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Picture Perfect Summer

Page 19

by Marquita Valentine

  “When did you do that?”

  “You’re easily distracted,” he says on a smile. ”Grabbed it from my pocket when I was showing off for you and tossed it on the bed while you were eying my dick.”

  “You’re right, I’m totally—”

  He thrusts deep and my eyes roll in the back of my head.

  “So deep,” I moan.

  “You can take more.” He drops his head to my shoulder, sending my leg higher on his arm. “Don’t know if I can.”

  He swears under his breath, and I remember to breathe again. Finally, he begins to move, grinding against me with each thrust until I see stars and go over the edge again.

  “I love you, my stormy man. I never stopped loving you.”

  He shudders against me, thrusting harder and deeper as he pours himself inside of my core.

  Tenderly I stroke his back until he lifts up. “Sorry I didn’t last but for so long.”

  “Two orgasms are a great way to make up for that. I forgive you.”

  He kisses me swiftly, then leaves the bed to throw away the condom in the trash by the desk. I bolt for the bathroom, tossing out a towel at him in case he needs it. “Be out in a second.”

  “I’ll be here waiting,” he says.

  When I come back, he’s right where I left him, hands behind his head, looking satisfied as anything. The smile on his face confirms it. As soon as he spots me, he holds out his arms.

  Just for tonight, I remind myself. He’s mine just for tonight.

  I go into his arms, burying my face in the crook of his neck. We don’t move until room service actually shows up.

  Duke throws on his pants to answer the door while I scramble under the blankets of the bed. I wait until he gives the all clear and pop up from under the covers.

  “Hungry?” he asks.


  We share the massive dinner I ordered, but before we get to desert, I blurt, “Ophelia stopped by the house earlier this week and then I had things out with Laken. Didn’t exactly go well.”

  He pauses mid-drink of water. “Who do you want to talk about first?”


  He sets the glass down and sits beside me on the bed. “I’m listening.”

  “She’s not doing well, Duke. She’s trying to be strong for Laird, but we all know that he’s not coming back. I hate to say it,” I swallow down the tears that threaten. “You know I do, but the likelihood is—”

  “Next to nothing.”

  I nod.

  “She needs a break. A vacation. Something besides simply wanting to rent a place that doesn’t have memories of her marriage tied to it. She changed her mind, though, that’s what she came to tell me... Oh, and that River told Laken that I’m taking her and her little sister to Arizona to live with me and you.”

  Duke grimaces. “Laken thought to take that up with you instead of me?”

  “Well, she does have a history of intimidating me with guilt, but this time I went to her first. I still feel guilty, though.”

  “Your heart is the most precious thing about you.”

  I can’t let him distract me. I have to be strong and put it all out there. “She said she was taking you to court to get custody of River, and things would be worse if you tried to take River with you to Arizona to live with me.”

  “She did, huh?” He looks mildly interested in what I’m saying, but then I notice that my boob is hanging out of the sheet.

  “Stop looking at me and pay attention to what I’m saying,” I insist, lifting his chin. “She said that ninety-nine percent of judges give custody to the mother or ninety nine percent of mothers get custody. I don’t like those odds.”

  “I don’t like her threatening you.”

  “She didn’t threaten me. She threatened you and River. I get it. She wants her daughter and that makes her desperate. But desperate people can do stupid things.” I swallow my pride and continue, “Like come back to North Carolina instead of allowing professionals to handle the entire thing. But no, I just had to see for myself if I felt any differently about you.”

  “And do you?”

  “You know I don’t.” I jerk my thumb at the bed. “That wouldn’t have happened a second time if I didn’t love you.”

  He eyes me suspiciously, pouncing as soon as I try to scoot away, sending us tumbling to the mattress. “Why does your confession feel like you’re saying goodbye?”

  Because I have to say goodbye. “Why does it matter?” I try to wriggle out from under him, but he grabs my hips, holding me in place.

  “You’re right. It doesn’t matter, Sunshine. You’re mine now, in every way but legally, and I’m going to fix that as soon as I feel like letting you out of bed.”

  My eyes widen as I feel him hardening against me, his erection thick as it slides against my core. “Oh, really, your majesty?”

  “Oh yeah and until then, it’s your job to enjoy every minute of it.” He nudges my legs apart and slides inside, filling me... moving in me with hard, sure thrusts until I’m no longer worried about tomorrow, or flights, or anything at all.


  The next morning, I allow myself to enjoy waking up with Duke. His big hands are on my body; his warm lips are nibbling up my shoulder to my neck and making me shiver in delight.

  This is how every morning should be. Except there won’t be any more mornings like this.

  I stiffen.

  Duke shifts, looming over me, his dark blue eyes full of concern. “Need a break this morning?”

  “It’s not that.” I run my fingers across the dark stubble on his jaw. The roughness tickling my skin. “It’s... I’m leaving tomorrow morning.”

  His mouth flattens. “You don’t have to. School isn’t due to start until—

  I press my fingers against his perfect lips. “It’s not school. It’s this. It’s us. It’s... the timing is all wrong again.”

  Duke moves so that he’s sitting beside me and I scoot up, pulling the sheet with me, so he doesn’t get conveniently distracted and then distract me, too. “I don’t give a damn about timing.”

  “You should. Laken is serious, and if you bothered to listen last night, you’d know just how serious she is.”

  He hooks a finger in the top of the sheet, sliding the digit back and forth. “And if you bothered listening to me the entire time you’ve been here, then you’d know just how serious I am about you.”

  I grab his wrist. “Stop trying to distract me and pay attention. I’m leaving tomorrow morning, no matter what.”

  “Just like that, huh?” He pulls his hand away, his jaw tightening. “Don’t you think I know what’s best for River, and don’t you think I’ve considered her? The fact of the matter is that I’m not going to lose you this time.”

  “The fact of the matter is that you could lose your daughter this time,” I counter. “I won’t be responsible for that.”

  “God forbid you stay and fight for us.”

  Anger and frustration surges inside, propelling me out of bed. I don’t care that the sheet stayed or that Duke is looking at my bare body with obvious lust and desire. “It’s not my fight. This is between you and the ex-wife you can’t stand up to, the one you let do anything she wants just to pacify her ass.”

  He cocks a brow. “You think I let her walk all over me?”

  “You did the last time.” Unfair shot, maybe, but I’m not feeling very fair right now. All I feel is like I’m ten years ago True, about to once again lose the man I love because of a woman who can’t let go. “Why should this time be any different? Why should I expect anything to be different, when the almost exact situation is happening all over again?”

  “I love you, but right now, you are so fucking unreasonable that it’s almost laughable. I have a child to consider. A child who wants a mother so bad that she can taste it yet doesn’t want the one who abandoned her because she’s not trustworthy. You know, because of the whole ghosting her for ten years straight, but I don’t
want my daughter to have a hole in her heart that she fills with shit that will destroy her, so I make them spend time together. Maybe I’m wrong, but since this is my first time being a parent, I don’t know what else to do. So forgive me if things aren’t going to your exact expectations, but I’m doing the best I can.” He gets out of bed, dressing quickly and grabbing his phone. “This isn’t over between us. I would stay to talk this out, but I promised River that I’d be at her soccer exhibition this morning.”

  “Oh my God, Duke. Do you really think I hold you in that kind of contempt? That I’m so unreasonable that I can’t see you’re being torn in two?” I hastily throw on a hotel robe. “I’m not belittling your parenting job. I’m not even questioning it. What I do question is the power you allow Laken to have over your life, so much so that she thinks she can threaten your potential whatever I am with a lawsuit for daring to want to be with you. It’s not right and it’s not fair.”

  “Welcome to my fucking world. I’ve put my entire life on hold to raise a kid, keep a company afloat, and take care of my family. Life stopped being anything near fair for me over a decade ago. Meanwhile, you’re losing your shit over it not being fair right now.” His phone alarm goes off. “Fuck. I have to go.”

  He’s not wrong, but he’s not right either. I stopped breathing the day I had to leave Castle Beach. My heart stopped beating. Biting my lip so I don’t cry or argue, I shrug. “You do what you have to do, and I’ll do the same.”

  Duke grabs me, kissing me roughly. “Stay here, you stubborn ass woman, and wait for me to make things right.”

  “I can’t.” I can’t see Laken letting him go this time, not with River in the mix. She’ll drag them through the mud and do more damage to that little girl... “I’m sorry. I love you with every beat of my heart, and I love River so much... but I can’t put y’all through a custody battle when the solution is simply for me to move on, like I should have done the first time.”

  “If you wanted me to let you go, then you should really stop saying shit like that.” He lets me go, then moves to the door. “This isn’t over, True. I swear it.”

  Chapter 30


  Luckily, Ophelia and Momma were able to take River to camp this morning because by the time I arrive to River’s game, it’s already started.

  I search for River, finding her playing defense and wave. She grins and waves back, and my blood pressure starts to settle down. Not for long though, because I need to have a chat with my ex-wife, which is sure to send it through the roof.

  Laken’s sitting near the stands, in a hot pink chair. At her feet in a blow up pool is Brook, playing with toys in it, sans the water. While I think that’s pretty smart, I’m not in the mood to compliment her parenting hack.

  I march to her, stopping just shy of the baby pool and put on a semblance of a smile so that the nosy nellies get their fill and move on. “Morning.”

  Laken doesn’t glance my way, instead she cheers for River, then tosses a “Good morning,” my way.

  “We need to talk.”

  Laken crosses her legs, her nose tipping in the air. “Really don’t have the time today.”

  “Now is as good of time as any. Plus, we’re in public, so you know I won’t make a scene.”

  She frowns. “I suppose this has to do with that Prince woman.”

  “You’re partially right.”

  “Did she tattle on me?” Laken glances up, her expression as haughty as ever. “Bless her heart. Did I scare her away?”

  “Not yet.” But dollars to donuts, she’s going to the airport tomorrow morning. “However, if she does, you’re going to help me make things right.”

  “You really expect me, as your ex-wife, to help you in the dating department.” Laken turns her attention back to the game. “You’re a hoot, Duke, but it’s not my fault she’s running scared and can’t find it in her to fight for her man”

  “Want to think about that?” I crouch down beside Brooke, giving the toddler a smile. She grins back before playing with her toys again. “This isn’t about me at all. We both know it.”

  Laken taps the side of her cheek. “I thought about it and I still feel the exact same way. The hussy has no business coming back here and thinking that she’s going to just fall right in where she used to be.”

  “Stop being so prideful. That’s not why she came here and besides, True is selfless and kind. Once again, you hit her in the most vulnerable place she possesses—her heart.”

  “Yeah, yeah, she’s a paragon of virtue.”

  “I’m not saying she’s perfect... but she’s damn perfect for me and more importantly she loves our daughter. You should be grateful True cares so much about River and yes, even me, that she would sacrifice her own happiness for us.”

  “Bless her heart. Maybe that poor soul will someday find a man of her own, maybe even one with a built in family.”

  What is it with unreasonable women? I can’t talk logic with Laken. I have to hit her where it counts. I have to speak Laken’s language. “Look. True isn’t some poor little waif who happened to land a King.” I pause, cheering for River as she blocks a shot at the goal and kicks it up field. “In case you didn’t know or conveniently forgot, her family has more money than yours and mine put together, and she’s an only child. She could have offered to help me bury you, but she didn’t because she didn’t want River to miss out on getting to know you, too.”

  Laken’s face pales. “I didn’t know that.”

  “Now you do.” I blow out a breath. “You need to put an end to the custody talk and whatever else you have in motion. It’s not going to fly. You won’t get River, and I’ll make damned sure you’ll never see her again if you do try to take her from me.” I didn’t want to resort to this kind of threat, but when it comes to my daughter... let’s just say I don’t fuck around.

  Laken goes silent. I allow her to gather her thoughts while we watch the game until halftime.

  “I need an answer.”

  Laken exhales, her gaze coming to rest on my face. “I don’t want to take River away from you, but I just got here and now everything’s falling apart.”

  “That’s not River’s fault. It’s not mine either.”

  She nods, tears in her eyes. “I know you must think the worst of me, but I was... I am scared, desperate. I haven’t contacted any judge, Duke. There aren’t any in their right minds that would award me custody, especially based on my past. Plus, I take medication for my depression, and what if they tried to take Brooke from me... what if they say I’m an unfit mother?”

  “I’d help you fight that.” While there’s no way in hell I’d let her take River from me, I wouldn’t let anyone take Brooke from her or Jake. Plus, based on all the evidence I’ve seen and heard, Laken is a good mother.

  “You would? Even if I took you to court first?”

  “Yeah, even then.” I nod. “I’m not a monster, Laken, and I don’t hate you anymore. Hell, I barely resent you, except when you say stupid shit to the woman I love. I know it’s not easy trying to reconnect with River, but you’re making it harder than it has to be.”

  “Easy for you to say.”

  “No, it’s not. Stop pushing River to where you want y’all’s relationship to be. Let it happen naturally, and if she never calls you momma, just be thankful she’s in your life in the first place.”

  “No guarantee of that.”

  “River’s love of her baby sister is evidence to the contrary. She’s doesn’t trust you to not take Brooke away from her. She doesn’t trust that you’ll do what you say because you’re too busy telling her what she has to do. It’s not right and you know it.

  “True or no True, we needed to have this talk. I’m not going to let you continue to mess with River’s head and heart like this, Laken,” I add.

  “I had no idea.” Laken presses her free hand against her heart. “I would never hurt River intentionally. I only want to be a mother to her.”

  “You might
not be able to do that. You might have to settle on being her friend or at least someone she trusts enough to keep in her life.”

  Laken bites down on her lip. “I suppose you’re right. I just thought... I had this idea, you know, of us reuniting and being like sisters or something. I was hoping that River didn’t hold anything against me.”

  “That’s a better goal than friend, I think. Sisters trust one another, seek out advice, especially from the older one.” I give her a pointed look. “The much, much older one.”

  “Gee, thanks. I don’t know why I ever stopped wanting to be with you, you charming man.”

  “I plan on asking True to marry me and if that means moving to Arizona with River, then we’ll be moving to Scottsdale. If that happens, you are welcome in our home and I won’t prevent River from visiting you. Same goes if you guys move.”

  “Jake’s job is rather mobile.”

  “Didn’t you say he transfers about every two years or so?”

  She nods. “Yes.”

  “We’ll work this out, Laken. I promise.”

  “I know.” She bites her bottom lip, looking more like the girl I married so long ago, and hell of a lot like our daughter, in that moment. “You’ll keep your promise, Duke. You always have.”


  That afternoon, after talking things over with my siblings, minus Quinn, because she’s on her honeymoon, I drive home to relieve Ophelia from babysitting duty with River.

  When I walk inside, they’re sitting at the kitchen table in the breakfast nook, playing Uno. River’s still wearing her soccer jersey, shorts, and socks with shin guards, which means there will be grass and dirt stains on the cushions.

  “Uno!” River smiles widely. “I’m almost out of cards.”

  “Not so fast, missy.” Ophelia drops a Draw Four on the pile, but River gets this look on her face, and I know she’s about to win.

  “Yes, this fast. Boom!” She lays the card down and starts to laugh so hard at the look on her aunt’s face that she gets hiccups. “Hi-D-Daddy!”


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