Broken Hill Honor: The Broken Hill High Series (Novella 5.5)

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Broken Hill Honor: The Broken Hill High Series (Novella 5.5) Page 7

by Sheridan Anne

  I scoff but can’t stop from smiling. “Of course, I threatened her. How else was I supposed to get her to keep her mouth shut?”

  Tora’s eyes narrow. “What did you do?”

  “Well,” I laugh. “Apart from making her swear an oath to lick Maxen’s asshole if she told, I also told her I’d take away her weekly visit with Jesse.”

  Tora gasps. “You can’t do that. She loves that dog.”

  “I know, I was bluffing,” I tell her. “But she didn’t know that.”

  “That’s so mean,” she laughs. “You’re going to have to make it up to her.”

  “Make it up to her?” I question with a grin. “I just paid for her to spend the day getting pampered, have her hair and nails done and a freaking massage. Hell, who knows what else you girls got up to.”

  “Oh, my god,” she sighs. “That massage was awesome by the way. Did I ever say thank you for that?”

  “You don’t need to,” I tell her as the final bomb starts getting too much for me to hold in. “Do you want to know your last surprise or what?”

  “I don’t know if I can take much more of your surprises.”

  “Tough luck,” I tell her. “Because you better start getting used to them.”

  “Ok,” she says. “Hit me with it.”

  “How do you feel about a honeymoon?”

  “What? Really?” she gasps. “Where?”

  “Where do you want to go? Italy? Paris? The Bahamas?”

  “Are you serious?” she questions with wide excited eyes. “I can just pick a place and that’s where we’ll go?”

  “Yep,” I smile.

  “Well, what about you? Where do you want to go?”

  “I want to be wherever you are. Hell, pick all the places you want to go. We’ll do it all.”

  “Shit, are you kidding? How much did you drink tonight?”

  “I’m not kidding,” I tell her, running my fingers down the side of her face and studying the concern in her eyes. “I’m taking you away tomorrow, everything is already sorted. All that’s left for you to do is to pick a destination or ten.”

  Tora lets out a sigh as her whole body deflates. “I can’t,” she tells me. “I just accepted the job offer from Davies and Knight. It’ll look bad if I can’t start straight away.”

  “Didn’t I tell you everything was already sorted?” I ask her. “I cleared it with Davies and Knight weeks ago.”

  “What?” she grunts in confusion. “How the hell did you do that? I only just accepted the job offer this afternoon.”

  “Babe,” I sigh, loving how still after eight years she can’t wrap her head around this. “I make it my business to know everything that’s going down in Broken Hill and the second I worked out that you wanted to be a lawyer, I sought out all the major firms in the area and made their business my business. I knew they were going to offer you that job months ago. They’ve had their eye on you for a while.”

  “So… what?”

  “I called them a few weeks ago and explained the situation, knowing they’ll most likely be your top choice. They were more than happy to wait a few weeks for you to start. They know you’re going to be an incredible lawyer and they prefer to wait for you than to hire a mediocre lawyer. They want the best.”

  “So, we’re really going away? Tomorrow?”

  “Yep,” I smile, watching the joy light up her face.

  “Anywhere I want?”


  “Oh, shit. this is too much pressure” she tells me. “There are just too many places. I mean, where do we start? Beaches or cities? And only a few weeks? Maybe we need more time than that.”

  “Babe,” I laugh. “Calm down. We can take as much time as we need. Why don’t we start with the cities? I know you’ve always wanted to do Europe. We can do that; see all the places you’ve always wanted to see and then finish on the beaches.”

  “You know, I’ve always wanted to stay in one of those little hut thingies out on the water in Hawaii, or maybe it’s Bora Bora. I don’t know. I-”

  I cut off her ramblings by crushing my lips to hers. We can leave tomorrow night or the next day. It doesn’t matter. She can spend tomorrow working out where she wants to go and what places to see, but right now, all I want to be thinking about are her lips. Her body. Her legs. Her face.

  Fuck me. That beautiful face.

  I grow hard as I press my hips into her. She moans into me and melts her body into mine.

  I can’t fucking resist her any longer. All day I’ve been needing this with her and all day there’s always been someone there wanting to congratulate us or someone ready to handcuff us together. Actually, where the fuck did those handcuffs go?

  I slide my hands down her body until I’m firmly grasping her ass before I pull her off the counter. Tora’s legs wrap around me and thankfully, her lips never stop moving against mine.

  I turn and walk us towards the stairs, desperate to get her out of this damp wedding dress and into our bed. I push through our bedroom door where I set her down on her feet, holding onto her waist until she finds her balance.

  Silently, Tora looks up at me with those big eyes and suddenly everything changes. It’s no longer about touching her body and feeling her skin on mine. It’s more than that. This is becoming one with the woman who has completely captured me. This is about starting our marriage in the right way. This is about love.

  Tora brings her hand up and gently runs her fingers down the side of my face as pure love shines brightly through her eyes. “I love you so much,” she breathes before pushing up on her tippy toes and softly pressing her lips to mine, enveloping me with her overwhelming emotions as the love pours out of her.

  “I love you too, baby,” I murmur as she pulls away.

  She keeps her eyes on mine before slowly turning around and scooping her hair to the side. I step into her back and take her waist as I kiss that sensitive skin on her neck, loving how her head tilts to the side as a gentle moan slips through her lips.

  My hands work their way up her body until I feel the tiny metal zipper between my fingers. I slowly pull it down her back and the material grows lose around her body until it drops down to the ground, leaving Tora standing before me in nothing but a pair of heels and a white lacey thong, showing off the perfect curves of her toned ass and legs.

  I can’t help but touch as my eyes roam over my new wife. Her skin is chilled from wearing a damp dress for most of the night which has me desperate to warm her.

  Tora looks back over her shoulder and I can’t resist kissing it. I kiss her there once, then twice. I take hold of her waist and kiss her a third time as she steps out of her heels.

  She turns in my arms and slides her hands up my chest and over my shoulders, pushing my suit jacket off as she goes. I reluctantly remove my hands from her waist to allow the jacket to drop to the floor, but the second it’s gone, they’re right back on her skin, spreading as far as they can go and claiming as much of her skin as possible.

  Tora doesn’t skip a beat before she starts working the buttons of my shirt, releasing them one by one. As she moves down my stomach, her eyes begin roaming over my chest and when she gets to the bottom and pushes the fabric down my arms, her hands quickly return, needing to touch me just as badly as I need my hands on her.

  As she takes my belt buckle, I hook my thumbs into the sides of her thong, desperate to tear it from her body, but I know she will want to hang onto this one, after all, it’s not just any white thong, this is her wedding thong.

  I slide the fabric over her plump ass and down her legs before letting it fall to the ground amongst her wedding dress.

  With just the moonlight shining in through the window, Tora looks like a fucking angel and I know that if she were to walk out this door right now, I would crumple to the ground and surely die. She’s just that beautiful. I don’t know how I ever deserved her, especially after the way I treated her when we were younger, but I swear, I will spend the rest of my life maki
ng it up to her.

  Tora frees my belt and the second I step out of my pants, I lift her off the ground and take her to bed where I’m sure we’ll stay until the late hours of the morning.

  As I lay her down on the bed, our lips come together and we finally give in to those desires that have been pulsing through us for way too long.

  Her hands roam over my back as mine explores the beautiful curves of her sexy body, and just when I think I can’t resist her a second longer, she opens up to me and allows me to push up into her, satisfying that constant craving to love her.

  Our hands meet before our fingers weave through one another’s and clutch on with everything we’ve got.

  Tora throws her head back and gasps for breath while showing off that long column of her beautiful neck. Her perfect breasts bounce as I rock into her and before we know it, our bodies are growing sweaty with the endless, passionate movements.

  Our bodies move faster as we work our way up to what I know will be an explosive ending. I give her what she needs. I touch her how she likes. I kiss her where I know sets her off.

  Her walls start to clench around me as her nails begin to dig into the skin of my back. “Nate,” she gasps.

  “I know, babe,” I tell her. “I’m right there with you.”

  She holds on tighter, burying her face into the crook of my neck, wanting this moment to last forever as I continue moving in and out, touching her, kissing her, loving her.

  With one more touch, her body let’s go. She spasms around me, giving me that final touch that I need to pour myself into her. Tora’s lips find mine, but I don’t dare stop moving, letting her ride out her orgasm until her body finally relaxes.

  “Holy shit,” she breathes into me as I drop my head into the delicate curve of her neck.

  I take a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart and inhale the beautiful scent of her skin, knowing she’s wearing the perfume I gave her last year. “I love that smell,” I tell her.

  Tora’s nails run up and down my back and pause at my comment. “The smell of sex?” she questions.

  “No,” I chuckle, though she’s not wrong. I love that too. “I meant you. You’re wearing your perfume.”

  “How could I not?” she tells me. “I know you like it and what better day to wear it on.”

  I lift my head from her and slide my hands under her back before rolling us until she rests her head on my chest, listening to my heartbeat as her finger draws circles over my stomach. “You’re so fucking beautiful,” I tell her. “I can’t wait to live my life with you. The last eight years are nothing compared to what we’re going to do together.”

  “I know,” she murmurs on a yawn. “I can’t wait either. It’s going to be one hell of a good life.”

  “The best,” I say, running my fingers through her hair knowing just how much she likes it. “Go to sleep, now,” I tell her. “We have a honeymoon to plan tomorrow.”

  “You mean it? Anywhere I want to go?”

  “I promised you the world,” I remind her. “If that’s what you want to see then you better believe that’s what we’re going to do.”

  “Have I ever told you how much I love you?” she asks with a smile lifting her cheek against my chest.

  “No,” I tease. “Why don’t you tell me again?”

  “Nathaniel Ryder,” she announces. “I’ve never been so happy to have had you as my bully. I freaking love you to the moon and back.”

  “Damn straight you do, babe,” I tell her, pulling the blanket up to keep her warm, holding her tight and breathing her in. “And don’t you ever forget it.”

  The end.

  Where to Next?

  You’ve all heard about the infamous Haven Falls.

  Why not catch this drama filled, page turning, jaw dropping series too?

  You won’t be sorry!

  The Haven Falls Series – Coming June 2019

  Follow me on Facebook for more updates about Broken Hill High and Haven Falls.


  What can I say except for a MASSIVE THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

  This series has opened so many doors for me and I’m devastated to see it now coming to a close. I have learned so much about the writing world and myself over the past few months and I’m so honored that I could share this all with you.

  Tora, Nate, and Jesse have become a part of my family. I love them as though they were my own children and taking the journey with them through their senior year of high school, through college, and now coming out the other end getting married and thinking about babies has been a huge blessing.

  It has been a roller coaster ride from the second I hit publish on Broken Hill High. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect this series to take off the way it did and I have all you readers to thank for that. You’ve all fallen in love with these characters just as I have and I thank you from the deepest part of my heart. You have taken this journey with me right from the start and stuck through it until the very end., waiting and wishing for their happily ever after.

  To all the fans of The Broken Hill High Series, I love you all. Thank you so much for supporting and encouraging me to make this series the best it could possibly be. Without you guys loving it the fierce way that you do, it might never have been this great.

  I wrote this series wanting my readers to go on an emotional journey. I wanted them to feel the craziness of young love during high school while also feeling that angst and need to be an absolute badass, and not to toot my own horn, but I think that’s exactly what happened.

  Thank you again for taking the time out of your busy lives to dive into The Broken Hill High Series. I’m so sad to see it over, but the closing of this book means the opening of the next.

  I hope to see you all again on the flip side with Haven Falls!

  Sheridan Anne.

  Thanks for reading!

  If you enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it, please leave a review.

  For more information on The Broken Hill High Series, find me on Facebook or Instagram –


  Author Biography

  Sheridan Anne is a wife to a smart-ass husband, Mumma to two beautiful girls, twin sister, daughter, and friend who lives in beautiful Australia. Sheridan writes both romance and young adult fantasy books on a variety of topics and can be found on most days with her family or writing during nap time. To find out more or to simply say ‘hello’, connect with her on Facebook or Instagram -


  Other Books by Sheridan Anne

  Teen & Young Adult - Paranormal Romance

  DESTRUCT – The Guard Trilogy (Book 1)

  DECIMATE – The Guard Trilogy (Book 2)

  DOMINATE – The Guard Trilogy (Book 3)

  Young Adult / New Adult - Romance

  Broken Hill High – The Broken Hill High Series (Book 1)

  Broken Hill Halo – The Broken Hill High Series (Book 2)

  Broken Hill Hurt – The Broken Hill High Series (Book 3)

  Broken Hill Hearts – The Broken Hill High Series (Book 4)

  Broken Hill Havoc – The Broken Hill High Series (Book 5)

  Broken Hill Honor – The Broken Hill High Series (Novella 5.5)


  Miller – Kings of Denver (Book 1)

  Jaxon – Kings of De
nver (Book 2)

  Xander – Kings of Denver (Book 3)

  Tank – Kings of Denver (Book 4)

  Logan – Denver Royalty (Book 1)

  Carter – Denver Royalty (Book 2)

  Sean – Denver Royalty (Book 3)

  Cole – Rebels Advocate (Book 1)

  Caden – Rebels Advocate (Book 2)

  Luke – Rebels Advocate (Book 3)

  Jace – Rebels Advocate (Book 4)




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