasure,” Tora laughs.

  Jesse shakes his head. “I’ve been patiently waiting to get my revenge,” he tells us, “and now that time has finally come.”

  With that, Maxen, Jackson, Puck, and Tyson step forward, creating a perfect circle around us, each with an unopened bottle of champagne, can of whipped cream, and confetti. Tora instantly starts pulling at the handcuffs. “No,” she squeals as the boys start shaking their champagne bottles. “I had nothing to do with it.”

  “Sorry,” Jesse laughs. “You’re married to him now and that means that you stand by each other. For better or worse.”

  “No. I take it all back,” she panics.

  “Come on, man,” I say, shaking my head and hoping this is all a bluff. “Leave her out of this.”

  “Send me the dry cleaning bill,” he tells me before reaching for a bottle of champagne and popping the cork. Champagne flies from the top and within seconds Tora and I are being drenched from head to toe by all the guys.

  Tora squeals, but the laughter is pouring out of her and I have to be grateful that she’s not like all the other girls. Most of them would be in tears by now that their dress was ruined, but not my girl. She’s probably waiting to be cut from the chair so she can get him back.

  When the boys finally run out of confetti and whipped cream, they set us free, and just as I had expected, Tora runs for Jesse. He squeals like a little bitch as he takes off down the lake, but I just promised my girl that I would give her anything she wanted and if getting revenge on that little turd is what she wants, then that’s what she’s going to get.

  I take off after them with the sound of the guests’ laughter behind me.

  Jesse turns the corner and comes back up the lake not realizing I’m right behind them. His eyes widen as Tora laughs out in victory. I grab him a second later and tackle him into the water.

  Tora comes in right after us and propels herself onto Jesse’s back, sending the three of us down into the cold water, completely soaking us all. I don’t mind though as it gives me a chance to get the champagne, cream, and confetti off of Tora.

  Jesse grunts and groans as he trudges out of the water towards Kaylah who’s howling with laughter to the point that she’s crossing her legs, terrified of wetting her pants. The other girls are hurrying down to the water’s edge with towels, telling me they had all known and prepared for something like this to happen. Though, I shouldn’t be surprised where Jesse is concerned.

  I take Tora’s hand and go to lead her out of the water only she tugs on it, pulling me back. My arm curls around her waist as she tilts her chin up to me. “Thank you,” she murmurs as water drips from her hair and off her face. “I’m having the best night of my life.”

  I duck my face down to meet hers and capture her lips between mine. I kiss her with everything I’ve got, holding her close, and not for a second letting her get away. I pull back and let my lips hover just above hers. “I fucking love you so much,” I tell her. “You’re the best goddamn thing that has ever happened to me. Tonight should be the best night of your life, but I promise you this is only the beginning. Every day is going to get better.

  A brilliant smile spreads across her face as she pushes up on her tippy toes and curls her arm around my neck. “I can’t wait.”

  I kiss her again as I scoop her out of the water and carry her up to the shore bridal style. The second my feet hit the sand, the girls start pulling her out of my arms and throw a towel around her while doing their best to salvage her dress. Confetti continues to get plucked out of her hair while Brooke does her best to fix up her makeup. Tora’s hair is pretty much fucked for the night, but she doesn’t give a shit. She’s not here to care about her hair, she’s here to celebrate us.

  I dry off as best I can, pleased that tonight isn’t a cold night, otherwise, that would have seriously fucked up my mood. Seeing my new wife shivering on her wedding night would have really pissed me off. Though, I have a feeling Jesse would have taken that into account when he planned all this shit. He probably has a plan B through Z.

  I take Tora’s hand and lead her back up to the party where everyone is drinking champagne and having a great time. Her parents are on the dance floor; while my mom is hurrying around from table to table making sure everyone signs the guest book and writes a little something for us to look back on in the future.

  Brylee is going around with a camera, taking shot after shot while Elle is looking at Jackson as though she’s about to throw him down and give him a lap dance. Maybe it’s time for her to be cut off from the bar.

  Tonight has just been incredible. It’s more than I thought it could ever be and having Tora by my side, happy to be my wife is simply the best feeling in the world. Nothing could beat this.

  I lead Tora towards the dance floor and grab her a glass of champagne on the way, knowing just how much she loves to dance. We spend the next few hours letting loose and letting the night take us away as we celebrate our new marriage with our closest friends and family.

  Chapter 10

  We crash through the door of our home and to be honest, we’re both a little too drunk to remember the whole carrying her across the threshold tradition, but we have time to make up for it. We have a whole fucking lifetime together. Hell, I’m not sure that will even be enough.

  I will never get enough of this woman. I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say it a million times over. Tora Ryder… fuck, that sounds good. Tora Ryder is my world. She is my heart. My life. My breath. Where she goes, I go.

  I’ve been the luckiest bastard over the past eight years to have Tora in my life and I’m damn thankful that she has agreed to spend the rest of her days with me. No man could possibly be luckier than that.

  I’m going to give her happiness. I’m going to give her a life worth living. I’m going to give her babies. I’m going to give her it all. Anything she could want or desire is hers, no matter what t
he cost because she deserves. Her dreams will become reality and her hardships will never fall on her shoulders. Every day she will laugh and every day she will feel love.

  I can’t wait to see what our future holds and I can’t wait to live up to every promise I’ve made her. Life with Tora as my wife is going to be fucking magical. To risk sounding like a damn pussy, it’s going to be beautiful.

  Fuck, I can just imagine her with a swollen belly, wrapping her arms around it, smiling at me from within our home. Shit, just the thought of her gets me hard.

  Tora grips my hand as we make our way into our home, stumbling around in a world full of pure bliss and happiness. “I can’t believe it’s over,” she yawns, pulling me into her and wrapping her arms around me.

  I take her waist and haul her up onto the kitchen counter. “It’s not over,” I tell her. “Not yet.”

  She gives me a suspicious look. “Let me guess,” she says with a laugh, pulling me in just that bit closer. “You intend to take me up to bed and show me what the true meaning of being your wife really is?”

  I smile as I run my nose along her neck, loving the way her head tilts to the side, allowing me more access as I breathe her in. “Of course, that’s my intention,” I tell her with my lips skimming across her soft skin. “But that’s not what I’m talking about.”

  “Huh?” she grunts, slightly pulling back to look at me. “What are you talking about? Everything is done. You couldn’t possibly have another bomb to drop on me especially when I’m still coming to terms with the fact that this even happened. I mean, how did Brooke manage to not slip up? She slips up on everything.” Tora gasps. “I can’t believe you threaten my best friend.”


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