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Picture Perfect Summer

Page 7

by Marquita Valentine

  “I have some extra swim trunks in the truck,” I reply. If True wants to swim, then I’m all for it and not only because I’ll see her in a bikini. My aim tonight is to please her and make up for not telling her about Laken sooner.

  “True tells me you’re running KGS?” Mr. Prince asks, then winces. “You had to step on my bad toe?”

  Mrs. Prince smiles widely. “Don’t mind him. He’s been instructed to not talk politics, religion, or business.”

  “Weather’s been good,” I offer and everyone stares at me for a moment.

  True snorts. “You’re allowed to talk about whatever you want, Duke. You’re the guest.”

  “I kinda like the rules you gave Mr. Prince.”

  “Good man.” He lifts his drink and we do the same. I notice that True and I have goblets of ice water. “Here’s to new friends.”

  “Here’s to summer,” True chimes in.

  Right away, I notice that True’s dad is the talker of the family—besides True, that is. Mrs. Prince likes to observe, size up, and keep her opinion to herself until the time is right. Mr. Prince carries the conversation, talking about everything from the war in Afghanistan to the Coffee with Comedians special on Netflix. He jumps like a frog in a pond from topic to topic, barely touching on them before moving on.

  “I promise I’m not asking for company secrets, but how are things going with KGS?” Mr. Prince asks, his eyes earnest.

  “Slowly but surely, we might stay in business.” For another three months at least.

  He nods. “I’m sure you get this all the time, but if you need anything—contacts, capital... manpower, I have the resources to share.”

  “Actually, I don’t get that all the time. Most people still think my dad was guilty of embezzlement and tax evasion, even with proof and a confession to the contrary.”

  True murmurs sympathetically, “You don’t have talk about this.”

  “My daughter is right. My heart was in the right place, but this isn’t the time.” Mr. Prince rubs his jaw. “I apologize, Duke.”

  “No need. I’d rather get it out in the open than for y’all to wonder, or for it to be the eight-hundred-pound elephant in the room. “

  Mr. Prince lifts his glass to me in an informal toast. “I can respect that.”

  “Thank you, and honestly, I might have to take you up on your offer because I have no idea what I’m doing half the time. I wasn’t supposed to be the one to—my younger brother should be CEO, not me, but he’s still in college and I’m the only one with funds to maintain the workforce we have.” For once it feels good to talk so openly about business and not only because True’s family gives off this trust me vibe. Any businessman or woman worth their salt knows what it’s like to be backed into a corner at one point or another, especially in an industry that relies on the weather and ocean.

  “Why don’t I get your number from True and we’ll set up a meeting. No need to go through secretaries.” Mr. Prince leans forward. “I’d consider it an honor to help you. Your grandfather was instrumental in my professional life. I was scared, pardon my lack of manners, shitless to take over Prince Shipping. When my dad said he was retiring, he meant it. It was sink or swim time. I think I kinda floated a lot during that first year.”

  I bark out a laugh. “I’m bobbing like a cork, with no direction.”

  “Does this mean you two are bonding?” True asks, her brows drawn in confusion. “Most dads don’t like guys their daughters bring home.”

  Mrs. Prince laughs. “Liking Duke and wanting to help him are two very different things.”

  “What do you think of True heading back to Arizona once the summer is over?”

  “Dad!” True shakes her head. “You are not going to bring Duke into this.”

  “Why not? I’m sure he has an opinion.” This Mr. Prince says with a twinkle in his eye. “What is your opinion on our sweet, sweet daughter moving back permanently to Royal Bay? Or even... Castle Beach. Teachers are needed there, too.”

  “Oh my gosh. Would you stop?” True lobs a half-melted ice cube at her dad, who easily bats it away before it hits him. “It’s hard enough to resist y’all’s efforts to bribe me without bringing my boyfriend into the equation.”

  “She’s so stubborn. I have no idea where she gets it from,” Mrs. Prince says.

  Mr. Prince subtly points at his wife. “Me either.”

  “But seriously. How can she leave us, our only child, to be alone in our golden years? The past four years she was gone dragged on, like a wounded animal. Considering all we did for her, all the time and effort we spent on her education and—”

  “You’re so dramatic, Dad,” True mutters, then raises her voice as she turns to me. “What he’s not mentioning is that into my dorm, they got rid of the house I grew up in and moved into this monstrosity on the snooty side of town. Now I ask you, does that sound like parents who are missing their child?”

  “Hey, now. We kept the door where we measured you each year,” Mr. Prince points out, laughing. This has to be something they’ve discussed before because it’s not tense. It’s not a point of contention, rather it’s just them poking at one another.

  Teasingly, even.

  “Where did you grow up?”

  “In a small turn of the century bungalow on Front Street.”

  “Front Street isn’t the wrong side of the tracks,” I point out. In fact, Front Street is the oldest street in Royal Bay and has homes still standing that were built before the Revolutionary War. “Which century?”

  “The seventeenth,” Mrs. Prince replies. “We lived right on the Queens River. Private pier, too.”

  “Mom!” True crossed her arms. “You’re not helping.”

  “Oh, was I supposed to?” her mom asks, all innocent.

  I bite back a smile. “Are you trying to convince me that you’re a poor little rich girl?”

  “No, I’m just saying... I give up,” she grumbles. “I had an awesome childhood and miss my old home.”

  “We didn’t get rid of it, by the way,” Mr. Prince says. “It’s simply being rented out for the time being.”

  “Yeah, until I agree to move home,” True points out. “Can you believe their nerve?”

  “Nope.” While this might be fun for them, I’m not taking anyone’s side.

  Mrs. Prince holds up her hands. “I think this has been enough talk of the future. Bradley and I will bring out dessert. If you’ll excuse us.”

  They get up from the table, walking hand in hand inside.

  “What did you think of dinner?” True asks.

  I motion to my empty plate. “I think this speaks for itself.”

  “Good.” True leans in, kissing my cheek. “I hope you’re having fun and my parents aren’t making you too uncomfortable with all their questions. And comments.”

  A pang of homesickness hits me like a sucker punch to the gut. I miss this kind of family dinner. The laughter and closeness that no longer exists. We’ve been scattered to the winds, by choice and by circumstance, all because of one man’s actions.

  But that’s not True’s fault.

  “I know that they love and want the best for you.”

  “They want me to stay in Royal Bay,” she says on a sigh.

  “Can’t say that I blame them.” I lift her hand to my lips, kissing the knuckles, then belatedly remember I’d planned on keeping my hands to myself. Damn it. However, I don’t let go. “Just think of all the things we could do if you did stay.”

  “Go on more dates with Laird and Ophelia?”

  “Nah. They’ll be back in school by then.”

  She giggles, the sound filling in places in my heart that I didn’t know were empty. “If there was one person in this world to convince me to stay... it would be you, Duke King.”

  “Don’t tempt me, True Prince,” I warn.

  She gives me a seductive smile. “A little temptation never hurt anyone.”

  Chapter 11


��Sunny and her fiancé got a hotel room in Royal Bay.” I give Duke a hopefully seductive smile as I lean against the front door that I’ve just unlocked. “Wanna come inside and let me make up dinner to you?”

  Duke places his hands on either side of me, caging me with in his arms, and lowers his mouth to mine. “I don’t think so, sunshine.”


  He grins, all at once mischievous and sexy. “I’m not in the mood. Honestly, I’m tired. Have to get up early tomorrow and go into the office.”

  My upper lip rides up in disbelief. “Are you serious?”

  “As anything.” He runs his lips up my jaw line, making me shiver in want, and stops when he gets to my ears. “You were such a tease, Ms. Prince, and for that, you’re going to have to wait.”

  Angling my head to one side so maybe he’ll take it as an invitation to kiss me, I try to make him see reason. “I waited all of dinner and the ride back.”

  “You forgot when we went swimming.” He bites down on my earlobe. “We had to wait then, too.”

  “Oh yes... then, too. Mmmm.” My eyes close and my arms go around him to pull him close, but Duke doesn’t budge from his spot. “Swimming was pure torture.”

  “I know and all those accidental brushes against me with that hot, little body of yours didn’t help me at all.” He bites me again, harder this time, and I see sparks behind my eyelids. “I couldn’t do a damn thing about it.”

  “Not then, but now you can.” I turn my head, trying to kiss him. “You can do anything you want now. We’re alone.”

  Finally, finally, our lips meet, and he devours me. His arms coming round to hold me tightly against him. I swear, at one point, he lifts me and one of my shoes falls to the porch.

  A girl could get used to being kissed like this.

  I feel for the door knob, twist it and we fall inside. Literally, fall to the floor, but by some miracle, we roll to one side. I kick my foot out and shut the door, then attack the man under me.

  He groans, his fingers in my hair as I try to get my hands on his skin. I slide them under his shirt, lightly raking my nails against him as I go.

  “My turn, sunshine.” He flips us, so that he’s on top now and hovering over me like a sexy angel. His stormy eyes are bright as he gazes down at me. “I’m not going to spend the night.”

  I pout. “Please.”

  “Nope.” He sits back on his calves. “But I won’t leave you unsatisfied.”

  “You’re going to have sex with me, but you won’t sleep over?” I wrinkle my nose in confusion.

  “I’m going to give you something that will make you ache.” With that vague, erotic threat, he slowly slides the straps of my dress down and my breath hitches in anticipation.

  “What about you?” The top of my dress is resting on my chest. It rises and falls with each breath I take. I arch my back, wanting to bare myself to him. To see if his eyes light up with pleasure or desire.

  Hopefully both.

  He presses his hand against me, forcing me to lie still. “Don’t be in such a hurry.”

  My eyes widen. “If you go any slower, I’ll scream.”

  “I want you to scream, Sunshine, but not until I’m inside of you.”

  I melt into the floor. I’m a puddle of want and need and I already ache for him. It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell Duke as much, but he’s promised to leave me that way, so I stay silent.

  Let him figure out when I’m aching.

  His hand moves lower, to my knee and then coasts up my thigh, pushing my dress to my waist. I’m wearing the sexiest thong I own, but he can’t see the back. I fully expect him to make a comment about them, but instead he leans down and trails kisses over my collarbone, making goose bump appear in his wake. He licks the tops of my breasts and tugs on my dress with his teeth until I’m completely bared to him.

  My breasts feel heavy and my nipples are so hard that they hurt.

  “Do they ache?” he asks in a hoarse whisper, circling the areola with his tongue.

  I shake my head tightly, not uttering a sound, because if I try to answer him, I’ll moan. His name.

  “Sunshine, you are so damn hot.” He tugs a hard nipple into his mouth and begins to suck. My legs spread wide and I arch against him, seeking something to rub against.

  I sink my nails into his shoulder, wishing his shirt was off. Wait, I don’t have to wish. I can take it off myself. I work at getting it off of him, but he won’t stop kissing my nipples, both now because he’s switched sides, long enough to cooperate.

  I growl in frustration.

  He laughs low in his throat.

  “Looks like you’re the one who can’t take my teasing.”

  Just as I open my mouth to answer him, the lights blaze on in the hallway and I hear Sunny stomp up the stairs.

  “Oh my word,” I gasp, pushing Duke off of me. I fix my dress while he helps me to my feet, my cheeks heating to a million degrees as she hits the top of the stairs and join us.

  “Oh no,” Sunny says with a frown. “This was a bad time for me to change my mind about the hotel room, wasn’t it?”

  Change her mind? “Oh, please. It’s totally fine. I mean, Duke was helping me with... stuff,” I finish lamely. I shouldn’t be embarrassed, especially around Sunny, but I am, and it’s silly.

  Most likely, Duke will think I’m ridiculous.

  “I’m going to bed, so don’t worry about me.” She mouths an I’m sorry and disappears into her bedroom.

  “That was perfect timing,” Duke says.

  “Only if you like not being satisfied.”

  He raises his brows at me.

  I glare at him. “You meant that, didn’t you?”

  “Guilty.” He runs a shaky hand though his hair. “I wasn’t going to leave you aching, actually.”

  “So you say.” I cross my arms, giving him my best teacher in charge look.

  The man has the gall to chuckle. CHUCKLE.

  “It’s not funny.”

  “Baby duck, I have to laugh, because you’re so fucking adorable when you don’t get your way.” He mocks my pose and even I have to smile. A little.

  I twist my mouth and flounce to the living room. “You’re not funny.” Except he is, and I love it because he’s so serious the majority of the time.

  Duke comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around the front of me. “I think your friend needs you. She didn’t look too happy.”

  All my real and fake anger fades. “I don’t think she’s happy either and it’s weird that Kwame isn’t with her. He’s totally in love with her and asked Sunny to marry him on their fourth date.”

  “Then you should go see what’s up and if you can help.” He kisses the top of my head in the most nonsexual way possible and I resign myself to the fact that both of us will be aching tonight.

  Then again, would most guys be this understanding? Or would they try to keep going by taking things to the bedroom?

  “I’ll text you tomorrow.”

  He moves away from me and I miss the way he was holding me. “I’ll be working in the morning, but after that I’m free to take you for another surfing lesson.”

  “Or we could just go to the beach and... not surf.”

  He grins. “Whatever makes you happy, Sunshine.”

  I run to him, rising to my toes and smashing my mouth against his. “You make me happy, Duke King.”

  “Night, True. I’ll see myself out.”

  With one last hug, I head to Sunny’s room, with a big smile on my face, only to have it fall a couple of seconds later. My best friend is sitting on the bed, crying her eyes out.

  “Can I come in?”

  Sunny looks up, her brown eyes watery. “We had our first real fight.”

  “Sit tight. I’ll get dranks, snacks, and my laptop. We’ll watch what you want and eat what you want. No judgment.”

  She sniffs. “I love you, True.”

  “I love you, too.” I really do. Sunny is like the sister I never had.
“For what it’s worth, I know you two will work things out.”

  “Thanks, babe.”

  “Anytime, kid.”

  We snort, then Sunny takes a deep breath. “It’ll be better in the morning.”

  “Totally.” I make a mental note to text Kwame so I know what I’m dealing with. After all, they’re planning a wedding and his family is super rich, super religious, and super conservative while Sunny’s mother has a website dedicated to activating rivers with crystals while her dad is the sole owner of a vegan sex toy company and had a reality tv show about it on Netflix.

  “Everything always looks better in the morning.” Please let everything look better in the morning.

  As I make my way to the kitchen, I spy my purse that I left outside. Duke must have brought it in for me. He is so perfect.

  I sigh dreamily.

  My phone buzzes from inside and I fish it out.

  Duke: Don’t you dare take care of things yourself tonight or else I’ll be forced to take drastic measures.

  My mouth drops open. “That jerk.” I wasn’t even thinking of taking care of things because my best friend needs me, but now...

  Me: Too bad you didn’t text me five minutes ago

  Duke: ???? True???

  I laugh, put Duke on ignore and then send a serious text to Kwame before heading into the kitchen, whistling to myself.

  Chapter 12


  “Hurry up, will ya,” Laird shouts, sitting in the back of the truck bed with Ophelia. “What’s taking you so long?”

  “Some of us work for a living.” This morning, I learned that our lawyer made considerable progress with the last hearing. As he explained it to me, the more evidence that piles up on King Global Shipping’s former CFO Frank Jergenson, the more likely the IRS will shift their attention to him instead of my family, and hopefully, simply allow us to pay the remaining back taxes that they are rightfully owed.

  Fat chance, though.

  Laird rolls his eyes and pretends to play the smallest violin in the world. “Would you like some cheese with that whine?”


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