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The Northern Knights Series (Boxed Set)

Page 40

by Amber Dane

  Alexa met Rourke’s gaze when he turned and saw her. He looked past her just as quickly without a word and entered the manor. Alexa, trepidation burning in her chest followed behind them.

  Alexa stood inside the entrance of the hall, her eyes watching the herald while he watched her husband break the seal on the parchment.

  Rourke’s face did not change as his eyes scanned the contents and Alexa itched to know what it held. But at the moment she was too focused on trying to discern the herald’s nervous tick. He looked out of the corner of his eyes in her direction for the briefest of moments and her eyes shot to Rourke to see that his eyes rested steadily on the man as well. The herald’s small eyes roamed everywhere but where they should have been- on the lord in front of him.

  Although the little man kept his hands clasped behind his back, Alexa, from her view could see the clenching and unclenching of his fingers.

  He wore the royal garments and colors, yet, something about him simply was not right. But, she couldn’t put her finger on it. Even the tips of his ears were reddening. His odd behavior put her ill at ease. She swept her gaze back to Rourke. His expression had not changed. Perhaps that was it. Her husband was known for the fierce countenance he possessed, to leave a man shaking in his boots. Nay, it was more than that, Alexa thought and pressed her lips tight.

  Rourke lowered his head and spreading the scroll out on the table that separated him and the man, he read the document without a change in his expression. Alexa inched her way near hoping to glimpse a view of the contents, but he closed it and lifted his head without looking in her direction. She twisted her lip in consternation. He faced the man, but she knew just by the set of his jaw, he’d been aware of what she was about. She hung back. He didn't seem the least bit concerned by the herald's twitching.

  “Is there something amiss, man? I must say you do not look well.” The deathly calm of Rourke’s voice hung in the room.

  The herald started nervously, “Forgive me, Lord. Your name strikes fear in the toughest of men and your presence is, well- a bit overwhelming, if I must say. Only a fool with scrambled brains would dare think to stand against you.”

  “And are your brains scrambled?” Rourke challenged threateningly.

  “Nay, Lord.” The bump on the man’s throat bobbed, his eyes widened in fear as he licked his lips in fear. “I am quite well and bring only the king’s word to you.”

  The man blinked rapidly and more sweat beaded on his brow. The tick in the herald’s left eye told Rourke he’d hit truth and deceit. Damn it to hell!

  "King William handed you this directly?" Rourke’s deep timbre rumbled in the room and the man seemed to lose a shade of color.

  Then, with a thrust of his jaw, the herald replied, "The king's advisor handed it to me himself. Do you doubt the seal you've just broken, Lord?"

  The man had responded quickly enough, but Alexa still caught the nervousness in his tone. The look Rourke sent him had Alexa’s own knees knocking. The moment seemed endless and just as she thought Rourke would kill the messenger where he stood, he rolled his shoulders in a threatening way, legs spread and crossed his arms over his chest and spoke once more.

  "If it proves you have lied, I will hunt you down and you will feel my namesake tear your flesh, old man. You may go."

  Alexa heard the man swallow as he bowed and made his hasty exit. Rourke called two of his own men over for a word. He spoke too low for her to hear and Alexa wanted to take a step near. But she dared not. His dark look never left her during the discussion. Soon the two men left and she eyed the scroll in his fist. She approached the table. He watched her every movement and she burned under his gaze.

  "I do not like this. Something about this is not right."

  "Think you I am a fool?" His hiss of restrained anger swept over her. She didn't care. A feeling stirred in her gut and she cast all aside.

  "Nay. You are lord of Barnett and no one's fool." She met his arched brow with her own and continued, "I do not mock you, Rourke. The little man's behavior just put me ill at ease."

  "He was a funny little man, was he not? Nonetheless, your worry is for naught. ‘Tis the king’s seal. Oftentimes I’ve seen men behave thus in my presence."

  Alexa wanted to smack the smug look off his face. She was all too aware firsthand the fear the man could bring upon someone. But this time she felt it was more than that. He acted flippant about it, but the tightness in her stomach told her it was something else. He excused the man too easily, but Alexa could not. But trying to explain it to him would be wasted. Already he seemed to have forgotten the man’s strange behavior.

  Her eyes dropped back to the parchment, "Do you not wish to share with me the contents of the king’s letter?" Curiosity burned in her with the need to know and she was not even aware that she had walked around the table and now stood before him.

  "No worries.” He tucked the rolled parchment into the breast of his tunic. “I will see William’s deed done and the matter will be over."

  Alexa shot him a harried look and added with disgust under her breath, “What further sort of punishment does William wish to mete out now?”

  His dark frown remained and he eyed her with a stoic gaze.

  He looked dangerous, but his shoulders soon relaxed and he said coolly, “I owe my allegiance to William and my services sworn for his use. I am expected to fight. Even when the time comes and he relives me of that duty, ‘tis my job to supply him with well trained and equipped soldiers.”

  "How long do you plan to be away?"

  “Until the matter is completed. You will take your place as lady of the manor, of course.”

  Running the manor in his absence was of no consequence to Alexa. She had done it before he had come. It was the skittish nature of the herald that still had her on edge. Why was he not bothered? This caused her to reply crossly, "I can well manage what I was doing before your arrival whilst you are away doing William’s bidding."

  He took a step toward her. Alexa held her spot and his gaze for a moment more, and then walked across the room, giving him her back. His next words had her turning back around just as quickly.

  “Did you speak truth when you said you'd not escape me again?"

  Alexa frowned at him and watched him approach. Why was he speaking of this again? She studied him for a silent moment. He had hurt her a great deal. Aye. But she had no wish to run from him.

  "I told you, nay." Alexa fisted the sides of her kirtle in her hands and skirted around him. He didn't follow, but his eyes did. "Why do you ask me of it again?" she turned back to him and asked.

  He spoke with his penetrating hard gaze watching her. "I do not know how long I will be away seeing to this matter for the king.”

  Her brows lifted in confusion. He made a noise with his tongue and added, “This strife between us I would wish resolved before I leave. Think you ‘tis possible?”

  Stunned by his unexpected words, Alexa at first could not respond. His brows furrowing told her, he’d read wrongly into her brief silence. His jaw set and his green eyes glittered in aggravation. “Well. Then we shall think upon it whilst we are apart and perhaps come to a resolution upon my return. I must see to a few things. I ride out at dawn.”

  Alexa stood there gawking after him.

  See if she cared if he ever returned. It would be the answer to end this marriage. Was it not what she'd wanted all along? Alexa huffed and stormed up the rest of the case to their chamber.

  Once inside, she paced with her racing thoughts. She would get no sleep this night. Her menses had stopped at dawn. Should she tell him? His apology had been lacking many kind words and sincerity.

  But from him- the Dark Axe- had she expected aught less? From a man who used brute strength ofttimes to get his way.

  Alexa tossed and turned some more among the soft pelts in the bed.

  Tonight could be their last night together.

  Disagreement between still unresolved. Was it the way to send him off? Untruth
s and hurts yet lay between them, but Alexa was intent on her purpose.

  If he was intent on going on this mission, it could be the last time she'd see him. She refused to think he'd not return. His earlier words came back to her. Alexa’s heart stung.

  So many emotions she was unfamiliar with, she struggled. To take from him did not mean she pardoned his behavior. But the fear that he refused to heed the bad feelings on this latest matter worried her deeply. What she felt for the Norman was nigh overwhelming. Alexa did not know if 'twas love that caused her heat to beat fast. She didn't think she was capable of loving him.

  Fond of him?


  That she’d readily admit and it was strong enough so that she was aware that she no longer hated his Norman hide.

  When he came to their chamber a look of surprise crossed his handsome face to see that she was still awake. He made a grunt and went in one corner to disrobe and prepare for bed. Alexa watched his every move.

  He did not look at her again. She could see the tired lines across his forehead. He glanced quickly in her direction when he climbed up on the bed. No words were spoken and she waited. Disappointment twanged inside her when he lay on his back with a muscled arm thrown over his brow. So, he would not touch her once again. Alexa would have none it this night.

  This night was hers and she would have what she sought even if she had to take it.

  She leaned up and lay a hand upon his bare chest. One large hand quickly clamped around her wrist in a tight vise.

  "What do you do, hellion?"

  "My time ended at dawn." Alexa felt him flinch beneath her palm. When he remained silent she exhaled a deep exasperated breath, continuing, "I wish to spend this night with you in case there is not…."

  She could not bring herself to finish. If she spoke the words aloud, she may as well put a blade to his chest now for it would bring ill luck. But she need not worry for as he was prone to do, his eyes changed and she knew he knew her meaning. Seducing him was not as easy as she thought. The hand around her wrist loosened and he pulled her closer.

  "Do not play with me."

  "It’s not a game, Rourke."

  "'Ere you make your next move, Alexa, I warn you to think. Your seduction may be awkward, but it has the effect you seek. There will be no turning back," he warned her.

  She said nothing. Instead she leaned down and pressed her soft lips to his cheek. Rourke rolled and had her beneath him in seconds.

  "I am hungry for you and my balls ache to be inside you. I shall try to go slow, but I fear I cannot promise that will hold true."

  Alexa reached up and stroked his cheek as she ran her tongue over her lips. He groaned over her and she could feel his body shake with his desire.

  "You test me to the very last, hellion and I will see you pay for such sweet torture." Rourke said before he leaned down and began kissing and sucking at her neck, cheeks, chin and lips. When she opened her mouth in delight, he plundered deep, seeking her hot response. He groaned when her hands tightened in is hair. His hands left a burning path of titillation wherever he touched. His growl came a hairsbreadth away from her parted lips and Alexa moved and sucked his tongue back inside her waiting mouth.

  Hugging her to him Rourke ground his hips against hers and she opened for him. Their bodies moved in unison with her undergarments between them. Within moments she cried out in pleasure beneath him and shuddered her fulfillment. As she fought to catch her breath, she returned his wicked smile.

  “Hmmm. Guess I was not the only one who could not promise slowly.”

  She leaned up to plant a hard kiss on his mouth. When done, she told him. “I have no balls that ache as you, but I ached down there, nonetheless. I’m still hungry for you, Rourke.”

  Her sultry words drove him mad and in his urgency to be inside her, he grabbed her shift in his fist and tore it down the middle. She moaned and arched her back to rub her nakedness against him.

  Her breast bounced and Rourke’s mouth watered. Burying his head between the globes, he kissed her everywhere. Her hard nipples slipped in and out of his mouth. He suckled at her tenderly and long, like a man starved. He nearly spilled his seed when she worked a hand down between them to bring him to her entrance. The wetness of her was too much. And he struggled for a steady breath.

  "You want me inside you?”

  Her yes came out in a strangled moan. Rourke took in her flushed face and the naked passion in her eyes. He ordered, “Then take me inside you.” Her fingers held him gently as she guided him.

  “Take me inside you, hellion," Rourke repeated against her lips and caught her soft cry in his mouth as he covered her mouth with his. He moved to withdraw and she gripped him tighter her hooded gaze met his, her hands clutched at his shoulders.

  “Don’t.” Alexa whispered.

  He slid back inside, filling her slowly, inch by inch. When she wrapped her legs around his waist, Rourke roared and buried himself deeply. He held himself there for a moment and kissed her deeply. She kissed him back with the same hunger. Her body quivered beneath him and he began to move.

  Each stroke brought them closer, deeper. His hands caressed nearly every inch of her supple frame and Rourke felt her hands and fingers on him. The intimacy was like no other time they’d shared. She burned for him. She lifted her legs higher, more open and he wanted all of himself inside her.

  When her fingers outlined the scar on his back, he tensed, but she leaned up and tightened her thighs and rode him hard. Rourke lost it and his thrusts went wild. Soon their mutual cries of pleasure filled the chamber with their soaring ecstasy.

  Rourke rested on his back, breathless, with her snuggled against his side. He was worn. She had drained him, yet her fingers and mouth caressed his chest seeking more. A quiet moment slipped by and Rourke savored the peace of her softness in his arms. Words still not spoken, but their hands, touches spoke volumes. Rourke closed his eyes in rapture when later he was ready and she crawled on top of him to take his hardness inside her wetness, once more.


  The noise wafting up from the courtyard woke Alexa from her deep, relaxed slumber. She opened her eyes to see that she was alone and jolted up to run to the window. Her husbands' men filled the yard below readying to leave. A cry caught in her throat. Dressing quickly and donning her slippers, Alexa exited the chamber and ran for the wall walk on the north side.

  Cold seeped under Rourke’s cloak when he stepped out from the stables into the yard. Although the skies were clear this morn, frost clung heavily to a few trees. He watched his men kiss their wives and families goodbye. His own thoughts on his wife. He’d not wanted to tell her he'd known something was afoot when the herald had presented him with William’s message alleging an uprising near the river. Had not the same like message been the reason he’d sent Goran out a day ago. Heaven help anyone deigning to overthrow their new overlord, for the penalty was death. Still, Rourke could not refuse what appeared the authentic king’s seal, even if he did believe games were afoot. The reason he’d sent two of his men out immediately to reach Goran before the herald had even exited the hall. He wanted Goran here with Alexa while he was out seeing to this latest upset.

  He’d grown quite fond of his hellion. He wished that the gentleness she'd shown him last night was real and true. But, Rourke knew better. She enjoyed him bedding her and she simply missed it as had he.

  And God's teeth, had he ever! Wanton she had been, indeed.

  He shifted in the saddle as his groin swelled a little. He grunted. The weeks he'd be away, he wondered how she would fare. Had she spoken truth? Would she truly try not to flee him?

  Could she live with what had reviled Jacqueline so? Ignore the scars and ugliness that covered his hulk of a frame. See him as more than a rutting beast?

  He could only hope.

  The memory, feel of her soft hands against his skin last night in their bed told him yes. But they'd not spoken in the aftermath.

  He needed a c
lear head before he rode out the gates.

  Rourke closed his eyes a moment and inhaled sharply. The cold air filled his chest and lungs, clearing his senses.

  He opened his eyes again when the soldier on his left, a young soldier he'd trained himself queried with an expectant look.

  "My lord? Are we ready?"

  Alexa’s gaze swept over the yard filled with over fifty men armed and dressed for battle. Some carried long spears, hand to hand metal axes, battle hammers, and maces. A dozen archers were just coming from around a side building with their weapons strapped to their backs. Triangular shields bore her husband’s emblem. His men stood proud and fierce awaiting his leadership. Anger and dread filled her as what she had feared the contents of missive held unfolded before her eyes.

  She found herself leaning forward, nearly mounting the thick wall in her search for a glimpse of him below.

  Oblivious to the frigid air and breathing heavy, Alexa did not know that she gripped the stone wall until her knuckles turned white and the stone dug painfully into her skin.

  He was not hard to find and was armed to the teeth.

  The biggest horse and man there and in all black save the brown leather covering his destrier and the flash of silver of the small daggers at his calves.

  Those too were soon covered as his squire attended him and pulled down the flap concealing the deadly weapons. Her heart raced in anguish. She held her breath, tried to control her breathing and damned herself all in the same painful breath. Would the man not look up?

  Look up, Alexa screamed inside, almost willing him to turn in her direction.

  A young soldier rode up next to him, then moved away to lead the procession out. Her heart dropped.

  Damn him.

  Images of their heated and explosive passion came back to her and her legs weakened. She swallowed. Her throat resisted filling with the sobs she refused to release. She hated the man.

  She stared at the back of his golden head. She hated him for making her love him. Alexa gasped over the revelation.


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