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The Northern Knights Series (Boxed Set)

Page 20

by Amber Dane

  Aric bristled over her admonishment. She was treating him like a sick pup. But he had to admit, he liked all the attention. Yet, he would not let her know it.

  A pair of soldiers were coming their way and he cleared his throat and said in a robust tone. “I promise nothing. Now, I am far too busy for this when there are other pressing issues at hand. Leave us.”

  He turned from the widening of her eyes and went back in the room, feeling like a heel over hurting her. ‘Twas true, he had no time for her pawing over him. He was lord here, not some pampered maiden and she had to learn that some things were just supposed to be left in the privacy of their chamber.

  If that were so, then why did he want to go back and pull her into his arms? Tell her he’d rather be at her side?

  Stunned by the abrupt change in him, Danielle turned away and walked through the manor until she reached the gardens. She spotted Edie doing the laundering down by the stream and headed in her direction. Let the unfeeling man catch a fever again and see if she cared. She’d not slave over him again! She stomped her foot and gasped a moment in discomfort from the slight pain that slid over her knee. She would not worry about his well-being ever again.

  Later, walking around to the front of the manor with the Dark Axe by his side and Balwain and Goran behind them, Aric spotted Danielle and her maid coming from the area of the storerooms on the other side of the livestock pens. His eyes followed her and he felt something twist in his chest when her head turned in his direction for a brief moment before turning away.

  He could see the upset just in the way she limped amongst the servants milling about doing their chores.

  A fern of anger sparked in him for he knew he was the cause. He turned his attention back to the man at his side.

  Aric asked, “Is all well with our lieutenant? I’ve not seen him since I left court.”

  “Still his dark and brooding self.”

  “Much like you then?” Aric met Rourke’s narrowed gaze, adding. “Especially now with this impending marriage you do not want.” Rourke’s grunt sent him into a chuckle. Aric slapped a heavy hand on his shoulder. “Tell me of our lieutenant.”

  “He’s still in London with William.”

  “Then he most definitely is his brooding self in longing to get back to Normandy.”

  Rourke scoffed. “That he is. He’s just like our king, they prefer home over Saxon soil. William aims to send him home after they take care of some troublesome matters with a few Saxon lords. Least he does not have to wed as was part of our fate.”

  At those words, Aric found his gaze turning back to Danielle. His heart beat wildly in his chest as he watched her. Fate, he thought as the word went over inside his head.

  “Your wife is a bit unusual, is she not, Aric?” Rourke’s deep voice pulled him back.

  Aric turned to glare at him. “Your meaning?”

  Rourke’s eyes watched him with a knowing intensity, and then the golden-haired giant flashed him a smile. “You are a very lucky man for having such a gem for a wife. I mean no disrespect or insult when I say that she moves about the servants with ease and not like one above them. They look at her with adoration in their eyes. She has their favor and it is evident in the prosperity of your home. Fate seems to have turned out well for you, Aric.”

  Aric stopped in front of the manor’s great doors, his chest swelling with pride. “Aye. Mayhap.”

  Rourke grinned. “In the short time that I have been here. The camaraderie among your men is a feat I wish to gain one day when I claim the rest of my lands.” Aric’s answer was a nod. “We go far back, Aric Claydon. I would stay longer if you need my men and me to assist you in finding this man your wife calls cousin. You need only say the word.”

  Aric nodded. “Nay. Your offer is acknowledged, but he is all mine.” Rourke gave him a nod and Aric continued, “Besides, we have detained you long enough. What you have done will not be forgotten. ‘Tis I who owes you, Rourke. Let us not keep you from your waiting betrothed any longer.”

  The other men that had accompanied the Dark Axe approached with their horses, ready to depart.

  Aric’s eyes slid over to Danielle. She and Edie had moved closer to them and Aric saw that Rourke watched her, but this time it did not anger him.

  “I could but only dream that your wife had a twin and would that she was my betrothed that I hurry off to, friend.”

  Aric smiled. He knew from where she stood that she had heard the golden-haired giant’s words for he saw her frame stiffen as she continued to work and walk among the servants, pretending indifference.

  Aye, Danielle’s beauty inside and outside deserved to be lauded. It’d been hidden far too long.

  Clasping Rourke’s forearm in a hearty grip of respect, Aric added, loudly. “Perhaps the gods will shine such favor upon you, my friend.” He caught Danielle’s falter in step out of the corner of his eye and he grinned.

  Danielle’s heart soared as the great knight bade farewell. The Dark Axe and his man Goran mounted and exited Gravane’s courtyard.

  Danielle practically ran to Aric’s side. “What you just spoke, is it true?”

  He took his time in turning to acknowledge her. Danielle bit back the string of curses that bubbled forth. She would not let him break her word, but she was ready to burst with a litany of curses. Blast it! Why did she not have any patience when it came to this man? Nor could she stay angry with him overlong.

  Finally, he spoke. “Aye, Danielle. I did.”

  Aric’s mouth fell open as she jumped at him with her arms wrapping around his waist. She felt good. He didn’t care that all in the courtyard watched and he squeezed her to him with a tight hug of his own. He was further delighted when she planted one of her tempting and hot quick kisses on his mouth.

  “Aric, that pleases me very much.” Danielle declared.

  He grinned bigger then. “Oh?”

  She flushed and dropped her arms from his waist. “Yea.”

  Aric pulled her near him again and kissed the top of her head. With his lips pressed against her temple, he said. “Do not be shy now. You please me, Danielle. Very much.”

  He released her and moved way, joining Balwain as they saw to the rest of the business with the villagers, leaving Danielle there gawking at his receding back.

  Later that night after helping Aric with his bath and prepare for bed, Danielle lay with her head now on his chest, listening to the sound of his heart beating. Lost deep in thought over his words earlier in the courtyard, she smiled closing her eyes. She’d floated the remainder of the day as she’d seen to the needs of the manor.

  Aric let out a thankful sigh as she lay quiet next to him. He was glad she said naught of the long time he’d taken in coming back to the manor. Thomas was close. Aric not only knew it, but felt it. He would not be able to rest until he removed this threat so near to her.

  Her hand moving down to his belly drew him from his thoughts. He inhaled the fresh scent of her hair beneath his nose. “You smell good, Danielle.”

  She lifted her head to look at him. Her fingers continued to massage the taut skin around his navel. The room was cast in shadows as they had left a few tapers burning. The mood was calming.

  “As do you.” She smiled and planted a kiss near his nipple. She laughed softly against his skin when he jerked beneath her touch and let out a groan. Her thoughts had aroused her and she could not help herself. She flicked out her tongue, touching the erect bud again.

  “Danielle! What do you do?” Aric let out hoarsely, his voice thick with passion from her stimulating touch.

  She stopped. “Mayhap ‘tis best to wait a few more days to sate my hunger. ‘Twould be unwise to engage in such a strenuous act tonight after the long day you had. Do you not agree?”

  Aric’s eyes blazed.

  So, she was upset after all that he’d pushed himself this day. He had to admit, he was weary and that blasted headache was lurking at the base of his skull. But, ‘twas no matter now. Her sensuou
s mouth had caused hot heat to shoot to his loins. Weary he might be, but not too weary to sink into her heat.

  “I am not that weary, Danielle.” His large hand cradled the back of her head. He wanted a taste of her sweet lips. That beauty mark next to her mouth enticed him further.

  She taunted him more as her fingers played with the hairs near his hard shaft. Aric had trouble breathing, almost painful as he inhaled.

  She gave him a smile and resisted the pull of his hand at the back of her neck and said, “Think you ‘tis wise for a man in your condition to be in such an aroused state?”

  Aric scowled at her teasing and taking her hand, he slid it further down and placed it where he ached for it to be. He groaned. “There is strength there is it not?”

  Danielle laughed. “Aye, ‘tis strength enough.”

  He moved to pull her up to him again but she ducked out of his touch. He could easily take control but he wanted to see what game she wished to play tonight. The wicked gleam in her unique depths told him she had a plan.

  She did. Aric exhaled loudly with a groan he was sure all within the manor heard as her hot mouth engulfed him. Further words were impossible.

  Chapter 28

  Aric stared down at Danielle’s sleeping form as he stood next to their bed. The sounds of the dark night came through their window. He smiled, his heart warming as his gaze slid over her. She would not forgive him. She world be quite angry at first when she found out what he’d done. But after a bit, she would calm and come around, he just knew it. With that last thought, Aric quit their chamber.

  In the knight’s quarters, his squire helped him pull the chain mail over his black tunic. The dark scowl of a man going to battle was upon Aric’s face and halted any words of concern the young squire may have had.

  Danielle breathed fire as she skipped another rock across the stream. She leaned down to search for another flat stone. It was just breaking dawn now and Aric still was not back yet.

  She was so angry with him. She knew that he had gone yet again in search of Thomas. The man heeded his wound not at all.

  Just this morn, she’d spotted a drop of blood on his pillow.

  Guilty heat burned her cheeks at the thought. She was part the blame for that. After all, in her insatiable desire for him, she’d played her part in their slow and long passionate loving last night. Had she known he would be out hunting for her blasted cousin today, she would never have allowed it to happen.

  Danielle laughed out loud. Allowed. Bah! Aric allowed naught. He just made her think that he did. The man was a smooth manipulator, indeed.

  Danielle glanced over her shoulder when a twig broke. The young soldier smiled at her as he stood among the thick hedges. She turned back to the stream, her eyes moving over the water then to the sky.

  The sun struggled to break through the darkening clouds. ‘Twould not win.

  She could smell the rain.

  The dark clouds moved toward Gravane. Something crept up her spine and the sound of more twigs breaking underfoot caused her to turn back to the guard.

  He was not there.

  Anxiety blossomed in her and she walked to the spot he’d been last standing. Danielle opened her mouth to scream, but it never left her throat.

  The young guard lay at her feet, his throat slashed ear to ear with his surprised eyes staring empty up at the dark clouds.

  Danielle turned to run back toward the manor, but her flight was stopped by the hand over her mouth and nose as another snaked around her waist.

  The man pulled her so hard back against his body that her scream came out in a strangled whoosh of muffled air beneath his heavy hand. A heavily whiskered cheek slid against hers, scratching her as darkness swam before her eyes. His rank and pungent breath caused her eyes to water but a moment before the darkness claimed her. The angry thought went down with her.


  Aric could smell the rain.

  He shook his dark head once again to ward off the mallet sized fist at the base of his skull. The sense that something was not right had plagued him since he’d left Gravane grounds and the dark clouds moving over the horizon cinched it.

  He turned back to face the handful of rebel prisoners which were all that remained from the fifty or so of the ones they had killed in quick battle just moments ago.

  Stepping through the littered bodies, he walked over to where Balwain stood over a bound and kneeling Harvey. The man was shaking uncontrollably and had already soiled himself thrice over.

  Aric glared at him with disgust. The former stable master’s eyes widened even more when Aric removed the small object near his scabbard and held it up in front of the man’s snot covered face.

  Harvey’s wild eyes shot from the dark lord’s to the heavy sword in his hand that rested at his side. Then his gaze shot back up to meet Aric’s dark glower.

  Harvey knew he was good as dead. Only someone as fierce as this man would survive such a fall as deep as that ravine had been. Straightening his shoulders back, Harvey mustered up the last of his courage. He would not go out a weakling.

  “Should have been you that died, Norman.” Harvey’s words shot out with spittle and more snot.

  Aric grabbed him by the collar and yanked him clear off the ground with one hand and held him inches from his face. “I will ask you but once. Where is he?”

  Harvey grinned, his rotten teeth flashing. “He’s probably inside Gravane Manor turning your cow wife’s brains to sauce right about now.” He knew from the look of black rage that came over the lord’s face he’d said the words that would end the rest of his pitiful life.

  Aric wiped his blade clean across Harvey’s lifeless body before giving orders to his men regarding the prisoners. Within moments he mounted, and turned his horse back in the direction of Gravane with Balwain at his back, just as the dark sky split and the drenching storm fell.

  Danielle had come to and found that Thomas had dragged her inside the manor into the study. She still did not know how he had managed to get past all the guards and inside. His beady eyes gleamed with malice and as though he read her thoughts, a cruel smile came to his lips.

  “Ah, dear cousin, think you were the only one to know of the tunnels within?” Her wide eyes caused his maniacal laugh to escape his wet lips. “I know everything inside this manor, Danielle. Everything! All of this should have been mine.”

  The man was at the end of his rope to even think to steal into Gravane. He was a madman, Danielle thought as she jerked against him. “What is wrong with you, Thomas? Do you actually think you are going to get away with this? My home has never been yours and never will be.”

  “Aye, it will, dear cousin. ‘Twill be as soon as I get rid of all that is in my way from making it so.”

  Danielle froze. “England has and is changing, Thomas. You cannot stop it. Your hatred will see you naught but more ill will. My husband spared your life once before. Does that not mean anything to you? Is that not enough?” Danielle knew she was stalling, but she had to do something to distract or delay whatever plans he had.

  “The fact that he is Norman is what is enough! I cannot and will not live under his rule any more than that bastard Conqueror’s.”

  “Then you shall die.” Danielle told him. Her anger mixed with her fear caused her lip to tremble.

  He shook her hard and she bit into her lip, drawing blood. With his mouth a hairs breadth away from hers he sneered. “I think not, dear cousin. You know, you have always disgusted me. “Tis no wonder this Norman likes to plow between your cow thighs. They are, after all quite savage and lusty animals.”

  Danielle shoved hard against his chest to no avail and yelled. “And you would love to know, wouldn’t you? Say what you will Thomas, but know this, you will still die.” Her chest heaved with her pants.

  Fisting his hand in her hair, he twisted her neck back hard and his evil laugh sent a chill down her spine. “And who do you think will take that to task? You? Your husband? That will be hard to
do with the surprise that awaits your filthy Norman bastard.”

  Danielle felt true fear with the calculating look in his beady eyes. “What have you done, Thomas?”

  He released her and belted out another chilling laugh. He leaned back, head tilted with a finger tapping at his pointed chin. “What would your Norman do to save you, Danielle? Hmmm?”

  His derisive tone caused a shiver to slide up her spine. Danielle watched him. Something was wrong. She knew that Aric was pleased with her, but love her? Nay. He did not. But he would still come for her.

  Thomas closed in on her yet again and her back came against the wall. That evil gleam was back in his eyes.

  “Ah. Did you think even a Norman bastard like him could love a fat sow like you?” Danielle could not help but wince beneath his words and he saw it and laughed in her face. “Ah, this is too rich even for me to digest. Well, dear cousin, your silly dreams will be put to the test this eve. We shall see what lengths indeed he is willing to go to get you back.” He grabbed her by the throat as his crazy laughter filled the room and dragged her over to the table. “There will be plenty enough time later to taunt you. Enough of this. Now. Tell me where your Norman hides my documents?”

  “I told you, that I do not know.”

  He gave her a look that frightened her. Danielle’s thoughts were on what he might have planned for Aric.

  What might her cousin have done that could cause him harm? She sucked in her bloodied bottom lip and tried to pry his fingers from her throat yet again. He loosened his hold.

  “You will get him to give me what’s mine. And you will do whatever it takes to convince him. Else I will give you over to the lepers to feed upon your flesh. Do we understand one another, dear cousin?” Thomas snarled and pressed his wet lips against her temple.

  Revulsion washed over her as she shuddered from the feel of his touch upon her skin. Danielle choked back the bile that rose up from her stomach and spat. “Never, Thomas. Never.”


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